
Chapter 830 Zhang Family 8 Strong

Chapter 830
Zhang Zhiti tried to stop Liang Jun at Shihuiguan and Guyaoling, but he didn't expect that even Han Jian's regiment could not stop the 5000 men he sent over.This incident dealt a psychological blow to Zhang Zhiti far more than a military blow.

Although Han Jian's troops also suffered a lot and had to take a break, Zhu Xieke's fourth regiment stepped up immediately.

It can be said that the current fourth division has many generals, and King Qin has a group of capable people.After being tempered by the war, King Qin himself is also growing, and his vision of seeing people is also changing.

I used to be optimistic about a certain person, thinking that person could fight, but on the battlefield, that person's performance may not satisfy King Qin; and some people are usually inconspicuous, but at critical moments, they show wisdom or courage that exceeds expectations. Naturally, it entered King Qin's field of vision.

King Qin never charged forward, but as a commander, he saw the people and things he should see.

Judging from the performance of the generals, it is better for a battle-hardened person like Zhu Xie Ke Shi Gandang to fight.And this Hedong War is also a process of "bringing the old with the new".Han Jian and others are also undergoing changes to varying degrees.Han Jian is still full of vigor, but he has become calmer than before.

The team continued to advance, and they didn't encounter any enemy troops along the way, so Zhu Xieke walked to Taipingyi in one breath, only [-] miles away from Lucheng.

At this time, the king of Qin got the news that Zhang Zhiti withdrew with the remaining 2 people and hid in the vast Taihang Mountains.

The king of Qin sent scouts to follow up and found remnants of soldiers in Licheng and Shexian respectively.But strangely, their leader was gone.According to the account of the stragglers, there are nearly 2000 members of the Zhang family left. It is only known that they entered the mountain, but they don't know where they went.

The scouts went into the mountain to search, but found no trace of them at all. At this moment, people felt that the Zhang family seemed to have disappeared from the world suddenly.

Su Yu thought this was incredible, so he sent the most experienced scouts to lead 100 people to look for it, but they still couldn't find any clues.

The scouts pursued along the various roads, but found no trace of the 2000 men.The last time they found their footprints was ten miles north of She County, but after passing there, the footprints suddenly disappeared, as if they had flown away collectively.

If they use tools to remove footprints, they will also leave marks.But the scouts reported that there was no trace of fraud at all, and after chasing for dozens of miles, they arrived at Huguan, but the people in Huguan did not see the Zhang family.

Su Yu sighed that Zhang Zhiti was brilliant, and now he had no choice but to continue to send scouts to search in the mountains.

However, the Zhang family has lost its foundation, and it is difficult to make a comeback.


The remaining 2000 members of the Zhang family took away the money and food, and the remaining 1 stragglers walked to their hometown on foot.

The local government didn't dare to control them, so they let them pass through the city.King Qin ordered Zhu Xieke and Shi Gandang to deal with the stragglers, and King Qin had already entered Lucheng.

After a fierce battle in Lucheng, there are traces of the war everywhere.The originally fortress-like city walls were torn to pieces by the flames of war. Some of the city walls have cracked and even tilted, and they will collapse at some point.The soldiers cleaned the top of the city, and the water turned red as soon as it was flushed, and flowed down the stairs.

The old general Hu Yanhe persisted for a total of 28 days, and there were more than 700 people left under his command.And among the 700 people, most of them were slightly injured.In the barracks, there are still hundreds of seriously injured people lying there, and from time to time, Secretary Lang sends death reports.At this time, there was a smell of burning inside and outside the city, and there were cremated corpses everywhere.

Hu Yanhe said that he also wanted to leave the whole body for the soldiers, but the situation did not allow it at the time.If they had to be kept, the wells in the city would definitely be polluted, and everyone would die by then.Su Yu expressed his understanding of this.

Hearing that Ye Ting was seriously injured, Su Yu went to have a look.That person Ye Ting loves face very much, he was dismissed from his post, and he was so seriously injured that he felt ashamed to see others.When Su Yu came to see him, he was not very enthusiastic.Pretend to be seriously ill, just a few words.

King Qin built a monument in the city to commemorate the soldiers who died in battle.The monument is engraved with the names of the fallen soldiers, and the No. 11 Division Superintendent Zhao Geng is naturally the number one.Speaking of which, he was still his cousin, and although he didn't see him often, Su Yu was still a little sad at this moment.

As a commander in chief, there is no time for grief.After Zhu Xieke and Shi Gandang wiped out the stragglers, Su Yu held a meeting in the Lucheng County Government.

At the meeting, Su Yu said: "For these stragglers, we must identify their origins through self-reporting, mutual reporting, and mutual proof. If they are forced to join the army, they will be given some dry food to let them go; keep them.

…If they can be educated well, they will be sent to the border as slave soldiers, and those diehards will not be merciful.

