
Chapter 367

Chapter 367
How the princess's temper suddenly shifted to him is really confusing.

It's not a matter of lying or not, it's just not knowing what's going on.Seeing Tang Ling'er's angry face, seeming to stare, it seemed to be a very serious matter.

What did she hear?
Su Yu frowned and thought about it, could it be that Tang Linger discovered some of his fixed assets?
But the last time she found out, she didn't see how angry she was.She just said, "What's yours is mine too," and then gave a reprimand, so that she wouldn't be as pale as she is now.

What the princess can't tolerate the most is that others lie to her.But Su Yu also had some control over Tang Linger's temper - he couldn't lie, but he could hide it.These are two similar concepts, but there is a difference between them.To avoid talking about it is to conceal it, and to say it is not true is to deceive.But Su Yu also discovered that Tang Linger was suspected of deliberately "shaping the character design".For example, she clearly believed Tang Xiaofei's words, but she still wanted to get angry.A freak like her who grew up in a scheming environment has used her temper as a tool. I really don't know if her expression is real or not.

Taking another look, it doesn't look like a fake...

What was it that annoyed her?
The first thought in Su Yu's mind was to pick a small matter to test, but later he felt that Tang Ling'er's complexion was getting worse and worse, so he didn't want to test it at all.If it wasn't for the matter of probing, it would add fire to her instead.

"I don't know what else could cause Han Fei to attack me. Maybe I offended him unintentionally."

Hearing this, Tang Linger's eyes became sharper, but Su Yu didn't look at her and let her stare blankly.

Su Yu didn't look at Tang Ling'er, but Lin Wan could see clearly.Lin Wan, like Wang Xun, Wang Xiu, and Chen Qi, has been serving three-year-old Tang Linger since she was eight years old.But Lin Wan was more delicate than those people, she observed more and pondered more.It can be said that since Princess Changxia passed away, the person who knows Miss Fifteen best in the world is Lin Wan.

Lin Wan felt that Miss was going to have a fit, but she just held back.But when she just came back, she didn't know why Tang Ling'er was so annoyed with Su Yu, she asked Wang Xun secretly, and Wang Xun whispered a few words.

Lin Wan leaned over and said softly: "Maybe there is some misunderstanding here, or someone deliberately framed it. If it is true, there will be no result even if you ask until dawn. Why don't you just speak up."

"It's hard to say!" Tang Ling'er was still angry, ignored Lin Wan, and continued to stare at Su Yu: "Let me ask you, do you have no bad intentions when you often go to the Kong family? I have seen some concubines of the Kong family. Each one is more coquettish than the other. I heard that the remaining fifteen members of his family are also of the same kind. You always run to Beishi. After Kong Shuo died, you ran more diligently. You are so kind just to be the one The so-called foster father? There are many foster fathers in the world, and no one is more diligent than you!"

Although he hasn't said anything specific yet, at least he has settled down on the tone, so Su Yu feels relieved.So he said: "I walk straight and straight, and I am not afraid of the shadow. When I go to Kong's house, I never meet any wife alone. One of Kong's eldest son and second son must be by my side. There are their proofs." , I am not afraid of others gossiping about me."

"Let me ask you, that day when the Kong family separated, did you ever fight Han Fei?"


"Why do you do it?"

"It was he who initiated the incident."

"You won?"

"That's it."

"Han Fei brought a dozen thugs, you only brought Xiao Huan Tongyu, Xiao Huan Tongyu hasn't participated in the fight yet, has it?"


"Heh, you are really good, you beat more than a dozen by yourself?"

"They didn't all do it. Xiaohuan Tongyu can prove the situation at that time."

"Speak frankly. If you are so frank, but I sent someone to Han's house today, but I heard your gossip there! What can I say?" The princess's tone was sonorous, and she no longer concealed her anger.

"What gossip? Who said it? And who heard about it?" Su Yu asked continuously, his words seemed angry.

"Then don't worry about it. Anyway, Kong Han said that the child in the womb is yours." Tang Ling'er became angry: "Kong Shuo had an illness one month before his death, and if you count the time after his death, the child must not be his. .Only you often go to Kong’s house, and she says it’s yours, but you still deny it?”

Su Yu spoke quickly: "Kong Han has an affair with Duan Youde, and Kong Ting knows about it. A while ago, Kong Jiao, the son of Kong Shuo's family, couldn't understand Duan Youde, so he went to assassinate him. I didn't avoid people, I believe that with the help of the princess's eyes and ears, I have already noticed it. Especially when I came the last time, Kong Jiao had a bandage on his head, I believe someone could have seen it."

Su Yu looked directly at Wang Xun: "Wang Xun, did you hear the rumors? Are you sure that those words are true? Have you investigated? If you haven't investigated, should you just tell the princess directly?"

Wang Xun said: "The servant does not dare to be slack in serving the princess. What the slave hears and sees, he must tell the princess everything. This is the duty of the servant and the requirement of the "Tang Family Law."

Su Yudao: "Loyalty can also be divided into wisdom and foolishness."

Wang Xun said: "A slave has little wisdom, so he can only be foolish and loyal."

