
Chapter 832

Chapter 832

After returning home for a few days, Lao Huang sent King Qin's gift to Xiaofeng Pavilion early.But the Princess is busy and has no time to take care of it, so the gift bag has been kept in the corner of the study.Today, when the princess had a little spare time, she thought of this matter, so she asked the maid to open the package and have a look.

The princess has been clothed with fine clothes and food since she was a child, surrounded by gold, silver and treasures, she doesn't care what kind of things the King of Qin gave her, what she cares about is the difference between the gift packages.

It is obvious that King Qin put his heart into giving gifts.Open two large packages, there are many small packages inside, with name tags written on the packages.

The largest package was naturally for the Princess, while the other packages were obviously much smaller.

Su Yu often said: Home and everything prosper.

In a polygamous family, if you want to have a harmonious family, first of all, the eldest daughter-in-law must be happy.Only when the eldest daughter-in-law is happy can the younger daughter-in-laws be happy.In addition, the absolute status of the eldest daughter-in-law is guaranteed, which is conducive to management.Otherwise, all daughters-in-law will sit on the same level, but the family will not stop.Just like the old saying: Breaking the etiquette, taking the way of chaos.

The poor may not be able to tell how much the objects on the rich are worth, but the rich can tell at a glance.Because they often see and use it, they know it.The princess has sharp eyes, and at a glance, he can roughly know how much each gift is worth.Seeing that my bag is the most precious, I am satisfied.

There are also gifts from Feng Yu, Kong Ting, Wan Yanqing, Kong Ji, Zhu Xiejun, Su Xiaoying, Su Xiaoqiao, Ouyang Xiaochan, Ouyang Xiaohuan, Zhao Tangsu and others. If you look carefully, they are all different. There is quite a bit of thought in it.

But the princess rummaged through it, but didn't find the gift bag for Prince Zhao Zhen.

While flipping, a rattle rolled down, and the words twisted and crooked on it were marked for Zhao Zhen.The princess picked it up to have a look, her eyes widened immediately, because the rattle was actually "Made in Luoyang".

The reason why it was recognized by the princess at a glance is because this thing was originally produced by Qinghuafang.

Look at Zhao Tangsu's gift bag, there are piles of delicate items inside, compared to Zhao Zhen's gift, which is even more shabby.

Hello Zhao Yu!
The princess picked up the brush and brushed it up, and issued a condemnation, to the effect that: Do you not like my son so much?
After writing the letter, the princess didn't send it out, but just sat there annoyed.He got up suddenly and went to the room to have a look. At that time, Zhao Zhen and Zhao Tangsu were taking a nap, and they were calm.

Looking at his son, most of the anger in the princess's heart disappeared. The black boy looked more and more beautiful, and he liked it so much.

Suddenly thinking of the rattle, she felt something was wrong, so she sent Tang Cui to ask Lao Huang what was going on.

"Old Huang, tell the truth, have you lost the gift for the prince?"

Tang Cui, the delicate and handsome little butler in brocade clothes, came to Xiaoxilou to question Lao Huang.

Lao Huang was drinking and eating roast chicken, raised his head and blinked: "No, all the gift bags are here."

Tang Cui pinched her waist, pretending to be stern: "Don't lie! This is what the princess asked me to ask. If you are not honest, the consequences will be serious."

Lao Huang sighed: "I just said that Lao Lu is a stupid bird. He can't do anything well. He must have been spotted by the princess. Then let me tell the truth, there was no gift in the gift bag." It was a gift from the prince, we were worried about offending the princess, so we bought a rattle and put it in."

Tang Cui turned to leave, but Lao Huang stopped her and said, "Don't go. Come and tell me what you will say when you see the princess."

Tang Cui pursed her lips: "The princess has had this temper since she was a child, and she cannot be deceived. I will tell the truth."

Lao Huang waved his hand: "Why don't you know how to coax people? If you say that, you will definitely make the princess angry. What good is this for the princess? What good is it for the king of Qin? What good is it for you? If you want me to tell you, you can continue Coax her."

Tang Cui tilted her head, frowned and asked, "How can I coax you?"

The old Huang rolled his eyes: "Just say that it was the king of Qin who said that the little prince will be a person who will do great things in the future. He was worried that he would develop a habit of playing with things and losing his mind since he was a child, so he didn't give gifts. And the rattle is the one between me and the old man When Lu returned to Luoyang, he saw that the drum was exquisite, so he bought it and put it in the package."

Tang Cui said with a bitter face, "Is this possible?"

"It may not be very good, but it must not be bad." Lao Huang persuaded: "You don't have to worry, you just say that I conveyed King Qin's words. When King Qin comes back, I will talk to King Qin again, and I will never hurt you."

From Su Yu's point of view, women have faced a difficult problem since ancient times, and this problem was actually found by themselves, that is, choosing clothes.

I tried a piece of clothing, tried it for a long time, and finally didn't buy it.Afterwards, I visited a lot of houses, but I couldn't find the one I liked, so I was anxious and bored.

Although Tang Linger has a high position and authority, she is also a woman and has the same troubles.Usually, no matter what the weather is so hot, she also wears a big robe.

Not because she's not hot, but because she feels that wearing a big gown makes her more confident.Objectively speaking, the gown really fits her temperament.

It's hard to imagine a majestic and tall princess in a playful skirt appearing in front of people.

Therefore, the skirts that King Qin gave to the princess were all given to Kong Ting by the princess, which also seemed to be a harmonious family.

