The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 17 0017----Hunan School

Chapter 17 0017 - Hunan School

Park Shangyuan directly put on an indifferent face, and picked up a bottle of wine to start drinking again. His master can cherish this precious apprentice.

Don't drink and be stupid, Park Hongda stood up and refused, snatched a bottle of wine and looked at it in shock, as if this guy was crazy.

Pu Shangyuan still felt a little unfinished. In other words, this shochu is really bad. Compared with white wine, it is not a star and a half. He can make a case of this kind of white wine by himself.

"How much can you drink?" An Zuo asked.

Park Shangyuan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of one, An Zuo knew it in his heart: "One bottle is one bottle, and everyone didn't take your lateness seriously."

Park Shangyuan shook his head: "No, no, I've been drinking all the time!"




The three looked at Park Sang-won strangely, An Zuo snorted lightly, his expression of astonishment could not be concealed.

Jin Suhui was even more surprised, he himself is a veteran of the liquor store, a person who is very addicted to alcohol.

Drying a bottle of shochu is already very impressive, even for these old people, the amount should be controlled between three to four bottles, and drinking more is already enough.

When he made a one gesture, he still thought this guy was a normal person, a normal amount for a young man, but when this guy said he had been drinking.

Jin Suhui immediately became interested in this guy and wanted to have a competition. This is an old drunkard meeting a young drunkard.

Looking at the only four bottles of shochu on the table, he thought he would drink more than half of them, but there was also this little guy, so he just waved his hand.

"Aunt, please bring us four more bottles!"

An Zuo is the type who can't drink alcohol at all, but he can only practice his drinking skills in order to socialize, and he hasn't reached the level of drinking all the time and being shameless.

Park Hongda shook his head, looking unreasonable, even if he was asked to drink, he couldn't drink.

Park Shangyuan picked up the wine and poured it for several seniors, and then poured himself a full glass. It's not that he can hold it, but that the taste of the soju is too weak, only ten degrees, which is different from drinking boiled water. What's the difference?
Jin Suhui smiled knowingly: "It's rare for a young man to fight for my drink!"

Pu Shangyuan nodded, put down the tongs that were grilling the meat, picked up the wine glass and bent down to hold the glass, taking a sip, all done in one go.

"Senior, I've finished drinking." Park Shangyuan poured it up with a wine glass in his hand, without a trace of wine.

"I don't have mine either!" Jin Suhui was drinking to his heart's content.

The two of them had a good time pushing glasses and changing glasses. After going back and forth several times, some people couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ah! You brat is here for me." Park Hongda immediately gave Park Shangyuan a big brush.

"You can't always eat meat with us properly. My aunt brought Korean beef for two." Jin Suhui was also happy and added two more Korean beef while raising his hand.

An Zuo was also very helpless looking at the teacher's appearance, feeling that these two people should be masters and apprentices, they are too similar.

Park Shangyuan could only nod his head in embarrassment, picked up a piece of barbecue with chopsticks and put half of the garlic in his mouth.

This way of eating immortals is really delicious.

"Xiao Yuan is still good, unlike you kid, who doesn't even have the strength to fight me for a drink, Seoul University is just you and me." Park Hongda laughed loudly,

"Hey, I'm right, I heard that you are still a member of the Copper Ruler Association, and you have a building ruler issued by Professor Luo."

Pu Shangyuan nodded, he already knew what Jin Suhui was going to ask.

"When the building ruler was issued, I happened to be going overseas to study for graduate school, so I didn't go there for four years, and returned to China to study non-stop for three years..."

What Park Sang-won expressed was already very obvious. Because of his busy studies, he really didn't go to the building ruler party.

In fact, things are really not like this. The four years overseas is understandable, but returning to China should attend gatherings like this, and it is very beneficial to expand contacts.

Because the professor's vision is infallible, the person selected by the professor is very likely to become a senior prosecutor, a local prosecutor, and may even become the prosecutor general.

A big reason for Park Sang-won's refusal to attend was his master Park Hong-dae, who was extremely disgusted that he went to these people's gatherings.

I am very disgusted with the deep-rooted class consciousness of K country. They stick together so that those people at the bottom have no room for advancement.

It seems that hard work is nothing more than that, so many prosecutors give up on themselves, and only those with power behind them will be successful. This is an eternal law.

Park Hongda hates the group of people who tightly hold on to resources.

It does not mean that you will be able to achieve higher education step by step if you are admitted to the Financial Research Institute of Seoul National University.

Even if you have the highest academic background of Seoul National University, you have to find another network. The promotion of the prosecution is very intense. If the non-English male / non-Seoul National University / non-Korea University is not in a worse situation than him, the relative sense of deprivation is super. almost imagined.

This has to mention two more interesting dignitaries.

Conservative and Progressive parties.

After the government headed by Kim Dae-jung came to power, prosecutors from Hunan began to appear. Before that, the top prosecutors belonged to only a small group of people in Seoul.

Ho-nam is the southern government of Gwangju, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, a relatively remote force.

Afterwards, with the return of the conservative government, he became a central figure from the conservative party. Not only the Lee administration, but also the Park administration can easily find reports of the PK and TK raids by the leadership of the prosecution.

The government led by the Progressive Party promoted Lee, who was in office for the first year, and Park Hye, a member of the Hunan faction who had lingered in the post during the previous administration.

The rights of prosecutors will also change following the change of regime. For example, when the Progressive Party is in power, in order to cope with the rapid expansion of chaebols, the Special Search Department will emerge as the times require.

With the Conservative Party in power, the Ministry of Public Investigation has increased its power accordingly in response to the expansion of the Progressive Party.

Take Xueba as an example, because about 34% of the prosecutors are from Seoul National University, so it is difficult to call Xueba just by coming to Seoul National University.There are many people from Seoul National University, and it's only natural that I don't know who they are.

The Seoul National University Alumni Association at the Judicial Training Institute is also not very active.There are more than 70 people in one class of the training institute, and there are many, so the class is divided into 3 groups such as A/B/C for dinner/gathering. How do 330 staff members of Seoul National University of the same level in the training institute gather together to hold an alumni meeting and consolidate What about contacts?Therefore, people from Seoul National University often meet in high schools or certain units.


If prosecutors from Seoul National University are used, those from Korea University will have a chance. In 2006, only 46 of the 1 chief prosecutors was from Korea University, but after Lee came to power, he also got an alumni buff. Among the 54 chief prosecutors from Korea University, 10 of them were from Korea University. Moreover, he also served as the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office and the head of the Prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice at the same time, occupying the highest level of proportion in both quantity and quality.

Although there are about 2000 prosecutors in total, if one of the alumni's juniors is in the Jeju District Prosecutor's Office and the other is in the Sokcho Branch Office, the alumni association cannot be formed.

Therefore, since no one came to pull him, it was unimaginable to go to the Special Ministry, the Ministry of Public Security, or the Central District Prosecutor's Office.

Park Sang-won has been rushing to make contacts since he entered Seoul National University, so he will not be like a teacher, because he has justice in his heart and will not make friends. His purpose is to continue to climb to the peak. For him, these are all ok Appropriately accepted.

Like now, there are five chief ministers in the Park administration.Two people from Seoul, two from Yeongnam, and one from Hunan were appointed. From the perspective of the region, it seems that there is not much difficulty.

However, major powers such as the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General will not be handed over to Hunanese.Birth decisions and status, therefore, are a rare and commonplace thing in this country.

(End of this chapter)

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