
Chapter 302 Chapter 302 Yellow Finger

Chapter 302 Chapter [-]

Su Yu was wearing a white robe, a copper mask on his head, and a falling sword in his hand. He, Ouyang Jing and the fake prince were in the same car, starting from Xuanren Gate, and headed straight for Ningrenfang.

He didn't shy away from saying that the white-robed swordsman is Li Mobai, a hero of the rivers and lakes.

Hearing this, all the guards were also shocked, and some people couldn't help stealing their eyes, wanting to see what kind of demeanor the famous Li Haoxia is.

Sure enough, even though Li Haoxia covered his face, judging from his outline and eyes, he was a handsome man.Tall and slender, with an extraordinary bearing, he shows great skill in walking and jumping, which does not ruin his reputation.

When they arrived at Ningrenfang, Ouyang Jing got off the car with the "Prince" in his arms, and two guards carried the "charity bag".When the Fang Department heard that the prince was coming, a group of Fang officials directed the way and went straight to the poorest streets and alleys.

The people in the square heard that the prince was kind to the people, and helped the old and the young to come to the street.

Seeing the poor, Ouyang Jing gave a handful of money, and the alleys were filled with voices of gratitude.Thirty guards escorted the team forward slowly.

Su Yu followed Ouyang Jing around, his eyes swept around the crowd, but he didn't find anything unusual.I just saw a few disciples of the Red and Black God Cult walking through the crowd.

I just turned upside down with Feng Yu, feeling refreshed today, and recalling beautiful pictures in my mind from time to time.I have been busy until the afternoon, and I don't feel tired.And Ouyang Jing was so tired that he was sweating profusely, walking with his waist bent.The prince in his arms would yell for his mother from time to time, Ouyang Jing was troubled.But in front of the people in the government office, Ouyang Jing could only serve the fake prince as if he were an ancestor.

Once back in the car, out of sight, throw the child aside.

"Go home!" Ouyang Jing tore off his collar, "Oh my god, it's too hot today."

The false prince cried out to find his mother.

Ouyang Jing pulled the child aside: "Go, go, don't bother me."

A three-year-old baby, who had just been abandoned by his parents, was staggering in the car, so pitiful.

Su Yu pushed the mask on top of his head: "Come on, come to Uncle."

Su Yu has a kind face, which is quite liked by the children, and after a while, the children stopped crying and making trouble.Ouyang Jing collapsed on the prince's seat in the car, swaying from side to side with the car, as if Ge You was lying lazily.He looked really exhausted physically and mentally.

Ouyang Jing cursed twice: "When there is no preparation, those gangsters will show up. Today, after preparation, they didn't come."

Su Yu continued teasing the children and ignored Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing took out two bags of money from his pocket, and said, "It's not good to let the brothers run away for nothing, I'll give you 200 million, Jinfeng don't think it's too much money, this is for the brothers to drink, you express it for me Express your heart."

Su Yu was also polite and pocketed the money.

"Puff—puff puff!"



There were several consecutive sounds of flying arrows, and then there was chaos outside.

Su Yu didn't have time to block the arrow, and watched the arrow pass through the curtain and fly past Ouyang Jing's head.In desperation, Su Yu grabbed Ouyang Jing's neck and pressed it against the floor of the car. Ouyang Jing was dragged into a mess, and his face hit the car floor with a "bang".

Immediately, the spring of the long sword in Su Yu's hand rang, and he rushed out of the door curtain and flew out, and saw a man in black flying into the car head-on.

Without hesitation, the two drew their swords at the same time.

The two sword lights flashed, and the man in black felt his arm go numb, and then the sword in his hand trembled and was almost thrown away.But feeling bad, the man in black jumped out of the car and ran away.While running, he turned his head and stared, his brows were full of dissatisfaction.Immediately he jumped onto the house and whistled, and a group of more than [-] people fled away one after another.

"Chasing! Catch the living!" Ouyang Jing shouted from the car door with his head covered.

Su Yu shouted: "They have poisonous sacs in their mouths, if you want to catch them alive, you must stun them first!"

The disciples from the Honghei Temple came out one after another, and Su Yu told the guards that the man in blue was his own.Immediately, Su Yu retreated into the car, pinching his wrist.

Ou's eyes widened and he asked, "What's wrong? Are you injured?"

Su Yu shook his head: "This man's sword is very heavy, I underestimated him. It hurt my wrist. I heard Senior Sister Yan said that Long Xiaotian is the most powerful among those who wield heavy swords. I don't know if this is the man. "

Ouyang Jing lay prone in the car, looking out like a toad.

