The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 18 0018----Should the death penalty be abolished?

Chapter 18 0018 - Should the death penalty be abolished?

Hunan people can only wait until Wen.Only then can there be more room for improvement, and it is completely impossible to climb to a high position now.

"Hey, why does Hongda only eat vegetables and not meat?" Jin Suhui found that Park Hongda was staring at Park Shangyuan vigilantly with a wine bottle in his hand.

Because it is a relatively large table, there is barbecue in the middle, and lettuce next to me, and if you want to eat barbecue, you have to stand up and pick it up.

But if he stood up to catch these two guys, and he didn't know if he would take advantage of this spare time to push for a drink, he certainly didn't allow them to do so.

Park Hongdae was originally a slender figure, compared with Jin Suhui, now he feels that his cheekbones are more prominent and his cheeks are sunken.

"It's really master, you are indeed a little thinner compared to your predecessors." Pu Shangyuan smiled embarrassedly.

He stood up and added several pieces of meat to his master. It stands to reason that these things should have been done by himself, but because drinking a bottle of wine was too much fun, it led to forgetting about this matter, which is really a bit hasty.

Park Hongda nodded, and looked at Park Shangyuan seriously: "You can't drink anymore, if you drink again, I'm afraid you won't be able to see your grandma."

"Understood the teacher, you can rest assured, I can control my own amount." Park Shangyuan looked serious.

Park Hongda picked up a piece of Korean beef and ate it in his mouth. It was indeed delicious as a national treasure.

The feeling of meat sizzling in his mouth made him feel better and turned his head to look at An Zuo.

"I heard that the Ministry of Public Security has sentenced another big case, and that person is sentenced to death."

This country does not have the death penalty. According to the survey, about 77% of the citizens of country K support the execution of the death penalty every year.


The results of the survey showed that 34.1% of the citizens agreed to abolish the death penalty system.Among those surveyed, 57.7% believed that "in order to maintain the legal order, the death penalty system should be retained, but it should be executed with caution"; 20.9% believed that "although it is not abolished immediately, it should be abolished someday." .

According to the results of the survey on "Whether the death penalty is suitable as a punishment", 51% of the citizens said that they "do not know when or not". According to the results of the survey on "whether the execution of the death penalty can relieve the victim's resentment", 89.5% said "no". In December 2012, "Legal News" conducted a survey of 12 members of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly. Among them, 16 members of the Saenuri Party were in favor of the execution, and 7 members of the opposition party, including the Progressive Justice Party, were not in favor of the execution.

Nowadays, the laws of country K clearly stipulate that there is a death penalty, but it will not be executed.

But at the Anjo Ministry of Public Affairs, a criminal was sentenced to death. This is surprising, even a bit unbelievable, because South Korea has not executed the death penalty for nearly 30 to [-] years.

"That person was a member of a terrorist organization in the south, not a taxpayer in our country, so he was executed." An Zuo bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Is it the salesman of the Coca-Cola indiscriminate poisoning case?" Park Hongda was surprised.

Indiscriminate killing is the most abhorrent thing. Under conditions such as no grievances with the victim, randomly selecting a target and depriving the victim of his life is the most abhorrent.

"Do you think the death penalty system is good?" Jin Suhui asked Park Hongda jokingly.

"Only when death is in front of our eyes, criminals will think about its meaning. If there is no death sentence, there will be no such opportunity."

"I actually don't think the death penalty system is wrong. Of course you are right... This question is more difficult..." Park Hongda was momentarily at a loss for words.

He couldn't figure out how to justify it. He wanted to hand over all justice to the law. Although the law was sometimes unsatisfactory, the sword bearer only needed to use the sword in his hand to the extreme.

An Zuo took a sip of wine, his guts were in his throat, and he pretended to speak out his speech.

"Some criminals are really hateful. They defraud the elderly of money, rape minors, kill a family, and kill people indiscriminately. These are the most hateful. If these people can't carry out the death penalty, then the country will be over."

Park Sang-won said nothing.

Jin Suhui also nodded: "Some prisoners you don't even know if they repent sincerely. Even if they repent, the mistakes they made have brought troubles to the victim's family."

Thinking of this, he angrily drank a glass of soju, which made his whole chest warm when it entered his throat.

"I have seen all these things. If the legal system is to be reformed, the death penalty must be practiced. It would be shameful to just leave it alone..."

"But?" Jin Suhui looked at Park Hongda suspiciously: "You have always been soft-hearted, why does the prosecutor suddenly want to insist on the death penalty?"

When Pu Shangyuan heard this, he picked it up directly.The shochu was given to the two of them again, and each of them poured a glass.

The two cups collided, and the two drank it down without saying anything.

But it seems that everything has been said again, this is the past that Park Hongda doesn't want to mention.

When I was in college, friends discussed the death penalty system, and only one person advocated the abolition of the death penalty, and that was Park Hongdae.

Seeing him serious and fighting for reason, I can't help but bully him, and other friends are the same, so Jin Suhui often joins them to refute him, like a childish molestation, when he sees Park Hongda because he can't argue The flushed face is very happy.

From Park Hongda's point of view, even a heinous person can be accepted by the society when he sincerely repents.

It is impossible for a very kind prosecutor to suddenly change his mind 180 degrees. There are still many things to say about the death penalty, but Park Hongda does not know when it started.

I don't want to abolish the death penalty like I did when I was a student.

During his career as a prosecutor, Park Hongda once defended a prisoner on death row, because he saw the criminal's sincere repentance, and he cried so hard that he knelt down for a day.

I have also actively participated in activities to support the victims. I have been carrying the balance of weighing crimes and punishments on my shoulders all the way to the present.

As a prosecutor, I will no longer promote a certain point of view lightly like I did when I was a student, but only focus on sentencing criminals.

"It's you, who was promoted so quickly without making a sound?" Park Hongda adjusted his mood very naturally, picked up a glass of wine and half-jokingly replied.

"Ah! Are you trying to say that only you represent justice, and I'm just a tool to help capitalists make money?"

Park Hongda clinked glasses with Jin Suhui. This was the first time the two clinked glasses after drinking for nearly an hour, and they drank it all in one gulp.

Jin Suhui still blinked his mouth in a decent way, and commented: "This wine is not ordinary."

"I didn't mean that?" Park Hong said dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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