
Chapter 805

Chapter 805
After crossing the Yellow River, it is only [-] miles away from Taiyuan, but the [-]-mile journey is not easy.

Zhang Zhiti rebelled in the year of his destiny, which shows how determined he is and how much preparation he has made.He not only made military preparations, but also created rumors to incite the people.He said that King Qin wants to take back the land that was distributed to everyone last year, and he is personally leading troops to collect it.

Zhang Zhiti sent troops disguised as officers and soldiers of the Xuanjia Army, looted supplies everywhere, destroyed farmland, forced the people to hand over their land, and created tension.Then Zhang Zhiti led the Taoist soldiers to rise up, wanting to fight against the King of Qin, to do justice for the sky, and to protect the people's land.

This trick aroused the anger of the people, and they joined Zhang Zhiti's rebel team one after another, vowing to elect Zhang Zhiti as emperor and overthrow the corrupt Liang Dynasty.

Under the leadership of some people, the common people rushed into the county office, beat the county magistrate, robbed the warehouse, burned down the official building, broke down the prison door, and released the criminals.For a while, Hedong Road was in chaos, with flames everywhere.

This old fellow Zhang Zhiti was difficult to deal with, and Su Yu felt that this person was very similar to his late old friend, Kong Shuo.This kind of person has endless tricks, falsehoods and realities, and wisdom is everywhere.And the soldiers in his hand are said to have reached [-].

Regarding this statement, Su Yu didn't take it very seriously, because fighting in the cold weapon era has the habit of bluffing.For example, this time King Qin led troops to the expedition, claiming to be [-].

"The people's hearts are unstable. If we go all the way, it is very likely to lead to a protracted war. At that time, our rear will not be supplied in time, and we will easily collapse. If we send vanguards to kill, we will have many people behind to protect the food roads. , Now there is not enough troops. So I decided to change the style of play: to stabilize the people's hearts, and to fight every step of the way."

After crossing the Yellow River and reaching the border of Zezhou, it was less than a hundred miles away. They closed the village in Tianjing, set up a list to calm the people, spread news, publicized the tax reform policy, and emphasized that the land obtained by the people from the tax reform last year will never be taken back.

He also said that those who went to the county government to beat, smash, loot and burn because they were deceived by Zhang Zhiti, as long as they surrendered themselves, they would all be considered innocent.However, he has to serve in the army for a few months and help the army deliver supplies.When the war is over, pay and go home.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiti's garrison in Jincheng, the capital of Zezhou, was also making a big splash, saying that the King of Qin led [-] troops to garrison Tianjingguan to let the people evacuate quickly and stay away from the war zone.

But Zhang Zhiti soon discovered that he was no match for the King of Qin in the public opinion propaganda war.King Qin has more tricks than him.The king of Qin said, let the people pass the news, and those who pass it will be rewarded, and they will be given money.Pass one family, give [-] yuan, and the upper limit is [-] yuan, so that people can come directly to Tianjingguan to withdraw money.

Although the money was not much, King Qin really gave money, and King Qin didn't care whether this person really delivered the news.Just come and give.

Su Yu just took advantage of people's mentality of taking advantage of small things to speed up the spread of news. As a result, the news of receiving money was more effective than posting a list to calm the people, and the speed of spreading was extremely fast.

Zhang Zhiti saw that he could not deal with King Qin, so he decided to retreat.And block the news along the way, sabotage, arrest young men.Also asked Taiyuan Mansion to speed up the pace and send some more soldiers.Let out cruel words, saying that he will fight the king of Qin in Luzhou.

Qin Wangbing won Jincheng without bloodshed, and was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he continued to set up a list to calm the people, and at the same time launched tax reform.The wealthy local gentry were arrested, their hands were tied, a small flag was planted around their necks, and they were paraded through the streets to show the public.Take out the property of the rich families of the gentry and donate it to the poorest people.

Gathering nearly ten thousand people in front of the government office, King Qin stood on the high platform, raised his arms and shouted:

"Folks, I am Zhao Yu, King of Qin. I came to see you today to tell you the truth and not to be fooled by gentry like Zhang Zhiti. Our tax reform this time is aimed at them and will send their money to you! God! Everyone is only given one life, so why should he be a nobleman and get something for nothing, while our working people have to suffer? I think this is unfair! We will smash the old system, the old pattern, and let the people benefit!"

The people boiled and shouted Long live King Qin.

Continue to increase the publicity of commercial tax reform to let the people know the truth. At this time, the people cursed Zhang Zhiti and threatened that he would not understand his hatred if he ate meat.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.But the king of Qin led his troops to Hedong, and instead of fighting, he engaged in public opinion all day long.

But quite effective.The people spontaneously passed on the news, like a flood, and Zhang Zhiti couldn't stop the news.From village to village and from village to city, Zhang Zhiti soon lost his popular support.

And Qin Wang's soldiers have already passed through Jinzhou and rushed to Luzhou.

Keep some civil officials in Jincheng to continue to deepen the reform of the commercial tax system, and also keep the Ninth Regiment to listen to the calls of civil officials.

Although the hearts of the people were shaken, Zhang Zhiti did not admit defeat, and was even a little frenzied, arresting strong men everywhere, and killing those who did not join the army.When the Fourth Division arrived near Lucheng, they heard from Tanma that Zhang Zhiti really had [-] soldiers.


Changqiu Palace, Feixiang Palace.

Cao Yuzan fell on the couch, watching the battle reports with great interest.

