
Chapter 824 Enhancing Powers

Chapter 824 Enhancing Powers
Zezhou once again fell into the hands of bandits, cutting off the connection between the imperial court and Luzhou.But at this time, the news that King Qin's fourth division was advancing triumphantly on the West Road still reached the imperial court through Jiangzhou, which made the Empress Dowager Cao, who was listening behind the curtain, very pleased.

At this time, the place where the national tax reform was the most intense was Hedong Road, and the worst place was Henan Road.

Kang Wang led his troops to Henan Road, and asked Cao Yuzan for 13 shi of grain a while ago.In fact, Kang Wang was not only asking for military rations for the No.[-] Division, but also asking for disaster relief food for hundreds of thousands of refugees in Henan.It may be that Kang Wang's letter was written too concisely, which misunderstood Cao Yuhan, so he only gave [-] shi.

But later I heard that it was supplemented, because there are too many refugees, if there is no food relief for the victims, those refugees may become bandit troops, and they will be completely unable to suppress them.

Seeing that Cao Yuzan's clothes were soft, some people jumped out to ridicule Cao Yuzan at this time, saying that Cao Yuzan used the heart of a villain to treat the belly of a gentleman, and some people even said bluntly: "Why don't you know that I call the sage Kang?"

Kang Wang has always been known as a gentleman before, and now he has been promoted to the level of a "sage" by a group of stinky people, comparable to Confucius and Mencius Laozhuang.They said that Confucius and Mencius were the creators and perfecters of Confucianism, while King Kang of our dynasty was the practitioner.and so on.

However, this group of people who praised their stinky feet did not end well.Cao Yuzan didn't quarrel with them, but someone went to quarrel with them.This person is Jin Yiwei Qianhu, Zhang Mi.Zhang Qianhu often said a word: Grandson, I gave you some face, didn't I?

Now Zhang Mi does not kill people, the key is that Cao Yuzan did not let him kill, but he is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he knocks on the door in the middle of the night and shows the reason with a knife.

This way of speaking is reasonable, and it often makes sense, which makes those officials educated.

Of course, there are also those who are stubborn and dissatisfied, because he thinks that King Kang is behind him, and Cao Yuzhan dare not do anything to him.

For the time being, Cao Yuhan really can't do anything to them, but their names have been written down.


The king of Qin attacked in two directions, sending troops to Fenzhou and Xizhou, but did not send troops to support Luzhou.Since this incident happened within the Xianwang faction, there was no controversy in the court, and the Xianwang did not question Su Yu about it.

In Lucheng, the No.11 Division is resisting tenaciously.

Although the enemy army is powerful, the old general Hu Yanhe has a lot of food and equipment, so he is not afraid.Climb to the high platform and command the battle.The old general was confident and calm.But at this time, there was bad news that No. 11 Division Superintendent Sun Zhao Geng died.

How did he die if the enemy didn't break in?

Zhao Geng is the eldest son of Zhao Su, the third son of Xian Wang, and the fifth grandson of Xian Wang's family. He is just in his thirties.Zhao Geng is easy-going and has a good manner, but he was spoiled and raised since childhood, and his father died early, and he was the only son in the family, so the virtuous king didn't send him to the army.

After the Rebellion of the Three Kings, the two factions split up, and King Xian had no one to use, so he assigned his fifth grandson to the No.11 Division, and partnered with Ye Ting to manage the No.11 Division.

Zhao Geng knew that Ye Ting had royal blood, and in terms of seniority, he was a generation older than him, so he was very polite to Ye Ting.The two have a clear division of labor, Ye Ting focuses on training and combat, Zhao Geng focuses on food and military discipline, and they cooperate tacitly.

This time the Eleventh Division crossed the river, it was Ye Ting's arbitrary tactics, and they were defeated in Zezhou.It stands to reason that this matter has little to do with Zhao Geng, but he was still scolded by King Xian.King Xian said, Ye Ting jumped into the fire pit, do you also jump?

After being scolded for a while, I suffocated in my heart.In this battle of defending the city, he said to Hu Yanhe, the old general is too old, you should stand on the watchtower to take charge of the overall situation, and I will go to check in all directions.

Old man Huyan thought to himself, if Wang Sun wants to check, he can check it, that is, to go around the city.Who would have thought that when he checked the South City Gate, Zhao Geng found that the defense of the city was actually easy to fight, but the key was that the enemy's equipment was poor and it was difficult to charge up.It made the melee swordsmen and rolling logs and rocks waiting on the city useless.

At this time, he said that since he joined the army, he had never fought with a real knife or gun. How can he say that he is a soldier?When I return home in the future, I also feel dull.Today, my grandson is going to the city to fight with the soldiers!
The supervisor went to the city in person, which was a great encouragement to the soldiers and their morale soared.For a while, Zhao Geng held up his spear, which was useless.At this time, he was wearing heavy armor, and there were servants around him to help him hold the shield. It stands to reason that he was very safe.But suddenly a thief's arrow flew over the edge of the shield, nailed him in the face, and killed him instantly.

Hearing the news, Hu Yanhe's eyes darkened and his breathing was short of breath.Old man Xindao, I am in the army for the second time at the age of sixty, how did I encounter such unlucky things?The battle was not won, but Wang Sun's life was lost.

The old general was furious, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.The division attendant stepped onto the stage in an emergency to replace the commander.


