
Chapter 804

Chapter 804
"The first regiment is the regiment directly under King Qin. We can only win, not lose!"

"Any team can coax, but we can't!"

"There's only one person left, and you have to win! Lose, it's for the corpse!"

Dang Mao, a military student, spoke in a high-pitched voice before the war.

Dang Mao is not good looking, throw him on the street, no one will pay attention to him.

Some people just need long-term observation to discover his ability.Perhaps because of their personalities, they didn't show their talents like Cao Renfeng from the beginning.

These people usually like to be quiet and alone, and observe others secretly. They can understand Cao Renfeng's words and deeds, but they don't act like Cao Renfeng.

Obviously, this kind of people are at a disadvantage, and "fate" is extremely important to them.It is his "fate" and Su Yu's "luck" that Su Yu can find someone like him.

This kind of people need the strong support of noble people in order to let their talents show.Just like the old saying, Maxima often exists, but bole does not often exist.

Throughout history, when dynasties change, a group of prime ministers and generals can emerge in a county, which just shows the strength of leaders.Leaders can spot them and take advantage of them.Liu Bang, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei are all such typical representatives.

Su Yu believes that Xiongxiong's greatest ability is to know people.It is impossible for Xiongxiong to do everything by himself, the generals under his command are charging for him, and the military division will strategize for him.Although it is not ruled out that Ming Chengzu Zhu Di is a fierce man who chases after the Hu people taking the lead, but their ability to know people must not be bad.

Liu Bei's martial arts are not as good as Guan Zhang's, Zhao Mahuang's, and Xu Yuanzhi's strategy is not as good as Crouching Dragon and Phoenix's young, but there is one in three parts of the world.

Zhuge Liang is known as a genius of gods and ghosts, Liu Bei dared to leave Adou alone, and Yafu, who had power over the government, did not rebel.

When Liu Bei was about to die, he said that Ma Di could not be reused, but Zhuge Liang used Ma Di to guard the street pavilion, and then beheaded Ma Di with tears.

When Liu Bei was alive, there were like clouds of mighty generals in the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhuge Chancellor came out of Qishan six times, and there was no great general Liao Hua in Shu as the vanguard.

Before meeting Liu Bei, Guan Yu was a murderer, Zhang Fei slaughtered pigs and dogs, and Zhao Yun was just a young general under Gongsun Zan's command.Although there are elements of fiction in the novel, Liu Bei must know people well.

Su Yu often ran to the Fourth Division, and took the trouble to correspond with the disciples of the military academy in the Fourth Division every day, of course there was a purpose.Now Su Yu was not only thinking about the fourth division, but also began to think about how he would quickly seize the new troops if King Xian handed over other divisions to him in the future.

Now that the first-level organizational system of the fourth division brigade is removed, it is to use these regiment headquarters as brigade headquarters.There will be new troops in the future, quickly deploy your own people, and don't worry that no one will be available.

Han Jian's seventh regiment had already crossed the river first, and Zhu Xiek's fourth regiment was halfway across the river when they heard that there was a fight ahead.Han Jian was brave, and with the strength of a group, he supported Zhang Zhiti's 3000 men and horses, and the fight was terrible.

To say that Zhang Zhiti was fast enough, he ran [-] miles in a few days and reached the eight passes.The battle started a day's journey away from Luoyang, but the King of Qin asked to block the news so that the people of Luoyang must not know.Otherwise, it will cause chaos and affect the economy.Letter to Cao Yuzan, there is no need to worry too much, everything is under control.

Seeing that the 11th Division was attacked at Bandu, the No. [-] Division of Yeting responded quickly, gathering troops and preparing for support.Ye Ting recruited boats from the fishermen and led five hundred riders to the rear of the battlefield.It is said that there is still a detour, to the rear, to cut off Zhang Zhiti's back.

Han Jian fought fiercely with Zhang Zhiti, and when Zhu Xieke's fourth regiment crossed the river, the two regiments merged. Seeing that Zhang Zhiti could not stop the fourth division from crossing the river, he led the troops to retreat.

"Why is Ye Ting not moving?"

Su Yu received the battle report and found that Zhang Zhiti had successfully retreated, but there was no movement from Ye Ting.Could it be that he ambushed in the wrong place?
The fourth division continued to cross the river without receiving any news from Ye Ting.One day and night, the whole division successfully crossed the river.

When the king of Qin came to the north bank, he saw more than 2000 corpses from both the enemy and us, who were being burned and buried.

The first regiment lost more than [-] people in the first battle, and it suddenly became a regular regiment from a super-organized regiment.When Zhu Xieke's fourth regiment ran over, before the fight started, Zhang Zhiti withdrew when he saw that the situation was not going well.

At this time, the No. 11 Division's passers-by came to report that Ye Ting was ambushed by the enemy when he was passing by Shuangji Mountain. After a fierce battle, only a dozen riders escaped.

Hearing this, Su Yu sighed in his heart, and Lao Ye rushed over confidently, trying to break Zhang Zhiti's back, but was beaten up.For some reason, I suddenly wanted to laugh, but King Qin asked solemnly, "How is General Ye?"

Tong Chuanbing said: "Slightly injured, I have crossed the river and returned to camp."

Ye Ting didn't come to see King Qin, probably because he felt ashamed, but Su Yu didn't blame him.They took the initiative to help, so Su Yu felt a little bit sorry for losing the battle.

Take out some money and let the passers-by take it back, even if it is to buy a bag of tea.

Gossip less, the fourth division continued to go north.

Han Jian's seventh regiment had just experienced a fierce battle and should have taken a rest, but Han Jian said that his seventh regiment was forged with iron and did not need to rest and continue to serve as the vanguard.