Su Yu still wanted to talk, but Tang Ling'er said, "Don't scold the servant, she's not wrong!"

Tang Ling'er's anger was almost dissipated. Seeing Wang Xun's fire and the possibility of the princess' eruption again, Lin Wan comforted her and said, "Isn't this matter already explained clearly, why are you still arguing about it? I believe that Su Beixuan will not Do something like that. Besides, we don’t question so many witnesses, why bother to question each other here? Isn’t this putting the cart before the horse? Princess, it’s getting late, Su Beixuan should retreat early to avoid suspicion.”

Su Yu sighed in his heart, "Changing people is like changing knives". It would be great if Tang Linger was surrounded by sister Lin Wan.

Su Yu didn't leave immediately, and Tang Linger didn't chase him away either.The two seem to be brewing emotions, and they don't want to end their meeting today in the form of a quarrel.

Wang Xun kept a straight face and said nothing, and she couldn't say anything.

Lin Wan looked around, squatted down, and grabbed the princess's hand.It may be that the princess's hands were cold, and she covered them in the palm of her hand, and said with a gentle smile: "I want to say that the princess also believes in Su Beixuan, otherwise why do I have to ask these in front of the slaves. Now Someone deliberately framed it, this is what we should pay attention to. Others have ulterior motives, we don’t follow other people’s ways. If you feel that Xiao Huan is inappropriate, just let Wang Xun follow Su to choose, it’s foolproof.”

Tang Ling'er restrained her emotions and calmed down: "Starting tonight, Wang Xun will follow Su to prepare for the whole day. It is very hard for Lin Wan to go out early and return late every day, so let Xiao Huan come to my room to serve her."

After finishing speaking, Tang Linger glanced over, as if asking.

Su Yu's brain hurt for a while, but he said calmly: "This is a wonderful move."

That night, Wang Xun and Xiao Huan changed the guard.

When Lao Huang saw Wang Xun entering the house with the quilt in his arms...

"Damn! Who's the trouble?"

Lao Huang pointed at Sang and scolded Huai at the door of the side room: "I hate that Ouyang Jing the most. He does all kinds of business with our young master, but he doesn't care about his business and acts as the shopkeeper. His rice was confiscated. Why is it ours? The young master bears the burden for him? There is no credit but hard work, can’t one person share half of it? My mother’s most annoying thing is him, and he keeps running to the young master’s house while licking his face. I’m so disgusting! I’m a piece of stinky meat Don't you know? Open the window to release the smell, don't smoke my young master."

As soon as Lao Huang yelled, Tong Xi pushed the window open.

The little princess Wan Yanqing blinked: "Huh~, what are you doing? Why didn't I smell it?"

Although precocious, the child is still too young to see what these people are doing.

Su Yu smiled wryly, and asked Xiao Huan to take the child away.At night, the little princess Jia still has to go to sleep in the house of Princess Chang'an.In addition, Wan Yanqing was reminded to learn more elegant dialects and speak less local dialects.But the little guy said that the local language sounds more exciting.However, she also assured Su Yu that she would not speak the local language when meeting those people.

The outer room of the ear room is very small, usually Xiao Huan and Tong Yu are squeezed together on the same bed, and the two of them are not too hot in midsummer.

In the past, the second slave didn't say anything, but today when Wang Xun came, the boss Tong Yu was not happy, and said to Su Yu: "Master, it's too hot today, can you move those canopy beds in the small building? That's how the middle and lower bunk beds are placed." It's more relaxed. Tong Xi doesn't have to go to the small warehouse to sleep anymore."

It's already September, and he's only complaining about the heat, which is really a bit too much.

Wang Xun knew that she was not to be seen, but she was like a dog that had left its master, and could no longer be fierce.

Su Yu thought for a while, but he couldn't promise too quickly, so he wanted to make things difficult for Tong Yu, so he said: "If you can move it, you can move it. Besides, my key has been confiscated, you have to go to the front and ask for the key."

"Xiao Nu is going now." Tong Yu ran away and went upstairs to find the princess.

I don't know how Tong Yu told the princess, but he probably wouldn't say it was hot in front of the princess.The princess handed him the key, and Lao Huang and others helped him move the canopy bed out.From then on, Tong Xi also moved to live in the outer room of the ear room.There was one more person in the room.

Back in his own room, Su Yu was also quite uncomfortable.I am used to having Xiao Huan around, and I usually call people easily.There are still a lot of small things. Usually, we have a tacit understanding with Xiao Huan. Most of the time, a glance is enough, but now we have to get in touch again.In addition, you must be careful when you do things yourself.Meiling Hall, Li's Warehouse, Tongjifang Mansion, and private properties in various workshops are not allowed to go, or cannot go often.

But going to the Honghei Temple is no problem, and with Wang Xun around, many rumors can be dispelled, which is a good thing.

In the final analysis, sister Lin Wan is better, if she is not here today, I don't know what kind of quarrel will be.

Calm down, Su Yu thought about it.

Eyeballs rolled: "Wang Xun, come here for a while. Tell me what you heard at the Han's house."

(End of this chapter)

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