
Chapter 851

Chapter 851

The tax reform of Guannei Road is over, and An Guogong returns to the court.

Tang Linger said that my brother made a net profit of at least 100 billion by going to Guanneidao this time.She even felt that Tang Zhen came back a little early, and if he stayed for a while, he would reap some benefits.But Tang Zhen still came back, and the resolute Lord An Guo didn't even go home, so he went directly to the back hall to meet the queen mother to plot important matters.

Soon Cao Yuzan announced King Qin into the palace.

Today, Empress Dowager Cao was dressed very well, sitting upright and stepping on her feet with awe-inspiring aura.It seemed that she had just met Tang Zhen, and then met King Qin.Strange to say, Su Yu rushed to the imperial city, but he didn't see Tang Zhen along the way.

Covered by two curtains, Cao Yuhan could not be seen clearly.In the spacious hall, there were only a handful of three servants.Li Wantang was standing by the couch, Cao Xiaobao was holding Fuchen at the front door, and Sun Bumei was standing at the back door.

Behind the curtain, Cao Yuzan's voice was low: "Just now, I discussed with Mr. An that we are going to send troops to Wuwei. I wonder if Brother Yu has any suggestions?"

Su Yu frowned: "Qi Dongyang Dian is loyal to Lanzhou, and only has [-] soldiers, while Sangla has a standing army of [-]. How to fight? Should we transfer troops from Chang'an? But Wuwei has a high wall and thick walls, so it is difficult to attack with the same force. Down."

Cao Yuzan said: "You don't have to worry about how to beat you, now I only ask you for money."

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "Are you asking me for money?"

Cao Yuzan said very seriously: "You are in charge of the household department. As long as you conceal the report and I don't check, the money can be sent directly to the account of the Tang family. Your palace is in Qinghuafang, and your wife is the Tang family. Economist, I think it will be easy for you to do this."

Su Yu didn't answer directly, but thought about it.

It seems that Cao Yuzan and Tang Zhen are determined to beat Sang La.But the Tang family didn't have enough soldiers, so they planned to recruit soldiers to fight.But the Tang family was heavily in debt and had no money to support more people, so they asked Cao Yuzan for money.Cao Yuhan had no money, so she wanted to come to Su Yu's head.

Su Yu felt something was wrong.

Although Tang Zhen is very good at fighting and has many generals under his command, isn't it a bit of a joke to rely on the Tang family alone to deal with Sangla?Besides, the combat effectiveness of the recruits is very worrying.It would be too risky for Tang Zhen to take Chang'an's [-] soldiers to fight Wuwei and let the recruits defend the city.What if Sang La gave up Wuwei and attacked Chang'an instead?

Chang'an is the only big city under the Tang family's rule. If Chang'an is lost, the old foundation of the Tang family will be gone.

Do you want to transfer Hanzhong soldiers?
Su Yu felt that no matter how hard he fought, it was impossible for Tang Zhen to withdraw the [-] soldiers from Hanzhong.

The court of the Shu Han Dynasty is now very noisy. The hawkish ministers clamored all day to attack Daliang.If Tang Zhen withdrew [-] soldiers from Hanzhong at this time, then the Shu Han courtiers would have unified opinions.Once Hanzhong was lost, Chang'an was in danger, even Luoyang.

Su Yu raised his head: "You must be hiding something."

Cao Yuzan chuckled lightly: "Okay, then I'll tell you."

Cao Yuzan said that he had already contacted Min Yue and wanted to attack Sang La from both sides.At the same time, Cao Yuzan also contacted King Kang and King Xian, and wanted to support Murongqu, the fifth prince of Sangla, as King Sangla.It is said that the current king of Sangla, Murongkun, usurped power and seized the throne, killed his father and brother, which is unacceptable in nature, so the fifth prince, Murongqu, borrowed troops from the Liang Dynasty to avenge his father.In this way, Liang Chao became famous as a teacher.

"The Hexi Corridor is the economic lifeline of the Tang family. It was cut off by Sang La for 12 years, causing the Tang family to be heavily in debt." Cao Yuzan's voice became softer: "Opening the Hexi Corridor, uncle's return to the court, and uncle's second division, we There are at least 3 people. Although my agents can’t fully control the eight levels, they can play a certain role. By then, if you bring the fourth division and No.11 division to help me, I will have 5 people .Let’s work together to get rid of King Kang Xianwang. At that time, the Liang Dynasty will be ours.”

Su Yu was silent.

Seeing that Su Yu was silent, Cao Yuzan said with a more serious tone: "Tang Zhen promised me that as long as I make trouble, he will lend me [-] recruits. In other words, he is recruiting soldiers for me now. In this way, I will have more Take control of the situation."

Su Yu felt that Cao Yuzan took the topic a little too far, so he brought the topic back to the war itself: "Even if Min Yue responds, I don't think there are enough troops."

Cao Yuzan quickly said: "Murong Qu has a response in Xining Mansion. And I will fight for King Xian and King Kang to send troops."

Su Yu quickly asked: "Do you think they will agree?"

Cao Yuhan's head shook slightly: "They haven't agreed yet, but I think they will, because they can't control Tang Zhen. If Tang Zhen wants to fight, they won't watch the Tang family fall into the fire pit. Once the Tang family If it falls, there will be chaos in the west. Shu Han and Sang La will attack together, and no one will be sure to stop them."

