
Chapter 214

Chapter 214
It is said that Tang Zhen met the emperor in the apse and chatted for a long time.

Tang Zhen did not disclose what they talked about.But he told Su Yu that the operation should be suspended and the people of the Red and Black God Sect should be withdrawn from Daoguangfang.As for Jingxingfang, if they smashed it, they smashed it.It can be regarded as a lesson for Li Heng, and to save face for the Red and Black God Sect.

Su Yu was quite satisfied with this result, but he couldn't solve some question marks in his heart, so he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Tang Zhen seemed to see through Su Yu's thoughts, and said with a smile, "You're overcomplicating the problem. There are not so many mysteries in it. I just give you a chance to show it, so that your prestige in the cult will be higher. I hope you You can also hide behind the scenes like Li Mobai, instead of running to Honghei Temple as often as you do now. But to do this, you must first have the same prestige as Li Mobai."

Tang Zhen played with the emerald tiger sculpture slowly, but frowned slightly: "You disciples of the god religion went to Daoguangfang to arrest people. This matter is not confidential, and the emperor's people have already known it. The emperor asked me what I wanted to do. I and He said, this matter has nothing to do with me, maybe the emperor can ask the empress. The emperor clapped his hands and laughed, saying that the empress satisfied him more and more."

Afterwards, Su Yu happily left the Duke's Mansion, but as soon as he walked out of the gate, he no longer pretended to be happy, but became preoccupied.Thinking in his heart, Tang Qiong did not choose the wrong person when he chose Tang Zhen to inherit the title.

At the end of the conversation, Tang Zhen also said one more thing. He wanted to arrange a group of people in the bamboo forest of Shouan Paper Mill.It is usually used by paper mills, chopping bamboo on the mountain, and works as a worker.Ask Su Yu to give the number in advance of how much bamboo the paper mill needs to use every month, and it will be delivered at the end of the month.Su Yu didn't need to take care of other matters, Tang Zhen had other arrangements.This matter is absolutely confidential and must not be disclosed.

Su Yu reminded Tang Zhen that someone from Cao Sheng was monitoring the accounts in Shouan Paper Mill.Tang Zhen said that he had negotiated with the emperor, and that he would only send 200 million yuan to the Cao family every month, and he didn't have to share 200% of his profits.And the person in charge of the accounts has left.Thinking about it, Cao Sheng's family has less than [-] people including master and servant, and [-] million monthly living expenses are more than enough.What's more, Cao Sheng himself also has an official salary.

Tang Zhen's words stopped short, and he savored carefully. On the surface, Tang Zhen cared more and more about Su Yu, but in fact he arranged a dangerous thing for Su Yu to do.All the clans are racking their brains to deploy their forces in Gyeonggi-do, and Tang Zhen will naturally not let go of various opportunities.

The 2500 mu bamboo forest in Shou'an East has become one of his strongholds.But this is what the royal family can't tolerate the most.Once discovered in the future, how will Tang Zhen deal with it?Presumably Tang Zhen would come forward to protect him, but it's hard to say how determined he is to do so.Once the pressure is too great, it is inevitable to "abandon the car to save the handsome", and Su Yu has become a "car".

Another person also became a "car", Tang Xiao, the supervisor of the Shou'an factory.That is Tang Kuan's second son.Which car will Tang Zhen choose to abandon at that time?

"No matter what, Tang Xiao is still Tang Zhen's nephew..." Su Yu pursed his lips.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, it seems that he should get out as soon as possible and stay away from the place of right and wrong.But it can't work now, Tang Zhengang just confessed the matter to himself, and then he left the picker and left, which seemed to sabotage the situation.I can only wait for an opportunity in the future before handing over this hot potato.

Then Su Yu came to Li's warehouse and asked Li Xun to go to Honghei Temple immediately and tell Tu Biao to withdraw the people from Daoguangfang.At the same time, tell the general forum to take precautions to prevent Li Heng from launching retaliation.This matter made Tang Zhen mess up. Tang Zhen just asked the Red Black God Sect to smash Li Heng, but he didn't touch Li Heng's behind-the-scenes boss Zhao Yulong.It's not that Tang Zhen committed a crime on purpose, it's just that he doesn't think such a trivial matter is worth doing.

Then this matter will not stop there, and open and secret struggles between the two factions are inevitable.



Every night of odd-numbered days, Zhang Mi would wait in the saddle shop at No. [-], East Seventh Lane, Shangshanfang.But half a month passed, and Su Yu didn't come here once.Still he had to wait, for it was an order from the Plowmaster.But the chief plow only works for the emperor and empress.

