
Chapter 850

Chapter 850
In order to find Confucianism Shangnong, Yan Beiming walked around the city.Finding someone like this is extremely inefficient, but she is still looking for it.Years of experience in the world told her that Ru Shangnong may be in Nanshi or a few squares near Nanshi.

On this day, I went to Tianlong Temple and saw a group of Sangla lamas clamoring there, challenging the Central Plains martial arts.

Yan Beiming met Ouyang Kun and knew that he was not Ouyang Kun's opponent, but the heroine didn't feel that he couldn't beat Ouyang Kun's apprentices.And defeating the apprentice can get money.

She said to Ouyang Kun: It was just a temporary idea to come to the martial arts competition in front of the palace, just to make some money.

Ouyang Kun laughed and said, "Your junior brother is the regent who is in charge of the household department, what kind of money do you still use Master Yan to make?"

Yan mourned and said: "I am not born to eat free food, but whenever there is an opportunity to make money, I always don't want to miss it."

Ouyang Kun smiled with his hands behind his back, and said nothing.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. If Yan Beiming did not sign up, maybe Ouyang Kun would not send the strongest disciple to play.

After a bout, Senior Sister Yan was exhausted.

In order to earn the 100 yuan, she has fought more than [-] rounds with He Erdun, who speaks very little and has cold eyes.He Erdun's internal strength is at the ninth level, which is slightly higher than that of Yan Beiming, but Yan Beiming's swiftness makes up for the loss of internal strength.It can be said that the two of them are at a [-]-[-] split level, and whoever wins and who loses is within reason.

The longer the battle, the more obvious the advantage of internal strength, watching the wild goose sadly fall into the disadvantaged.He received two punches on the face, and his body swayed, showing his defeat.The tall and tall He Erdun took advantage of the victory to pursue and hit hard.But because of his eagerness for success, the door opened wide for a moment, and Yan Beiming made a roundabout kick, which hit He Erdun's heart.

It turned out that she had deliberately exposed her flaws just now to lure He Erdun into him.He Erdun was hit hard, and his internal strength collapsed. Yan Beiming took advantage of the situation to fight back, punched and kicked, and arcs of light hit He Erdun's body. There was a burst of halo at the place where he was hit, forehead, collarbone, ribs, heart, Lower abdomen, until he knocked He Erdun off the ring.

Yan Beiming won the game and won glory for the Central Plains martial arts, attracting applause like a tsunami from the audience.

The reason why the audience is so excited is because they have held back too much fire these days.It's like watching football in a big country, men lose one after another, lose without a bottom line, lose with no hope in sight.They were beaten to pieces, rolled all over the ground, and were as soft as sea cucumbers.In the end, the woman won the game with great difficulty, so why not call it a sonorous rose.

The audience chanted the name of the leader of the God Sect Yan, and called her "The First Swordsman in Daliang".

People in Shenzhou always like to watch the excitement so much. At this time, the yard is full of people, people are sitting on the wall, and people are hanging on the tree.

Ouyang Kun's disciple lost, but Ouyang Kun was not annoyed, and sent the money honestly, and praised a few words.

Yan Beiming took the money and left contentedly.

Seeing the geese walking away with a mournful cry, Ouyang Kun nodded with a smile.


The martial arts competition in the front yard attracted people to watch, the cheers were endless, and there was a lot of commotion.

Ru Shangnong, who shaved his head and burned his ring scars, was hiding behind the moon gate in a blue monk robe, looking forward cautiously, and saw that Yan Ming was competing with He Erdun.I couldn't help muttering "not good" in my heart.Worried that Yan Beiming had found some clues, he quickly notified Tang Xu and sent someone to check nearby to see if there was any Jin Wuwei approaching.

Go and go back quickly, no officers and soldiers were found, and everyone was relieved at this time.

Ru Shangnong returned to the Moon Gate, looked coldly at the arena, and thought, if Yan Ming was injured, then she would not even think about leaving today.

