The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 124 0102----Mobilize the Salvage Team

124 Chapter 0102 – Mobilizing the Salvage Team

In specific cases, South Korean prosecutors have absolute dominance, especially in major cases, where the police can only help prosecutors and cannot handle cases independently.

All cases must go through the prosecutor, who decides what evidence to take and how to collect evidence, then directs the police to work, and finally the prosecutor appears in court to charge.According to the provisions of the Korean Code of Criminal Procedure, the prosecutor's investigative power involves all areas of investigation. Therefore, Koreans call the prosecutor the "king of criminal investigation."

What is particularly important is that the entire process of the case was completed in the name of the prosecutor himself, not in the name of the procuratorate.Prosecutors can also drop or change charges before sentencing.

Prosecutors should also bear their own responsibilities for independently investigating, making independent judgments and making decisions on the cases they are responsible for.Supervisors can only make recommendations on the case, but have no power to change the prosecutor's decision.

The Supreme Prosecutor's Office will set up a special inspection team only when investigating some particularly important cases, and the special inspection team in the Park case falls into this category.

An Zuo hung up the phone without saying too much, Park Shangyuan put the phone down, lit a cigarette, and laughed after smoking for a while.

Am I not entitled to know this in my position?

Ridiculous, then why do you have to hand over these cases to yourself?

From the beginning to the present, these cases are clearly a big pit. The extremely demanding time for evidence collection and the degree of investigation that the public pays attention to, only these two aspects are enough to ruin a prosecutor's career.

I want to know more, but An Zuo and the National Security Office tell me now that you have no right to know these things in your own authority.

An Zuo said to himself, just follow your own steps, you have framed me once, should I listen to you again?
It's ridiculous, so what if it's a reward?Pu Shangyuan doesn't want other people's charity, he only needs what he gets with his own hands to be fragrant.

You guys colluded with Li Chengyan, what's the matter with me, Park Shangyuan just needs to find out the truth of this case, this is the duty of a prosecutor.

Moreover, he had a vague feeling that this case was not as simple as they thought, maybe behind the fog was a giant beast in the sky.

After thinking about this, Pu Shangyuan put down the cigarette, and then stomped it out with his foot.

There is no follow-up.

In just over an hour, more than a dozen fully armed professional salvage personnel with equipment stood around the pond.

Pu Shangyuan and the others squatted aside, Qiu Xiuzhen bought breakfast for them, the styles were still very rich, and the Prosecutor's Office has never been ashamed of anyone in terms of food.

While eating breakfast, I watched the salvage team's construction, coupled with the incomparable silt, what I ate, I don't know if it was dust or rice.

It's also a different flavor.

Staring closely at the items that were salvaged one by one.The hard work paid off, and finally after half an hour of salvage, a white jacket with a lot of blood stains appeared in front of several people, and a brick was wrapped in the jacket.

As if he had found a treasure, Pu Shangyuan took out a large evidence bag from his own box, and carefully packed the clothes in the bag.

The last piece of work that is rich in technical content is image processing, and the work of investigation and monitoring is all handed over to Dian Wei.

He has also practiced his own unique skills, so he is very happy to be able to contribute.

Of course, this is not absolute. For a video with poor pixels, there is nothing the gods can do.

Back at the unit, Pu Shangyuan waited for several hours with mixed feelings. The expected An Zuo did not come, which is not in line with common sense. Maybe this guy still has a big move waiting for him.

There is a faint feeling of uneasiness, and this ingredient is also fermented with the accumulation of time.

The results of the stinking ditch were the first to come back. The gangster team found two kinds of DNA in the clothes salvaged from the pond, one was from the deceased, and the other was unknown.

Through the analysis of genetic material, his genotype is XY type, that is, male. If there is no accident, it can be basically confirmed that this is the suspect's DNA.

Park Sang-won doesn't have a grasp of this strange DNA, but fortunately, he has a grasp now.

At this moment, Dian Wei had several black mobile hard drives placed in front of his computer desk, and he dragged video clips with time and date into a special player.

Seeing the solemn expression on Dian Wei's face, Pu Shangyuan didn't bother him, but just added some hot water to his water glass from time to time.

And blowing hot air for the cold lunch. There is a good saying, if you love your job very much, then you will feel that working is also a kind of enjoyment.

But if you hate your job, then every day you go to work is a torment that makes you a different version of yourself.

Park Sang-won has never experienced that the work of a prosecutor is a kind of enjoyment, he just wants to get something he wants.

After an unknown amount of time, Pu Shangyuan lay on the sofa in the office and fell asleep. When Pu Shangyuan woke up, he was covered with a thick blanket.

But Dian Wei, who was sitting in front of the computer, was nowhere to be seen, and Qiu Xiuzhen was making coffee for herself.

Just as Pu Shangyuan was about to get up to look for it, Dian Wei rushed into the office grabbing a hard drive.

"what's the situation?"

Pu Shangyuan rubbed his sleepy eyes. "The video was not adjusted completely, and the suspect was lost. I just adjusted a few more videos to see if I can find out the complete trajectory of the suspect."

While talking, Dian Wei connected the hard drive to the computer, and there was a "ding dong" sound from the computer's audio system.

"Go ahead and sleep for a while, I'll call you when I open the room." Dian Wei smiled at Pu Shangyuan.

Seeing Dian Wei's appearance of forgetting to eat and sleep, Pu Shangyuan was a little emotional.

This guy……

"Forget it, the case can't be solved, and I can't sleep well." Pu Shangyuan took out two cigarettes from his pocket, threw one to Dian Wei, lit one himself, and sat cross-legged on the sofa to smoke.

Dian Wei's attention was quickly attracted by the surveillance video, and he ignored Park Shangyuan.

The prosecutor's office is very quiet.

As time passed by, the ashtray in front of Pu Shangyuan was full of cigarette butts, which was completely unreasonable. I didn't follow his ideas, but now it was so peaceful, but what was behind the tranquility?

Is it choppy?

Park Sang-won doesn't know enough right now.But what he also thought was certain, An Zuo would never let himself go on this matter, and he definitely had more killing moves waiting for him.

"It's broken!" Park Shangyuan was about to refill it when he heard Dianwei's miserable cry.

"What? Broken?" Hearing what he said, Pu Shangyuan didn't care about putting on his shoes at all, jumped up from the sofa with bare feet, stepped on the cold tiled floor, and stepped in front of him in a few steps.

(End of this chapter)

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