
Chapter 831 Octopus Girl

Chapter 831 Octopus Girl

When King Qin attacked Taiyuan, three families in the city united to help the officers and soldiers wipe out the remnants of the Zhang family.Their actions were a bit like beating a dog in the water, but their clear-cut performance still won the approval of King Qin.

The three families are the Zhao family, the Wang family, and the Shen family, and the Taiyuan Zhao family is of the same clan as the Liang Dynasty royal family.As soon as the Zhang family rebelled, the Zhao family was bloody cleaned.But Zhang's actions were not thorough, which left a disaster behind.

Many royal relatives in the Liang Dynasty did not have fiefs, but they also had policies similar to the "Tweeting Order".In the generation of the great-great-great-grandson of the emperor, there is no title or salary.

Of course, the Liang Dynasty still took some care of the royal clan.For example, the imperial examinations will secretly add points; joining the army also starts with a centurion.Just like Liu Xuande in the Han Dynasty, although he had fallen to the point of weaving mats and selling shoes, his teacher was Lu Zhi, a great scholar in Hebei, and among his classmates was Gongsun Zan, a son of the nobleman.

At this time, the Liang Dynasty was only more than 100 years old, and the descendants of the first batch of princes had not yet been reduced to weaving mats and selling shoes.The scattered Zhao clans all had patriarchs, and most boys had access to education.Girls from the Zhao family are also "hot spots" in the local area, and local wealthy households are proud to marry girls from the Zhao family.

The Fourth Division took Taiyuan in just one day and one night. King Qin did not enter the city, but he also met the patriarchs of the three major families when King Qin was waiting for the troops to assemble.While explaining the policies to them, the King of Qin granted each family a Lord III and arranged to serve in the Taoist government.

In the words of King Qin, as long as he actively cooperates with national policies, he is a hero.Should be respected and rewarded.After the tax reform, although they are not as rich as before, it is guaranteed that they will not be poor.And those diehards who are ignorant of current affairs are the targets of this tax reform.They are the enemies of the people, and they are sinners.It should be tied up, put up a small flag, and pushed out on the street to accept the trial of the general public.

Not long after taking Taiyuan, the surrounding states and counties sent news one after another, saying that members of the Zhang family had fled, and the state and county fell into the hands of state officials again.The King of Qin ordered that the tax payable on Hedong Road be exempted this year and be used for local restoration and construction.At the same time, he wrote to Cao Yuzan, asking the imperial court to organize a new leadership team of Hedong Road, and proposed to revoke the official position of "Jiedushi" and change it to Sima of the Taoist government.

Moreover, the Taoist soldier tiger talisman should be placed in the hands of the Taoist economic envoy, Sima, and supervisory censor respectively.No one can be transferred alone.

But soon Su Yu received a reply from Cao Yuzan, she told King Qin to concentrate on fighting, and discuss other matters back to the court.The letter also mentioned that Feng Zhenqing's father-in-law's family, the Zhang family in Daizhou, should be taken care of.It is said that the Zhang family in Daizhou had been notified by Feng Zhenqing in advance, and they had no intention of fleeing.

Su Yu thought for a while, Babaili hurriedly informed Dianfeng to arrest the Zhang family in Daizhou and send them to Cao Yuzan.

After the king of Qin took Lucheng, he dispersed the nine regiments in various states to assist civil officials in tax reform, and the king of Qin had already brought the division to Taiyuan.The leaders of the Taiyuan area immediately came to pay tribute to King Qin.

"What King Qin means is that such a tax reform will happen again after more than 100 years?"

The patriarch of the Zhao clan, Zhao Yunzhi, was a generation higher than Su Yu according to his seniority, but the old man was still respectful to the real prince.

Su Yu nodded: "Yes, this is the only way to break the monopoly of the gentry and restrain the gentry from growing infinitely. Now that the Liang Dynasty was founded in 130, people like Zhang Zhiti would emerge when such a tax reform was carried out. It is conceivable , what will they develop into in a few decades.”

Zhao Yunzhi nodded and said: "Qin Wang Yingming, according to this old man, Zhang's family is indeed too domineering. Even our Zhao family will be suppressed by them in Taiyuan."

Zhao Yunzhi looked at the tax reform plan, and frowned again: "But I still can't figure it out, since King Qin has formulated such a thorough system to prevent the gentry from becoming bigger, why is there another tax reform after 100 years?"

Su Yu smiled and said: "No matter how good the system is, it can't be done once and for all. And in 100 years, new noble families will definitely emerge. In fact, it won't take 100 years. I believe that after the death of our generation, the Liang Dynasty It will definitely change. And I am very worried whether the ruler 100 years from now will still be determined to carry out tax reform.”

Zhao Yunzhi smiled wryly: "Yes, yes, money is pervasive, and even the best policies will be slowly eroded."

The tax reform in Hedong Road is continuing, and with the powerful public opinion offensive of King Qin, it has won the support of the poor and poor people.And King Qin's navy also dispatched in time, mixed in with the people, and encouraged them to take to the streets to march.

People held up slogans, beat gongs and drums and walked through the streets, singing the merits of King Qin emotionally.In the face of such a powerful public opinion, no gentry dared to rebel.Because they know they have no mass base.Relying on dozens of thugs at home alone cannot fight against the officers and soldiers.

