Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 510 The First Naval Battle Between East and West

Chapter 510 The First Naval Battle between East and West

The few people who were talking in the hall were suddenly disturbed by the visitor, and they saw the faces of Earl Sivens and others showing displeasure.

Scarlett on the side glanced at the man and said, "What's so flustered?"

Earl Hevens heard the man's shout clearly, but he also frowned at the other party and said, "What Ming people, apart from a group of Ming businessmen in Manga, how could there be a fleet of Ming people?"

A few eyes fell on this man, who was stared at by everyone, and the man hurriedly said: "My lord, it's true, David George, who went out to patrol the sea, just came back and brought back news that they were counting in the port of Manga. A fleet of Ming people was found ten miles away, and the other party is heading for the port of Malaga!"

Earl Hevens couldn't help but straighten his face, and immediately said: "Bring me David George, I have something to ask him!"

Soon a young man dressed as a sailor was brought over, and this man was none other than David George.

Seeing David George walking into the hall with a nervous expression, Earl Hevens glanced at him and said, "David George, you said you found the Ming fleet while patrolling, but what happened?" ?"

David George immediately said: "My lord, it's not just me, the crew members who patrolled with me have discovered the fleet of the Ming people. If you don't believe me, you can call Apollo and them together!"

Hearing what David George said, Earl Hevens nodded slightly. He had already believed David George's words on this matter. If he hadn't really dispatched the Ming fleet, David George would never be so sure. .

Waving his hand to signal David George to go down, Earl Hevens looked at the people in the hall and said, "Everyone, it seems that the Ming people are not willing to let go of the fact that we robbed the royal caravan of the Ming people earlier!"

The one-eyed man heard the words and said with some disdain: "So what, Ming people dare to come, let them know that Portugal is an invincible existence on this sea."

As he said that, the one-eyed man smiled at Colonel Solo and said, "Besides, we have the troops brought by Colonel Solo to help us this time. Even if the fleet of Ming people comes, we will wipe them all out!"

Several people were all smiling. If it was before, they might still be worried. After all, it would not be so easy to deal with the fleet sent by Ming Dynasty, but now with the reinforcements sent by the Governor of India brought by Solo, In addition to them, they are definitely invincible in this Nanyang territory. Even if the people of the Ming Dynasty invaded aggressively, they must not be their opponents.

It’s not that the Earl of Hevens underestimated Ming. It’s that the number of naval ships that they can assemble in the Managa area can reach at least nearly a hundred. Such a number is absolutely astonishing. Those who don't believe that Ming can send hundreds of ships across thousands of miles.

Colonel Solo put down the wine glass in his hand, and said with excitement and cruelty in his eyes: "Okay, I thought I could only vent on those natives this time, since the Ming people dare to come, let them see me The Kingdom of Portugal is amazing."

While speaking, Colonel Solo said to Earl Hevans and the others: "Everyone, let's assemble the ships and go meet those Ming people."

Colonel Solo didn't intend to wait for the Ming people to kill them by themselves, but to gather troops to take the initiative to fight.

Earl Hevens and others heard the words but did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

In less than an hour, the large and small ships that were originally moored in the port set up their sails and sailed out of the port. There were at least a hundred ships gathered in one place.

At a glance, the sea outside the port is densely packed with ships of all sizes. These ships can be said to be as much as [-]% of the naval power that the Son of Portugal, the land of Nanyang, can gather, and the few remaining Some ships just stayed at the port, in case the natives of Manraga made any trouble.

At this time, on a ship that was obviously much larger, Solo, who was an official Portuguese navy captain, was instructing his soldiers to steer the ship to the distance, followed by the It is the men and ships under Earl Sivens, Scarlett and others.

Above the sea, an extremely large fleet is heading towards the Strait of Malacca.

I saw the extremely eye-catching Daming dragon flag on the ship fluttering in the wind, making a sound of hunting.

