
Chapter 836 is still more lively in the imperial capital

Chapter 836 is still more lively in the imperial capital

Zheng Shuangben is a small village girl, her family has no money, and she has never been to a big city.When she came to Taiyuan with the army, Qin Bairen gave her money, and she couldn't wait to go to the market, buy flowered clothes, silver jewelry, rouge and gouache, and often dress herself up in the house.

This time when she came to see the prince and side concubine, she took out all her jewelry, reapplied the powder and ink, dusted off the powder all over, dressed up beautifully, and smelled fragrant three feet in front of her.

A young girl who was just learning makeup painted her face like a witch.But she herself thinks she is beautiful, and she walks happily.

Wu Shajin looked at her, always feeling weird, so he reminded her a few words.After seeing Zheng Shuang's displeasure, Wu Shajin stopped talking and prepared to report to the door.But looking around, he didn't see Li Xiao, the little girl who came to Taiyuan with Feng Yu.And those beauties sent by Qiu Yao didn't know where they were sent by King Qin.

Wu Shajin heard a sound in the yard, and looked around, and saw Li Xiao, a short-haired little girl with raised brows, was lying on the stone table in the small pavilion with Feng Yu to fight crickets.

Wu Shajin stood outside the door and shouted a few times, briefly introducing Zheng Shuang.

Hearing the voice of promise in the courtyard, Wu Shajin withdrew, and Zheng Shuang walked in with a smile. While walking, he pressed his temples, raised his wrist by the way, and showed three bracelets.

But when she saw Feng Yu, the smile on her face immediately froze.

I've never seen such a beautiful woman in my life.This Concubine Feng only wears a step shaker on her head, and two white tooth hairpins are inserted obliquely. There is no trace of pink or ink on her face, she is completely white and clean.

Even with such a refreshing attire, Zheng Shuang was already overwhelmed, making Zheng Shuang feel like a painted clown for a while.The form and spirit are cramped, and some are at a loss.

Only then did she want to understand why Wu Shajin said those words.Compared with this side concubine, she is really a few grades lower.

"You have something to do with me?"

Concubine Feng has no aristocratic airs on her body, and she walks lightly, making her seem like a weightless person.

Seeing that Wang's side concubine was quite friendly, Zheng Shuang held the small basket, raised her eyes slightly and said, "Actually, there's nothing wrong, I just heard that the side concubine is here, and I want to get closer to her."

It is worth mentioning that the term empress does not refer exclusively to imperial concubines.

The main concubines in the families of old princes like Feng Wang, Xian Wang, He Wang, Rui Wang, Sheng Wang, Fu Wang, and Kang Wang can also be called empresses.In a few years, Princess Qin Tang Ling'er would also be worthy of this title. Even the eunuchs in the palace would address the old concubine as empress, which is not surprising.

But Feng Yu couldn't bear this title, no matter how old she was.

Hearing Zheng Shuang's reckless words, Feng Yu's acrimony like Lin Daiyu rushed forward for a while, her little face sank slightly, and she said softly: "Don't call me your mother, if people listen to you I went there, thinking that I wanted to be so. The princess is not in good health now, if there is something wrong, don't let anyone say that I was responsible for it."

The second batch of maids in the princess' mansion more or less have this characteristic, and I don't know what kind of environment can cultivate such a collective character, and they like to stimulate each other when they meet.Tang Fei, Tang Cui, Tang Xiaopang, Feng Yu, Zhu Huan, and Li Duicai are all like this. They always like to poke, like a flirtatious parrot.

They are used to it, and everyone in the house is used to it, but Zheng Shuang is not used to it.Hearing this, it was as if he had offended the side concubine, and his knees felt weak.

Feng Yu looked at Zheng Shuang and felt that she might be frightened. She smiled sweetly and said, "I thought I was timid enough, but I didn't expect to meet a smaller person today. Come on, let's talk in the room."

While speaking, Feng Yu walked away with her waist twisted. With her thin back, long rolled up hair, fair neck, and jaw without corners, she seemed to be a beauty with no dead ends.

"Huh? What are you doing standing there, come in together."

"Oh, here we come, here we come."

When Zheng Shuang came to the room, he got straight to the point without saying a few words. I hope that Concubine Feng would persuade King Qin not to be so careless.

Feng Yu suddenly interrupted her, and said seriously: "I guess Qin and Wu sent you here. If that's the case, they are also thinking about King Qin's safety, and they have good intentions. I will convey your kindness to King Qin , but don’t expect me to persuade you. Find someone else to do such a thankless task.”


Lidefang, Wanting residence.

Miss Ximen Nineteen fell ill on the couch, looking at the dowry that had been prepared for a long time with a sad face.

Suddenly he sat up with an angry face, started to pack the package, picked it up and left.

"Alas! Miss, where are you going?"

The little eunuch Wang Dang went to fetch fruit for the lady, came back and saw this scene, guessed Ximen Wanting's mind, put down the fruit plate, ran over, grabbed Ximen Wanting's sleeve and said: "Miss, what's wrong? You must be so rude Own?"

Ximen Wanting threw the package to the ground, and shouted: "The Queen Mother's marriage is just and aboveboard, what's the point? I'm going to Prince Qin's Mansion now, and find a room to live in. I'll see what she, Tang Linger, can do to me!"

