
Chapter 852

Chapter 852
Hearing that Li Mobai was involved in this operation, Su Yu intends to invite him to the palace as a guest. By the way, why did he leave Cao Yuzan?How high is Cheng Kun's internal strength?It's a pity that Li Mobai is not in Honghei Temple, and Yan Beiming doesn't know where he has gone.

Yan Beiming said that he often comes and goes without a trace, and ordinary Jianghu orders can't move him, but this time he was attracted because of Qin'er's murder.

Tan Qin's mother died early, and Tan Fangding had no time to take care of her when he was Zhanbala in Luoyang, so he left her on the mountain.With big eyes and a wool roll on her head, she ran around on the mountain all day long.When I was hungry, I went to Yan Beiming for food, and when I was full, I continued to run out to play.

Li Mobai and the others were only seventeen or eighteen years old at that time.Seeing that Qin'er is innocent, lively and cute, everyone likes her very much.Having lived together for nearly ten years, they have deep feelings and treat them like relatives. Li Mobai cherishes such feelings very much.

But not everyone has feelings like him, and it is precisely because Ru Shangnong takes advantage of this family affection that Li Mobai is angered.

But Li Mobaizhao was still a bit worse than Cheng Kun, and the three of them failed to kill Cheng Kun together.Although Li Mobai was forced to ascend the realm at a critical moment and opened up the Thirteen Ghost Caves.But just breaking through to a new realm will make people weak.

It's a pity that Lao Lu didn't come back, otherwise there would be no need to guess Cheng Kun's strength.Lao Lu and Cheng Kun met three times and fought twice.I feel that Cheng Kun's "Eagle Claw" has the strength close to the eleventh level, but he is not in the eleventh level.It is estimated that it should be in the middle of the tenth realm.

Although his Eagle Claw skill is very evil, it is still a notch lower than Lao Huang's "Dragon Subduing Palm" and Hu Rong's "Yin Yang Finger".Even Ouyang Kun's "Golden Toad Kung Fu" is enough to defeat his Eagle Claw Kung Fu.

Cheng Kun is no match for Su Maosheng and Lu Changxiao if they fight alone.Su Maosheng's "Finger Snapping Skill" and "Great Teleportation of Universe" are enough to single-handedly kill Cheng Kun.And Lao Lu's light work similar to Lingbo Weibu can ensure that Lao Lu is invincible.

It is worth mentioning that "Yin Yang Finger" and "Eagle Claw Kung Fu" are two relatively large categories, rather than specifically referring to one kind of martial arts.For example, Ximen Wanting also knows how to use yin and yang fingers, but her yin and yang fingers cannot be compared with Lao Diaosi's yin and yang fingers, whether it is mentality or tricks.

Su Yu's current martial arts are very complicated, "Thunderbolt Palm" which is gradually advanced, "Broken Heng Mountain" which is used to rush and escape, "Meteor Finger" which is used to tap acupuncture points and activate hidden weapons, "Thunder Hand" which is basically abandoned, Tan Fangding improved The previous "Fu Hu Fist", the first layer of "The Great Teleportation of the Universe", which can be called the innate skill, and the "Destroying Skeleton Hand" and "The Great Law of Transformation", which are the number of magic skills.All these messy martial arts are used at once, and the gestures and strokes are also quite powerful.Especially when going it alone.

Except for the transitional kungfu of Lei Gongshou, other kung fus are enough to rule the roost in the martial arts world if they can concentrate on practicing them to a high level.But Su Yu is not very interested in martial arts, he just has the attitude of just learning it.

At this time, Lao Huang was still improving his "Subduing Dragon Palm", intending to teach it to his young master.It's not easy for him to change himself, so he used Tong Xi as an experiment.The little servant girl often practiced new moves in the backyard, and she learned all kinds of moves, which made people dazzled.

This morning Su Yu accompanied Tang Ling'er, Concubine Fan and a large group of women to choose beauties in Xiaofeng Pavilion.That is to choose a side concubine for King Geng Zhao Zhun.The main considerations are "reputation", "character", "appearance" and "talent".After choosing and choosing, I chose a good-looking SpongeBob SquarePants with a big square face.

The woman with such an upright face is Tang Yuanyuan, the daughter of the Ninth Prince Tang Wei's family.It is worth mentioning that Jiu Gongzi died in the battle of Wuwei seven years ago.Before Tang Yuanyuan got married, Tang Ling'er adopted her to the Duke's mansion and called Tang Zhen her father.

Selecting beauties according to noble standards, in Su Yu's view, they are not very good-looking.It is far worse than Feng Yu, Kong Ting and Suzaku.

To put it intuitively, it means not to mention desire.

At least Su Yu didn't feel anything at all.At this moment, Su Yu was still wondering what Meng Can and Zhan Youni looked like, and whether they were also SpongeBob SquarePants.If so, how to start?
Speaking of which, Su Yu is really a typical member of the Appearance Association, his unattractive appearance prevents him from showing his majesty.

Su Yu just sat for a while, and went to work in the palace when he saw that the candidate was confirmed, and the women continued to stay in Xiaofeng Pavilion, chatting and laughing.

In the afternoon, Su Yu went to visit the injured Suzaku. Suzaku's hand was dislocated in many places. Although the bone had been reset, it was still swollen like a bear's paw.

Seeing that Suzaku was fine, Su Yu felt better, stared at Suzaku's hand, and suddenly poked his finger.

This finger hurt Suzaku, he stared, gritted his teeth, and chased Su Yu with the bed brush.

The maidservant Wu Meidai stood aside and laughed secretly.

After running around the ninth floor three times, Suzaku didn't catch up, and got a little annoyed: "Little hozen! Stop!"

