
Chapter 849

Chapter 849

After giving instructions to Raksha, Ouyang Kun turned his head and said to Tang Xu: "If someone comes to the door, I can drive them away through martial arts. If they refuse to leave, I accidentally killed them. There will also be Li Wantang to help me."


At dawn the next day, the tall and slender lama Chi Luocha brought money to Jinyiwei to do some errands.

According to Ouyang Kun's instructions, he did things happily.Soon I got a document from Jinyiwei, and Zhang Qianhu of Jinyiwei said, as long as you have my document from Jinyiwei, you don't need to go to Jingzhao Mansion and Honglu Temple to go through the formalities.

Chi Luocha came back happily and told Ouyang Kun these words, but Ouyang Kun still asked him to go to Jingzhao Mansion and Honglu Temple to complete the formalities.Ouyang Kun said, when you get there, don't say you have been to Jinyiwei first.After finishing, don't tell Jin Yiwei that he has been to Jingzhao Mansion and Honglu Temple.

Chi Luosha didn't dare to talk back, but just rolled his eyes and went to work.Then I have to go to major newspapers to spend money on advertising.The competition rules and rewards are the same as last time, 100 for defeating disciples and [-] million for defeating Ouyang Kun.But this time Ouyang Kun raised the threshold, requiring only those who can hit three inches of wood to be eligible to challenge.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the martial arts circle in Luoyang, and there was a sound of cursing: Ouyang Kun, is there any end?
People in martial arts paid out their money one after another, went to books and newspapers to post posts, and went to Jianghu Tavern to issue Jianghu orders, calling on the number one swordsman "Sword God" Long Xiaotian in Daliang to come to Luoyang to chop this old man.

But Long Xiaotian didn't come for three days, and there were very few people who went to Tianlong Temple to challenge, because they couldn't make three-inch palm prints.Although there were few people competing, there were many people watching the excitement, and they crowded in the courtyard in front of the Daxiong Palace.Even if the weather is cold and the nose is long, the enthusiasm remains undiminished.

On this day, a woman in black appeared at Tenryuji Temple holding two narrow knives.She glanced at the Daxiong Hall, then at the wooden post, and then went straight to the wooden post.

Balben, who was guarding the stake, looked at the woman.

At the same time, the audience became energetic, holding their hands and necks to watch.

The woman didn't sign up, and came to the stake and slapped her palm, which seemed to be an understatement, more than four inches.

Ba Leben applauded: "Good!"

Then Ba Le ran to the main hall and called Ouyang Kun.

Soon Ouyang Kun came out with three disciples.

Ouyang Kun looked at the woman in black up and down, and felt familiar, approached, and asked in a low voice, "Your Excellency, is your name Gao?"

"The geese screamed mournfully."

"Oh! Chen Qianfen's student. We seem to have met more than ten years ago."

"Yes, I did see it once."


After returning from Hedong, King Qin became more and more busy.The number of secretary Lang in the Palace of the King of Qin has also increased to 15 people, most of whom are dealing with household affairs.But the affairs of the household department are not what Su Yu cares about the most, because the secretaries can handle things very well.At this time, Su Yu was most concerned about safety issues, the group of Concubine Feng's minions and Zhang's bandits.

I really don't know how Confucianism Shangnong Cheng Kun colluded with Zhang's Ba Zhuang, and Zhang's Ba Zhuang is not as simple as eight people.They're a gang that keeps sending people.

At the beginning, Zhang Zhiti took more than 2000 members of the Zhang family and hid a huge sum of money deep in the mountains, but they have not been found yet.Now that they are launching an assassination operation to take revenge on King Qin, these two thousand people will come a few at a time, and there will be no rest from then on.

On the one hand, Su Yu increased his control over Luoyang, and on the other hand, he wrote to Qiu Yao, asking him to implement the "Recruitment Order" in Taiyuan, pardoning members of the Zhang family, and rewarding those who took the initiative to provide information about the Zhang family.I hope to use the method of recruiting security to divide and disintegrate the Zhang family from within.

Besides these things, Su Yu also had to deal with the concubine's affairs.Judging from Tang Zhen's attitude, it was unstoppable for Ximen Wanting and Meng Can to enter Qin Palace.On the other side of Merit Street, a good person has also been selected, and it really is a girl from the Zhan family, named Zhan Youni.

Su Yu has no impression of Meng Can and Zhan Youni, but the two girls are very happy.

Su Yu didn't know how popular he was in the girl circle.When it was Chang'an County Horse at the earliest, there were nympho girls guarding the gate of Qinghuafang, just to see the county horse's demeanor.Su Yu must have never imagined that there were some noble ladies disguised as ordinary people among them.

Seeing that the situation was unstoppable, Tang Linger was facing a situation similar to her aunt's.

Originally, the princess had monopolized the inner house, but after the prince ascended the throne, he had to face a huge harem.It is estimated that Tang Jin also had a difficult time at that time.

After a few days of psychological adjustment, Tang Ling'er was ready for "combat preparation". The first pair of shoes she designed for the side concubines were their residences.

Tang Linger said that they must live in Sanxiaozhuli.As for the big garden and Peacock House at the back, they were built by Kong Ting herself, and no one else is qualified to live there.It is impossible to expand the Qin Palace in the future, because it involves the marching passage of Qinghuafang.

