
Chapter 833 Knock 1

Chapter 833

Wei Zhong is a big, stupid guy. Apart from his astonishingly strong physique, his fearless spirit of life and death is also really shocking.

He was originally the servant of Wei Zeng, the magistrate of Qingyuan County. He grew up with the young master of the county magistrate's family. He was a book boy and a handyman.

But this kid's book boy is for nothing, he doesn't know a few big characters, and he only has strength.

Qingyuan County is under the jurisdiction of Taiyuan Prefecture. Wei's father and son are known as clean and honest. The county magistrate Wei Zeng is old and frail. Usually, his son goes out to do errands for him, and he has a good reputation in the local area.

Because the father and son did not collude with the Zhang family, they wrote a letter to expose it, which annoyed Zhang to frame Wei and his son and put them in prison.

Wei Zeng wrote the letter in blood and asked Wei Zhong to take it to Luoyang to sue the imperial court.In the end, before Wei Zhong ran out of Taiyuan, he was overtaken by the minions of the Zhang family.In a fierce battle, he killed seven or eight people and was injured at the same time, so he hid in a farmhouse to recuperate.

Before he recovered from his injuries, he heard that Wei Zeng had been killed, and all the members of the Wei family were sent to Yanmenguan to serve in corvee.Even Wei's mother, who is in her 60s, was taken away.Wei's mother had a kind heart, and Wei Zhong called her mother for 20 years since she was a child.It can be said that she is treated like a mother-in-law.

Wei Zhongyang recovered from his injuries, thinking that Wei Zeng was already dead anyway, and there was no use in suing the imperial court, so he decided to go to Yanmen Pass to rescue Wei's mother and the young master first.As a result, I went to Yanmen Pass and learned that my old lady had been dead for a long time because of the hardship of corvee.Wei Zhong's hatred suddenly rose, he killed the militia soldiers guarding the corvee, and took away the young master and others.

After doing this, he was still not reconciled, and insisted on going to Taiyuan to kill that Zhang.Unfortunately, Su Yu's compound at this time was exactly the home of Biejia Zhang Tong in the original Taiyuan Mansion.

Wei Zhong didn't know Zhang Tong, he only knew where he lived, so he rushed in rashly without asking much.He had heard for a long time that the surname Zhang was lustful and often drank and played with girls at home. He took apart the tiles and saw that the scene at that time was not much different from what he had heard.That must be you.

Obviously, this kid lacks a string in his brain.But seeing that he was loyal, the king of Qin didn't kill him, and wanted to bring the young master of the Wei family to promote him.

"Your surname is really not Zhang?" Wei Zhong was tied up, knelt on the ground and stared at Su Yu: "You don't mean to lie to me, do you? You tell me something?"

"Presumptuous!" Chen Ga, who was wearing iron armor, was slashed by Wei Zhong just now, and now he is still tilting his shoulders: "This is King Qin!"

Seeing that Chen Ga was seriously injured, or that he might have broken bones, the King of Qin asked him to recuperate, then turned his head to Wei Zhong and said, "This king can Zhao Xue, the county magistrate of Wei, and bring me his imperial certificate."

In fact, unjust cases like this are not uncommon. If Wei Zhong could go to Luoyang and put the imperial certificate in the Minyu bus, he would definitely be seen by the bus censor.Those young censors with a strong sense of justice will definitely accept the case.

The reason why Su Yu wanted to take over the case was because the "King of Qin" needed the support of the people, so he wanted to publicize this case as a model.Not only do they have to rehabilitate an upright official, but they also want to seal Wei Zeng's son as the new county magistrate of Qingyuan.

As for this naive Wei Zhong, he should be beheaded for killing militia soldiers. For his loyalty to the Lord, his sentence should be commuted appropriately, and he should be sentenced to slavery and exile into the army.But Su Yu didn't mention the matter of him accidentally breaking into King Qin's compound and committing a murder with a knife.

Although King Qin arranged this way, this Hanhan still hesitated and refused to reveal the whereabouts of the young master of the Wei family.

Later, King Qin personally went to Qingyuan County to investigate, announced the appointment in front of the people, and asked the people to spread the news, find the young master of the Wei family, his wife and children, and reward them if they found them.

Even though King Qin worked so hard, Wei Zhong still didn't believe it. Later Su Yu asked him, how could he believe it?
He said, I would only believe it if you erected a monument for Wei Zeng in Qinghe County and invited the people to watch it.

Then the King of Qin followed suit, and Wei Zeng revealed the address.

This kid is very stubborn, Qin Wang saw that there was still suspicion in his eyes, and he was still muttering: "If you lie to me, I will never let you go."

Seeing that this kid refuses to accept it, he will continue to be locked in the cage.He didn't really believe it until Wei Gang, the young master of the Wei family, was found and appointed.

It is regrettable that Wei Gang declined the appointment of the King of Qin, but after receiving the pardon, he took his wife and children to live in seclusion, claiming that Wei's descendants would no longer be officials.

A twisted melon is not sweet, so Su Yu didn't forcefully persuade him to stay, so he let him go.

On this day, the king of Qin was working in the main hall, the soldier Chen Ga was not around to recover from his injuries, and only Wu Shajin, the captain of the prince's guard, was in the room.

Wei Zhong, who was released from the cage, ran up to King Qin and knelt down: "I can see that you are a good official, so I will follow you from now on. Do you agree?"

Wu Shajin stretched out his hand and patted his head: "When you talk to the prince, you should call him 'you'!"

Su Yu asked with a smile: "If I pardon your slavery status now, are you willing to follow Wei Gang?"

