
Chapter 803 Iron Wire Drilling Body

Chapter 803 Iron Wire Drilling Body
"King Qin has been away for three days, it's time for her to go back, but the Honghei Temple has not been able to find us..." Ru Shangnong, with a thin face and short beard, stood in front of a sedan chair and whispered to the people in the sedan chair.

A strong and low voice came from the sedan chair: "Then find a way for them to find it."

Ru Shangnong was slightly hesitant: "However, there are two people who can't see the depth..."

The person in the sedan chair said, "With me here, what are you afraid of?"


Tang Lian said: The reason why masters are called masters is because they have abilities that are different from ordinary people.For example, when investigating a case, some people can't find it out in their entire life, but some people can easily solve the case.

Miss Qin'er was kidnapped, and Honghei Temple panicked. They all mobilized and couldn't find anyone for three days.But Lao Huang and Lao Lu were already hanging upside down on the cornice of Tingfeng Pavilion, watching Confucian Shangnong force Tan Qin'er to commit a crime.

Of course, Huang and Lu didn't think they were very powerful, because they found that the enemy came out with Qin'er, which seemed to be a kind of provocation.

I don't know what these two old things were thinking, they didn't rush in, but hung outside for some time.They seem to want to hear something before doing it.It was not without reason that Su Yu called them "evil slaves".

But there is another possibility. They feel that the enemy is coming out to set a trap, so they become careful.

People with high skills are bold, so they have the spirit of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the mountains.

At the same time, they feel that if they go to call someone now, they are always worried about missing this opportunity.

Tan Qin'er refused to give in and cursed loudly.At this time, I don't know where Ru Shangnong found a beggar, gave the beggar a pill, and then drank a sip of wine.

Not long after, something terrible happened. The beggar fell to the ground in great pain, and worms like earthworms crawled out of the seven orifices.

The worms are like iron wires, which cannot be crushed with feet, but can only be cut with a knife.But after being cut off, it can still wriggle, and when it opens its mouth, it is densely packed with teeth. When it encounters a living thing, it will bite and burrow in if the skin is broken.I pulled it out with my hands, but the worm had mucus on it, and it was slippery, and I watched the worm get in.

There were still seven or eight people in the room at the time, and when they saw such a strange insect, they all changed their colors.

Only the man in the cloak, hiding his face remained motionless.

"My God, what is this thing? Don't hurt Qin'er!"

Lao Huang was in a hurry, turned over in the air, like an ape, and jumped into the building swinging with one hand.

Lao Huang rushed in, but Lao Lu didn't, but moved to the back.Old Lu's internal strength was not as good as that of Huang, but his lightness kung fu was superior to Huang's. After a few dodges, he came to the opposite window.The two old slaves have cooperated for decades, and they have always followed this routine. Lao Huang fights frontally, and Lao Lu strikes from behind.

Suddenly, Ru Shangnong stared, and saw a white-haired old man in loose clothes standing there with angry eyes and pinched his waist.Ru Shangnong twisted his fist, relying on his internal strength in the middle of the Ninth Realm, he had few opponents, so he was quite confident.With force under his feet, he jumped up shaking his shoulders, and punched him.A light blue breath draws out a rainbow.

Lao Huang stood as steady as Mount Tai, and when Ru Shangnong approached, he stomped his feet.

Suddenly seeing dragon-shaped patterns appear on the floor, the golden dragon twisted and turned.Wherever the dragon body, dragon claws, dragon head, dragon beard, and dragon tail passed by, no one was spared. The tables, chairs, and benches were broken and scattered.Everyone in the room fell to the ground, only the man in the cloak didn't move, when the dragon shape touched him, there seemed to be a layer of protection within three feet around him.The two breaths collided, making the sound of gold and stone.

Ru Shangnong's flying fist was less than a foot away from Lao Huang. Lao Huang raised his hand, and a golden dragon shadow flew in front of him and hit Ru Shangnong. Ru Shangnong was lifted up and hit him. The roof fell to the ground.

In fact, before Ru Shangnong was beaten, he already regretted it.When Lao Huang made a move, he was ready to guard against it, so this move was not fatal. As soon as he landed, he bounced up again and jumped out from the rear window.

At this time, one hand grabbed down from the back window, and it was about to grab Ru Shangnong, but saw the other hand grabbing Lao Lu's hand.


The reason why Lao Huang stepped on it was because he found someone rushing towards Tan Qin'er.He knocked the group of people to the ground with one kick, leaving a little strength to deal with Ru Shangnong, so Ru Shangnong took his life and jumped out of the window to escape.Lao Lu was about to arrest him, but saw another hand stretched out.

That hand looked like it was made of metal, as hard as a hook, with golden lights blooming at the fingertips.This seemed to be a master of the eleventh realm, Lao Lu didn't dare to confront him, so he stopped.

"Chen Qianfen?!"

Lao Lu yelled, but the man didn't answer, he circled in the air and ran away with Ru Shangnong.

Lao Huang chased to the window to have a look, but he didn't chase, and neither did Lao Lu. This was a habit the two had developed for decades.Always remember what your primary mission is.They protected Emperor Wanlong back then, and the two did the same.

"You blind donkey, where is Chen Qianfen? Did you dig it out of the grave?" Lao Huang scolded.

Lao Lu frowned and said, "That man is wearing a mask, but his move just now is indeed very similar to Chen Qianfen's Eagle Claw Kungfu."

