The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 125 0103----Search and Evidence Collection

Chapter 125 0103 – Search and Evidence Collection
"How did you break it?"

"I used video to track the suspect all the way, and finally found that he entered this alley and never appeared again." Dian Wei pointed to a blurry picture on the computer screen with his pen cap and said to me.

"This is where?"

"Dongyuan Village is an urban village with a majority of Chinese. There are thousands of people living in the village, and it extends in all directions. I have checked the surveillance around here. I haven't seen the suspect come out, which means that he is likely to live here."

However, the flow of people here is very high, most of them are migrant workers, and the difficulty of investigation is not ordinary. If we don't know the situation and go there rashly, it is easy to startle the snake. " Dian Wei expressed his concerns, even he didn't know at the moment, he would learn to think for himself.

"Boss, no, let's go to the bottom in plain clothes first. In our prosecutor team, the two of us look the least like civil servants, so we shouldn't arouse suspicion. If the investigation fails to find any results, we will send people to seal the village, one by one. I don't believe he can still fly after the DNA test."

Dian Wei gritted his teeth angrily.

"You are not afraid of exhausting me to death, and you will test DNA one by one. But you are right, if you don't investigate, it will be useless to think about it. Go change your clothes." Park Shangyuan, who made up his mind, took out his casual clothes from the closet Put it on with difficulty.

Qiu Xiuzhen stayed behind as a housekeeper, and Su Shuzhen disappeared, but it was conceivable that he was definitely investigating clues, and every time he appeared, there would be surprises.

When they were ready, Park Shangyuan and his wife drove the SUV towards their destination.

In the car, Park Sang-won was restless.

Dian Wei saw Pu Shangyuan's strange expression through the rearview mirror, so he asked a question.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Pu Shangyuan shook his head, pinched himself among the people with his hands, and had to force himself to tidy up. This kind of belated peace made him feel uneasy the most.

Now it seems that I can only follow this clue to investigate. After all, there is no better way at present, and I am at a loss for myself now.

It was just past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was also the time when the entire population of Dongyuan Village was most concentrated. Those who went to work during the day had already left work, and those who went to get off work at night got up, and the whole alley was crowded with people.

Pu Shangyuan and Dianwei carefully observed every face they met, and no one could be included in the scope of suspicion.

In this way, Pu Shangyuan and his wife walked westward to the hinterland of Dongyuan Village.

Since urban villages do not have any planning and management, garbage is everywhere everywhere they go.As it got deeper and deeper, the sour smell in the air became stronger.

"This grandma can't be described as dirty and messy!" Dian Wei complained while pinching his nose.

"If you don't have a clue, you will have to work hard for the criminal police!" Park Shangyuan was already prepared in his heart to burn the boat.

"Don't think about those useless bosses, no, let's go back and report the situation to An Zuo first!" Dian Wei has lost the patience to go on.

An Zuo?
He should be thinking about how to kill me right now.

It may be because the smell in the air is too strong, when Pu Shangyuan and Dian Wei were about to stop, a fresh scent of perfume was mixed in, which was a bit pungent.

Park Sang-won followed the scent to find a youthful and beautiful woman, very stylishly dressed, she seemed to be a trainee of a certain company.

Maybe it was because of her temperament, or maybe it was because of her clothes, plus that fiery red hair, like a little pepper, which was really different from the others, so the two of them immediately noticed her.

She looked flustered, looking around, but no one noticed her, so she walked into a small alley.

Without even thinking about it, Pu Shangyuan called Dian Wei: "Follow her."

It's not that he wants to be an idiot, but he thinks that a woman must have a role in this kind of place, maybe because she feels that she looks somewhat similar to Li Chengyan.

Therefore, Park Shangyuan has a bold guess. Maybe the two people know each other or they have some kind of relationship. It is just a subjective conjecture and cannot be used as evidence. .

After walking for a while, a hospital with "Dr. Fang Huai's Clinic" hanging on it came into view.

This small clinic attracted Pu Shangyuan's attention.

"Dianwei, have we found the second hospital along the way?" Pu Shangyuan asked in a low voice, he vaguely grasped the key to solving the case.

"Boss, didn't you see the line of small characters on the top of the sign?" Under Dian Wei's reminder, Pu Shangyuan squinted his eyes and glanced at: Dongyuan Village Community Health and Medical Service Station.

Seeing this line of words, I understood what Dian Wei meant.Like this "latex gloves, scalpel, skilled knife skills." These terms slipped through my mind like a movie.

The truth seems to be right in front of your eyes.

Pu Shangyuan's intuition told me that this is definitely not a coincidence, and the secret is probably hidden in this clinic.

"Dian Wei, the two of us have a big target when we go in, I'll go in first and "hit one head" (code word, meaning to investigate)."

"How can it be possible to let the boss let me go, there is something wrong with your thing, what should I do?" Dian Wei was very worried.

Park Shangyuan covered his head: "If Su Shuzhen was here, he would be allowed to go, but you see you are a big and three rough, what can you investigate? If you go, it will probably attract a lot of people's attention, you know?"

"Well,... I thought about it carefully, boss, go, be careful." Dian Wei naturally pretended to be a pedestrian and separated from Park Shangyuan at the clinic door.

The clinic consists of three front rooms, and the area downstairs is more than 200 square meters. As soon as you enter the door, you are in the consultation room. A young man in his 20s is wearing a white coat and latex gloves. inquiry.

The chairs on the walls on both sides of the room are full of patients waiting to see a doctor.

On the left hand side of the consultation room is the injection room, where many patients are receiving drips. On the right hand side of the consultation room is another injection room. The difference between the two is that one is equipped with chairs, while the other is placed with beds.

The consultation room is facing the entrance, and there is a staircase leading to the second floor. There is a lighted sign hanging directly above the staircase, which reads "Operating room on the second floor, no one is allowed to enter."

It can be said that this community hospital is quite large.Seeing that there were at least a dozen people queuing in front of me, I pretended to have a stomachache, and sat down next to an aunt in her 50s. This aunt was my chosen target.

The reason why I chose Da Ma is that according to our work experience, this type of people is the most enthusiastic. If you want to make a routine, almost one set is accurate, and most of the people who come here to see a doctor live nearby, and the older people have a good grasp of the situation here. Definitely more detailed.

(End of this chapter)

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