There is an arrangement in advance, even if the enemy is chased and killed, ten people must be left to protect the prince, so as to prevent the enemy from pulling the tiger away from the mountain.But after waiting for a while, the enemy was not found.

It didn't take long for the chasers to come back one after another.They brought back two corpses, both of whom were shot by the prince's guards with crossbows. Seeing that they could not escape, they bit the poison sacs and killed themselves.It is a pity that no living person was caught.

Su Yu sighed: "It's too difficult to catch a Mohist who is serious about the Eight Classics."


The Honghei Temple was very lively, more than a dozen congregants gathered together, discussing something enthusiastically.

Tang Lian was wearing the robes of the precept elders, sitting high above the hall, only listening but not talking.

Someone said: "I finally saw Li Zuoshi today. Li Zuoshi repelled the bandit leader with a single strike. Our Li Zuoshi's swordsmanship really lives up to its reputation."

Someone said: It's just a pity that I couldn't see Li Zuoshi's true face.

Someone said: From my point of view, Li Zuoshi's swordsmanship has reached perfection, presumably the old master Chen is no more than that. With Li Zuoshi's age, sooner or later he will be able to excel.

Tang Lian didn't like to hear it anymore, coughed lightly and said: Li Zuoshi's swordsmanship is naturally superb, but still a bit inferior to his adoptive father.Everyone praises Li Zuo so that I don't object, but I can't praise Li Zuo indiscriminately.

At this moment, Su Yu came to Honghei Temple and put a bag of money on Tang Lian's desk: "It's from Ouyang Jing."

Tang Lian was also polite, opened the bag and looked at it: "Ouyang Jing is really generous."

Immediately Tang Lian opened the ledger and recorded the entry of 100 million.

"Brothers performed very well today. We are invited by Ouyang Jing to invite everyone to have a drink." Su Yu grabbed a handful of gold coins and handed them to Matthew: "Go buy sheep and wine, everyone have a good time."

How Su Yu entertained everyone is not detailed.It only said that in the downtown area of ​​Beishi, Lao Huang was guarding Feng Yu every step of the way.Lao Huang kept muttering: This is our young master's woman, we must take good care of her.

Every time Feng Yu heard these words, she was shy, but felt very useful in her heart.This is not exactly what Chaosi dreams about.The girl made a heartbeat and plunged into the sea of ​​suffering. She seemed to have forgotten a series of difficult things in the future.

Xiao Huan looked more worried than Feng Yu: "I've inquired, and there are also test women who give birth to children, but..."

Feng Yu seemed indifferent and said: "I know that if you give birth to a daughter and a mother, you can live, but if you give birth to a man and a mother, you will die."

Xiao Huan frowned even more.

Feng Yu smiled: "I guess it must be a girl."

Usually Feng Yu is the girl who is most prone to worry, but today she showed a very relaxed look.Xiao Huan sighed and said nothing more.

After walking a few steps, Feng Yu said again: "It is said that our princess is ruthless, but I don't think she is that kind of person. She told me that even if it is a boy, she doesn't need me to die, just let me become a monk." She also said, to avoid things like the eldest princess's family. The eldest princess can't give birth, and she will have to find a concubine for her son-in-law. It's better to keep me. If that happens, bring me back That's right. Save yourself the trouble. The princess also said that the men in every family are the same, so don't expect them to be alone. If you can't keep up with the maids in the family, you can get along with them."

Xiao Huan felt that Feng Yu was lying, or she was dreaming, and the princess would never say such a thing.

Or Feng Yu thought Xiao Huan was annoying and didn't want to mention it again, so she blocked Xiao Huan's mouth with these words.

Xiao Huan didn't look very happy, with a complaining look on her face.

Feng Yu blinked and said with a strange smile: "The princess thinks that there has been something between you and the county horse, but I just can't bear to check you."

"I didn't."

"Don't explain, no one will believe it." Feng Yu said quickly: "Which one of the accompanying maids of each family ran away? But you should be careful, if you become pregnant, the consequences will be worse than mine .I tried it out, but you stole it out. Even the Tang family law can't spare you."

Xiao Huan stomped her feet angrily.

Tong Yu snickered aside.

Old Huang said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, and you won't be afraid if you are pregnant. Grandpa Huang has his own methods. He spent ten years of my skills to save your life. Don't talk about you, even if I am the emperor's wife, I will let her clean it up if I point it down." !"

"Tch! You're bragging!" Xiao Huan spat, "If you don't brag, you'll feel uncomfortable. You're still so good. I don't believe it."

"Oh, if you don't believe me, you can try it." Lao Huang raised his finger and said.

(End of this chapter)

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