To say that this woman from Jianghu is not gentle enough.Judging by this posture, she won't give up until she is hit twice.As a result, she poked her waist and abdomen a few times with a bed brush.

These few photos of her were much more ruthless than Tang Linger's, and Su Yu grinned in pain.

I thought: I asked for bad luck, why bother.

From now on, I won't play tricks with her anymore, and I will kill you.

When they were making a fuss, Wu Meidai tactfully withdrew and closed the door.

Suzaku sat back on the couch and put his hands on the table.

After some activities, the joints in the hands were aching, and the girl with a childlike face was still angry, and her eyes were cold and squinting.

Su Yu walked over pretending to be in pain, clutching his waist, and sat down on the side of the couch: "You are really courageous, and I am not afraid that a group of them will rush out."

"Tianlong Temple is not far from the Square Office." Suzaku said in a flat tone.

Listening to Suzaku's story, these two women are hard-working enough.The two of them work together, but still can't do anything to Ru Shangnong.Later, Yan Beiming gave up using the knife and hugged Ru Shangnong's waist with both hands.At this time, Suzaku slapped Ru Shangnong's back repeatedly, and when Ru Shangnong's internal strength was exhausted, he broke his arm.

Ru Shangnong screamed, but Cheng Kun didn't come to help him yet, but concentrated on fighting Li Mobai.It wasn't until Suzaku grabbed Ru Shangnong's spine that Cheng Kun turned around.Seeing that Ru Shangnong was dead, Cheng Kun gave up and ran to Tianlong Temple, with Suzaku and the three chasing after him.

At this time, a group of monks carrying swords rushed out of Tianlong Temple.The three of Suzaku felt that something was wrong, so they turned around and ran. A group of monks chased behind them for a street, but they gave up when they failed to catch up.

When Su Yu got the news, he sent Jin Wuwei to investigate, but the monk in Tianlong Temple had long since disappeared.Their footprints disappeared collectively at the door of the abbot's house, and then they were never found again, as if flying away collectively.This result made Su Yu feel familiar.

But Ouyang Kun and his disciples haven't left yet.Ouyang Kun said aggrievedly that he had paid to rent the venue, and the martial arts competition procedures were complete. He didn't know that there were wanted criminals hiding in Tianlong Temple.

When he said this, the Jinwu Guards had nothing to do with him, they just drove them out, put a seal on the gate of Tianlong Temple, and took them back to the household department.

"Don't be so reckless next time." Su Yu said in a low mood, "If you don't want to be the chief bustard, I can support you."

"I have money, so I don't need others to support me." Suzaku said pretendingly.

All women have this problem. They are happy in their hearts, but they have to pretend that they don't care.

Su Yu raised his head and glanced at her: "What's the news from Ji Kuchan?"

"I have nothing to do with him. I don't care where he goes, and he won't tell me." Suzaku slightly lowered his head slightly.

"How did the peacock die?"

Su Yu didn't know what happened at Daxiangguo Temple that night, and was worried that Suzaku still had enemies, and she wanted to avenge herself.

The person who can kill so many masters in a row in one night must have extremely high martial arts, and he is not alone, Su Yu couldn't help but worry.

But Suzaku didn't answer seriously, but joked with a cold face: "Your family's good servant did it. And your third uncle Su Maosheng."

Su Yu said expressionlessly, "It's not funny at all."

Suzaku said solemnly: "Everyone is their master, I have no personal enmity with them."

She didn't look like she was joking, Su Yu began to re-examine her few words, and suddenly fell into memory.At that time, Lao Diao Temple said that he would go home to visit the grave, and took Lao Huang away.Then Lao Diaosi came back first, saying that Lao Huang was greedy for fine wine in the small shop at Sansanli Station in Luoxi.It took many days for Lao Huang to come back, and he felt like he was languid for a while after he came back.

Lao Huang was injured?
"Old stuff, you can hide it."

Su Yu continued to inquire, only to find out that Suzaku also participated in the battle that night and was injured.Su Yu asked her, what did you guys do?Suzaku said, go find your father.

Su Yu continued to ask, she said she didn't know what happened next.It is only known that Ye Guhong stayed at the Daxiangguo Temple, but the details are unknown.

Then Su Yu didn't have anything to ask, and sat there quietly, as if thinking about something.

It is also interesting to say that this woman in love.Su Yu skinned just now, and was chased and beaten three times by her.But now that Su Yu ignored her, she leaned over, smiling playfully, poking and gooing.

It's a pity that I was pregnant for four months, so I couldn't exercise my muscles.

After dinner, Su Yu left to visit Senior Sister Yan.

Senior Sister Yan's injury was worse than Suzaku's, but she was a strong person, showing signs of concussion, and insisted on working hard, washing clothes by herself.Tan Qin'er and a group of little sisters wanted to help her, but she didn't even need it.

Su Yu sighed, what a stubborn woman.

Although she was injured, Su Yu still said a few words to her unceremoniously: "Senior sister, why are you so disobedient? Doing things like this makes people worry."

Yan mourned and did not speak, and continued to wash clothes.

Su Yu took the basin away.

Sitting back on the small bench, he groaned with Yan Yan and said, "What on earth does Cheng Kun want to do? At first, he thought they were doing things for Concubine Feng, but now Concubine Feng can't speak. Why doesn't he leave? Could it be that they are not at all?" Are you working for Concubine Feng?"

Yan mourned and shook the drops of water on his hands: "They all shaved their heads. At that time, a group of people broke into the temple. One of them, an old man with a white beard, seemed to be their leader. But I have never seen that person. His The face looks a little weird too."

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

  Thank you book friends for their long-term support of "giving yourself a different world", and reward Feng Yu's chicken legs;

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(End of this chapter)

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