The tax reform caused riots. Although there were frequent wars, compared with the attacks of 10,000+ or ​​even tens of thousands of Hu people, they were all sparks.The army of the Liang Dynasty scattered and crusaded, and the rewards were all victories. Cao Yuhan even wanted to discern the authenticity of these news.

For example, King Kang led troops to suppress bandits in Henan Province, claiming to have wiped out more than [-] people and captured thousands of people.Now King Kang is asking Cao Yuzan for food, saying that it will be supplemented for the military.One mouthful is one hundred thousand shi, he really doesn't think it's too much.Cao Yuzan pretended to be deaf and dumb, and only approved [-] liters for Kang Wang, and asked Kang Wang to go to Zhengzhou to pick it up.

Cao Yuhan's bold performance aroused the dissatisfaction of King Kang's faction, and Zhao Zhun entered the palace to hold him accountable.

Cao Yuzan refused to give in, and said sonorously, "If you give [-] shi to the thirteenth division, how much will the other divisions give?"Give [-], can the treasury granary have a surplus?As the regent, how can you not know the treasury!You still come to reprimand me, rationale?
Zhao Zhun was scolded and ran away, and Cao Yuhan returned to Changqiu Palace.

At this time Li Wantang walked in.

Cao Yuzan retreated from the others, Li Wantang said: "The reason why Ouyang Kun, the national teacher of Sangla, came to Luoyang was to take refuge. When he left Sangla, the king was dying of illness. He got the news last month that he was already dead, and the throne is not yet available. Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of the third son, Murong Hun. At the same time, Murong Hun imprisoned two elder brothers and one younger brother. Now the fifth prince, Murong Qu, is in Luoyang, so he escaped a catastrophe."

Cao Yuzan said: "Why didn't he tell you before?"

Li Wantang said: "Before, he may have other plans, but now it seems impossible to realize, so he changed his strategy."

Cao Yuzan sat up: "He wants to seek the throne for his apprentice?"

Li Wantang said: "Exactly. He said that at this time, Sangla Kingdom has less than a million people and its standing army is no more than [-]. Such a small country is most afraid of fighting on multiple fronts."

Cao Yuzan frowned: "Tell him all about his plan."

Li Wantang said: "Our family told Ouyang Kun that the Liang Dynasty can't send any troops now, and the Shence Army of the Tang family is stationed in Lanzhou. He said that there is no need for the Liang Dynasty to send troops specially, as long as he is given a secret order. Bring a secret order to find Anxi General Min Yue. He uses Min Yue's soldiers to fight from the west, while the Shence Army in the east only needs to make a feint attack. Sang La can't be shaken by Min Yue alone, but Ouyang Kun and Murong Qu The master and apprentice have an internal response in the Xining Mansion, as long as Min Yue's army is activated, the internal response will naturally be activated. At that time, the internal and external forces will attack, and the east and west will go hand in hand, and Murong Hun will surely perish."

Cao Yuzan said: "What benefits can he give me?"

Li Wantang said: "He said that if he can help Murong Qu ascend to the throne, he is willing to submit to the Liang Dynasty and give up the Hexi Corridor, and the two sides will jointly manage it."

Cao Yuzan snorted coldly: "I want a good thing, since I am a vassal, do you still want to dominate one side and share Hexi?"

Li Wantang said: "Madam, if you don't help them, how can Sang La let them out of the Hexi Corridor? How can you let Min Yue return to Beijing? Besides, our family heard that General Anxi now has more than 2 horses in his hands. "

Hearing this, Cao Yuzan's eyes lit up: "How many!"

"A conservative estimate, forty thousand."

Cao Yuzan shook his sleeves and stood up: "It would be great if my uncle returned to court. If he wants food, I will give him as much as he wants."

Cao Yuzan has an advantage that he doesn't make decisions when his head is hot.

She intends to settle the matter first.She suspected that the Sangla people might be using her relationship with Min Yue to set a trap.Originally, Sang La had nothing to do with Jiaohe City, but if Min Yue sent troops because of a secret order from Cao Yuzan and fell into Sang La's trap, wouldn't he suffer?

"I don't believe what he said, I have to go and see it myself."

Cao Yuzhan calmed down and sat back on the couch: "Since he said that he can take the secret order to Jiaohe City, it means that they can pass through the pass, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to bring one more person? Even if he can contact uncle, he is not in a hurry to make a move. I still have to go to Xining Mansion to see what kind of people their insiders are. If there are only a few dozen killers, I think it’s better to forget it. At least it’s a ten thousand commander.”

Then the two discussed the matter in detail, and Li Wantang said that he would follow Cao Yuzan's instructions.The two chatted happily, and then Li Wantang mentioned another matter.

Li Wantang was very concerned about this matter, but Cao Yuzan didn't pay much attention to it: "What's there to talk about? Let them make trouble, as long as it doesn't cause public anger."

Li Wantang said: "Your Majesty, these are not ordinary Jiang Hu people, they are now working for Prince Geng's Mansion."

Cao Yuzan snorted softly: "How big a storm can Prince Geng's Mansion cause? Then Zhao Zhun is worse than Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu has no hope of becoming emperor, and Zhao Zhun has no hope."

"But ma'am, according to our family, this is not Zhao Zhun's idea."

"I know who you're talking about, isn't it the Concubine Feng?" Cao Yuzan sneered: "It is said that a good wife and husband will not be raped, but it is not the case if a mother is disliked by a family. Then Concubine Feng first kill Zhao Yulong If she dies, she starts to kill Zhao Zhun again, I see, let her continue to work, sooner or later she will look good."

(End of this chapter)

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