
Chapter 837

Chapter 837
This autumn was extremely hot, and the windows on all sides of the Xiaofeng Pavilion were open, and the sound from the prince's guard could be heard from time to time.

Tang Ling'er lived in the Duke's Mansion since she was a child, and the Second Battalion of Da Sima's Cavalry Guards were stationed on the east and west sides of the inner house.She was used to the sound of horseshoes, trumpets, weapons clashing, and armor rubbing.Not only do you not feel annoying, but you feel safe.

Since Tang Ling'er was not bothered, no one cared about the "noise" made by Prince Wei.

Prince Weili added a few strange faces, and the guards had more wildness brought from the battlefield.Especially a big man with glaring eyes and beard, whose burly physique is rare in the world.Ordinary iron armor can't cover the body, but a special large size, it looks like a door god when worn on the body.

There were quite a lot of generals from the clan of the Tang family. Tang Linger was used to seeing burly generals with huge blades, but she had never seen such a strong one.Carrying a heavy-duty ax with dozens of kilograms in hand is as flexible as a broom.Throw it on the stone path inadvertently, there is a clang, and sparks fly everywhere.

Yesterday Su Yu told Tang Ling'er that he wanted to find a better martial arts instructor for that burly man at the Qinghuafang Martial Arts Field, only then did Tang Ling'er realize that the big man's name was Wei Zhong.

Today Shi Jin, the captain of the left cavalry guard of the Great Sima, rushed to the Princess's Mansion to do some business. When he saw Wei Zhong, the two of them stared at each other, but did not speak.

They may not be angry, but they are born with a pair of bulging eyes, and they seem to be angry when they look at them normally.

When the two of them met, it was as if Zhang Fei met Xu Chu.

"Are you going to fight too?" It was late at night, and Tang Ling'er was about to go to bed when she found a scar on Su Yu's leg.

"No, I've been sitting in the king's chariot."

Su Yu lay down on the bed, holding books and newspapers, watching the bustle of Luoyang city in the past six months.Luoyang has a permanent population of one million, and the floating population is too large to be counted.There are simply too many funs in the city, King Qin couldn't put it down.Especially a bunch of funny celebrities in Luoyang City, Han Hao, Ouyang Jing, Zhao Linglong, Ximen Wanting, etc. They did all kinds of strange things, which made people laugh out loud.

Tang Ling'er wondered, "With Prince Wei around, why is His Highness injured?"

"Hmm..., Ruya Refraction."

"What is flow vector refraction?"

"It's just this first, and then that."

Su Yu gestured with one finger in front of Tang Linger's eyes.

Only then did Tang Ling'er realize that the First Battle of Jinzhou was tragic. Even Prince Wei participated in the battle and some people died. One can imagine how dangerous the environment King Qin was in at that time.Later, I learned that King Qin had suffered a serious illness, and these things were never mentioned in the letter.

Tang Linger asked, why didn't you tell me?
Su Yu smiled and said nothing.


In the morning of the next day, the princess was reviewing the documents when he suddenly remembered what happened last night.

In fact, Su Yu knew Tang Linger even if he didn't mention it, he didn't want his family to worry.

Tang Linger silently compared in her heart, she told him about her illness, but he didn't tell herself about it.

Tang Ling'er put down her pen and sat still on the couch with a blank expression on her face, muttering in her heart: Is there another possibility, he is too lazy to tell me?Also, why doesn't he like Zhao Zhen?Don't use all kinds of excuses, if you don't like it, you don't like it, you can't hide your eyes.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, when she happened to hear a voice coming from the small west courtyard, she turned her head to look.

She seemed to want to hide herself, leaning against the window and tilting her head, but her tall cloud bun had already exposed her figure, and her appearance with only sharp eyes was a bit weird and gloomy.Feng Yu, who came to the small west courtyard to call the child, shrank her neck in fright, and walked out the back door quickly.

Su Yu was sitting on a small bench, watching Yan Qing show off his handmade clay figurines.It's true that someone learns from someone. She learned her clay figurine skills from Lao Huang.

As the old saying goes, many industries in the field of art are actually interlinked.For example, painting, root carving, stone carving, and clay sculpture have a high degree of overlap on the spiritual level.

Therefore, some people will say, "If you can learn everything well, you can learn everything well." Of course, some people will turn this sentence around and say, "If you can't do one thing well, you can't do everything well."The core of these two sentences is the same, but the meaning of expression is completely opposite.

The front is praise and encouragement, and the back is ridicule and slander.Not so.Just because a person can't do well in one industry doesn't mean he can't do well in another industry, and vice versa.

For example, a certain hurdling world champion, who used to practice high jump, did not show the talent of a world champion, but changed the event and achieved world-renowned achievements.Conversely, if a labor model is allowed to engage in politics, he may not be an official for three years.Another example is to ask a master sculptor to participate in a singing and dancing competition. He may be pointed at by the tutor in the audition and said "you get out".

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people have multiple talents at the same time, such as Lao Huang who loves to sing mountain tunes.

Although Lao Huang's mountain tunes may not be liked by others, Lao Huang said that he once won the favor of young girls from the Han family because of his bright and high-pitched singing voice.The old naughty boy seems to only care about people surnamed Han, and he doesn't know how many past events there are.

"Your Highness, do you have time to go upstairs and talk?"

Tang Linger's words were polite, but it didn't sound like a good thing.