In contrast, Tang Zhen relied on force to reform taxes in Chang'an Road, which is slightly inferior to King Qin.However, Tang Zhen was the pioneer of the commercial tax reform in the Liang Dynasty, and Su Yu also learned a lot from his successful experience.It is obviously unfair to Tang Zhen to compare the two directly.

Su Yu believes that failure is never the mother of success, it can only teach people a lesson and make them choose again. "Failure" is like a guide who deliberately points in the wrong direction.How can such a bad-hearted person be called a mother.

A dog cannot give birth to a tiger, but a tiger must give birth to a tiger.

It seems that the football of a certain big country, if failure is the mother of success, the football of a big country would have grown stronger.


In Taiyuan, there is a courtyard with seven entrances. It is said that this courtyard was left over by the Zhang family, and it is very grand.

The King of Qin was sitting in the hall, with only one orderly soldier beside him.Xiao Bing was illiterate, but he was diligent, flexible in legs and feet, and had some good eyesight.That is, the little soldier who was unhappy because Qin'er took his job.

King Qin was always a little worried about not being able to find the whereabouts of the remnants of the Zhang family, so he continued to stay in Taiyuan waiting for news, and did not plan to return to Luoyang for a while.

At this time, the post station resumed normal work, and many letters were left on King Qin's desk.Opening one by one, the content of the letter is really rich.There is the care and encouragement of the big fat daughter-in-law; there are the earnest expectations and prayers of the side concubines and younger sisters;

She asked, is it useful to burn paper for King Qin's brother?She also said that several horses and a group of heavenly soldiers and generals had been burned. She painted and made paper bundles by herself.She said that King Qin had tied up a general riding a black horse, with a hunchbacked back and a strong back, and he smashed three stones, which instantly reminded Su Yu of Zhang Yue, the leader of the Tiangang bandit.

Obviously this is unlucky, but how can King Qin have the same knowledge as a seven-year-old girl.So I wrote back and said it worked.But only I can receive Xiaoqing's paper figures and paper horses, and no one else can receive them.Do not use it for others, otherwise it will not only waste Xiaoqing's efforts, but also make others unhappy.He thought Xiaoqing was a liar and a bad boy.

Some letters are sent by post stations, and some letters are sent by special personnel.For example, the old aide Dian Gong sent his grandson to deliver a letter, once again urging King Qin not to come back, occupying Hedong, and becoming a warlord and vassal.

Thinking of this old man in his 80s, Su Yu wanted to laugh.I feel that he is very similar to Yao Guangxiao, the old monk beside Yan Wang Zhu Di.As he was so old, he was devoted to instigating the prince to rebel, and he was only satisfied with seeing the prince wearing a white hat.

Maybe Dian Gong is not as pure as Yao Guangxiao, after all he still has a son who works under King Qin.Ke Dian Gongzhao is more burdened than Yao Guangxiao, and he is more open-minded.

"He is really a person who is afraid of chaos in the world."

Su Yu smiled and underestimated a word softly.

At this time, a woman came from behind the screen. This woman's appearance can be said to be overwhelming, and she is a famous beauty in Taiyuan area.She is an upright official song and dance girl sent by Qiu Yao. Her stage name is Yu Youwei, and she took the first name of Yu Xuanji, a poetess in the Tang Dynasty.

As long as a person has a high enough status, many benefits are offered by others, and they cannot be stopped.

Someone gave King Qin a beautiful woman before, why didn't King Qin take a second look?I was just worried that the woman was too beautiful, so I was reluctant to let go.It should be said that eunuchs will handle things, and eunuchs do not shy away from doing such things.Qiu Yao took the beautiful woman's hand and sent it directly to King Qin.

In the hot early autumn, the woman's fragrant shoulders are outside, and the skirt hangs in front of her half-covered body.

Yu Youwei walked lightly to the side of King Qin, saluted obediently, her eyes that could talk were full of admiration for King Qin.Looking at her cute appearance, as long as King Qin raises his hand, the chastity she has kept for many years will be offered to him.

But exquisite women are often not so easy to take the initiative to serve. When she found that the king of Qin was watching her, she suddenly walked away, sat across from the table, and performed the tea ceremony with familiarity.

The hero was saddened by the beauty pass, and King Qin couldn't help but take a second look.

"There must be a lot of beauties in Prince Qin's mansion. I'm afraid she won't be ranked among the vulgar fans like concubines."

She said something self-pitying, her bright eyes flashed, and her eyes fell into the cup and plate again.

Qin Wang looked at the woman for a long time, but he didn't find any shortcomings. Both her facial features and figure were just right, and she exuded a charm in her bones, which was fascinating.But King Qin didn't answer her question.

Seeing that King Qin didn't answer, the smile on her face disappeared, her cherry lips moved slightly, and she spoke sharply: "Although my status is humble, I am proud. I hope King Qin will forgive me for not being able to obey King Qin like other women. If King Qin doesn't allow concubines, concubine Let's leave as soon as possible, so as not to offend King Qin."

While speaking, the enchanting woman had a tender and resentful expression on her face, she put down her hands and stood up, saluted hastily, turned around and left.

"Presumptuous!" Chen Ga, an orderly soldier beside the King of Qin, roared loudly: "What kind of place do you think this is, you can leave as soon as you say!"

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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