Tang Ling'er was still working hard on formulating the family rules. From time to time, she thought of new ideas and kept adding them in.Wang Xun contributed a lot to the thick family rules.

Seeing Tang Linger's appearance of defending power to the death, Su Yu felt a little distressed, and worried that Tang Linger would lose the battle.

Once the concubine is defeated, the family will be full of excitement.Chickens fly and dogs jump, and there will never be peace.So Su Yu had to help Tang Ling'er deal with those side concubines.

At this time, Kong Ting and Feng Yu have fallen into beauty, even deprived of their noble status.

Su Yu went to Cao Yuzan yesterday and asked if he could consider not abolishing the original side concubine.The result was directly rejected by Cao Yuzan.Cao Yuzan also said sarcastically, your side concubine was not in compliance with the rules, and Aijia replaced the poor girl with a nobleman for you, you should thank me.

Su Yu thanked her eight generations of ancestors.

After a busy day, Su Yu returned to Xiaofeng Pavilion when he was lighting the lamp, sat on the couch, and watched the fat wife work at her desk.She was criticizing someone at the time, writing fast, with anger on the tip of the pen.

Tang Linger wrote very fast and neatly. Su Yu sat aside and watched, until she handed the document to the maid, Su Yu said: "Until the Confucian Shangnong Cheng Kun is caught, Linger should try to travel as little as possible. Except They, as well as the remnants of the Zhang family, are also very dangerous."

Tang Linger sighed: "Maybe it can be done without going out of Qinghuafang, but it is impossible without going out of the mansion. But you don't have to worry, there are always people around me."

Su Yu shook his head: "The swordsmen of the Tang family are not enough. Let Bai Zhan follow you in the future."

Tang Linger said quickly: "Let him follow you. I will take Uncle Rong with me."

Su Yu asked remindingly: "How old is he?"

Tang Linger turned her head to stare at Su Yu, and asked with a smile, "Could it be that you will never catch those people?"

Su Yu smiled wryly and said nothing.

Tang Ling'er wanted to use Lao Diao Temple as a part-time job.

Hu Rong's internal strength is indeed very high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the top three of the Liang Dynasty.But he is too old and can only be a half-person envoy.Entrusting the safety of the princess to him, Su Yu was worried and decided to send more people.

Discuss with Tang Linger.

After discussing and discussing, in the end I still think that Mei Hongshan is more suitable.Mei Hongshan is good at stepping and stepping, and she is a woman, she can sit in the princess car at any time.

Mei Hongshan is the Secretary of the Jingtong Bureau. If she travels with Tang Linger, Matthew can take over her position.In fact, it's not a big deal, just keep some documents, and Matthew is trustworthy.

But a plum red shirt is still not enough.The key is that Li Feng and Zhang Guang's martial arts photos are much lower than Cheng Kunru Shangnong.Su Yu really wanted to find Senior Sister Yan, but Senior Sister Yan didn't have the character of being a slave at all.

And those little sisters in Honghei Temple are reliable, but their martial arts are only at the level of Li Feng and Zhang Guang.

Suddenly thought of the female swordsman Duguhuang.

Su Yu muttered while sitting on the couch, but Tang Ling'er was not annoyed, because she felt the concern from King Qin.But in the end, she rejected all of Su Yu's proposals, saying that she would let Lin Sun arrange more swordsmen to come over.

After talking about safety, it was inevitable to talk about the side concubine.

Su Yu said in a calm tone as much as possible: "I have carefully read the rules set by Ling'er. Although the rules are good, they are too many, which will easily lead to family conflicts. It would be better if they could be relaxed. For example, the problem of eating, they Let them buy what they like to eat, there is no need to get together to eat."

"How can it work?" Tang Linger said stubbornly: "Eating is a big rule, and everyone's status is established through eating, so that they will always remember their identity."

Su Yu had a headache for a while: "Leave the issue of food aside, let's talk about money. I don't think it is necessary to collect all the money they bring from their natal family. Although your rules clearly state that as long as it is reasonable, you can pay for it." money, but it will make people feel depressing. And sometimes, they just want to buy some unreasonable small items, and if you insist on not letting them buy them, they will not only hate you, but also hide the money privately."

"She dares!" Tang Ling'er's face suddenly turned red, and she stared, "I am the concubine, who dares to disobey the rules I set? Breaking my rules is disobedience to women!"

Meeting such a powerful concubine as Tang Ling'er is truly mind-blowing.

At this time, Su Yu realized that he had entered into a misunderstanding, and the way of talking today was wrong.

Speaking bluntly and preaching will not impress Tang Linger, but will irritate her instead.

Su Yu thought of "Ten Laws of the Opera Girl" written by Ouyang Jing, and he should avoid its edge at this time and change his course.

So Su Yu didn't mention this matter, and decided to take Tang Ling'er for a walk in the garden, making insinuations and fables.Tang Ling'er seemed to be listening, but at this moment, Wang Xun's words made all of Su Yu's words go to waste.

Wang Xun said: The king of Qin said that the mansion of the king of Qin belongs to the king and concubine Qin, and the mansion of the princess Chang'an belongs to the princess.

Sometimes, Su Yu really wanted to hit Wang Xun with a big ear blow, but when he thought about it carefully, he was not hitting Wang Xun, but Tang Linger.What Wang Xun said was exactly what Tang Linger thought in her heart, but she didn't say it.If she said it in person, the climate of this family would have changed.

(End of this chapter)

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