
Chapter 823 The disaster of extinction

Chapter 823 The disaster of extinction
The girl was pinching the last red pill that could give her a short-term vitality, and stared at it for a moment with hot eyes.She had wanted to use the pill to show more of herself and not look so bad in her final moments.But now that Su Yu fell ill on the couch and woke up and fainted, who would he show himself to?

Putting the pill to his lips, he suddenly heard someone shouting "Lao Lu is here" at the door.Qin'er put the pills into her pocket again, struggled to get up, and walked back while supporting the rockery.Seeing Qin'er strenuously walking alone, he became angry and scolded the maidservant.There was only one maidservant in King Qin's room, so it was inevitable that she could not take good care of her. The maid was so wronged that she shed tears, so Qin'er advised Lao Huang not to scold him any more.

Lao Lu brought two kinds of medicine, saying that both of them may cure Qin'er's illness.Seeing old Lu Fengchen, the whole person has lost a lot of weight, and I feel sorry for him, but Lao Lu himself doesn't feel hard, so he just said that the young mistress should try one of them first.

It was said that both packs of medicine contained golden elixir powder, and Qin'er didn't know which one to choose, so she asked Su Yu who opened her eyes to choose.Su Yu's high fever persisted, and he lost his temper with those reckless guys just now, and now he is a little slow to react.After a while, he actually said: don't eat any of them.

Then Su Yu fell into a coma.

Lao Huang sighed, wiped away his tears and said: "The young master must have lost consciousness, don't listen to him now, I will make the decision, eat the one on the left."

Lao Lu's old problem happened again. When others say something, he must say something, so he said: "The one on the left is made by Su Maosheng. Back then, Su Changsheng and Su Changli were poisoned, and they died faster after taking his medicine. I think it's better to throw away his medicine and take the one on the right."

"Then you still..." Lao Huang seemed to be cursing, at this moment Qin'er said: "Anyway, I don't know which one is better to eat, so just choose whatever you like, don't argue with the two uncles."

The young lady called them uncles, which warmed the hearts of the two old slaves.Ke Qin'er drank the medicine of the turtle, and soon began to vomit and diarrhea, and couldn't stop at all, she lost her human form.Severely dehydrated, the face that was swollen just now quickly lost weight, and the eyes appeared bigger.But at this time, her eyes were dull, and she no longer had a sense of agility.

Feeling that Qin'er was about to die, he called a military doctor to prescribe some tonics, and poured Qin'er down again.After tossing until midnight, Qin'er fell into a deep sleep.But the next morning, the swelling started again, and the girl was in a trance, her breathing was weak, and she looked like she was dying.

At this time, King Qin's condition was also very bad.He seemed to know that Qin'er was dying, and he seemed very sad.But he was so confused by the fever that he couldn't say a whole sentence for a long time.

Lao Huang suddenly collapsed and sat on the threshold to wipe his tears.Lao Huang blamed himself for not being able to come earlier, otherwise he would have helped the young master to force the poison as soon as possible, and this would not have happened.

At that time, there were many people outside the gate. They stayed up all night and guarded the gate. Suddenly they heard Lao Huang yelling loudly. Some people mistakenly thought that King Qin was dead, so a group of people burst into tears.A large group of soldiers cried and howled, their voices were earth-shattering, Qin Bairen ran out to explain soon after.

Feeling sad for a while, Lao Huang returned to the house, tried to calm down, and thought about Qin'er who was more seriously ill, pointing to the medicine bag and said: "Now I can only try Su Laosan's medicine. Even if I die, I will let the young lady go." Have fun."

Su Yu sat up suddenly, his face was flushed, he pointed at Lao Huang and said, "Don't experiment here, I asked you to filter the mildew with vegetable oil, did you follow suit?"

Just as Lao Huang was about to answer, Su Yu became limp again, and the maid helped him to fall down.Lao Huang sighed and went out to work.

Lao Lu and the military doctor went to boil the medicine, opened their teeth and gave it to Qin'er.After pouring it, Qin'er didn't respond at all.Lao Lu sighed, and stood on the threshold with a sad face.

These two old slaves serve the young master and the young mistress.Lao Lu was so exhausted after traveling thousands of miles back and forth that he sat on the threshold and fell asleep.

The generals of the Fourth Division surrounded the door, sighing.

The sun was setting, the lights were still on in the room, and the servant girl fell asleep lying on the side of the couch.

From time to time there was movement outside the door, Lao Huang was still dispensing penicillin according to the young master's instructions.And Lao Lu was overtired and fell asleep in the lower room.In Lao Huang's words, Lao Lu was tired.

Lao Lu is really not easy.At the age of [-], he traveled long distances across mountains and rivers for more than ten consecutive days, and supported the whole screen with a single breath of heart.He came to the war-torn land with medicine, but failed to cure the young mistress' illness, but saw that the young master was also seriously ill.Lao Lu's spiritual support is gone, and people are exaggerating.

Sigh, after all, it is still old.

In his sleep, Su Yu suddenly felt a pain in his leg, and when he looked up, Qin'er was biting the wound on his leg.

It turned out that Qin'er woke up just now, moved a bit, felt that the poison had not been released, but felt that her body was getting heavier, so she took out the last pill and swallowed it.After swallowing it, she became more energetic and had some strength. She lifted the quilt and saw the wound on Su Yu's leg, which was red, swollen, festered, and rotten. She bit it.

