
Chapter 862

Chapter 862
In mid-October, Kang Wang led his troops back to the court.

The return of Kang Wang has attracted the return of all divisions in the eight passes, including the fourth and No.11 divisions.

But at this time, the remnants of the Zhang family had not been completely wiped out. Out of consideration for the situation in Hedong, King Qin sent all the supernumerary soldiers to the second regiment, and asked Qiu Yao to stay in Taiyuan.And Han Jian will garrison Mengjin, ready to cross the river to support the east of the river at any time.

In the past, King Kang had been hiding in Xiaopingjin, because the Guantian Building of King Kang’s Mansion had not been completed.When I returned to Beijing this time, the Guantian Tower had been completed.On an artificial island in the artificial lake, a nine-story fortress towers up from the ground. Six hundred well-armed armored soldiers are deployed upstairs and downstairs. The road leading to Guantian Tower is only a thin waterside promenade.

Although six hundred iron armors are not a lot, it is enough to last until King Kang's reinforcements come from the eighth pass.Just like the Guanhai tower of the virtuous king, there is a beacon on the top of the tower.Once the situation is not good, light the beacon, and the news will soon spread outside the city.

Kangwang Hall is located on the first floor of Guantian Tower.

Obviously, Kang Wang Zhaodi has no hobby of climbing stairs. He said that he prefers to be grounded, and he will hide on the ninth floor unless an enemy comes to kill him.

Kang Wang sat in the main hall, and there were dozens of civil and military personnel in front of the hall, ten of whom were his "children", but Zhao Tan was not in the crowd.These children are the adopted sons and daughters of King Kang, as well as two grandchildren, Zhao Wen and Zhao Min.

King Kang's children are originally from the royal family.

Why choose so many royal families to be adopted sons and grandsons?
Some people speculated that Kang Wang was selecting an heir.Because of the existence of competition, these children will work harder to perform.This is a good thing for Kang Wang. For example, this time he led troops to the expedition, and everyone rushed to fight.

This time the tax reform in Henan Province, the reason Kang Wang wanted to lead the troops himself was to see what kind of materials these children had.Find some newcomers, cultivate direct descendants, and control those teams that are far away from the capital.

War is the most test of human ability. After a battle, demons, monsters, monsters, ghosts and snakes can see clearly.But there are some words that Kang Wang only keeps in his heart, making it hard to guess who he likes more.

After the sumptuous banquet was over, everyone retreated one after another. A monk with a white beard came to King Kang and bowed in salute.

Kang Wang retreated the others, leaving only Zhang Kang, Zhao Guan, Zhao Wen, and Zhao Min.

The white-bearded monk was none other than Tang Xu.He and Kang Wang talked about Ouyang Kun, the national teacher of Sangla, and told their plan.

Zhao Di listened carefully to every word Tang Xu said.

After Tang Xu finished speaking, Zhao Di pressed his short beard around his lips: "Is this Ouyang Kun reliable?"

Tang Xu said: "It's not people who are reliable, but this matter. As long as Min Yue is not released, we will ensure the stability of Sang La country. This is a dream for them."

Zhao Di sneered: "If he puts Min Yue back, do we still have the time to beat Sang La?"

Tang Xu had something to say in his heart, but he heard that King Kang was not interested in this matter, so he chose to shut up.

At this time, Zhao Wen said: "Since His Highness does not plan to cooperate with Ouyang Kun, should Ouyang Kun, Murong Qu and others be arrested? This will save them from staying in Luoyang to confuse the Queen Mother."

Zhao Di waved his hand: "Cao Yuzan doesn't need to confuse you at all."

Zhao Min said: "Then we should kill them all the more, so that Cao Yuhan won't make a fuss about this matter."

Zhao Di glanced at Zhao Min who had shown bravery in this war, smiled and said, "Cao Yuhan's attitude is not important, the key is the Tang family. The Tang family has endured it for more than ten years, and they can't bear it any longer. Others couldn't stop it even if they wanted to. When Hexi was lost, Tang Qiong was already dying, and Tang Zhen was made the heir, but Tang Ning held back. When Tang Qiong died, Prince Rui, King Xian, and Queen Mother Chen and I made up our minds not to help the Tang family. , in order to drag down the Tang family’s economy, or wait for the Shence army to fight among themselves. If the Tang family falls, we will carve up the Tang family.”

Zhao Di sighed: "I didn't expect the Tang family to survive. Because Tang Zhen is more tyrannical than his father. The Tang family is the number one bandit gang in the Liang Dynasty. They only rob the royal family and powerful families of money. If they don't give them, he will burn the boat and die. As a result, after many years, the Tang family has not collapsed, but the royal family, the Meng family, and the Ximen family have invested a lot of money. Now after two more tax reforms, the Tang family has breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that our original plan was wrong. Since it is wrong, it must be corrected. Otherwise, if the Tang family continues to rob like this, the Liang Dynasty will collapse. It is better to open up Hexi, which will benefit the entire Liang Dynasty."

Zhao Di stood up and said with his hands behind his back: "Since we must fight, there is no need to arrest those Sangla people. They want to rebel against King Sangla, which is a good thing for us. Ouyang Kun is not Say they have a response, we help him attract the main force, I think he should be able to succeed in Xining. In this way, we only need to get through Wuwei and Zhangye, and there is no need to go to the plateau. We help Murongqu seize the throne, if Ouyang Kun can really stop Min Yue, that is of course the best. If not..."