Later, Yan Beiming won the competition, but her internal energy was greatly exhausted.Ru Shangnong felt that the opportunity was rare, and he became murderous.He hurried to find Cheng Kun, but was told that Cheng Kun was out on business and hadn't come back yet.So Ru Shangnong went to Zhang Chongyang and asked for two people, Zhang Qiang and Sun Liang, to intercept Yan Beiming together.

Gossip less, follow a few blocks.Finally, Fang Ru Shangnong stepped out of an uninhabited alley, with the corners of his mouth raised obliquely, with a fierce look on his face.He walked forward with his head slightly lowered, clenched his fists, his inner strength gathered and climbed, and a blue color appeared slightly on his fists.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, Yan Beiming drew out two knives, holding the knives in the forehand of the right hand and the backhand of the left hand.

Everyone is studying at Jukuishan, but Ru Shangnong has never seen this kind of school.But he wasn't very worried, because Yan Beiming's internal energy was exhausted just now, and Confucian Shangnong was [-]% sure of fighting alone.What's more, this is a narrow alley with rich households and high walls on both sides, and Zhang Qiang and Sun Liang have blocked the way for the geese to mourn.

"Ru Shangnong, I knew you were near Nanshi."

Ru Shangnong didn't think too much about the meaning of Yan's mournful cry. He gathered his inner strength, and the air waves rolled over him, like a layer of steam covering his body.Looking behind him through the steam, the space is distorted and dense.While walking, the leaves and gravel rolled in the narrow alley.Ru Shangnong suddenly sped up and rushed forward, and a fist hit like a cannonball with a dazzling light.

Yan Beiming poured his internal energy into the knife, the knife showed a blue light, and cut off head-on.The two met together and fought to one place.Not long after, a few knife marks and fist marks were left on the wall around him, shaking the wall and mountains.It attracted a burst of shouting and scolding from the people in the courtyard.

Zhang Qiang and Sun Liang looked at each other, and each drew their waist knives, ready to join the battle, but at this moment, a red silk flew from an oblique direction, entangled Zhang Qiang's neck and dragged him out.

Zhang Liang was still walking forward, feeling that the people around him suddenly disappeared. When he turned his head, he saw a coquettish woman in a red dress, who strangled Zhang Qiang's neck with a ribbon in her arms and dragged her to her side.This woman has a healthy childlike face, her fingernails are like hooks, and her fingertips are blood red.She was ruthless, stretched out her claws to Zhang Qiang's back, stabbed her fingertips, grabbed the spine, and pulled it violently, the spine broke, and Zhang Qiang died in response.

"My Nima!"

Sun Liang's martial arts were not as good as Zhang Qiang's. Seeing Zhang Qiang's death so tragicly, Sun Liang was so frightened that his legs went limp. He flew the knife at the woman and ran away.

It is worth mentioning that not everyone is "Zhang's Eight Strongs", and now only Zhang Pocheng in Jinyiwei Prison is left among the Eight Strongs.The reason why they were selected as the "Eight Strong" is because of their high martial arts skills, courage and loyalty.Apart from them, people like Sun Liang are the majority.

Suzaku had no time to chase Zhang Liang, and rushed into the alley to help the wild goose cry.

It wasn't until this moment that Ru Shangnong understood the meaning of Yan's mournful cry just now.Yan Beiming had a premonition that the place was not clean, so he informed Suzaku in advance that one was in the light and the other was in the dark.

From Su Yu's point of view, the brain circuits of these gangsters are quite different from normal people.These two women have the same problem, they hope to solve the affairs of the rivers and lakes through the means of the rivers and lakes, one is for the reputation of the god religion, and the other is for the reputation of the chief bustard.

Fearing that too many people would scare the snake away, Suzaku, who was four months pregnant, came here alone.It is said that Yan Beiming also has a helper, but Suzaku doesn't know who that person is or where he is hiding.

