
Chapter 863 Ximen Leng'er

Chapter 863 Ximen Leng'er
Seeing that Ximen Wanting was a little unreliable, Zhao Ying took people away yesterday.

Zhao Ying said to his subordinates that he was just worried about not having enough manpower, otherwise he would not cooperate with the Qin Palace at all.Now Zhao Ying decided to take someone to find the bandit monk by himself, and if he could find it, he would come and inform King Qin.

Zhao Ying's idea was exactly Su Yu's original intention. The 2101 task force is responsible for searching, and after finding it, the Jinwu Guard will solve the problem.

Of course, Su Yu would tell Ximen Wanting verbatim what he meant.But Ximen Wanting believes that since she found out, she should be killed directly, so as to show the power of this concubine.

This Ximen Wanting is really a headache.

Tang Linger said that she has known Ximen Wanting since she was a child, and everyone called her Ximen Lenger.

It is not surprising that they have known each other since they were children, because their mothers are sisters.Ximen Wanting's mother is Zhao Jinzhi, Princess Jianchun, and Tang Linger's mother is Zhao Yazhi, Princess Changxia.Like Emperor Wanlong, he was born to Empress Shennong Han.

Speaking of which, Tang Linger and Ximen Wanting are still two cousins.But the relationship between them is very general.Especially in the past year, when Ximen Wanting came to Xiaofeng Pavilion as a guest, Tang Linger didn't give her any good looks.Of course, at that time there were already rumors that Ximen Wanting was pestering Su Yu.

It's been a few days since they got married, and I don't know what Ximen Wanting thinks, she never comes to Xiaofeng Pavilion for dinner.She probably avoided Tang Linger on purpose, so she left early and returned late every day, making herself very busy.

She only thought that Ximen Wanting was working for King Qin from early morning to late at night, which was really hard work.In fact, she just wandered around all day, went to restaurants when she was hungry, and found a leisure restaurant to sleep in when she was sleepy.

She spends money lavishly, spending tens of thousands of dollars every day.But this is all drizzle for Ximen Wanting.

She still has [-] million yuan to buy national debt, and the daily interest is nearly [-] yuan.As for the money placed here with Tang Linger, she has not formally discussed it with Tang Linger.She told Su Yu that the money also required interest, so she couldn't sleep in Tang Linger's hands.Otherwise it will be a loss.

She also said, if putting the money in Tang Linger's hands won't even earn interest, then why put it in her hands?
Su Yu felt that sooner or later there would be a conflict between Ximen Wanting and Tang Linger, and there would be more than one conflict.

First of all, the "Three Chapters of the Covenant" established by Tang Linger has become invalid with the withdrawal of Feng Yu and Kong Ting, so the question of where King Qin will sleep at night has become a top priority again.It is impossible for Ximen Wanting not to compete with Tang Linger like Feng Yu and Kong Ting.

Second is the issue of money.There is almost no interest on the money in Tang Linger's hands.Not to mention 50 million, even Kong Xiang's [-] billion, the interest is pitifully small.

Since conflicts are bound to break out, how to downplay the conflicts is what Su Yu has to do.

That evening Ximen Wanting hadn't come home yet, King Qin and Princess Wang were sitting on the couch after dinner.

Tang Ling'er said in a slow voice: "Before King Kang was not at home, it was understandable that Zhao Ying sought to cooperate with Prince Qin's House. But now that King Kang has returned, she does not want to work with King Kang, but also cooperates with King Qin's House. What is she doing? The heart is unpredictable. King Qin should be more careful."

Su Yu leaned on the couch to read books and newspapers, and said indifferently: "Although I don't have much contact with her, I can see that she is a very proud person. She was the righteous daughter of King Kang and lived in a sojourn. The people here are looking for trouble, so I just come out and find someone to cooperate with.”

Tang Ling'er narrowed her eyes and remained silent.

Su Yu smiled: "Of course, this is just my guess, it can't be taken as true. What Aifei said is very true, I should be more careful."

Tang Linger looked sideways: "Ximen Wanting runs out all day, where has she been, does King Qin know?"

"Not very clear." Su Yu turned a page of the book: "But where else can she go, that is, around the city."

Seeing that Su Yu didn't pay much attention to it, Tang Ling'er became serious: "It's probably inappropriate for a daughter-in-law who just passed the door to run around all day."

Before Su Yu could say anything, Wang Xun said: "Some women just don't know their duty. They run around all day, and those who know say that she is doing business outside, but what if they don't? It's a small thing to ruin her own reputation, don't let people say Our princess is not strict in running the family. Now that she has no heirs, it's fine. If she gives birth to a child in the future, if she doesn't look like His Highness, it will be a big shame. Everyone will say that this is the result of running around. "

Su Yu glanced sideways at Wang Xun, and pointed out, "You wicked maid, why can't I hear you say a good word?"

Tang Linger said: "Don't talk about her, after all, Ximen Wanting is not good enough."

Tang Ling'er handed over the fire, and Wang Xun dared to set fire to the mountain. The master and slave sang together and cooperated tacitly. Could it be that they had negotiated?

Su Yu put down the books and newspapers, and thought about it calmly.It feels like Tang Linger didn't deliberately target her.What she said was what a concubine should care about.She cares about her own reputation, and at the same time, she is also thinking about the "hat" issue for King Qin.If it turns green, where will King Qin's face be put?

