
Chapter 853 You Are Honest

Chapter 853 You Are Honest
Based on the clues provided by Suzakuyan's mournful cry, Su Yu guessed that the old man with white beard might be the contact person between Concubine Feng and Ru Shangnong Cheng Kun.In other words, it is very likely that it is a staff member who was expelled by Zhao Zhun.But Zhao Zhun expelled more than a dozen people at one go, most of them were old men with white beards, so it was difficult to judge.

Su Yu got the county government criminal case painter and asked Yan Yan to dictate, and the painter drew a human face.

Yan mourned and said that it was almost like this. Su Yu took it over and looked at it, and it felt like a dead face.

Afterwards, Su Yu sent Tong Yu to send the portrait to Prince Geng's mansion, and the reply he got was that he had never seen this person before.

To say that Zhao Zhun was quite attentive, he was worried that Su Yu might suspect that he was in collusion with those aides, so he actually sent "Jack of Spades" Han Wei to see Su Yu, saying that he would help Su Yu handle the case.Because Han Wei knew all the staff who were expelled, and it was he who executed the expulsion order.

Su Yu received Han Wei at the west ear of the palace, Lin Juan, a servant girl in brocade clothes, brought some tea and snacks, and left obediently.

Only sect secretary Lang Matthew was left beside Su Yu.

Han Wei also knows current affairs. When he saw King Qin, he was very respectful. King Qin waved his hand. He nodded politely, took a sip from his teacup, and said slowly, "Ru Shangnong is the nephew of Concubine Feng, and Cheng Kun was introduced by Ru Shangnong to Mrs. Feng." Concubine's."

Su Yu asked: "Who is in charge of the assassination mission among the staff around the concubine?"

Han Wei thought for a while and said, "The staff around the concubine don't have full-time tasks. If there is anything, they are basically dispatched temporarily. And the advice of the staff is to take care of the overall situation and not focus on one aspect. But among the staff, Tang Xu and Kuai Sanliang once roamed the rivers and lakes. When Tang Xu was young, he was known as a 'handsome swordsman'."

Su Yu had never heard of this name before, so he turned to look at Matthew.

Matthew whispered in his ear: "Ye Jiezhi's uncle, he was well-known in his early years, and he was at the level of thirty or forty swordsmen."

Su Yu nodded.

Then I got the criminal case painter in the county to draw the portraits of Tang Xu and Kuai Sanliang according to Han Wei's description.Su Yu took the portrait of Laiyan's mournful dictation for comparison.

Not like.

Su Yu felt that it might be because Senior Sister Yan was not very accurate in her panic, so she didn't plan to continue to start with the portrait.Just hand over the portrait to Matthew for safekeeping.

Talking with Han Wei, I learned that Concubine Feng had suffered a severe stroke, and I also knew the current situation of some expelled staff, but I didn't get any valuable clues.It's just that it can be confirmed now that there is someone who will continue the activities instead of Concubine Feng.But since Concubine Feng is already dead, who is this person working for?
The first thing Su Yu thought of was King Kang, but it could not be ruled out that Zhao Zhun was hiding deep.

In addition, what is the origin of those monks?Does it have anything to do with Bandit Zhang?Where did the original Tenryuji monk go?

Su Yu then sent Jin Wuwei to Tianlong Temple, and after excavation, he found the body buried in the ground.Through the list of monks sent by Honglu Temple, and comparing them one by one, it is known that there is not a single person left alive in the entire Tianlong Temple, from the abbot to the little novice.

"These people are too ruthless."

Just when Su Yu was sighing, Lin Juan walked in and whispered that Zhao Ying, the righteous daughter of King Kang, asked to see her.

Kang Wang has enough adopted daughters and adopted sons, and the identity of Zhao Ying has been disclosed, and the identities of Zhao Fan and Zhao Min have also been disclosed.Zhao Fan was the chief bookkeeper in Kang Wang's mansion, and Zhao Min followed Kang Wang to Henan for tax reform.are reused.

The girl with strange makeup from before faded off her makeup, revealing a pretty face.

It could be seen that Kang Wang treated her well, with gorgeous clothes and a chubby little maid beside her.As long as the family can make the maid fat, it shows that the heroine in the family will not be too harsh.

Su Yu met Zhao Ying in Xiaoxilou.

Zhao Ying said that the abbot of Tianlong Temple is Yuan Kun.

"You got the news quite quickly." Su Yu was a little puzzled, how did she know about this in the first place.

Zhao Ying quickly said: "I heard that something happened at Tianlong Temple, and I have been around there all the time. Today the Jinwu Guard went to dig, and I saw it."

Su Yu nodded.

At this time, Lao Huang, who was covered with bruises, went upstairs with a plate of tea and fruit, and sat aside very impolitely.

Su Yu found out that Lao Huang and Zhao Ying knew each other, and the eyes of both of them were not quite right.

Su Yu stared at Zhao Ying, and said bluntly: "I don't have a good impression of Yuan Kun. Ming people don't speak secretly, I think he is the chief culprit who killed Tan Fangding."

Zhao Ying didn't discuss this topic, but said: "You must get rid of those gangsters, don't you?"

Su Yu nodded.

"Then we have a common enemy now." Zhao Ying gritted his teeth and said, "You just think that I am here to serve you. But I have one condition, I will personally execute the bandit leader."

Zhao Ying thought that a common enemy is a friend.Su Yu also believed that she was sincerely avenging Yuan Kun.But Zhao Ying is now Kang Wang's adoptive daughter, this status is too special.If you keep her by your side, I always feel uneasy.

But Lao Huang was more direct than Su Yu, and cursed: "You are a wolf cub sent by King Kang!"

