
Chapter 213 Tools

Chapter 213 Tools
A flood destroyed many places.The prices of various commodities in Luoyang City have been rising all the way.Other things are easy to talk about, but the food issue is the top priority.The queen went to court and called on the big chaebols to open porridge shops to relieve refugees.He also ordered the Taoist government and the Xuanjia military warehouse to quickly transport the reserve materials to Luoyang.

Although the empress is young, since she came to power, both the ministers and the common people have spoken highly of her day by day.When Empress Dowager Chen was in power, it always felt cloudy and lifeless, and the ministers had a knife hanging around their necks.Although Empress Cao also killed people, she had reasons for killing people, and she never said such nonsense as "the first emperor entrusted a dream".This convinced the ministers, and suddenly felt that it was dawn.

Opening a porridge shop is also the job of the financial chief executives of various chaebols. Tang Linger arranged for Su Yu to handle this matter, but Su Yu felt that Tang Linger had chosen the right person.I still remember that as a human being in my previous life, I did a lot of charity, and Su Yu did it anonymously.Some people say it's stupid to do so, but Su Yu thinks that the joy in his heart cannot be experienced by others.

Su Yu never invested money in certain institutions. Although he could deduct tax, he didn't care about that kind of money.He does everything by himself, leading people deep into the mountains, hoping to see the happy smiles of the poor after receiving funding.that's enough.Then he walked away as if nothing had happened.

Not all poor people deserve sympathy, and some poor people are inherently bad.I am used to giving alms, but I am used to hatred.Therefore, Su Yu's charity is one size fits all, and he never gives continuously.If the recipient of alms is a good person, he will be able to support himself after he gets out of trouble;

Su Yu opened a porridge shop at the gate of Qinghuafang. The Tang family's porridge shop was the largest and had the thickest porridge water. They also provided pickles and maintained order.There is a separate channel for widows, widows and lonely people, and delivery services are also provided for the weak and sick.There are those who are provocateurs, and they are beaten with sticks.

Su Yu was the first to rush over to beat him with a stick, but he was not polite.Afterwards, all the villainous servants of the Tang family rushed over following the young master's footsteps, and they beat up violently, with a terrifying aura.After hitting a few people, there were no more troublemakers.The "horizontal" feature of the Tang family has been verified once again.

The porridge shop opened for 100 days and suddenly closed.Su Yu believes that it is no longer refugees who still come to eat food, but people who are lazy and greedy for petty gains.If the porridge shop has been opened for 100 years, they can come here to eat for [-] years.Not worthy of sympathy.

After half a month, the "Thunder Lord's Hand" meridian has been stabilized, and at the same time, Su Yu is still concentrating on the "Fu Hu Fist" of the big brother.Eldest brother looks rough, but he is actually quite handsome.He also studied internal strength by himself, known as "Running Thunder Hand".However, the eldest brother actually said that this exercise still has flaws, so he will not teach it to Su Yu.Wait for yourself to be perfect before thinking about teaching.But Su Yu discovered that Tan Qin'er was already secretly practicing "Running Thunder Hand", and it was very powerful.

Su Yu felt that the biggest shortcoming of the eldest brother was that he was too good-faced.He was clearly thinking about God's religion in his heart, but his mouth was stubborn, and he just refused to come back.Su Yu also had nothing to do with him.You can't go to Senior Sister Yan and ask Senior Sister Yan to give him the position of leader.Senior Sister Yan doesn't want to lose face?

And Senior Sister Yan is also a stubborn person, she won't come back unless the senior brother comes back.The two of them were on a roll.The ones suffering now are the "Li Zuoshi" and Su Yu, one is a father and the other is a mother.However, Tang Lianxiaoni has performed well recently, discovering two capable people within the Divine Cult.Su Yu handed over the money to them and asked them to make money with it.Do as little as possible of those fights and killings.

Su Yu also discovered that although there are many religions with faith and easy to manage, there are also bad ones among them.In the name of "Li Zuoshi", Tu Biao and Mei Hongshan were ordered to clean up the sect.

Inside the Honghei Temple, cigarettes were lingering.In the main hall, Su Yu was seated, and Tu Biaomei's red shirt was on both sides.

"Does Li Zuo envoy have any other orders?" Tu Biao asked seriously.

"No." Su Yu said quickly.

Tang Lian was peeling lychees, she peeled one, and Su Yu ate one, the two looked happy.

Litchi is produced in the south, and merchants need to bring a piece of branch with them if they want to transport it to Luoyang, otherwise it will be rotten along the way.Therefore, this fruit is very expensive in the Luoyang market, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Su Yu discovered that Tang Lian, a little girl, was born with a lot of money. She was different from Tan Qin'er. Tan Qin'er was essentially a petite jade. After the age of mischief, she could calm down to earn and spend a small amount of money.But Tang Lian is not that kind of person, she seems to be full of confidence in the future, and feels that she is a talent who will never run out of money.

There are no such people, but they are rare.Su Yu felt that Tang Lian still lacked some failure experience.In the future, she should be given some disadvantages and learn a lesson.Otherwise, Su Yu really wouldn't trust her to be that "Zhambala".

Su Yu has already started to ask Kong Shuo and Ouyang Jing to do something wrong with Tang Lian's two newly built shops.

There are two shops, one is "Yixiangshe", which specializes in luxury spices, and the other is "Meilingguan", a restaurant that provides entertainment services.Tang Lian was very ambitious. She bought several private houses near the restaurant, and it was said that she was planning to expand the restaurant in the future.Xiao Nier made a bold statement that in the future, the scale of the "Mei Ling Pavilion" must surpass that of Tingfengge, the largest restaurant in Beishi.It's just that Xiao Ni'er has no money to invest now, so it's too late to renovate those private houses.

Su Yu predicted that Tang Lian would know the dangers of the shopping mall in a month.At the same time, Su Yu wanted to see how the two talented people selected by Tang Lian would respond.Then determine whether it is really two talents.

Su Yu clapped his hands, said that he didn't want to eat, and asked: "There is no letter from Daoguangfang, what difficulties have you encountered?"

Tu Biao frowned and said, "It's not difficult to catch a young servant, but Daoguang Square is heavily guarded, especially Gongxun Street, which has three floors inside and three floors outside, so it's really hard to break through. If you catch someone, you can't escape."

Su Yu nodded and said: "It is right to be cautious. Although this matter was arranged by Tang Zhen, we should not be too anxious. If it is really impossible, we must admit that there is nothing we can do. Tang Zhen is clear in his heart. The general’s house is guarded by experts sent by the emperor. How can people come in and out casually.”

Mei Hongshan said: "We have already targeted a few people, and we can take them as long as they come out of Daoguangfang. Will they be sent directly to Qinghuafang?"

"No." Su Yu waved his hand: "When you catch someone, hide them first, notify me as soon as possible, and I'll make arrangements. Before you find out Tang Zhen's true intentions, you can't cooperate with him without reservation."


Tang Lian didn't say anything in front of the crowd. After everyone dispersed, she asked privately: "Shouldn't you be devoted to serving Tang Zhen in order to gain his trust?"

Su Yudao: "That depends on the situation. You must know the status of the Red and Black God Sect in Tang Zhen's heart. People like Tang Zhen are not swayed by feelings. Tang Zhen will only care about the great cause of the Tang family. And the Red and Black God Sect It is just a tool for him, which can be used at any time, or discarded at any time. As a tool, we should not think too highly of ourselves. One wrong step will lead to an abyss.”

(End of this chapter)

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