Li Huan was wearing a big cloak and stood on the bow of the treasure ship, looking at the distant sea with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, on the tall mast of the big ship, a nimble captain in Jin Yiwei was holding a telescope to observe the scene in the distance.

All of a sudden, the guard in Jinyi slid down the mast, and said to Li Huan with a solemn look on his face: "General, there are ships approaching us in the distance, and the number of ships is temporarily uncertain."

Li Huan couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words. Since leaving Tianjin Port, the speed of the fleet along the way was not slow at all. Where does Raja come from.

After all, according to the inquired news, the Portuguese troops and forces are concentrated in Malacca, an important port. If you want to annihilate the Portuguese power in Malacca, the best choice is to force the Portuguese to fight with Ming Dynasty near the Strait of Malacca. war.

The scale of the fleet brought by Li Huan is absolutely rare in the South Seas. Even the scale of the fleet led by Zheng He may not be able to match it.

After all, the fleet led by Li Huan this time has dozens of large ships of the treasure ship class alone, plus hundreds of large and small ships such as troop carriers.

You must know that Li Huan brought tens of thousands of infantry alone this time, and if the navy officers and soldiers were added, the total would be 4 to [-].

Even in the heyday of Zheng He's fleet, the number of men and horses was less than 3, and the bad ones were ordinary sailors on board.

But this time it was different, Li Huan brought all the navy troops from Daming, all regular soldiers, and all the ships except the supply ship could be put into the battlefield.

Such a huge fleet obviously cannot be hidden. It can be said that it was discovered after entering the South China Sea. It was just that the Portuguese gathered their troops in the Strait of Malacca in order to seize and occupy the Strait of Malacca. It is said that the large scale of the Ming Fleet was discovered by many Nanyang natives, but not by the Portuguese.

So along the way, the Daming Fleet arrived at the Strait of Malacca smoothly. It was only a few tens of miles away from the Strait of Malacca before being discovered by the Portuguese patrol boats.

However, the Portuguese's reaction was not slow, and in a short period of time, the fleet assembled out of the port to meet them.

Originally, Li Huan wanted to launch a surprise attack on the Portuguese and annihilate the Portuguese fleet in the port with ease, but God failed, and the fleet was still discovered by the Portuguese.

Of course, the more important thing is that Colonel Solo is very decisive, and immediately made the decision to gather troops to go out to meet the battle. Although Colonel Solo believes that the strength of the Ming Fleet is just that, there is no need to pay so much attention to it.

However, Colonel Solo intends to show his skills in front of Earl Hevens and these local thugs, so he actively gathered all the troops to leave the port. What he wanted was to open the eyes of Earl Hevens and the pirate-born crew members. See how powerful the Portuguese Navy is.

On the surface of the sea, standing on top of a large ship, Colonel Solo held a binoculars in his hand and looked at the densely packed ships emerging from the surface of the sea in the distance.

Through the binoculars, at this time Colonel Solo has discovered the naval fleet of the Ming army.

When he saw the whole picture of the Daming Navy Fleet clearly, Colonel Solo couldn't help shaking his hands, his face showed a look of astonishment and disbelief.

The scene that Colonel Solo saw was too unbelievable. The densely packed and dark patch on the surface of the sea was actually filled with the fleet of Ming Dynasty. Such a scene was something that Colonel Solo dared not even dream about.

In Colonel Solo's view, it is already a huge momentum for Da Ming to send dozens of large and small ships, but he never thought that the scale of Da Ming's naval fleet would be so large.

The Earl of Sivens and the others on the side also watched from afar with binoculars, and their reactions were not much better than Colonel Solo's. His eyes widened, and a meaningless sound came from his throat.

With a grunt, Earl Hevens swallowed, looked at Colonel Solo tremblingly, and said, "Colonel Solo, what should we do? What should we do? With so many Ming ships, we..."

It was obvious that Earl Hevens was a little panicked. At any rate, Earl Hevens had seen the world before. So many ships made him feel a mountain of pressure.

All eyes fell on Colonel Solo.

