
Chapter 332 Needless to say

Chapter 332 Needless to say
Ouyang Xiaoqiao said that she was so scared that she dared not go back to live in Qingya Xiaozhu, and asked her adoptive father to take her in.Naturally, Su Yu would not refuse, but asked Xiao Huan to go upstairs to inform the princess.

There was only one maid left in Qingya Xiaozhu's place, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and she was called to stay with Ouyang Xiaoqiao in the guest room in the East Wing of the princess mansion.

According to the servant girl, seven or eight big men suddenly broke into the room. Just as she was about to shout, she felt punched several times, and then she died.According to her description, the fist of the person opposite was so fast that she couldn't see it clearly.It felt like the man had grown several hands and smashed them together.When she woke up, she found that the young lady and Xiaohong, the maid in the room, were gone, but instead she saw Li Feng and a group of Qingyi from the Tang family.

Li Feng predicted that this group of people should be targeting the lady, but this group of stupid thieves caught the wrong person.

But this can't be all their fault, who would have thought that the maid would sleep in the lady's right seat.In the summer, the lights are dark, the servant girl wears very little clothes, and her hair is covered, so it is impossible to tell that she is a servant girl.Just keep your mouth shut, and walk away.It turned out to be wrong.

When those stupid thieves figured it out, they didn't know how to vent their anger on Xiaohong.

In the early morning of the next day, Ouyang Xiaoqiao came to the ear room to eat, but she didn't eat for nothing, so she grabbed a handful of money and handed it to Xiao Huan, asking Xiao Huan to buy more egg custard, saying that the rest of the money would go to Xiao Huan.Xiao Huan kept seeing Ouyang Xiao Qiao upset, looking sluggish, but it was Tong Yu who took the money and settled the matter.

Ouyang Xiaoqiao knew that Xiao Huan didn't like her, and she also knew that Xiao Huan was a maidservant who was valued by the princess, so she couldn't afford to offend her.But she didn't look angry either, sitting there playing with Dou Tongxi.But he found that Tong Xi was a big kid, so he was not so easy to fool.I only found out when I asked her age, the little girl is already 12 years old.But she looks too small, I am afraid she is a dwarf.

"Daughter! My eldest daughter! How are you?"

Hearing that Qingya Xiaozhu was attacked, Ouyang Jing ran over early in the morning.

When the father and daughter met, they felt a lot of emotion.

This guy Ouyang Jing usually cheats women everywhere, and he makes them fascinated.But when one thing surrenders to another, there are always people who cannot be subdued by him, but can be subdued by him.Beside him, there are two women who can cure him, one is the eldest wife Gongsun, and the other is the beloved daughter.

That Gongsun family is arrogant, it is said that he often beats Ouyang Jing at home, grabs his hair and throws a feather duster, and beats him ruthlessly.But this guy remembers to eat but not to fight, and continues to make mistakes after the fight.This time Gongsun was asked to take his two sons out for refuge, and he cried a few times because of this, saying that he misses it.In the words of Lao Huang, this guy is born to be beaten.Not comfortable.

The eunuch Ouyang trotted all the way to the princess mansion.Seeing that his daughter was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.This trip did not bring the "Prince", but there were still thirty cavalry guards accompanying him.It seems that this guy already has quite a status in the East Palace.Cao Sheng cared about his life and death very much.

Su Yu called Ouyang Jing into the room, and asked, "Apart from the princely party, have you offended other people?"

Ouyang Jing tightened his face: "I suspect that the Prince's party did it. Last night, not only Qinghuafang was attacked, but also Daoguangfang. In addition, someone found Lu Gonggong's body abandoned on Pingkangfang Street early this morning. Come on. Oops, Eunuch Lu died so badly. His brain is split in two. Someone cut it off!"

"Which family in Daoguangfang suffers?"

"Master Cao didn't say anything. But I think something must have happened to a big shot. Master Cao's face is ashen."

Having said that, Ouyang Jing actually smiled.

Su Yu smiled wryly and said, "Eunuch Lu is dead, why are you so happy?"

Ouyang Jing said cunningly: "The crown prince can't leave me now. There used to be eunuch Lu who could take care of him, but now that eunuch Lu is dead, then I..., haha, I haven't decided yet, so I'd better not say it so early." good."

Su Yu snorted coldly: "Aren't you afraid that others will say this is your conspiracy?"

Ouyang Jing spread his hands together: "Where is the evidence?"

Su Yudao: "The eunuch party is also divided into several factions, and Lu Shi is the leader of the faction. If he dies, do you still want to inherit his mantle? Someone came to arrest your daughter yesterday, maybe someone didn't want you to replace Lu Shi Location. I estimate that your daughter is about to be taken away by Cao Sheng. It must be arranged in a safe place. But I still want to remind you, the eunuchs are so ruthless. Besides, Cao Sheng may not only want your daughter, your Madam and two sons will probably be taken away too. Where is Madam Gongsun hiding, you won’t even hide it from Cao Sheng, right?”