"This kind of thing mainly depends on the woman herself." Su Yu picked up the books and newspapers again: "Does it mean that you must be honest if you are locked up at home?"

Tang Ling'er usually beats people with a powerful stick, but she has heard a lot about these things.Those wives and concubines in the mansion can still steal people without leaving the door.

But Tang Linger still insisted that women who run outside are more likely to have accidents.

"If you must go out, you should arrange for someone you trust to follow."

As soon as Tang Ling'er said something, Wang Xun immediately asked Ying: "Let the slaves go!"

Su Yu didn't say anything, just looked at them coldly.

Their master and slave discussed in front of Su Yu to transfer Wang Xiu back from Shou'an.

The reason why the talkative Wang Xiu was transferred was because Tang Ling'er found that there was no problem with the books of Shou'an Paper Mill.In other words, Tang Xiao and Wang Xiu, the supervisors of Shouanchang, may have formed a tacit understanding, and it is very likely that they conspired to embezzle.That being the case, why keep her there?

Those maids like Lin Wan, Wang Xun, Wang Xiu, and Chen Qi had practiced martial arts.Now, it sounds more reasonable to arrange Wang Xiu next to Ximen Wanting on the grounds of "protecting the safety of the side concubine".

At the same time, another servant girl went to Shouan Paper Mill to monitor the accounts. Changing hands was like changing a knife to strengthen her control.

But the third batch of little maids are still too young, and they only know more than 1000 characters, so they may not be able to take on the important task.At this moment, Su Yu proposed to send Tang Xiaofei there.

Now among the second batch of maids, Tang Xiaofat is the worst, because she made that big mistake, if it wasn't for Su Yu's help, Tang Ling'er's temper would have kicked her out long ago.

More than a year has passed since that incident, and Tang Linger still gets annoyed every time she thinks about it.But after much deliberation, there was no one more suitable than her, so Tang Xiaofei was called here.After intimidating her first, and then telling her how to supervise the accounts, she decided to send her away.

Before leaving, Tang Xiaofei asked Xiaohuan to go to King Qin to convey his thanks.She also said that the first time she was sent abroad for training, she didn't go because she was far away from home. As a result, Tang Fei and Tang Cui went, and they were promoted after returning.Now finally waiting for the opportunity to perform well.


When it was time to light the lamp, Ximen Wanting came back.Everyone who went out with her was exhausted.However, everyone ate well and felt comforted.

Ximen Wanting was also very tired after sitting in the car for a whole day. She went back to Qingya Xiaozhu to lie down for a while, and fell asleep. About three quarters of an hour, she was woken up by the little eunuch Wang Dang, took a bath, changed her clothes, and decided to go play with King Qin .

At that time, Su Yu was boxing in the small west courtyard, and a group of children gathered around to watch the excitement.

Xiaoxiyuan is like a kindergarten, but also like a zoo, with kittens and puppies surrounded by a circle, harmony between humans and animals.

Kong Ting and Feng Yu are also here, and they go to Xiaoxilou to talk with Ouyang Xiaoqiao.At this time, Lao Huang has moved to the house of Lao Diao Temple to live temporarily.Xiaoxilou is now owned by three sisters, Ouyang Xiaoqiao, Ouyang Xiaochan and Ouyang Xiaohuan.There is also a little eunuch brought by Ouyang Xiaoqiao, Zhang Santong.

Su Xiaoying and Su Xiaoqiao just came back from visiting Su Xiaotao's house.

Xiaoying was 15 years old during Chinese New Year, and Su Yu began to find a good family for her.However, Xiaoying is the weakest of the five sisters of the Su family, and she likes to hide behind wherever she goes.For example, when she came to this yard, she would find a remote place, sit on a small bench and watch the excitement.Even if someone blocked her view, she would not make a sound to make people move away.

And Su Xiaoqiao is a lively girl, she will sneak into the crowd as soon as she runs back.

"Good! Well played!"

Ximen Wanting strode into the small courtyard and yelled loudly. Before she finished speaking, she rushed in front of Su Yu and fought Su Yu.

With Su Yu's current skill, he can knock Ximen Wanting to the ground with one finger.There is a big gap in strength, so I can only let her go.

A group of children couldn't see the way, they just thought that Ximen's side concubine was really powerful, and there were people booing beside her.

Only Wan Yanqing picked up the small stone and threw it at Ximen Wanting.Throwing a stone, the little guy ran away.This scene was seen by Tang Ling'er who heard the sound and looked back.After Wan Yanqing ran back to the study, Tang Linger asked her, why did you throw people with small stones?Wan Yanqing said that Qin Wang's brother and princess' sister are just a couple, and they don't like other women getting involved.

Tang Linger was moved by these words.

Tang Ling'er rubbed Xiao Qing's head for the first time since beating Yan Qing and entering the mansion.

Wang Xun was still standing by the window, watching King Qin and Ximen Wanting discuss martial arts downstairs.Seeing Ximen Wanting's smug vigor, the maidservant in brocade clothes gritted her teeth bitterly, muttering some tiger-wolf words in her mouth.Thinking of something suddenly, she leaned over to Tang Linger and said in a low voice:
"You should call her up and comment on her performance in the past few days. What is right and what is wrong, let her know. You should also tell her about Wang Xiu, and let her know why the Princess put Wang Xiu next to her. What are you doing. If she deliberately throws off Wang Xiu, or bullies Wang Xiu, then she is bullying our princess, and she must not be spared!"

(End of this chapter)

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