"If I knew where he was, I would look for it. But the young master didn't tell me." Wei Zhong scratched his head and said, "The young master said before leaving that I was sentenced to 20 years of slavery. See you again. He suggested that I come to King Qin, and said that King Qin loves talent, so he should be able to use me."

This boy was honest, he told the king of Qin exactly what the young master said.

Liang Chaoren's average life expectancy is no more than 50 years old, and Wei Gang is 37 this year.He thought that Wei Zhong would be released in 20 years, and he might not be alive, so he didn't plan to keep Wei Zhong any longer.It was just to point out a clear path to Wei Zhong when we parted, hoping that he would try his luck.

King Qin stared at Wei Zhong.This kid is stupefied, tall, strong and unstoppable, with a rare loyalty.On the whole, it is a bit like Xu Chu, the fierce general of the Three Kingdoms and the tiger idiot.After Bai Tang's death, the King of Qin was short of a captain of Wang Chewei, and Su Yu felt that this foolish boy was quite suitable.But Su Yu didn't arrange it directly, but just said to try it first.


The beautiful girl Yu Youwei was slapped by Wei Zhong and flew away, so she didn't die.

Five days later, half of her face is still swollen, and her cervical spine is also contused. It is estimated that she will need to recover for a while.Just then I got the news: Princess Qin sent Feng Yu to Taiyuan.

Hearing that Feng Yu had come, Su Yu felt a little guilty, and quickly ordered someone to send Yu Youwei back to Qiu Yao, and gave him a sum of money to appease the woman.

The little beauty of the Wangfu came to Taiyuan after a long ride, and Su Yu helped her clean up the dust.Looking carefully at Aifei, she thinks she is prettier than Yuyouwei.The only shortcoming of the poor little boy is that he is too thin and always looks ill.Thinking back to when she was in Dadu, the strong wind by the lake almost blew her away.

"Is everything okay at home?" Su Yu took Feng Yu's hand and said affectionately.

The little beauty smiled sweetly and said, "Everything is fine, but the concubine suddenly fell ill a while ago, but she recovered soon. The garden in the back is almost built, and Kong Ting likes it very much. She just waits for His Highness to go back and cut the ribbon."

"Still cutting the ribbon?"

Feng Yu lowered her voice and said, "Kong Ting told me in private that when I moved in on the first day, King Qin must be with me."

On this day, the King of Qin is going to take Feng Yu's micro-clothes for a private visit to investigate the people's sentiments, and the only guards around him are plain clothes Qin Bairen and Wei Zhong.Wei Zhong didn't know what was wrong, he sweated when he put on his clothes.He said that even in winter, he only wears single clothes, and he has never worn a padded jacket since he was a child.

This nasty guy with an evil face has arms thicker than Feng Yu's waist, and his wrists are like axles.This is the person with the strongest skeleton Su Yu has ever seen.Stronger than punching.

He has practiced some moves since he was a child, but he has never learned martial arts seriously, so Su Yu decided to let him practice horseback kung fu.

King Qin wandered to the gate of the city, looking around.

After recovering Taiyuan, order was brought under control.But the number of refugees at the gate of the city not only did not decrease, but increased.After inquiring, I found out that this group of people was not entirely because of the destruction of their homes, but because they were worried about being harassed by the bandit army when the war broke out again. I heard that the king of Qin led troops in Taiyuan, and felt that it was still safe here.

Su Yu decided to step up publicity efforts and arrange vehicles to send these people back to their hometowns.Cars are not enough, so we only take the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and solve as much as we can.Su Yu said that with the support of the people, it is easy to be an official, and the people will believe what the official says.

Continue to turn around the gate of the city, and suddenly see a group of people demolishing the Temple of the City God.

People pulled down the mud embryo dharma figure of Lord Chenghuang with a rope, pulled it out of the temple gate, and smashed it to pieces.Then a dozen people carried a new Dharma image into the temple.Looking at the appearance of the law, it is a man in royal robes with thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding a golden mace in both hands, standing tall.

Su Yu was curious and asked the fellow, who is this?
An old man with a goatee stroked his beard lightly, looked Su Yu in the eyes, and said dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter with you? You don't even recognize King Qin?"

I couldn't laugh or cry in my heart, I didn't know myself anymore.Watching the common people send the golden statue of King Qin into the temple, Su Yu stood at the door and looked inside, and found that there was another statue in the temple, which was a goddess.

"Hey!" Su Yu pointed: "It's not right! Why did you put the King of Qin and the Queen Mother together?"

Hearing this, the villagers turned their heads together, and the old man with a goatee pointed out: "You young man, what do you know! Should you let the mother govern such a big country? Can there be no civil servants and generals?"

Su Yu pointed to Faxiang and said, "Then why did you make the statue of King Qin taller than your empress?"

The old man with a goatee hurriedly tapped his walking stick, and said angrily, "Isn't that nonsense! King Qin is nine feet tall, why is he not as tall as a woman?"

This old man may be the head of the local pavilion, and he has some charisma.When he got angry, a group of people rushed over, pointed at Su Yu and said:
"You are dressed like five and six, why don't you understand?"

"We'll do it like this, what can you do to us? Go to the city and sue us?!"

"Insulting the sages! Kowtow to the King of Qin in the temple to make amends!"

I almost knocked myself out, I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing throughout the ages.Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Su Yu turned and ran away.Feng Yu snickered behind her.

Soon after, a group of cavalry rushed over, broke into the temple, and put a one-foot mat on Cao Niangniang's Faxiang.

Seeing that it was General Zhonglang of the Fourth Division under the banner of the guard, the fellow villagers didn't say anything, and gradually dispersed after burning incense.

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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