
Chapter 331

Chapter 331
Night, Pingkang Square.

At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, the four art halls of Wanhualou, Meixianyuan, Caiyunge, and Kaiyuange are full of people. The towering buildings are like four big lanterns, illuminating one side.

But in the remote northeast corner, the place is dirty and narrow, secluded and gloomy, not even a straight alley can be seen, it looks like a maze.

Not far away, women's screams came one after another, which is a feature of Pingkangfang every night.Yuan Ying hated this kind of voice very much, she had had enough, she ran out just now and dumbfounded the two most screaming women.After poisoning, the girl with strange makeup felt a burst of emotion in her heart, the poison her adoptive father got really worked.

An abandoned tavern, the roof tiles are missing and the wood is rotten, the window paper has long been broken, and the wind blows and rattles.Under the faint light, a group of people stood here, and there was a dead body lying flat on the ground. The middle of the head of the dead body was split, and the facial features were distorted, making it hideous and terrifying.

Yuan Kun, who was wearing a Confucian robe, knelt down, stared at the corpse, and shook his head helplessly: "Long Xiaotian, I asked you to come to Luoyang to do business for me, not to cause trouble for me."

Under the light, Yuan Kun's face looked uglier than that of a dead man: "You killed Lu Shi, you know what the consequences will be!"

"Of course I know. I killed him to let you understand that even if you hold my niece in your hands, you don't want to manipulate me."

The child in Long Xiaotian's arms is gone, but his sword is still there, and the heavy iron without front is daunting.The terrifying wound on the head of the deceased once again made the sword more murderous.

Yuan Kun gritted his teeth: "I promised you to lure Li Wantang out, but you have to give me some time. Do you think Li Wantang will come to you after you kill Lu Shi? I really don't understand if you Mohists are out of their minds has a problem!"

Yuan Kun continued to scold, but Long Xiaotian's sword was already on the tip of his nose.

The five Lan brothers suddenly drew their swords and pointed at Long Xiaotian.

Yuan Kun waved his hand, signaling the Lan brothers to back down.

Long Xiaotian said coldly: "Now, we are at best a cooperation. If you dare to touch my niece, I will make your life worse than death."

Yuan Kun laughed miserably: "You are a fucking beast."

Yuan Kun raised his hand and moved Long Xiaotian's sword away: "Don't point your sword at me. Do you think I'm afraid of death? My business can't be done, and I don't plan to live. Your niece will be buried with me. I warn Once you point your sword at me next time, I will give you a niece's finger. I hope you will change this bad habit. Otherwise, her toes may not be enough to chop. Then I will dig her eyes, cut her nose, and knocked out her teeth one by one. Don’t tell me you don’t feel bad, I don’t believe you.”

Long Xiaotian pointed his sword at Yuan Kun again: "It seems that you still don't understand me. Even if you kill her, I will not be manipulated by you. I will only fulfill my promise and make your life worse than death. I know you This kind of person is not afraid of death long ago, but I believe you are afraid of torture. Don’t tell me that you are not afraid, and I don’t believe you either. I will give you another chance to let you understand that this is just cooperation. If you don’t understand current affairs, I will kill you All the stumps are killed."

Yuan Kun gritted his teeth: "If you kill him, what else can I have? Do you think it's so easy to plant a secret in the palace?"

"Aren't you rich? Money can turn ghosts around."

"Some people cannot be bought with money!"

Long Xiaotian withdrew his sword: "Aren't you good at arresting people? Go and arrest Li Wantang's family."

"Li Wantang has no family."

"I know he has."

"Then why don't you go?"

"If I can do it alone, what else can I do with you?"

Yuan Kun thought for a while, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his pale cheeks: "Catching one is also grabbing, it's better to grab a few more."


Qinghuafang, an elegant small building.

This summer was extremely hot, and Ouyang Xiaoqiao lay on the bed tossing and turning, feeling oily all over her body.

Qingya Xiaozhu has a small space, one servant girl sleeps on the bed with Ouyang Xiaoqiao, and the other servant girl sleeps on the cabinet in the outer room.

Because it was too hot, Ouyang Xiaoqiao asked the maid to sleep on the main seat, while she slept outside.Because it is facing the window, occasionally a little wind blows in.

Although she heard that she was going to be introduced to the Duke as the second wife, the girl had someone else hidden in her heart.In addition, she has never seen Tang Zhen until now.Although everyone said Tang Zhen was handsome, but no matter how handsome he was, could he still be as handsome as that man?
Think, think hard.

It would be good to go to him, even just to talk.