Ximen Wanting rolled up her sleeves, pinched her waist with one hand, and gave herself a thumbs up with the other: "If she dares to drive me away, I'll fuck her!"

Wang Dang cried, knelt down and begged: "Miss, are you confused? How can you say such a thing? If you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, you can't beat her! Tang Ling'er resisted the order, and the queen mother dared not touch her , Aren’t you supported by Mr. An? If you forcefully barge in, you will be ashamed of your lord, and the face of our Duke Chu will be completely humiliated by you. If you annoy our Duke, then the young lady will completely It's over. Don't talk about marrying the King of Qin, even in the Ximen family, there is no place to stand..."


Su Yu thought that he and Feng Yu were a couple in need.It is precisely because of this that I insist on bringing Feng Yu into the house, no matter how much thought I spend and how long I stay, I don't feel regretful.Princess Taichang suddenly wanted to abolish her side concubine, but Su Yu could not agree.

"But after returning to Luoyang, I have to give my aunt an explanation. After all, she is doing it for me."

It's already October, and there's no news about Zhang Zhiti and Zhang's Bazhuang, Su Yu couldn't wait any longer.At this time, Cao Yuzan had appointed a series of officials such as the Jiedu Envoy of Hedong Road and the Observation Censor.The tax reform was basically over, and the King of Qin would not get any benefits, so he simply withdrew his troops in batches.

Return to Luoyang this day.

As soon as she got home, she heard from Tang Ling'er that Princess Taichang had a quarrel with Concubine Feng. It is said that the two had a fierce quarrel, and they were very angry.

When Su Yu came home, Tang Linger was about to drive to have a look.Although she doesn't like Princess Taichang and Concubine Feng very much now, she still wants to take a walk.After all, they are relatives of the older generation, one is the daughter-in-law of Emperor Wanlong, and the other is the younger sister of Emperor Wanlong.

In the past six months, King Qin spent most of his time fighting outside, and he was about to leave after sitting for a quarter of an hour after returning home.At this time, Su Yu also found that Lao Lu had disappeared, and it was said that he hadn't returned home for more than half a month.I didn't have time to ask more questions, so I drove to Daoguangfang to condolences to Princess Taichang.And Tang Ling'er went to Prince Geng's Mansion to condolences to Concubine Feng.

It seems that the two of them quarreled really hard, and Princess Taichang fell down on the couch, her face pale.

If you quarreled and caused internal injuries, you were really angry.

Of course, quarrels cannot be underestimated.Many people died in quarrels.Especially for people with bad heart and blood vessels, they may die after arguing.

Seeing Su Yu coming to offer condolences, Princess Taichang Zhao Ying immediately sat up, yelling and cursing at the top of her voice, cursing that Concubine Feng would die.

Su Yu smiled, and sat down on the side of the couch: "Why is Auntie so angry, is there anything that can't be solved?"

Zhao Ying said angrily: "A few days ago, there were rumors that your several assassinations were related to Prince Geng's mansion. I don't think my nephew Zhao Zhun is that kind of person, so I don't believe it. But a few days ago when I entered the palace, someone testified that it was That person surnamed Feng is behind the scenes, how can I spare her? If Zhao Zhun didn't stop her, I would definitely kill her!"

Su Yu frowned: "Since there are people who instruct you, why not let the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Dali Temple jointly handle the case?"

Zhao Ying sighed: "If there is solid evidence, what are you talking about?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "I've been talking about it for a long time, but it's just speculation, and it can't be true."

When Su Yu said this, what he thought was that Cao Yuzan was playing tricks behind her back, and she must have provoked Princess Taichang to scold Concubine Feng.Why she did this, Su Yu was not sure, he just waited to see Cao Yuhan.

Persuading women is not as simple as reasoning.When the reasoning was over, she still couldn't get over her anger, so she went to the next session and helped her scold others.Su Yu knew this well, and Princess Taichang's anger disappeared half after a while.

The conversation changed, and it came to the matter of the side concubine.

At first, Su Yu thought that Zhao Ying's sudden attack was to gain some benefits for Zhan Yulin's family.After all, she is the daughter-in-law of Zhan's family. When she dies, she will enter Zhan's ancestral hall.If you can send Miss Zhan's family to be a side concubine in the prince's mansion, it can be regarded as serving the Zhan family.

But in fact it was not the case, Zhao Ying strongly recommended Ximen Wanting and Meng Can.

"I said Yu'er, why don't you understand my aunt's painstaking efforts? When I was fine, I was thinking, if the little emperor died suddenly, who would inherit the throne? If it was before, I might still consider it. balance between.

...But after looking at it for more than half a year, I think you are even better.Because you can fight, but Zhao Zhun can't.As the emperor brother said when he was alive, only when you become the emperor can you have the possibility of unifying the world.At that time, let Zhao Zhun be your prime minister, and your two brothers have one civil and one martial arts, so why worry about the disunity of the world?

...However, if you want to be emperor, both the Meng family and the Ximen family will obstruct it.Now that I'm bringing two girls into the Prince Qin's mansion, I'm also helping you to win them over. "

Is the Taichang Princess right?
Different people will give different answers.

If these words were heard by the old staff member Dian Gong, he would surely be refreshed.

But Su Yu thought that if he really did that, it would be equivalent to cutting off his back first, and then going all out.

(End of this chapter)

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