And what is inside and outside the words is that King Qin is too idle.As the regent, instead of being busy with military and political affairs, he actually watched the children make clay figurines in the small courtyard.Can you still be a little serious?
Women often demand more from their husbands than themselves.Tang Linger is a strong woman. She has high demands on herself and even more on her husband.In a sense, Princess Qin is also considered a good wife, because she is always urging her husband and asking him to make progress.But sometimes, her strong personality can destroy the happiness of the family.

For example, Su Yu is currently playing happily, but she throws cold water on her head.

Also, at this moment, if Su Yu makes progress again, where else can he go?The king above the regent is the emperor.

But some women are like this. They can't see their husbands standing still, so "the wife has no doctor in her eyes."No matter how beautiful a man is outside, you are also an ordinary person in the eyes of a strong wife.Unless the man is exhausted and the woman thinks you've done your best, she'll take the pressure off a little.But that doesn't mean she's satisfied, because you're so exhausted that you didn't succeed, which means you're incompetent.

Of course, this is just talking about one type of woman, not all women.

In Ouyang Jing's view, women can be roughly divided into nine categories.I won't go into details here.

Different personalities, different ways of thinking, different standpoints, and different perspectives on things.For example, Kong Ting believes that the current King Qin is already very successful.But Feng Yu believes that the status of King Qin is already too high, so high that people are afraid.

But in front of Tang Ling'er, this didn't seem to be enough. Seeing her standing tall and towering by the window on the second floor, the demeanor of a powerful concubine was fully revealed, and there was no way to add it.

But it can't all be blamed on her, since the day she was born, she has been raised according to the queen's standards.She also restrains herself according to the queen's standard.

This is also the reason why she looked down on Su Yu at the beginning.

She was supposed to marry a real dragon and become a phoenix, but how could she fall in love with a down-and-out kid.

But now, she knows that she is no longer the head of the family, but she is still like this.It's something in her bones.Just like Queen Tang back then.Emperor Wanlong was so good, but in the end, the two of them lived their lives in ruins.Even to the point of death, Empress Tang refused to admit that she was wrong to kill the maid.

Su Yu believes that the more powerful a woman is, the lower her sense of happiness will be.

Letting go of so many desires will make life easier.Take it easy on yourself and your family.

But strong women often don't listen to persuasion, such as the aunt and nephew Tang Empress and Tang Linger.They are passionate and excited, tenacious and unyielding, they would rather bend than bend, and fight hard to the end.

To break this situation, use the seventh trick of Ouyang Jing's "Ten Laws of Artists", "Don't block the soldiers when they come, don't cover up when the water comes, don't cover up when the enemy is arrogant and relaxed, let her be tall and tall."

Ouyang Jing's "high" can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Su Yu came to the study on the second floor of Xiaofeng Pavilion and saw Wang Xun making tea. She always kept the same expression as the princess, and even enlarged the expression of the princess.It is as if the spring is tightened and the mainspring is wound.

The princess is in a happy mood, and she is elated; the princess is bored, and she is sleepy; the princess is sad, and she is sullen and cold-eyed;

But after Su Yu ascended to the position of regent, Wang Xun was not as sharp as before.

But in Su Yu's view, these are all appearances, she just wrapped the sharp blade with a layer of cloth.After tearing off the cloth skin, she was still the sharp-toothed and sharp-clawed Wang Xun.

Su Yu sat down unhurriedly, and imitated Tang Linger's style of reading a scripture and said, "Why does my concubine call me the king?"

Tang Ling'er said in a high-pitched voice: "My concubine thinks that King Qin, as the regent, should focus on important matters and spread kindness, instead of playing with the children in this small courtyard. In the palace of King Qin, there are only a few secretaries, most of whom are mediocre. Can't be reused, not enough to share the heavy responsibility of King Qin..."

"Shangshu Zhuan" has a saying: "Servants who are humble, men are called ministers and daughters are called concubines." "Zhou Li Zhu" has a cloud: "Chefs and concubines are called poor men and women." "Warring States Policy Qin Si": "The common people do not talk Born, the race is separated, and the exile is a minister and concubine." Note that "men are ministers, women are concubines".

Facing the emperor, men call themselves ministers, and women call themselves concubines.Even the queen called herself a concubine when she saw the emperor. The word "Chenqie" appeared at the same time, and it often referred to a group of people. When they became the self-proclaimed imperial concubine, it was not allowed to test.In the Liang Dynasty, concubines rarely called themselves "concubines".

Tang Ling'er called Su Yu upstairs, and babbled a lot, nothing more than "strive hard for governance", "work hard for strength", "a gentleman strives for self-improvement".Su Yu felt dizzy for a while, and then he stopped listening altogether, and fell down on the couch, thinking wildly.

Suddenly thinking of Suzaku who was pregnant, I felt a little guilty, thinking that I should find time to see it...

"It's the duty of a good wife to be a husband and a child, why don't you listen to me?" Tang Ling'er said seriously, "Get up and listen carefully, don't be lazy."

She worked hard again, and said "you and me".

Seeing that Su Yulai couldn't get up on the couch, she stretched out her hand to pinch, and raised her foot to kick.

Su Yu poked her with his finger, and the husband and wife had a crazy scene.

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

  Thanks to the book friend "Mr. Eighteen Paintings 666" for his long-term support.

  Thank you book friends for voting and leaving comments.

(End of this chapter)

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