
Chapter 366 Don't Lie

Chapter 366 Don't Lie

Relying on the hundreds of evil monk killers in the Honghei Temple, Han Fei is still somewhat sure of it.But if this matter is resolved in such a hasty way, many things will not be explained clearly.Besides, there were many people around Han Fei, so if he was forced to kill him, Honghei Temple would pay a heavy price.However, if Honghei Temple takes such a big action, it will also anger the government, and many consequences will be unsatisfactory.As for the matter of worms, Han Fei's death will make it even more difficult to investigate.

On the way to Honghei Temple, Su Yu calmed down and rode back home.

When I got home, I continued to persuade myself to calm down, close my eyes and rest my mind, and cultivate my internal strength.



The original Luoxi Wharf office building has fallen into the hands of the Tang family, so Han Fei can only build another one on the east side.

Originally, Han Fei wanted to discuss with the Tang family that the main building should be returned to the Han family, because the four unloading ports of the Tang family are on the west, while the main building is on the east, occupying three feet of the Han family's land.But the fourth son of the Tang family did not agree, Tang Kuan only promised to pay for the construction of the wall to make up for the three feet of land.

How much is the wall worth?

But Han Fei didn't dare to offend Tang Kuan, so he let it go.

Just now because of the benefits of the Kong family's separation, Han Fei was praised by the elders of the Han family chaebol and appointed him as the supervisor of the Han family's wharf.But the building was under construction, and Supervisor Han stayed in a small dilapidated room all day long, full of depression.Seeing the main building of the Tang family eat up three feet of his own land made him even more depressed.

The follower Lao Zhang walked in quickly, and said in a low voice: "Qiye, the Tang family has announced that if any problems are found, the perpetrators will be required to double the compensation."

"Hmph!" Han Fei shook his robe sleeves and stood up: "Why is he looking for compensation? There is a problem with his family's accounts, and no one else can blame him."

"But..., Master Qi, that little maid is unreliable, and she will tell if the Tang family forces her even a little bit."

"Haha, there is a problem with his family's accounts, and if he finds a maid to take care of it, do you think other people are fools?" Han Fei sneered twice: "I kept that maid just to disgust Su Yu. This time I lost money. It's him, Su Yu, not the Tang family, so we don't have to worry about the Tang family's revenge. As for the little girl, her father owes the Han family money, so what's the problem with me going to collect the debt for the family? What does it have to do with me if she writes the wrong account? Hasn't her father's debt been forgiven? Why do you say that I forced her to change the debt? I don't admit it!"

"Qi Ye, the bill you tore up that day..."



Han Fei looked out of the window with cold eyes: "This time the Kong family split up, it's that surnamed Su who ruined my good. Let's settle this account slowly."

Han Fei believes that even if Tang Xiaofei tells the truth, the matter of the Grain and Rice Chamber of Commerce will not be enough to change.But this incident was enough to disgust Su Yu, and it gave Su Yu a big shit bowl.At this time, Su Yu was still only a candidate for Princess Chang'an, if his reputation was too bad, he would be kicked away by the proud Princess Chang'an.At that time, he will not be from the Tang family, and the Tang family will not care about Su Yu's fatal blow.

"Qi Ye, four masters of the Qingcheng faction have found you."

"Very good, slaughter the sheep at noon and serve it. No! Not at noon, I will serve it well for every meal in the future!"


Han Fei laughed a few times: "When the master arrives, I have nothing to worry about at all. The dozens of people on the pier are all mine. Even if he moves the Honghei Temple, I am not afraid. Old Zhang, Jin Wuwei's side Is it over?"

"It's been sorted out. If someone makes trouble, we will arrive as soon as possible."

"Very good, very good!" Han Fei laughed a few times, and hammered the table: "Su, don't think that I only have one trick! When I was messing around, you didn't grow any hair yet!"



Lamp time.

Chang'an County Lord's Mansion.

As soon as Lin Wan came back from Luoxi Wharf, she led the horse behind the ear room, when she heard sharp yelling from the princess's house.

Lin Wan climbed the stairs quickly, and saw Tang Ling'er furious and glaring, Tang Xiaofei knelt on the ground and shivered.

The princess said: "Tang Xiaopang, how dare you lie to me!"

"Don't dare to lie to the Princess, everything I say is true!"

"I asked someone to ask, your father's debt to stay in the Han family is still there, how to explain this!"

"What... what? Impossible princess, Xiaonu saw it with his own eyes, Han Fei tore up the debt!"

"If you don't admit it, drag it out and give me twenty lashes!"

Wang Xun didn't think otherwise, strode over, grabbed Tang Xiaopang by the neck and dragged him outside.Tang Xiaopang was dragged to the ground, crying loudly.But he was repeatedly kicked by Wang Xun, and soon after he heard the bang bang sound of being dragged down the stairs.

Lin Wan bravely said: "Princess, calm down. Xiaopang has been with you since she was a child, and I have watched her grow up. Although this child is a bit naive, she never dares to lie."