...Hedong is basically stable now, and there will be no more large-scale battles.When we recruited soldiers, we promised to let them go when the war was over. Now is the time to fulfill that promise.Also, inform Zhang Yunlong that they may encounter the Zhang family fleeing eastward. "

Just after the meeting, a scout ran back and reported that on a stone wall near Huguan, he found a line of words written in blood, "The eight strong men of the Zhang family, vow to kill Zhao Yu".


The general situation of Hedong Dao's rebellion has been decided, and the news quickly spread to Luoyang. Xu Luochen was excited by this, but Xu Luochen found that this incident did not cause much disturbance in society.

The reason is that the people in Luoyang have heard too much news about the war and have become a little numb.Or they have full confidence in the Shence Army.And this war that did not affect Luoyang did not make them feel deeply.

In people's stereotypes, "suppressing bandits" is not a big deal.Isn't it just dealing with some kings of the mountain?Just a bunch of grassroots bandits.

Seeing that the social response was not strong enough, Xu Luochen felt that his friends did not receive the attention they deserved.Even the royal tongue, the Emperor Capital Literature Society, reported the matter lightly.This was clearly unacceptable to Xu's editor, so he decided to report the matter through Tang Xianshe.

Everyone knows that Tang Xianshe is the mouthpiece of the Tang Clan's clan. Now, if they want to speak up for King Qin, they need the approval of their superiors.And now the elder who is in charge of the internal affairs of Qinghuafang is Tang Linger.So Xu Luochen came to Prince Qin's mansion with a small bag on his back, requesting an interview with Princess Qin, and hoped to obtain some information about the war.

Coincidentally, Ouyang Jing also came to Qin Wangfu, and the two asked for an audience together.

But now it is not easy to see Princess Qin.

It's not that the princess is arrogant and neglectful, but that she is very busy.

The male and female masters of Qin Wangfu are often not at home, so there needs to be a person who manages the housework.

Originally, it was appropriate for Hu Rong to host the meeting, but Lao Diaosi was too old, and Tang Linger couldn't bear to make him work hard, so she asked Kong Ting to sit in Xiaofeng Pavilion as the host, and Feng Yu only had to take care of the group of children.

In fact, Kong Ting doesn't have much power, even worse than Lin Wan, the maidservant in brocade clothes.But she is a side concubine after all, and she will appear more formal when she comes forward on some occasions.For example, Kong Ting would come forward to receive a nobleman who came to handle some business, but she basically kept silent except for some polite remarks. It was Vice President Lin who was discussing specific matters.

Only with Lin Wan present could Tang Linger go out.At this time, Tang Ling'er was also considering choosing a few assistants for Lin Wan.Tang Fei and Xiao Huan alone are too busy.

Xu Luochen came to inquire about the war and needed to take some documents with him.Ouyang Jing came to borrow money, and the amount was not small.Kong Ting and Lin Wan couldn't decide on these two things, so they were asked to stay in the palace and wait for the princess.

Knowing that they are good friends of King Qin, Kong Ting arranged for them to go to Xiaoxilou to rest.The two of them were not polite, so they went over there and waited until it was time to light the lamps, when they heard four big lilies running back.

I don't know where Tang Ling'er went today, but she seemed a little upset. The fat and tall princess got out of the car, walked into the Xiaofeng Pavilion with airs on her shoulders, and was about to continue busy with desk work.

Seeing Tang Linger came back, Kong Ting got up to give up her seat, and happily told Tang Linger the news of King Qin's victory.At this time Tang Ling'er looked a little more relaxed, she took off her robe, sat down on the couch and sighed: "It's almost over."

Later, when I heard about Xu Luochen and Ouyang Jing, Tang Linger didn't see them, but asked Kong Ting to send some documents about the war to Xu Luochen, and Tang Linger directly rejected Ouyang Jing's request for a loan.

Tang Linger gave a very good reason. Now the Tang family owes Simon 400 billion, which must be repaid within three years. During these three years, Tang will not lend money to anyone to prevent bad debts.It was said to be three years, but now several months have passed, and Tang Linger's pressure has gradually increased.

Xu Luochen got some documents, put them in his pocket, and was about to leave, but Ouyang Jing sighed, "If you can't borrow any more money, Metropolis will be ruined."

Hearing this, Xu Luochen raised his eyebrows: "Can you still lose money in business?"

Ouyang Jing smiled wryly: "Jin Feng tried to persuade me before, but I didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that he is smarter."

Xu Luochen said nonchalantly: "Don't cry poorly in front of me, pretend that I don't know, your son still has an octagonal building in Tongjifang Street. Business was not good a while ago, but recently I heard that Xiaoqing has turned the situation around. The guests from West Market snatched it back again."

Ouyang Jing waved his hand: "How can the money earned from the Octagon Building compare with my investment this time?"

Xu Luochen couldn't persuade him anymore, and complained instead: "Then what did you think at the beginning, that you were so reckless?"

Ouyang Jing said: "I'm not reckless. Before I borrowed money to build the metropolis, I transferred the Octagon to someone else's name. In this way, even if I collapse, the Octagon can still be preserved. Guarantee their mothers still have a good life.”

(End of this chapter)

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