Colonel Solo took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "What are you afraid of? Our Portuguese navy has always been invincible. We have never encountered an opponent. Even if it is as strong as the Spanish fleet, we can't help it. No matter how many there are, it’s just a living target.”

Hearing what Colonel Solo said, the few people feel a little more at ease. Just like what Colonel Solo said, the Portuguese navy is invincible and rarely loses. From this point of view, although the Ming fleet is huge, it is not It means that you will definitely be able to beat them.

Earl Hevens looked at Colonel Solo who remained calm and said: "Colonel Solo, all of our subordinates are entrusted to you to command. I hope the colonel can command the fleet to defeat the Ming people this time."

Colonel Solo nodded solemnly, glanced at everyone, and said, "Don't worry, everyone."

And here Li Huan and other generals of the fleet also saw the Portuguese fleet above the sea in the distance. As the distance between the two sides gradually approached, even without binoculars, they could roughly see the The size of the fleet.

Jiang Bin, who was following Li Huan on the expedition, couldn't help raising his eyebrows at the Portuguese fleet with sails hanging in the distance, and then said with some surprise: "Hey, why does the size of the Portuguese fleet look so big? Quite a few."

You must know that Jiang Bin led his men to fight with Earl Hevens and his men before, and was chased by the Portuguese fleet for hundreds of miles. Naturally, he has some understanding of the size of the Portuguese fleet.

But now Jiang Bin discovered that something was wrong with the Portuguese fleet, which had increased by at least [-] to [-] percent in size.

Jiang Bindang told Li Huan of his discovery, but Li Huan just nodded indifferently when he heard the words.

The size of the Portuguese fleet has increased a lot compared to before, but Li Huan didn't take it seriously. To be honest, in Li Huan's opinion, it doesn't matter if there are dozens of ships more or less.

With the size of the Daming Navy he brought this time, even if the number of ships of the opponent doubled, Li Huan would be fearless.

Looking at the Portuguese fleet that was coming towards them at a very fast speed, Zhang Huai couldn't help laughing excitedly in his heart and said, "Have you seen these barbarians, have you sent these barbarians to your door on your own initiative?" !"

Originally, Zhang Huai was still a little worried that if the Portuguese saw the size of their fleet, they would be so frightened that they would not even have the courage to fight with them, and they would just lead them away.

If it is true that the Portuguese ran away, the sea is vast, and it is not easy to find the other party.

Li Huan smiled a little, and said lightly: "Since the other party is rushing to find death, then they will be fulfilled later, and the order will be passed on to wipe out the Portuguese ships as much as possible later. We must use this battle to inflict heavy losses." It is to annihilate the opponent."

Li Huan also knew that if the opponent was allowed to escape, it would definitely take more than ten times or even more energy to destroy the opponent. It would be better to take advantage of the opponent not knowing the details of the Ming Fleet and severely damage the opponent in the first battle.

After entering the line of sight, the soldiers on the respective ships of both sides were all ready, one by one, they raised their sails and accelerated to meet each other.

As the two sides gradually approached, they had already entered the range of shelling. In an instant, there was a bang in the Portuguese fleet. With the smoke filled, a solid bullet slid across a beautiful arc and smashed from the air. He slammed down a treasure ship more than ten feet away and splashed water several feet high.

With the power of the cannons cast by Ming Dynasty, the Portuguese fleet had already entered the range of the cannons, but neither Li Huan nor Zhang Huai had the intention to order them to fire.

One is that only a very small number of artillery on the ship can shoot that far, and even if they fire one step earlier, they may not be able to achieve any results. More importantly, Li Huan wanted to hit the Portuguese hard in the First World War, so in order not to alarm the opponent, he scared them away. On the other side, Li Huan and Zhang Huai chose to fight after the two sides approached each other. In this way, even if the Portuguese sensed something bad and wanted to run away, it would be too late.

[Double monthly pass, big guys, check if there is any monthly pass, please help to drop it, thank you]

(End of this chapter)

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