The girl couldn't fall asleep, and blinked her big eyes.He sat up suddenly and put on his clothes.

The two idiot servant girls slept deeply, and no one noticed that the young lady woke up.

Ouyang Xiaoqiao didn't bother to wake them up, so she walked out of the house alone and walked towards the princess mansion.

When I came to the small gate behind the princess' mansion, there were two Tsing Yi thugs guarding the gate.

"Baomen, I want to see my adoptive father."

"This... Sister Ouyang, what time is this, it's inconvenient to see you."

"What's inconvenient?" Ouyang Xiaoqiao took out a few silver coins and stuffed them directly into Tsing Yi's hands: "I'm having a nightmare, I'm afraid, I'm going to see my adoptive father."

The two Tsing Yi glanced at each other, and each read the meaning of "the rich don't make a bastard" in each other's eyes, it is better to open the door and let Ouyang Xiaoqiao go in by herself.Anyway, they couldn't directly enter the Erdaoyuan where the Princess is located from the backyard, and they were not worried at all that the young, beautiful, well-behaved and weak rich daughter would run in and assassinate the Princess.

"Sister Ouyang, let's report to the door by myself, we won't bother the county horse." Tsing Yi gently pushed the door open.

"Well, thank you two handsome brothers." Ouyang Xiaoqiao smiled sweetly and walked in.

Miss Xiao Qiao walked in lightly.

There are swordsmen on the watchtower.

She waved to the watchtower swordsman and greeted them softly. The swordsman knew the daughter of Ouyang's family and responded with a nod.

Ouyang Xiaoqiao came to the window of the ear room, leaned against the window and listened, then suddenly covered her mouth and snickered, with her big eyes rolling around.

Suddenly a hand grabbed the neck, and it felt like a pair of iron tongs.

"Oh, who is it!"

The girl didn't dare to speak loudly, she just spoke angrily, and stretched out her hand to break the hand that was choking her neck.

Old Huang loosened his hands and said: "So it's Miss Ouyang's family, what are you doing here?"


Just when Ouyang Xiaoqiao didn't know how to answer, she suddenly heard the swordsman shout from the watchtower: "There are many people in the north."

Looking up, the swordsman was holding a Citi flag in his hand, so he knew it was outside the residence, and he was just suspicious.If it is indeed the troublemaker, the swordsman will raise a red flag in his hand.But this has alarmed all the swordsmen in the princess mansion, Lin Xiao rushed out and stood on the Beiwang tower.He raised the red flag shortly after.

Li Feng broke through the door with two people and headed straight to the north.Zhang Guang led people to block the door and did not go north with Li Feng.Prevent someone from distracting the tiger from the mountain.

Not long after, they heard shouts from the north, and the Tsing Yis of the Tang Mansion's night patrol quickly gathered to the north, and they turned out to be Qingya Xiaozhu in the direction.

The uproar died away shortly after.

Li Feng came back and said dejectedly: "Seven or eight people broke in and took away a maid with a crossbow in their hands. You said, for a maid outside the mansion, are we going to fight them desperately?"

Lin Xiao thought for a while, but said nothing.

Zhang Guangdao: "If it's from our princess's mansion, even if it's a maid, we'll have to. But for someone else's maid, it... doesn't seem to be necessary."

"Whose maid?" After such a commotion, Su Yu came out and asked.

"Master Huijun is the maid of Qingya Xiaozhu."

"Oh... Are you sure it wasn't Ouyang Xiaoqiao who was taken away?"

"Definitely not."


"She's in your next room."



"In the middle of the night, why did Ouyang Xiaoqiao appear in the maid's room?"

The actions of the swordsmen not only woke up Su Yu, but also woke up the princess.When Wang Xun opened the window to look, Hu Rong had already rushed upstairs to protect Tang Ling'er.When the princess heard the whole story, she couldn't help but express such doubts.

Hu Rong smiled and said: "The elder sister of the Ouyang family just came in, she just talked to Lao Huang, but she didn't see the county horse."

"Oh...but what did she ask Lao Huang for?"

"This old slave doesn't know either, but he feels that the girl's life is tough, so she escaped a catastrophe."

"Who is so bold to break into Qinghuafang?"

"I can't catch anyone, but I don't know where they came from." Hu Rong paused: "These people didn't come after the Tang family, so the swordsmen of the Tang family didn't try their best to chase them. And those Tsing Yi couldn't chase after them." on them."

Tang Ling'er's expression turned ugly: "It is said that Jin Yiwei has achieved great results in arresting Mo bandits, but in my opinion, the most vicious gang still exists. Even dare to break into Qinghuafang, what else are they afraid to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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