Lucheng was surrounded on all sides, and the news could not be delivered, but there were still some scouts outside the city who hadn't had time to return to the city.They saw from a distance that the banner of the No. 11 division's division supervisor was gone.In other words, the Supervisor is gone.

The scouts made a detour, passing through Zezhou, which was almost unguarded, and then passed the news to the Xianwang Mansion in the capital.Hearing the news, Zhao Qiang, the eldest son of the Xian Wang, turned his eyes and came to the Xian Wang: "Isn't my father ordering Zhao Yu to help? If you don't support me, Division No. 11 will be gone."

When the old man heard that his grandson was dead, he was depressed and kept silent. After a while, he raised his eyes and stared at Zhao Qiang: "Are you talking about the Eleventh Division with me?"

Zhao Qiang was stunned.

King Xian turned over the map in front of him and showed it to Zhao Qiang: "Now, I transfer No.11 to Zhao Yu, I believe he will still not save it."

Originally, Division No.11 had been handed over to Zhao Qiang, but Zhao Qiang's control over this division was only superficial.He just talked to his eldest nephew Zhao Geng, and Zhao Geng also promised that if his grandfather died in the future, he would listen to his uncle's orders.Zhao Qiang thought he was done.

Now that Zhao Geng is dead, he has almost no control over the Eleventh Division.But he still thought that this teacher belonged to him. He suspected that Zhao Yu was jealous of him, so he deliberately didn't save him.What King Xian meant was that if I gave this teacher to Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu would not save him, because he was going to copy Zhang Zhiti's lair.

King Xian approved of this tactic, thinking that only by digging out the old roots of the Zhang family can the war be completely ended.Otherwise, the Zhang family will always grow new branches from old trees, and I don't know when it will be hit.

Hearing that his father was going to transfer the Eleventh Division to Zhao Yu, Zhao Qiang was anxious: "Father, I am your real son!"

"Nonsense, I need you to remind me?" Zhao Xuan threw the map on Zhao Qiang, gasped and said, "I know you have a good relationship with Sha Junwan (the general of the 15th division), so let's take the [-]th division." The division will be given to you. Now there is no supervisor in the [-]th Division, you can arrange it. In addition, the [-]th Division of Xiangzhou and the [-]th Division of Mozhou will also be given to you. I hope you will use some snacks this time. Work hard on your legs, go there more Run around. Arrange a few more people to go in. Otherwise, if there is a war, unless you personally lead the troops, otherwise the few divisions you go to will become someone else's. You lost the sixth and No.[-] divisions in this way."

Zhao Qiang was dissatisfied: "If my father doesn't give it to Zhang Yunlong, will he be able to grab it?"

Zhao Xuan was angry and said angrily: "You beat up the troops and handed them over to Zhang Yunlong, and then Zhang Yunlong arranged thousands of people to enter. Do you think that kind of team is still yours? Do you think Zhang Yunlong and Zhao Qiang are both good at grabbing it? But if I leave you two wastes, will you be happy?"

Zhao Qiang was silent.

At this time, Zhao Xuan fell into the pain of losing his grandson again, and the atmosphere in the room was dull.

After a while, Zhao Qiang said, "Give me Ye Ting."

Zhao Xuan was taken aback: "What do you want him to do?"

Zhao Qiang said: "If he can come back alive this time, I will single-handedly lift him up, I believe he will be grateful to me."

Zhao Xuan thought for a while, and seemed to have something to say, but felt upset, so he sent Zhao Qiang away.

Zhao Qiang finally got four divisions, feeling at ease, returned to Yique Pass where the seventh division was stationed, began to select generals, and prepared to place cronies in those divisions.

The news that No. 11 was in the hands of King Qin had also been sent to Su Yu, but Su Yu still insisted on the original battle plan and refused to support it.Su Yu firmly believed that the old general could hold on.


Su Maosheng was hiding in the forest, when he saw a middle-aged man in Chunxiao Pavilion, he suddenly withdrew the thunderball in his hand.

If Ru Shangnong was alone, Su Maosheng would be sure to end his life within twenty strokes. Even if Zhao Ling, Zhao Bai, and Zhao Tong were all there, it would just be a waste of effort.But now that this person appeared, Su Maosheng was not sure.

In retrospect, it might as well have started on the road.I was just worried that it would be difficult for the Jinwu Guard to escape, and even the woman in the Tongtian Tower would be hurt.

Speaking of this middle-aged man, he is also good at the "claw technique", and he looks like Chen Qianfou in terms of his moves, but he is not Chen Qianfou, nor is he Ji Lingyun.It is absolutely true that Chen Qianfen died a long time ago; and Ji Lingyun followed Sang La to the far west at this time.

Tang Xu, a staff member of Prince Geng's Mansion, judged him to be from the Southern Jin Dynasty based on his accent, and this judgment was correct.This person's name is Cheng Kun, and he became famous more than twenty years ago. He is known as one of the four masters of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

About ten years ago, he came to the North Dynasty and made trouble for a while, but then suddenly disappeared.It was rumored that this person died at the hands of Lei Wengan, but now it seems that the rumors are false.However, Lei Wenqian's death may have something to do with him.

It was rumored that Lei Wengan was disturbed when he attacked the twelfth realm, so the sea of ​​qi burst and died. It seems that the people who can disturb Lei Wengan are definitely not ordinary people.

Since Cheng Kun was here, Su Maosheng decided to leave, but just as he was about to leave, a hand stretched out from behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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