
Chapter 303 Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Chapter [-]

Changqiu Palace, garden.

A fine-looking dog was brought here by Ji Lingyun, and he held onto the rope tightly, fearing that the dog would get out of control and disturb the empress.

A group of eunuchs gathered here with the queen as the center, as if facing a big enemy.

Su Yu was not present, otherwise he would definitely think that these guys are making a fuss out of a molehill.It's just a dog, not a tiger, so what's the point of making it so grand?Of course, this must be Su Yu's first thought. If he knew that the Queen was afraid of dogs, maybe he would have made it more grand than it is now.

Strange to say, people are always afraid.For example, there are all-powerful heroes who are afraid of seeing deep water; generals who kill people like hemp are afraid of thunder;

As for the Queen Regent Cao Yuzan, she was afraid of hairy things.In order to cover up this shortcoming, she often plays with the jade rabbit in her hand.But when cats, dogs and rabbits really appeared in front of her, she walked away early.

In fact, Cao Yuzan's move is purely redundant.

Dogs are the best at observing human emotions.This instinct comes from wolves.The wolf group has a clear hierarchy, and it is not a hierarchy.Langtou and Mrs. Langtou are the highest rank in the group. Langtou has a bad face, and other wolves are dingy. Only Mrs. Langtou can still move properly.The reason why dogs are loyal to people is that they treat their masters like wolf heads.If the dog attacks the owner, it can only mean that the owner has spoiled the dog, causing the dog to have the illusion that he is of a higher level than the owner.

Seeing a large group of people surrounding Cao Yuzan, the dog thought that this potbellied guy in a big flower robe should be Mrs. Wolf King of a huge pack of wolves.Even its owner is disheartened, and it dare not make mistakes.

This big she-wolf must be very powerful...

"Li Wantang."

"The old slave is here."

"Go and try, see if this thing really works?"

"The old slave complies."

First, the dog was given a sniff of Huolei, and then Li Wantang took it to sniff beside several boxes.

Suddenly the dog sat down and refused to go.

Li Wantang was very satisfied, and said to Cao Yuzan: "Your Majesty, look, it is really easy to use."

Cao Yuzan was overjoyed and said, "Try again."

Trial and error, increase the difficulty of the test, try a hundred times.Cao Yuzan was overjoyed, and immediately ordered the water transport to be fully opened, and Shangyang Gate and Jianchun Gate would no longer be blocked.



Tang Ling'er was in a good mood watching the carriages carrying paper enter the city.Seeing many small dogs instead of human beings, they can let go after sniffing near the carriage.Tang Ling'er knew that the queen had adopted Su Yu's method.

Immediately, the carriage turned around and headed back to the princess mansion.While in the car, Tang Ling'er rarely praised Su Yu.Wang Xun sat aside and smiled happily.

Not being selected as a test girl, Wang Xun felt a little complicated.But in general, I still feel grateful.After all, being a test girl is not a good job.With his loyalty to Tang Ling'er, Wang Xun would definitely choose to chop off the child.Although doing so would be more appreciated by the princess, she knew exactly how dangerous it was.

It was rare for the princess to return home with a smile on her face, and at noon, she invited Su Yu to have lunch.

"Jinfeng, I heard that Li Mobai went to work as a guard for the prince a few days ago."

At the end of lunch, Su Yu was about to leave when Tang Linger uttered such a sentence.

Looking at the princess, she didn't show any expression, but she could understand from her tone that she really knew that the mask Li Mobai was Su Yu, and she just saved face for Su Yu in front of the servants, and didn't expose it.

Su Yu said casually: "It's not for the prince's guard, but for Ouyang Jing's employment to protect Ouyang Jing. The Mohist eats this. It has nothing to do with party disputes."

Tang Ling'er raised her head and remained silent.

Obviously, Su Yu's perfunctory words could not satisfy Tang Ling'er.

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "It's just to make some money."

Tang Ling'er no longer raised her head, but raised the corner of her eyebrows slightly: "How much did you earn?"

Tang Ling'er waved her hand, and everyone in the room retreated, only Wang Xun was still combing her hair.This girl is so obsessed with cleanliness, she has to wash her long hair every time she comes back from a trip.

Su Yu coughed lightly, and said in a relaxed tone: "The rich man Ouyang gave a total of 200 million, half of which was given to the gods. The remaining half was given to me. Let me replace him and teach everyone to eat and drink. In the end, there is only one Seventy-eight million."