Su Yu ordered Zhu Xieke to follow the Seventh Regiment closely, and don't let Han Jian advance rashly.


Jingzhou City, known as Ying in ancient times, was once the capital of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

After the Qin general Baiqi broke Ying, he set up Jiangling County here, so Jingzhou City was also called Jiangling City, and it was used for more than a thousand years, with one city and two names.

Jingzhou City was built with blue bricks, with high walls and thick walls, and a majestic gate tower.The whole city is rectangular, about eight miles from east to west, three miles from north to south, and 22 miles from the city wall.Although the area of ​​the city wall is small, it is extremely rich. There are many high-rise buildings in the city, and rich households are everywhere.

This is the old nest of the Meng family, and most of the wealthy households here are related to the Meng family.The patriarch of their family lives here, but the family members are spread all over Jiangnan Road.

The land tax reform has brought down those rich households whose main business is land, but those who are mainly commercial are still there. They control various businesses, and almost all profitable transactions are monopolized.

Here, a person's life, old age, sickness and death cannot be separated from the chaebol.Food, housing, buying clothes, seeking medical advice, and buying coffins are all the property of the chaebols.

Moreover, this group of people raised armed militias and hired well-known swordsmen.It is precisely because of this that the commercial tax reform is difficult.If it is implemented forcefully, it will inevitably lead to strong resistance.If you go to war, it is no less than scraping the bone to heal the wound.

However, in order to completely change the economic outlook of the Liang Dynasty, the rulers of the golden generation of the Liang Dynasty made a decision to implement the tax reform policy.The characteristics of this generation were recognized and appreciated by Emperor Wanlong long ago, so he lamented that "if this generation cannot unify China, it will be a waste of good talents".

Prime Minister Liang Meng Danqing came to Jingzhou City in person to take command.Although there are Tang Zhen's successful examples first, Meng Xiang has a different view.

Perhaps because of the impact of the Yanyun War, Tang Zhen sped up the pace of tax reform and triggered large-scale riots.And Meng Danqing planned to take three steps to avoid riots as much as possible.It is inevitable, and then send troops to suppress it.

"Call the patriarchs of the families in the city, and I plan to talk to them at the banquet. But whoever is willing to hand over their family property, I guarantee that they will not be poor in the future. In order to reassure them, I will first give them a knighthood, and then Win their children and grandchildren into the family, as officials. Even participate in tax reform."

Gathering all the generals in the White Crane Tower, Meng Danqing sat upright in the hall:

"I think there must be some guys who are obedient and obedient. They agreed at the banquet, but turned around and ran away. Therefore, before the banquet is over, close the four gates of the city, and no one will try to escape. If they don't come to the banquet at all, Or if we have already left Jingzhou, we should not rush to do it. Because these arrangements are only the first step."

Meng Danqing stood up: "Subduing the enemy without fighting is the best strategy. We acted ahead of time and surrounded several large households without fighting. I believe they can see the situation clearly. Tell the divisions along the river to withdraw all Participate in tax reform. I have contacted the right minister of the Southern Jin Dynasty, and he said that the Jin Dynasty has no intention of attacking the Liang Dynasty. I believe what the right minister said."

Sitting next to Meng Xiang were two middle-aged men, both of whom were the most capable aides in Meng Xiang's mansion, both of whom were from the imperial examination. One was Fang Yue and the other was Guo Yu.

Meng Danqing didn't say the second step, so he walked to the map to make military deployment.

After the generals took orders to leave, Meng Danqing turned to ask his staff: "Have the arrangements for Fuzhou been made?"

Fang Yue, who was wearing a blue robe, stood up and said, "According to the plan, everything has been ordered."

Meng Danqing didn't speak, but glanced at Guo Yu.

Meng Ruan was in Fuzhou, Fang Yue predicted that Meng Ruo would not dare to come to Jingzhou, but Meng Ruo would send troops to participate in the tax reform.As long as you send him the plan, he will execute it.At that time, the soldiers in Fuzhou City will disperse, and Meng Danqing can take advantage of the vacancy and lead his troops to kill Fuzhou.

But Guo Yu said that Meng Ruo dared to come.

Since the two disagreed, Guo Yu didn't say a word when discussing this topic.

Meng Danqing wanted to hear what Guo Yu had to say, but he didn't ask him to speak directly. Instead, he asked the swordsman Chang Bisheng, "How are you preparing?"

Chang Bisheng said: "As long as Meng Ruo dares to come, he will definitely die. If he doesn't die, I will die!"

Chang Bisheng's tone was sonorous, with a decisive look on his face, but Guo Yu snorted and couldn't help but attract everyone to look at him.

Guo Yu didn't wait for everyone to ask, and said, "If Xiang Meng really killed Meng Lun, he was tricked by Cao Yuzan."

Meng Danqing walked back from the map, sat in a chair, and stared at Guo Yu with frowned eyebrows.

Guo Yu continued: "That woman Cao Yuzan is scheming and cruel. She found out that Tang Zhen couldn't control her, so she started plotting against the Meng family. Assassinating Meng Lun was only her first step. And in our Flying Tiger Army, the last Who can fight? The only one who can compete with Tang Zhen is Flying Tiger General Meng Ruan. The word "Flying Tiger General" was bestowed by Emperor Wanlong back then. Emperor Wanlong once said that the Meng family There is Zizhao, Wu has Pingshan, both civil and military are perfect, perfect combination. Now that civil and military are not in harmony, any loss will break the Meng family's wing."

Hearing this, Meng Danqing chuckled and twirled his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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