In other words, King Xian and King Kang haven't agreed yet.What Cao Yuzan said was swearing, but whether it will be possible or not is another matter.If Su Yu refuses to cooperate now, not only will he offend Cao Yuzan, but also Tang Zhen.Su Yu would not do this kind of things that are not human inside and out.So I agreed.At this time, loud laughter came from the small room on the side of the apse. Su Yu turned his head and saw that it was Tang Zhen who came out.

Duke An was very satisfied with Su Yu, and it was beyond words.

Qin Wang and An Guogong went back to Qinghuafang in the same car, Su Yu and Tang Zhen said in the car, can the side concubine matter be stopped?Because Ling'er is under a lot of pressure, I'm afraid she can't bear it.

Tang Zhen frowned and said that he couldn't decide on this matter.In addition, Tang Zhen told Su Yu bluntly that the Tang family and the Meng family were secretly fighting for the position of queen.Tang Zhen's daughter, Tang Yuan, and Meng Danqing's daughter, Meng Die, were all candidates for queen.

Su Yu sighed, the two poor little girls are only a few years old, and they are about to fight.

In the same car with Tang Zhen, I also saw Ouyang Xiaoqiao.To say that Xiao Qiao is really uplifting, she went to Guannei Road with Tang Zhen, and was pregnant when she came back.Before the child was born, the name had already been chosen, and it was called Tang Kaiguang.Because Xiao Qiao said that according to the time calculation, she should have been conceived in Kaiguang County, Yinzhou.

Tang Zhen had few heirs, and he occasionally had a child. Duke An was very happy and doted on Xiao Qiao even more.Looking at their concubines and concubines loving each other, they are like the overlord and concubine Yu.But Xiao Qiao is too coquettish, and has a sense of both Daji and King Zhou.


When Tang Zhen returned home, the Duke's Mansion became lively again, and people who came to see Mr. An for business lined up.

But no matter how many people there are in the Duke's mansion, Tang Ling'er must hold a stack of books and go to see her brother as soon as possible.

Since Su Yu had just got off Tang Zhen's car, he didn't accompany Tang Linger.Sisters Ouyang Xiaochan and Ouyang Xiaohuan ran over, wanting to see their sister.Su Yu asked Tang Fei to take them to the Duke's Mansion.

I have to admit that Ouyang's family is ridiculously handsome.The two young ladies lived in Prince Qin's Mansion for more than half a year, blooming like flowers.During Chinese New Year, Ouyang Xiaochan will be 14 years old and ready to marry.But her father, Ouyang Jing, was not in a hurry at all, and Mrs. Gongsun was half a monk, and no longer took care of family affairs.

Maybe Ouyang Jing didn't intend to marry the child at all, and just left it in the Prince Qin's mansion.The two girls are so beautiful, there will always be one who is taken in by King Qin and taken into the house to tidy up, that is King Qin's woman.I don't have to worry about eating and drinking in this life.

As for Ouyang Jing, now his family is in pieces.The wife went to the temple to chant Buddha all day long, and brought her second son Ouyang Zhu with her.

The eldest son, Ouyang Qing, spends all day in the Octagonal Building, opening a restaurant and at the same time serving as the principal of the Octagonal Art University.The principal's style is exactly the same as his father's.Eighty percent of the female students who entered the school could not escape the clutches of Principal Ouyang.

However, this kid also has a talent for doing business, not only making the business prosperous, but also having a good relationship with the West Market Ax Gang.

The boss of the Ax Gang is named Han Chen, a distant relative of the Han family chaebol.Because the Han family has more assets in the West Market, they support these bastards.

In Su Yu's view, Ouyang and his son are very spiritual, but lack humanity.

Xu Luochen once asked Su Yu, Ouyang Xiaoqiao liked you so much back then, why didn't you accept her?

Su Yu didn't say that the eldest wife was strict, but only said that he was worried that the blood of Ouyang's family would affect the next generation.

Jokes are always half-truths, and Su Yu's words are no exception.

When Tang Linger went to see her brother, Su Yu sat in the small west courtyard with Lao Huang and a group of children, a group of cats and dogs gathered, and the courtyard was very lively.

At this time, Matthew came to report that Yan Beiming and Suzaku joined forces and strangled Ru Shangnong to death.

Su Yu asked: "Just the two of them?"

Matthew said: "I heard that Li Mobai went with him."

"Are the three of them injured?"

"Slight injury, nothing serious."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Once Ru Shangnong died, Suzaku, Magpie, and Tan Qin'er's revenge was avenged, but Lao Lu's revenge was not over yet.

Many people killed Lao Lu, including Cheng Kun, Fu Hongping, Ru Shangnong, Zhang Pocheng, Zhang Erbald, Zhang San, Zhao Ling, Zhao Bai, Zhao Wu, and the culprit, Feng Taifei.These people are going to die.

For some trivial matters, Su Yu never cared about them.But when it comes to the bottom line, it's a lot of care.

In Su Yu's heart, she complained to Senior Sister Yan and Suzaku. If she could give a notice in advance, she could set up a big net to arrest the gangsters.But now they are trying to scare the snake away, and they hide even deeper.

Seeing that Su Yu was not very happy, Matthew guessed what King Qin was thinking, and said, "Before Ru Shangnong came out, the monks in Tianlong Temple went to the gate of the square to have a look. It must be to see if there is a Jinwu Guard in Fushan Square." If there were, Ru Shangnong would not have killed them. In addition, the Yan leader said that there are secret passages in Tianlong Temple. If you break in by force, not only will it be easy to fall into their organs, but it will also be difficult to capture the bandit leader."

Su Yu didn't fully agree with Matthew's statement, but the matter had come to an end, it was useless to say more, so he nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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