Someone knocked on the door tonight. Zhang Mi looked out through the crack of the door. There was a tall man in a white robe with his face covered and his head bowed. He wore a treasure bag around his waist and held a wooden box sword in his left hand.

The sword box and hilt are simple in style, and there are strange patterns on them that seem to be witchcraft.

Zhang Mi squinted his eyes, and suddenly remembered that he had seen a portrait of this sword before, and it was indeed the Luoying Sword.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Li Mobai."

The person who called himself Li Mobai had a hoarse voice, as if he had drunk poisoned wine.

Zhang Mitong flinched suddenly, feeling a chill down his spine: "Sword Immortal looking for me, what is the matter?"

"Su Yu, the sect master, please let me do something for him."

"What's the matter?"

"Are you going to let me stand outside the door and talk?"

Zhang Mi swallowed, and slowly opened the door.

Li Mobai strode in, pulled out a letter from his sleeve, and handed it to Zhang Mi.

The envelope was intact, but Zhang Mi was still puzzled. He took two steps away, opened the letter and read it.There was only one sentence in the letter: "What happened that day?" It was signed by Su Yu.

The corner of Zhang Mi's mouth twitched: "Please go back and tell Su Yu, Sword Immortal, this matter cannot be conveyed through a third person."

At this time Li Mobai pulled out another letter and handed it to Zhang Mi.

Zhang Mi took the letter, took another step back, opened it to read, and said in the letter: "If a woman asks you to ask me where the wrong direction is. You can tell her that I am doing it for him. She doesn't need to worry too much, anyway. She can't do it by herself. If a woman has something to say to you, you can cryptically say something that only you and I can understand. If you think it's impossible, then wait until the next time we meet. I went to see you because your Excellency seems to lack some respect for me. I believe that you are sneaking at Li Mobai now, why don't you use the palm technique that attacked me last time and use it again with all your strength. If you don't have the guts, I see you It's better to tell the woman to change to someone else."

Zhang Mi's slender eyes shot wolf light, he was angry and gritted his teeth.

Li Mobai kept his head down, but felt Zhang Mi's anger, he stretched out his finger and hooked it, provocatively.

Zhang Mi suddenly lowered his body, and struck out with a palm with all his strength, the force of the palm swept across, the halo scattered, and the wind came before the palm arrived.

The white-robed man in front of him turned sideways, stretched out his right hand, and greeted Zhang Mi with a palm.


The two palms collided, and a flash of thunder flashed. Zhang Mi felt his arms go numb, his feet went limp, and he almost didn't sit on the ground.Staggering back two steps, barely stopped.He clenched his fists and looked at people coldly.

On the other hand, the white-robed swordsman remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

Zhang Mi's heart heaved: "I didn't expect that Sword Immortal is not only powerful with swords."

Li Mobai turned his head and left without saying a word.

Zhang Mi chased to the door: "Please tell the sword fairy that women will see things when they meet next time."

Li Mobai gave a soft "um" and walked away.



Su Yu really didn't expect that people like Zhang Mi would think of "selling gossip" to make some extra money.

On the second day, Meng's "Wenhao Club" published such a piece of news: "A certain big inner master met the sword fairy Li Mobai by chance, and they exchanged ideas on the spot, and the match was evenly divided."

The news specifically mentioned that neither side used weapons.

The Sword Immortal didn't use a sword, but he tied with the big masters, and then Li Mobai's ranking in "Swordsman's Book" increased by two places.

The "Emperor Capital Literature Society" reprinted this news as if it was cheap, and then changed the "Heroes Genealogy".

But who is that big insider, but no one knows.

Only Su Yu smiled and threw away the books and newspapers.

Li Mobai, the Left Envoy of Chasing the Wind, was once again active in Luoyang City, boosting the morale of the disciples of the God Sect.Let everyone feel that Li Zuoshi is by our side.And across Luoyang, there is no rival.

But Li Zuo envoy couldn't see each other, but he found that Su Yu's right hand was slightly bruised.

Last night, Zhang Mi's palm was sent out with all his strength, and its power was really impressive.Even Thunder Hand was pushed back a lot of damage.But Su Yu was still very satisfied.With the help of "Thunder Hand", there is no need to worry about the people behind Zhang Mi, and they can plot against themselves through Zhang Mi.

Li Xun walked over with a smile: "Su Tang, last night was dangerous."

Su Yu smiled: "It's evenly divided."

(End of this chapter)

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