"Twenty-three million for one meal?"

"Well, there are many people."

"What about the rest of the money?"

Su Yu scratched his head: "You want to take this money too?"

"Hmph, I'll keep it for you this time." Tang Linger seemed in a good mood, but she changed the subject: "What do you think of Feng Yu?"

It is absolutely impossible to say "yes", so he said: "Not so much."

"Compared to your alley girl?"

Su Yu sighed bitterly: "How can there be any girls in the alley?"

"Jinfeng, don't think I'm rambling. Let me emphasize again, since you have it at home, don't go outside to steal it. If there are girls from the alley again, I will show no mercy."

Su Yu has always been worried that Tan Qin'er's departure may have something to do with the princess.But listening to what he said, even if it was related to her, he didn't kill him.

Su Yu repeatedly assured that such a thing would not happen, Tang Ling'er rolled her eyelids, but didn't say anything good.

Back in the backyard.

Saw a group of people eating.Everyone unconsciously gave Feng Yu the main seat.Although at this time she is still a maidservant.And everyone foresees that her future is not good.

Either get an abortion, or accept a life gamble.Judging from the death rate of pregnant women in previous years, her future is really worrying.Hearing that Feng Yu was selected as a test daughter, his mother, Mrs. Zhang, became very angry and fell ill.Feng Yu was planning to visit her mother today.

Su Yu gave her some extra money, and only said that he had something urgent to do in the afternoon, otherwise he would go with her.Feng Yu said: "The county horse master has a big business, so don't delay it because of the small things of the servant's family."

Seeing that Feng Yu was sensible, Su Yu smiled with satisfaction.

Then Su Yu rushed to Zuixian Tower, where he waited for Hua Tingfeng's arrival.

Shen Shixu, a white-clothed man who looked about 25 or [-] years old, tall and handsome, with a silver fan in his hand and a qin on his back, happily came to the Drunken Immortal Building.He has driven a long way, but he still looks neat and elegant, and he is not tired at all.

Although he had never met, Su Yu still recognized this person as Hua Tingfeng at a glance.

In fact, seventh senior brother Hua Tingfeng is younger than eighth senior sister Yan Beiming.Their ranking is calculated according to the first-come-first-served basis.Among the eight disciples of Chen Qianfen, Li Mobai is the most troublesome, and Hua Tingfeng is the most mischievous.

Chen Qianfen was very busy. His sons and apprentices were usually free-range. Hua Tingfeng was almost brought up by geese mourning, and it was said that they were often beaten.

Apart from practicing kung fu, Chen Qianfen would only show up when his disciples caused trouble.Chen Qianfen taught his disciples never to talk nonsense, and went straight to the stick.Li Mobai was stiff when he was beaten, while Hua Tingfeng was rolling on the ground.Yan Beiming's teaching method was learned from his master.

Although they were often beaten, after growing up, Hua Tingfeng and Yan Beiming were the closest.There are also very few names among them as senior brothers and junior sisters. They always call them "Hua Lao Qi" and "Yan Lao Ba".

"Senior Brother Seven, I've heard you famous for a long time."

"Oh, you must be Su Jinfeng."

"Exactly." Su Yu waved his hand and asked the upstairs to speak.

When I went upstairs, I found Hua Tingfeng's piano was very heavy, and I don't know why he carried it all the way.Could it be that he loves music?

When she came to the private room, Hua Tingfeng put down the piano.Stretching out his hand to press the spring, it turned out that his piano was empty.Pulled out a broad sword from inside, the sword had no edge, and was a piece of heavy iron.

"I want to prepare a meeting gift for my junior brother, but I can't think of what to give at the moment, so I can only send this thing."

Su Yu looked at the sword and couldn't help but be surprised.

Hua Tingfeng smiled: "Chong Tie Wu Feng, at first I thought it was Long Xiaotian who attacked you, but later I went to compete with that person, although he came from the same sect as Master Long Xiaotian, he is still slightly stronger than Long Xiaotian." Inferior. I wanted to get a job, but he didn't give me the chance. He died."

I don't know how Hua Tingfeng knew and did it, Su Yu nodded and said: "Senior Brother Qi is extraordinary."

Hua Tingfeng frowned: "We can't be too happy, since he is dead, Long Xiaotian should come out."

(End of this chapter)

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