
Chapter 838 The Mystery of Suzaku

Chapter 838 The Mystery of Suzaku
Lao Lu disappeared for nearly a month, King Qin was very worried, so he searched both black and white.

Mobilize the Jinwu Guards, claiming to see people alive and corpses.

Soon, You Xiaoqi Cao Renfeng, You Baoqi Zhao Yuan, Sheshengwei Li Dao, Qianniuwei Wu Xing, Jingtong Li Fu sent back news one after another.They searched the unnamed corpses and files in the area, but they did not find anyone who fit the characteristics of Lao Lu.No one saw Lao Lu alive.

Su Yu went to Jinwu general Zhao Yafu, hoping to help mobilize the other five guards to find him.Although the two belong to two factions, Zhao Yafu can still help with this little favor.But after two days of investigation, there was no result.

At this time, the secretary of the sect, Lang Matthew, was still in contact with the Jianghu people, and he heard some news.It's just that he couldn't verify it for a while, so he didn't take any action.There are various indications that this matter may be related to Prince Geng's Mansion.

I can't go to Gengwang's mansion to investigate, but I can't help looking for Lao Lu.For this reason, Su Yu changed his itinerary, instead of going to Pingkang Square to meet Suzaku, he went directly to the back hall to meet the Queen Mother.

It feels like I haven't seen Cao Yuhan for a long time.She was still the same, wearing a black robe and sitting on the couch.There were two curtains in front of the couch, and every time I saw Su Yu, I would remove one of them.The string of curtains is almost an inch wide, and this curtain is really dispensable.

Through the curtain, I saw her bright eyes, high hair, looks smart and delicate, but there is always a lazy energy about her.

This may have something to do with her wide bun.

It is worth mentioning that Cao Yuhan has a big head but a small face.Her flaws were hidden behind a thick chignon and bejeweled tiara.

"It's really hard for Yudi to come back from an expedition." Cao Yuhan's first sentence had a sour taste: "In addition, I should thank Yudi specially. The Ai family entrusted Yudi with a small matter, but Yu My brother is taking care of it as a big deal, it’s really bothering me."

She was referring to Feng Zhenqing's father-in-law's family. Cao Yuzan asked Su Yu to let the Daizhou Zhang family go, but Su Yu ordered Dianfeng to arrest more than [-] members of the Daizhou Zhang family and send them to Luoyang.

After walking this way, the 300 people were exhausted.Halfway through, the old people in the Zhang family were almost exhausted.After Cao Yuzan heard about it, he ordered Luzhou government to take the criminals directly instead of sending them to Luoyang.

Later, Su Yu didn't quite know how Cao Yuzan arranged those people. She probably would be a good person and show kindness to Feng Zhenqing.

"Working for the Empress Dowager must be devoted to everything, and I dare not neglect in the slightest." Su Yu said seriously.

Cao Yuzan gritted her teeth and said, "It's true that I have dedicated myself. There are [-] officials, large and small, in the Daofu County of Hedong, and the Ministry of Officials has received as many as [-] officials recommended by the King of Qin. It has really relieved Ai's family."

Su Yu smiled and said nothing.

Cao Yuzan suddenly became bitter: "Why are you looking for me? Are you here to let me see you smile?"

Su Yu stopped laughing, and said seriously: "I heard that Prince Geng's Mansion has been quite active recently, I don't know what they are busy with."

Cao Yuzan raised her head slightly: "Why should I tell you?"

Su Yu glanced at Cao Yuzan and said, "How much do you want?"

Cao Yuzan said with a cold face: "You arrange 200 people at one go, which is too many. My people plus Kang Wang's people, there are at least three hundred."

Su Yuning raised her eyebrows: "So many people must be arranged in Hedong? If so, how many people from the virtuous king will be arranged in Henan?"

Cao Yuzan said: "Prince Xian's mansion also handed me a list, which is no less than King Kang's."

Su Yu nodded: "There are almost fifty people who have colluded with Mrs. Zhang."

Cao Yuzan remained silent.

Su Yu said again: "The remaining [-] places will be vacated by the end of the year. They may be promoted or dismissed. Or they may expand the school administration office, open free schools, and use those people."

"Why do this?"

"Confucianism, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, a long-term plan."

After talking about serious matters, Cao Yuzan was in the mood to chat with Su Yu about the Geng Palace.Cao Yuzan said, in fact, you don't have to worry too much, as long as King Geng has no military power, so what if Concubine Feng jumped into the sky?

It was only then that Su Yu noticed that Concubine Feng was behind this incident.From the assassination of King Qin to the persecution of Suzaku Tan Qin'er, it was all the intention of this old woman.This hit Su Yu's bottom line.

Su Yu has always been open-minded, and he doesn't care about it if he can, but there are some things that he can't bear.The person who met Su Yu's bottom line last time was Mrs. Che, the wife of the Sixteenth Prince.Soon Che died.But this time the situation is different. Concubine Feng lives in seclusion, or she doesn't go out at all, how can it be calculated against her?
"The killers she hired are nothing special to me. As long as you are careful, you won't get caught." Cao Yuzan said lazily, and seeing Su Yu's thoughtful silence, she continued: "Even if there is no Concubine Feng, Don’t you need to guard against assassins? And the scandal between you and Suzaku, Aijia is ashamed of you.”

Su Yu waved his hand and said, "Don't listen to other people's nonsense, it's nothing."