Lin Wan still didn't know what happened, Tang Ling'er was still angry, and told Lin Wan the general situation, and finally said: "I betrayed the family for the sake of the small family, and I can give her a chance to speak, which is a gift to her. But she It’s really hateful that you don’t tell me the truth.”

Lin Wan said: "Since Han Fei persecuted Zha, why not go to the Han family to seek justice?"

The princess said: "There are internal thieves, and I haven't figured out what happened to my own family. Why go to someone else's house to ask for justice? Besides, I have sent someone to ask, and they said that Tang An's debts have not been paid, why not let him go?" Someone asked for it? They even showed Tang An's debt, how can I believe Tang Xiaofei's words? As she said, it was Han Fei who forced him to change the account, but Han Fei didn't give up a penny, so she changed it? Who would believe this? If we go to other places to say this, even if others believe it, they will laugh their ass off. The princess's mansion has raised such a stupid servant!"

Lin Wan begged: "Princess, twenty whips are too heavy, and the little girl can't bear it. Otherwise, I haven't figured out this matter anyway, so I owe it first. If I figure it out, it really is this girl talking nonsense." Ba Dao, we will treat her together when the time comes. Keeping her now is also a confession."

Tang Ling'er thought for a while, then sighed, "Then you give her to Tang Yun first, and lock her up."

"Here!" Lin Wan bowed and said goodbye.


Su Yu stood at the moon gate with his hands in his hands. Xiao Huan, Tong Yu, Lao Huang, Tong Xi, and Wan Yanqing held the moon gate, pressing one on top of the other like an arhat, and looked around the front yard.

Seeing Tang Xiaofat being dragged out crying, Wang Xun pushed her down, and the swordsman of the Tang Mansion pressed the little girl to the ground, ready to draw back her trousers for execution.

Seeing this, Su Yu frowned.

Su Yu didn't tell Tang Ling'er what Tang Xiaofei said, but this Tang Xiaofei actually came to the door and begged the princess to punish him.In the afternoon, Tang Ling'er did not punish her, but sent someone to Lushunfang to find the Han family to verify some things.But when those people came back, the Princess' mood changed suddenly.The voice of the princess is sonorous and powerful.The yard was very quiet, and everyone was listening to what the Princess had to say.In a high and low voice, I heard the princess saying that Tang Xiaofei was lying to her.This is right in the heart of the princess, and it will explode immediately.

Not long after, Lin Wan walked over quickly and said something to Wang Xun.Later, Lin Wan helped Tang Xiaofei up and took him out of the princess mansion.The little chubby maid who looked like a porcelain doll was crying as she walked, looking so pitiful.For this reason, Su Yu shook his head.

Tong Xi said angrily: "You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't spoil our master. You deserve it for beating her, stinky ball!"

Old Huang praised: "Our little Xi'er is right, Grandpa Huang loves to hear it."

Su Yu sighed and said, "Old Huang, don't lead the child down."

"Where is the old slave wrong?"

"Anyway, I don't want her to scold people like you do."

"Young Master, what do you think we should do with this matter? Then Han Feiming pretended to be targeting Young Master." Old Huang said harshly, "Why don't you leave this matter to this old slave!"

"What can you do?"

"The old slave burned incense and summoned the old Lu Yinhun. The two of us worked together to wring Han Fei's head off and stuff it in his eyes!"

"..., you better stop talking." Su Yu took out the money and handed it to Lao Huang: "Go and buy wine."

"Master, what this old servant said is true."

"Yes, it is true. I believe it."

Su Yu didn't go back to his own room, but went up to the princess's small building and sat in the study.

Tang Ling'er seemed to be in a stable mood, with no expression on her face.But the strange thing is, it feels like her temper seems to be a little bit bigger, but she just suppressed it: "Jinfeng, I actually believe Tang Xiaofat's words."

"Then you still..." Seeing Tang Linger's expression, Su Yu suddenly didn't want to ask, nodded and said: "Well, I believe it too."

Tang Ling'er said: "Han Fei's actions are aimed at you, not at the Tang family and Ouyang Jing. The Han family conveyed Han Fei's words. The reason why they didn't force Tang An to repay the debt was to save the Tang family's face. This time The compensation condition proposed by the Chamber of Commerce to the Tang family is to confiscate the grain and rice you hoarded, not to ask the Tang family to pay compensation. Although the rice belonged to Ouyang Jing, it was lost because of you."

Su Yu said: "Being trustworthy for a businessman, let alone a friend. I will bear the loss, and I owe him."

I thought Tang Linger was angry because of this incident, but she didn't expect her to change the subject: "I also know why Han Fei targeted you. It must be because of the separation of the Kong family."

Su Yu looked up at the princess: "I think so too."

Tang Ling'er stared at Su Yu, and said coldly, "But apart from the separation of the Kong family, there should be one more thing, I hope Jin Feng will tell me."

"……What's up?"

"I hope it comes out of your mouth." Tang Linger's face was gloomy, and she seemed to be gnashing her teeth and added, "Don't lie."

(End of this chapter)

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