Regardless of whether that person was Chen Qianfen or not, he had already run away anyway.Even if it was Chen Qianfen, when he met Lao Huang, he could at most be evenly divided, not to mention that there was an old Lu hidden behind him.

There were still a few people in the room, some crawling on the ground, some wailing in pain.There was also a beggar who died on the ground, and it had begun to rot and smell like a pool of mud, which was horrible.A group of wireworms came out of the beggar's corpse, crawled towards other people, and gnawed at anyone they met, and burrowed into the body.

But Lao Huang found that this kind of insect can't leave the host for too long, and it can't move after climbing a foot.

Step on it, the body of the bug is very hard and brittle.

"Stop playing."

Lao Lu came to Qin'er.

Originally, Tan Qin'er was lying on the table, but now the legs of the table were shattered by Lao Huang, and Qin'er rolled to the ground.A wireworm crawled towards Qin'er, but halfway through, mucus spewed out from its body, stuck itself to the floor, twisted a few times and then stopped moving.

Lao Huang ran over, stepped on his foot again, and heard a loud noise.


Prince Geng's Mansion, the inner courtyard.

Tang Xu, a staff member, sat on the table and said with a beaming smile: "The concubine's nephew is indeed a master, with extraordinary skills. In a short period of time, she planted poisonous poison on Tan Qiner's body. It also made her see the horror of poisonous hair. I Think, she will cooperate."

"Hehe, that's good." Concubine Feng nodded in satisfaction, and immediately asked: "Who is that masked man? There are not many Liang Chaos with such a master."

Tang Xu said: "This person's identity is mysterious, and he refuses to reveal it. But judging from the accent, the old man should be from the Southern Jin Dynasty."

"Oh, they are from the Southern Dynasty." The concubine took a sip of the red wine in the Tang Dynasty glass, twisting her hand, "It is said that there are many masters in the Southern Dynasty. It seems that this is true."

"Toffee don't listen to those rumors." Tang Xu put down his chopsticks: "Actually, the masters in the southern and northern dynasties are almost the same. The reason why the southern dynasties seem to be more than the northern dynasties is because the books and newspapers in the southern dynasties are well developed and appear lively."

The concubine smiled, and said to the three prostitutes beside her: "Martial arts are one aspect, and wisdom is another aspect. If you want to achieve great things, you need both. Although my nephew Ru Shangnong is not as good as you in martial arts, but his mind is extraordinary, The three of you should also learn a little bit. In addition, I think the three of you staying at home all day is a waste of good materials. Why don’t you follow Ru Shangnong to do things together. What do you think?”

Zhao Ling nodded and said, "I would like to obey my mother's order."

The concubine said with satisfaction: "Very good, very good. With the help of my three sons, my nephew is like a tiger with wings."


Yongtai Square, Tongtian Building.

The phoenix-tailed hawk hugged its stomach in pain and lay prone on the mat, while a bloody mass flowed out on the ground.

The child was formed, but it didn't look like a person.Su Maosheng once saw strange pigs in the neighbor's pigsty, which looked like elephants; the freaks produced by phoenix-tailed hawks were also nondescript, with huge and protruding eyeballs, but hollow nostrils and mouths...

"Su Maosheng! You don't keep your word! You are a villain!"

The phoenix-tailed hawk was pierced by Su Maosheng's finger, which happened in an instant, and the phoenix-tailed hawk had no time to react.

Of course, there are not many people who can escape Su Laodao's sudden blow.

And Su Maosheng's finger, of course, was learned from Lao Huang.

They were originally geniuses of the same level, and Su Maosheng quickly learned this trick.But Lao Huang would not teach him for nothing, and Lao Huang also obtained the complete copy of "The Great Shift of the Universe" from him.However, Su Maosheng warned thousands of times, saying that the fifth level should not be practiced easily.Lao Huang said, get the hell out of here.

Su Maosheng wrapped the dead fetus in a piece of red cloth, took it out and burned it, and then went back to the house with a bucket to clean it.He kept his head to work, not saying a word from beginning to end.

The phoenix-tailed hawk could stop the bleeding by itself, but after hemostasis, his face was still pale, and he fell on the mat weakly, continuing to curse: "You stinky Taoist priest, the first day I saw your eyes, I knew you liked me, but you I never said it, why is that?"

Su Maosheng didn't answer, and continued mopping the floor.

The phoenix-tailed hawk smiled wryly, and sarcastically said: "Slave, a born slave, I look down on you so much! With your martial arts, it's not surprising that you start a sect, but you just want to be a slave. You will be loyal to that magic stick for the rest of your life, but what will happen to you?" gone?"

Seeing that Su Maosheng still didn't speak, the phoenix-tailed hawk emphasized: "You know that my body can be given to anyone you want, but you don't want it from me. You deserve it."

Su Maosheng kept silent, cleaned up the blood stains on the ground, and left with a bucket and a mop.

The phoenix-tailed hawk thought that Su Maosheng had been scolded and ran away by her, but soon he saw Su Maosheng bringing up a plate with hot porridge on it and sliced ​​pastrami that the phoenix-tailed hawk loved to eat.

Beef was in short supply in the Liang Dynasty.Ordinary people may not eat it a few times in a lifetime.But since Su Maosheng came to the phoenix-tailed hawk, she can eat a meal almost every day.

The phoenix-tailed hawk wanted to scold him a few more words, but swallowed the harsh words back.

(End of this chapter)

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