This old evil slave swears as soon as he opens his mouth, making Zhao Ying's face pale from scolding.But she stood up to being scolded and just waited for Su Yu to speak.

Su Yu waved his hand, signaling to Lao Huang to be polite, and then said: "I know you are the daughter of King Feng, but I'm sorry, but I can't treat you as my younger sister. I think you can understand."

Zhao Ying nodded.

Su Yu said again: "I am about to set up a task force. If you are not afraid of being wronged, you can stay in the group. How about it?"

Su Yu didn't come up with a temporary idea, but really had this plan.

I don't want the situation of Lao Lu to happen again, and I don't want Suzaku and Yan Beiming to take risks again.People who often appear in front of you suddenly can no longer see it, and that feeling is very bad.So this time the action team adopted the method of recruitment, and Gao Jin recruited people from the rivers and lakes.At the same time, rewards were offered to government offices at all levels, and the Ministry of Punishment, Jingzhao Prefecture, Jinyiwei, North and South counties, and various square offices were notified.There are high rewards for finding bandits, catching them alive, killing them, or providing valuable clues.

Su Yu believed that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward.


In Daozhengfang, a large house in the northwest corner, Li Wantang asked Chu Wuba, did you do what happened to Tianlong Temple?Chu Wuba said no.Li Wantang waved his hand, Chu Wuba saluted and took leave.

Chu Wuba walked away, and Li Wantang swallowed a small snake.

Li Wantang clenched his fists tightly as he felt the icy cold after swallowing the little snake.After a while, the incomparably refreshing feeling of increasing internal strength hits, and the old eunuch who is over [-] years old collapses in the leisure chair and enjoys it seriously.

Soon footsteps were heard, which stopped at the door.

Li Wantang knew that it was Ouyang Kun who had come, and closed his eyes and said, "Mr. Ouyang is a bit out of luck."

Ouyang Kun smiled bitterly, walked in with his hands behind his back, found a chair to sit down at random, and sighed: "I wanted to have a martial arts competition to relieve my boredom, but unexpectedly I met someone."


"Tang Xu."

Li Wantang opened his eyes: "You mean, Tang Xu is leading Cheng Kun now?"

Ouyang Kun nodded.

Li Wantang sat up: "Where did those monks come from?"

Ouyang Kun glanced around the room: "I don't know very well either. They never speak in front of me."

Li Wantang, with sunken eyes, leaned forward slightly, staring at Ouyang Kun's eyes, "Since Ru Shangnong was able to contact Bandits Zhang, I guess those fake monks are also Bandits Zhang."

Ouyang Kun smiled and nodded: "I thought so too."

Li Wantang smiled: "What's the name of their leader?"

"Zhang Chongyang."

"Look, it really is Zhang." The smile on Li Wantang's face deepened, and he fell back into the reclining chair: "Now King Qin is troublesome enough, and he doesn't worry about it outside the house."

Li Wantang's words are really a portrayal of Su Yu's life now.The sacrifice of Lao Lu was a great blow to Su Yu; Tang Ling'er was tortured by the side concubine's incident; her senior sister Yan mourned, and her lover Su Yu didn't let Su Yu worry.The enemies outside can't be killed cleanly, which is always frightening.Zhang Zhiti's whereabouts are still unknown, and the fourth division has been unable to withdraw, and the daily consumption is huge.

Ouyang Kun frowned, and weighed again and again whether he should say something or not.He has been hesitating for a few days.

Li Wantang seemed to sense something, and glanced at Ouyang Kun: "I think Tang Xu is working for King Geng, and Bandit Zhang is just taking his boat. One is that Tang Xu is familiar with Luoyang, and the other is that he can get the support of King Kang." , and the third is that Tang Xu has money in his hands. And they have a common goal, to kill King Qin."

Ouyang Kun smiled, but still did not speak.

Li Wantang frowned: "Mr. Ouyang, what will he talk about when he sees Tang Xu?"

Ouyang Kun laughed twice: "I came here this time to discuss this matter with Mr. Li. Tang Xu said that King Kang knew that Tang Zhen would definitely beat Sang La, and that he would collude with the Queen Mother and King Qin. Since it cannot be stopped, King Kang So I won’t stop it. If Tang Zhen sends troops, King Kang will also send troops. But there is a premise.”

"What premise?"

"You can't put Min Yue back." Ouyang Kun said bluntly: "I lied to Tang Xu, and when the fifth prince ascends the throne, he will definitely stop Min Yue. Tang Xu said, as long as we can ensure the smooth business of the Tang family, Tang Zhen will not force him." We need to open up the Hexi Corridor. At that time, King Kang will also persuade King Xian to withdraw his troops together. In this way, the problem of the Tang family will be solved, and Min Yue will not be able to come back."

Li Wantang stood up: "Mr. Ouyang is honest enough, after all, he is an old friend."

Li Wantang smiled gratifiedly, then frowned and said, "How trustworthy is Tang Xu's words? Could he be defrauding Mr. Ouyang?"

Ouyang Kun stood up with a serious expression on his face: "I have considered this issue too. But wealth and wealth are in danger, so I just want to try. Kang Wang will be back soon, and I will continue to compete in Luoyang, and I will also compete with Luoyang Books and Newspapers Make some money by cooperating. Pretend to be defenseless. If Tang Xu is really helping me, Kang Wang will not touch me; if Tang Xu is cheating me, Kang Wang will definitely send someone to arrest us."

"Then don't go to Beishi to compete, it's inconvenient to escape there." Li Wantang paced with his hands behind his back, and suddenly stood still: "Go to Xishi. It's very close to Tongji Gate. I will also send Chu Bawang to assist you."

(End of this chapter)

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