Cao Yuzan snorted coldly: "If there is no such thing, then I will not be polite."

Cao Yuzan suddenly raised her voice: "Suzaku affects King Qin's reputation, and also affects the royal family's reputation. The Ai family wants to get rid of her!"

Su Yu stared, and was about to speak, but felt that Cao Yuzan was playing tricks, so he choked back the words.

As a result, because of this look, Cao Yuzan stared at Su Yu with a sneer, with a wicked smile.

Su Yu was too lazy to talk to her, frowned and said, "I underestimated Concubine Feng before."

Cao Yuzan said: "I guess Lu Changxiao is not in her hands, but I don't know if Lu Changxiao is alive or not. My people reported that Lu Changxiao was a bold man who entered the Spring Night Pavilion alone. In the end, he met a group of people. The gang They didn't kill him on the spot, but he must have been injured. He ran so fast that no one could catch him, so my men don't know where he went."

"Your people? Who?"

"Why should I tell you?"


I cursed Cao Yuzan thousands of times in my heart.

Su Yu can no longer give up the interests of Hedong Road.But Su Yu didn't give in, so Cao Yuzan didn't say anything.The deal didn't work out.However, Su Yu has already determined the main goal, so he doesn't care about Cao Yuzan.So he left the apse and rushed to Pingkangfang.

In this world, Suzaku is the second person to conceive a child for Su Yu.Guilty and caring at the same time.Buy some presents.These gifts may not be what she likes, but she still has to give them. Presumably, the charming boss will care about this friendship.

When they came to the ninth floor, they saw that Suzaku's abdomen had bulged slightly.

A woman with a fit body no longer tightens her belly, but puts on a large robe.Sit upright and step on, still maintaining the demeanor of the chief bustard.

Before she was pregnant, she could still be polite to King Qin, but after Wang Zhong was destroyed, she was not so polite.Just as Su Yu leaned over, he just rubbed his belly before being pushed away by her.

To say that Suzaku is wild enough, during her pregnancy, she felt that her practice became smoother, and even made a breakthrough.It's a pity that she failed again, and still maintained the realm of the ninth beginning.

"If it wasn't for worrying about getting rid of the child, maybe it would be successful." She seemed to be trying to quibble.

Su Yu looked at her not very happy.

Suzaku leaned over, stared at Su Yu at a close distance, and said with a smile, "What, are you angry?"

While speaking, she put her hand on Su Yu's shoulder, and could almost feel her breath: "If it falls, make another one."

She pretended to be tender, quite provocative, which also made Su Yu's heart tremble.But at this time, I can't work hard, so I don't think about it anymore.

After calming down, he said, "How much do you know about Caiyun Pavilion?"

As soon as he heard the words "Caiyun Pavilion", Suzaku restrained his smile and sat back, looking unhappy.

Su Yu told her what he heard, Suzaku gradually became serious and helped Su Yu analyze the case.

While talking, Suzaku suddenly stood up, pulled Su Yu to the window, and looked downstairs: "Look carefully at the layout of Wanhua Building, did you find anything?"

Su Yu looked at it intently: "You mean, Wanhualou has no dead ends. You all know what happened here?"

"The same is true for Caiyun Pavilion." Suzaku turned around and said, "In fact, there are assassins breaking in here, but some assassins' martial arts are so high that the thugs dare not make a sound, so they pretend not to see it."

Su Yu understood Suzaku's meaning, and pointed to the watchtower in the villa area downstairs of Wanhua and smiled: "Cao Yuzan is willing to spend money, I guess some of the thugs in the watchtower of your house were bought by her."

Suzaku smiled wryly: "If that's the case, I can't take care of it. Even if I want to give her news, I dare not not give it."

Su Yu nodded: "He who understands current affairs is a hero."

Speaking of which, the backstage of Wanhualou is relatively weak.

The largest shareholder of Wanhualou is the Han family chaebol, while the largest shareholders of Caiyun Pavilion and Meixianyuan are Ximen and Meng respectively.

Su Yu suddenly remembered one thing: "Why did you leave the Tang family with Wanhualou? Did the Tang family offend you? And how did you prevent the Tang family from retaliating against you?"

Suzaku smiled helplessly, and sat down to pour water: "The Tang family has no money to fight the war. I gave Tang Zhen a lot of money. At first, I said it would be paid off in three years, but he couldn't pay it back. Later, I didn't want the money, and broke away from the Tang family. Does he have the nerve to take revenge on me?"

Su Yu frowned: "But I heard that Tang Zhen no longer asks you for money in the later stage. Why do you have to leave? Is it because of Tang Kuan?"

"This matter is indeed related to Tang Kuan, but this is not the reason why I must leave." Suzaku seemed to not want to continue this topic.

Suzaku has a knot in her heart, and that is her life experience. At first, Ji Kuchan told her that she was Han Shi's daughter.

Han Shi was dead, so Suzaku went to visit his house.

It turned out that most of Han Shi's daughters were short and fat, with wide faces and high cheekbones, with angular faces.

But the Suzaku and Peacock sisters have tall bones and small oval faces.

Su Yu didn't pay much attention to this matter, sat down to drink tea, and suddenly thought of Tang Kuan's youngest daughter, Tang Dun'er, with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a small oval face.

Suddenly raised his head to look at Suzaku...

(End of this chapter)

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