Suzaku rushed to the narrow alley, and wanted to jump over the two of them, get behind Ru Shangnong, and attack Yan Yan mournfully.But as soon as Suzaku jumped up, there was a "bang", Ru Shangnong punched the wild goose and sent it flying into the wall, and Ru Shangnong rushed forward, trying to kill him.Suzaku made a move of the white mang whip in the air, and a white light fell from the sky.Ru Shangnong dodges.Taking the opportunity, the geese screamed and got up, and made another stab.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Ru Shangnong intends to rush out of the siege, but is pestered by the two daughters one after another.Seeing that Suzaku's belly bulges slightly, Ru Shangnong kicked a few times, greeting Suzaku's belly.Suzaku has some scruples, but Yan Ming's internal energy is exhausted, and he can't use his ultimate move to knock down Ru Shangnong.

Just as the three of them were fighting, a figure flashed.This person's face was deeply hidden in the hood, and he walked faster and faster, showing his hands with golden light and sharp claws, as if he was a master of the eleventh realm.

Suzaku was startled, and without paying attention, was kicked over by Ru Shangnong.Yan's mournful knife brushed against Ru Shangnong's neck. Ru Shangnong failed to follow up and kill Suzaku, but saw the man behind him, Cheng Kun.


Seeing Cheng Kun coming, Ru Shangnong laughed fiercely, and without any scruples, he rushed at Yan Yan with all his strength and screamed, his move was fatal.

Cheng Kun went straight to Suzaku, sharp claws came through the air, Suzaku returned "Nine Yin White Bone Claws".Usually, Suzaku's fingers are as hard as iron hooks, but when he met Cheng Kun, the two claws caught together like dough hitting a wall, and there was only a crunching sound coming from the phalanx, either broken or dislocated.

With only three moves, Cheng Kun gained the upper hand and grabbed Suzaku's lower abdomen with one claw.

A sword appeared next to Suzaku's belly and stopped Cheng Kun.Cheng Kun abruptly withdrew his hands and looked up, seeing a handsome white-robed swordsman.

This sword came without anyone noticing, as if it suddenly flashed in the air.

What a quick move.

Cheng Kun withdrew his move and asked, "Who is it?"

The white-robed swordsman pointed his sword at Cheng Kun, and said softly, "Li Mobai."

"I've heard the name for a long time!" Cheng Kun shook his arms before he finished speaking, his breath increased sharply, and the air wave rolled in the alley.

Suzaku rushes to Confucianism and Shangnong, assisting the geese to scream, and sword fairy Li Mobai fights Jinclaw Cheng Kun alone.The sword fairy's air mass also increased sharply, the two breaths collided, and the wind rose in the alley.The breath swelled, and the sound of fighting in the alley gradually became indistinct.In the dense atmosphere, the two women were still fighting Ru Shangnong desperately, and the sword of the sword fairy stabbed at the golden claw.

When the sword came, Cheng Kun stomped his feet, tied his horse's stance, and drew circles with his claws in front of him. A pair of yin and yang fish appeared, as if wearing gauntlets, welcoming the sharp sword.

Ru Shangnong's screams were heard not far away, Cheng Kun was eager for success, and in the blink of an eye, he exerted most of his power, forcing Li Mobai to shatter the sword in his hand, and urged Cheng Kun with heavy air, the broken sword pierced the air, and countless The white line still couldn't stop Cheng Kun. Cheng Kun held up the air shield in one hand, and condensed the heavy air in the other hand to smash it head-on.

Unavoidable to avoid, Li Mobai raised his hand and made a "thunderbolt palm", the claws collided, and black air rose from the corners of Li Mobai's lips.

Li Mobai has long since had the ability to break through the tenth realm, but he has been holding back and doesn't want to get through the thirteen ghost caves.

But today, it finally got through.

(End of this chapter)

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