Why not give it to Feng Yu?

Because Feng Yu is seven feet (1.62 meters) tall, and Kong Ting is almost the same height as the princess at seven feet, four inches five (1.72 meters).

Feng Yu is a poor little girl, and she rarely finds the princess's clothes to wear.Kong Ting already had money, so she didn't care about a few dresses, but she understood the kindness of the princess.

Lao Huang was very happy to see the joy in Prince Qin's mansion, but recently he also had troubles.Yan Beiming wanted to find Su Maosheng to tell Su Laodao some news, but Yan Beiming couldn't find Su Maosheng, so he went to Qin Wangfu to tell Lao Huang.Lao Huang went to find Su Maosheng, told Su Maosheng the news and asked where Lao Lu was?Su Maosheng actually said that he didn't know.

Could it be that Lao Lu went to avenge himself?

Lao Lu didn't know that Cheng Kun came to Luoyang, let alone that Cheng Kun didn't come alone.

Two of the four top masters of the Southern Jin Dynasty came at the same time. If Lao Lu attacked rashly, it would be more or less fatal.

Lao Huang was worried, not in the mood to polish the jade, and went to the Xiaodong Warehouse on the east side of Qinwang Palace with his hands behind his back.Looking up, the door plaque has been replaced by Xiaodonglou.

"Immortal, are you still alive?" Lao Huang cursed.

Suddenly the door opened, and an old man and two old women rushed out, pointing at Huang and yelling at him.Lao Huang scolded them for a while, and dragged Chen Xun to Xiaodongting.

"Old man, I want to go out for a while."


"Find Lao Lu."

"What did you tell me?"

"You go with me." Lao Huang pinched his waist and said, "If there is a good opportunity, I will call Cheng Kun, and you will call Ru."

Chen Xun sighed: "I said Xiao Huang, you think highly of me. I am already 30 years old, do you think I can do better than a [-]-year-old boy?"

"I didn't tell you to kill him." Lao Huang stretched out three fingers: "Just delay thirty strokes."

Chen Xun shook his head.

Lao Huang switched to two fingers: "Twenty strokes!"

At this time, an older old man walked over with a skinny little girl.The old and the young are naturally Hu Rong, the head of Chang'an County Lord's Mansion, and his little maid Mu Xin.As soon as Mu Xin saw Lao Huang, he stared, his displeasure floated on his face, and he didn't hide it.

Just now Lao Diaosi found Lao Huang sitting in a state of boredom for a while, and then ran to scold Chen Xun. Although the noise was not very loud, Hu Rong still heard it.

Hu Rong walked over with his hands behind his back, stared at Lao Huang and said, "Whether Lu Changxiao lives or dies is his business. Before you get orders from the King of Qin and the Princess, you have to think carefully about what you do in the future. Because of what you have done, Not just for yourselves."

Lao Diaosi sat down and said again: "Besides, I don't think Lu Changxiao will die that easily. Now half of the Jinwu Guards in Luoyang City belong to our King Qin. Are you worried that Lu Changxiao has nowhere to escape?"


When you are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog your teeth.

Everyone has bad luck, and King Qin is no exception.

I clearly remember that I made an oath to follow Kang Wang as an example in terms of life style.The oath is still in my ears, but the cruel reality tells Su Yu that compared with the 17-year-old uncle Zhao Di, his determination is still inferior.

Leading troops to fight, far away from the palace, the fire was already raging, but the kind and considerate Qiu Yao sent such a beautiful thing, how could it not make people's hearts flutter.

To be honest, I feel more and more that Kang Wang Zhao Di is worthy of admiration. He has a high position and authority, and he can still be alone. How did he do it?
Whenever he has evil thoughts about women outside, Su Yu can always think of the vows made by his role model Zhao Dihe to his daughter-in-law, and Su Yu can't help but feel ashamed and blame himself.

But after drinking for three rounds, King Qin was half drunk, and he couldn't control himself.Sitting upright in the main hall, watching the beauties dance lightly, she felt a little drawn in.I also persuade myself from time to time, this is the last one.

Just as he was about to make a move, a burly man suddenly jumped down from the roof.

He was a big, strong man, about eight feet tall, with a thick back and a muscular waist, wearing only a pair of black trousers, with a boar bristle-like heart guard on his heart, a big black face, a thick beard, a fierce face, and staring eyes. Like a ball, it roared and shook the beams of the house, swung a big knife and rushed towards King Qin.

Chen Ga reacted quickly, drew his saber to meet him, and within one round, he was chopped down to the ground, and then he raised his saber and ran towards the King of Qin.

Yu Youwei stood on the spot in shock, standing in front of the big man. Without saying a word, the big man threw out a slap, and the beauty flew away.

Wu Shajin and others were standing guard at the entrance of the main hall, when they suddenly heard movement behind them, they turned their heads and saw a gangster jumped in from the roof.Wu Shajin flew over and fought with the man.

Arhat crossing the river is really good at martial arts. Although the man is extremely powerful, he can't get rid of Wu Shajin's entanglement.At this time, other Wang Wei rushed in with crossbows in their arms, and surrounded the big man.

Seeing that the assassination failed, the big man pointed at the King of Qin and roared: "My surname is Zhang, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Before he finished speaking, he raised the knife in his hand and stabbed himself. Wu Shajin blocked it with his sharp hand and said, "Catch the alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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