"You're right. Master Cao's soldiers have already set off and will bring back my daughter-in-law and son." Ouyang Jing shook his sleeves: "Look outside, there are thirty cavalry guards. They are here to protect me. How many people in Luoyang City have this honor?"

"Where are your two daughters?"

"Let them go to uncle's house."

"Is this appropriate?"

"Oh! Those two girls don't look like me, I suspect they are not mine at all."

Su Yu was speechless for a while.



Hearing that Ma Lao is back, he has been invited to Honghei Temple by Tang Lian.

When Su Yu came to Honghei Temple, only Matthew stayed here to accompany him.Su Yu asked where Tang Lian had gone, and Matthew said that since Na Luo Yifan came to the Meiling Hall, the luxury car in front of the Meiling Hall has never stopped.They all came here for Luo Yifan's demeanor.Business is booming, distinguished guests come to visit, Tang Lian goes to preside over the situation.

As soon as he thought of Luo Yifan, he felt a foul smell on the tip of his nose, so Su Yu stopped asking, but started talking with Ma Lao.

We learned from the conversation that Ma Lao went home for a few days here.It is said that it was to get medicine for a powerful and rich old man.After a while, this old master turned out to be Ouyang Jing.And the medicine Ma Lao took was the medicine for strengthening that Ouyang Jing had mentioned.

Ma Lao also gave Su Yu two pills, which are said to have miraculous effects.

Su Yu felt emotional for a while, if you say that Ouyang Jing has great energy, it is really amazing.When he came to Luoyang Imperial Capital, it didn't take long for him to become a celebrity, and now he has become a great eunuch who is directly close to the center of imperial power.It is estimated that Tang Lian introduced Ma Lao to Ouyang Jing.But how did Tang Lian bring the topic to that kind of medicine, which made people gasp for a while.

Think about it when Tang Lian came to Su Yu's room in light clothes one night when she was in the Princess's Mansion, it seems that Xiao Nizi also had a good heart.

Su Yu felt that this was not worth making a fuss about, it was just human desire.It just happened to people around me, and it was inevitable to stir up emotions.

Later, Su Yu took Ma Lao to Pingkangfang and found the address provided by Hua Tingfeng.The small courtyard is not big, and the facilities in the house are outdated.As for the vase that Hua Tingfeng mentioned, it had already disappeared along with the bald corpse, but according to the clues at the scene, Ma Lao's face still became serious.

He picked up the corpse from the ground and looked at it: "This thing is the larva of Golden Silkworm Gu. Since he has not let go of his hand at this stage of cultivation, he wants more Golden Silkworm Gu."

Su Yu frowned and said, "When Senior Brother mentioned it to me, I sent someone over to take a look, but at that time the corpse and the jar were gone."

As if he was facing a formidable enemy, Ma Lao murmured in a low voice: "A pot of golden silkworm Gu is not enough, how many people are you trying to kill?"

"Male, there is something I want to tell you."

"Master Junma, please tell me."

"Ma Lao is a leader in Gu art, do you have the heart to serve the country?"

"What? Serve the country? Just rely on me?"

"Yes. Jinyiwei is not an ordinary yamen. The people there are all the secret agents of the queen. In the beginning, some Jianghu people were used to cover up people's eyes and ears. But now, the queen has begun to replace them with her own people one by one."


"I'm planning to fight for a position for senior brother Hua Tingfeng. If Ma Lao is also interested, Su is willing to recommend it in front of the queen."

Ma Lao sighed, but seemed quite enthusiastic: "The old man is old, it's meaningless to be an official. The dog in the family has learned Gu skills since he was a child, and he has a lot of experience. What's more, he doesn't play tricks like me. The Gu pattern all over his body looks more pleasing to the eye. The old man promises that Quan Zi is of good character and is definitely not a cunning person. As long as he has official status, the old man will help him with all his strength and dare not neglect him."

"How soon will your son come to Luoyang?"

"Hurry up and get there in five days."

"Okay, after five days, I will lead him to see Mr. Cao. At that time, Mr. Cao will have his own judgment on him. Whether he can be used or not depends on his luck."

"Eh? Didn't you work hard for the queen?"

"Oh, how can the queen be seen by men casually."

"Oh, look at me, I'm old and confused, I'm old and confused." Ma Lao was a little excited: "I'm old and useless, I don't know anything about official affairs. From now on, I will rely on the county horse master to take care of the dog."

"I recommend it, so I don't need to say much."

(End of this chapter)

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