Zhao Di turned around and looked at the lake scenery: "Then Cao Yuhan should abdicate."


Qinwang Mansion, Liuxu Xiaozhu and Hongtao Xiaozhu are all recruiting experts.

In Ximen Wanting's view, she has a competitive relationship with Matthew, and the competition is quite fierce.Due to the longer recruitment time and relatively loose conditions, Matthew has recruited 20 people and started to act.At this time, Ximen Wanting became anxious and greatly relaxed the recruitment conditions.In the end, she recruited ten women from the rivers and lakes and ten palace servants, who were also ready to act.

Before she acted, she even took the team to meet King Qin.Seeing how proud she was, it seemed that she wanted King Qin to inspect her team of masters.

Su Yuquan was supposed to play with the side concubine, so he walked out of the palace, with his hands behind his back, and looked around pretendingly.During this period, a masked woman left a deep impression on Su Yu.Su Yu asked her why she was wearing a mask?She said in a rough voice that she had carbuncles on her face, which was very ugly, for fear of shocking the King of Qin.

Su Yu felt that this woman was weird, but he didn't take it to heart.

Ximen Wanting asked Su Yu to name her team. Su Yu said that the women's team is called "Qinwangfu East Bieyuan Women's Special Operations Team", or "Women's Special Operations Team" for short; Factory", referred to as East Factory.Su Yu also called those palace servants factory owners, Ximen Wanting thought it was funny.

Then the concubine Ximen, who was in a hurry, set off with the women's special task force and a group of factory owners.

Instead of going to the key areas of Beishi, Nanshi and Xishi, she ran to Lushunfang first, blocked Han Hao's house and scolded him.

It is worth mentioning that Han Hao is the son-in-law of Xingze, and his home is naturally the Princess Xingze Mansion.But he thought the princess Zhao Jing was in charge of him, so he bought a separate courtyard in Lushunfang, and played with a group of grateful friends all day long.Play all day and come home late at night.

Han Hao hid behind the door, poking his head and shrinking his head. Seeing Ximen Wanting bringing a group of black-clothed thugs, he was a little scared.Although more than a dozen eunuchs around him urged him to kill him, he still didn't agree.He said, good men don't fight with women.It is not decent to win or lose a fight with a woman.If I don't fight, it will show that I, Han Hao, are generous.Everyone shouted, big brother is wise!

Ximen Wanting stood in the car and yelled and cursed for a long time. Seeing that Han Hao was afraid to fight, she left proudly.She didn't go to Beishi because she knew that the Red Black God Sect and the Kong family were there.If she found a suspicious person, she would have told Matthew a long time ago, so she decided to do the opposite and go to the farthest West Market first.

Concubine Wang's large carriage drove to the West Market, the young eunuch Wang Dang drove, and twenty black-clothed thugs carried sticks with them.

Why don't you bring a knife?

The city of Luoyang expressly stipulates that for non-government or government-recognized organizations, if more than three people take to the street with a knife, it is a rebellion.

Except for special occupations such as butchers, it is also against the law for ordinary people to carry knives.Although it is not a crime of rebellion, it also violates the criminal law.

Yan Beiming can carry a knife, that's because Yan Beiming has a monk's leader certificate issued by Honglu Temple on his body.Except for the leader, no one else is qualified to carry a knife.And not all religious leaders allow swords. First of all, there must be enough fixed property in Luoyang City to ensure that monks can't run away from the temple if they can run away.If the sect wants to sell fixed assets, they must first go to Honglu Temple to go through the formalities, and first revoke the sect leader's qualification to carry a knife before allowing the sale.

Soon, Ximen Wanting came to West Market and saw a ring in the downtown area.It was a group of people dressed in alien costumes, headed by a white-haired old man with a majestic demeanor.There were three lamas and a burly man by his side.

Seeing the martial arts arena, Ximen Wanting cheered up: "I heard that Ouyang Kun is good at martial arts, and I happened to meet him today, so I want to compete with him. Yan Xizao, you go to the stage and tell Ouyang Kun that I want to compete with him." Three hundred rounds of battle."

Yan Xi froze for a long time.

Sitting next to Ximen Wanting, the little eunuch Wang Dang had a black line on his forehead, with an extremely helpless and distressed expression on his face.He waved at Yan Xizao and whispered something in a low voice.

Yan Xi ran to the stage early, and said something.Before the person on the other side could react, Yan Xizao ran back and said loudly, "Ouyang Kun said that he dare not fight the concubine Wang."

"Hmph, he's still knowledgeable about current affairs." Ximen Wanting waved her hand: "Let's go to the various gangs in the West Market. I heard that there are triads and ax gangs here. Go and tell them to clean up the house and burn incense to welcome my concubine." .”

Just now when Yan Xizao came on stage, Wuliwala said a few words, but no one on stage could understand.Not to mention those Sangla people, even Ouyang Kun, who was born in Han nationality, could not understand.I thought it was some uncommon dialect.

Before Ouyang Kun asked carefully, the masked woman jumped off the stage again, then ran to a magnificent carriage, said something, and then the carriage left.

Ouyang Kun and his group looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although he didn't understand what happened, Ouyang Kun didn't allow his disciples to have any side effects, so he didn't go after the luxury car that was worth several million at a glance.

Not to mention the cart, but the four horses pulling the cart, each worth a million.

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

  Thanks to the book friend "Magic Historian" for his long-term support.

  Thank you book friends for voting and leaving comments.

(End of this chapter)

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