Su Yu woke up from the pain, sat up, grabbed Qin'er's shoulder, trying to tear her away, but she clung to Su Yu's leg tightly.

"Old Huang, Old Huang!" Su Yu yelled weakly, "Come in!"


Lao Huang said, our young master must be a god who descended into the world. The old man grew up staring at the young master, and never knew that the young master would prepare this kind of potion.

Sigh, Lao Lu, do you know when the young master learned it?Well, don't talk, I know you must not know.

Seeing that the young master and young mistress were about to die, but after drinking that potion, they miraculously came back to life.Within a few days, they sat by the grass pond and watched the sunset together.

Too bad the wartime romance was short-lived.The damn Zhang Zhiti led the entire Zhang family and started a great migration.Fifty thousand soldiers and horses plus several thousand members of Zhang's clan, like a swarm of locusts heading south, they cleaned up everything they went like scraping the ground, causing the people to suffer unspeakably.

While King Qin was recuperating, Zhang Zhiti surrounded Lucheng and launched round after round of attacks on Huyan He No. 11 Division.He thought he was going to take Lucheng, but he got news not long after that his elite troops had arrived on the north bank of the Yellow River.

Without a boat to cross the river, they cut down trees, demolished houses, tied them into big rafts, and tried to forcefully cross the Yellow River at night.

But as soon as their people reached the other side, they saw a group of red-robed iron armored cavalry rushing towards them.The cavalry galloped like lightning, and chopped down the rebel army crossing the river to the ground.The remnants of the rebels jumped back on the raft and paddled back in fright. A rain of arrows shot from behind, killing most of them.

Although there were few people guarding the river on the south bank at this time, a large number of scouts were deployed to keep an eye on the movement of the river.And those who kill are all elite soldiers and strong generals.Near Mengjin, I saw a banner with the word "Cao"; on the other side of Xiaopingjin, I saw a banner with the word "Zhao".

The two generals were not easy to mess with. Zhang Zhiti sighed bitterly, feeling that there was no hope of smuggling, so he ran back with his soldiers.Take Zezhou first, then go to Luzhou, and encircle the No.11 Division with the rebels who stayed in Lucheng.

During this period, the Fourth Division was actually not idle.Qiu Yaodian was ordered to attack Cizhou, and Han Jian's seventh regiment went to Yueyang to suppress the bandits.Those gangsters were like loach, they didn't guard the city, but ran around, burning, killing and looting along the way.The seventh regiment has a lot of cavalry, otherwise there is really nothing to do with these guys.

They ran all the way and murdered all the way, spreading extremely fast.But these few days are also their last few days in this world.Han Jian ordered that no prisoners should be taken, but that they should be killed if they saw them.And encourage residents everywhere to take up arms and resist.The people are allowed to wear swords, make bows and arrows, and wear armor, as long as they are destroyed or handed over to the army afterwards.

When the "36 Tiangangs" were wiped out, although a small number of bandits fled into the forest, they no longer had the vigor they had before.Han Jian sighed and said that these 36 bandit leaders are like 36 evil gods who fell from the sky, came to the world to make trouble, and then returned in a hurry.

After this bandit suppression, Han Jian's Seventh Regiment not only did not reduce its staff, but became even stronger.When they returned to Jincheng in a mighty way, King Qin recovered from his serious illness, but lost some weight.It had just rained for a few days, and then it was sweltering and hot. King Qin held a meeting under the shade of a tree.

"Qiu Yao Dianfeng has taken Cizhou. I told them that they don't need to come back and continue to go north to take Xi[xí]zhou. When they are attacking Xizhou, we will attack Fenzhou and wait there for them to join forces and attack Taiyuan together."

Qin Wang arranged tactics, but he didn't mention the rescue of No.11 Division from the beginning to the end, as if he forgot about it.

The generals looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Everyone thought King Qin did it on purpose.This move has the meaning of killing people with a knife.Kill the competitors through the enemy, and the rest of the credit belongs to the fourth division.

King Qin saw everyone's thoughts, smiled and said: "Although Division No. 11 was hit hard, they still have at least 11 sets of armor. I believe they can hold on for a month. I don't want to fight back, otherwise I will go back to the The original point, these battles were all in vain. It is better to let the No.[-] division fight alone, suck the enemy over there, and we go to fight Taiyuan, the old lair of the Zhang family. At that time, we will send our troops south to break the siege for Huyan He.”

Staff member Kong Xiaochun said: "But I heard that Zhang Zhiti went south this time and took away the entire Zhang family."

The King of Qin stood up and said, "Actually, Zhang Zhiti was doomed to fail from the very beginning. Because we represent the poor, and they represent the local gentry and nobles. There are more poor people than rich people. I don't need to say more.

... And his move completely cut off the connection between the Zhang family and the people, which accelerated his failure.

... From a military point of view, the Zhang family is even more self-defeating.In the past, if Taiyuan lost them, they could escape from Yanmen Pass to the grassland, but now he insisted on forcing himself to fight his back.It seems that they have gone a little crazy. "

The King of Qin sighed, and said with his hands behind his back: "The crazier the two ordinary people fight, the more frightening they are, but if the leader is crazy in an army battle, it must be a disaster."

 Thanks to the book friend "Limit Chuchu" for presenting Su Yu and Tan Qin'er chicken legs;

  Thanks to the book friend "20200119121712026" for rewarding 100 money:
  Thank you for your comments and votes.

(End of this chapter)

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