
Chapter 864

Chapter 864
There is such a magical creature that lives in the extremely cold region, has the highest appearance of the canine family, and has amazing endurance and dragging power.

Even though they are so good, they are kind-hearted by nature. If there is a dispute, language communication should be considered first, and the dogs should be persuaded by reasoning.It will only make a move if the opponent makes a move first.But its combat effectiveness is really worrying. Not to mention canines of the same size, even cats are often defeated, and the fleeing figure is in a mess.

But the strange thing is that if it is thrown into the pack of wolves, it may become the head of a wolf.If he had been raised with a tiger since he was a child, he would still dare to press on the tiger and bite the tiger's face to play.

It is not clear whether it is timid or bold, but this strange character has created its very special eyes.Some people say that its eyes are full of wisdom, and people affectionately call it Erha.

Seeing Ximen Wanting's eyes, Su Yu could always think of this magical creature.No, she went to stroke the tiger's whiskers again.

Before Tang Linger sent someone down to call her, she took the initiative to go upstairs to find Tang Linger to negotiate.

Before leaving, she also said to Su Yu, don't go upstairs, let me talk to Tang Ling'er in private, with my sharp tongue, I will be able to convince her.

Miss Ximen Nineteen, who was wearing a snow-white sleeping rabbit and a ferret cloak, walked into Xiaofeng Pavilion's study with her head held high. When she saw Wang Xun, she pointed out, "Go out."

Wang Xun didn't move, but glanced at Tang Linger. Tang Linger waved his hand, and Wang Xun walked out with his neck stuck.

"Stop." Ximen Wanting said in a low voice, "You have no rules, why don't you help me hang up my coat before leaving?"

Ximen Wanting had already hooked the ferret cloak on her fingertips and handed it to Wang Xun.Wang Xun was a little annoyed, stood still and stared.At this time, the little eunuch Wang Dang quickly walked into the study room, saluted Tang Linger first, then turned around and said with a smile: "The ferret is the most particular about hanging it, if it doesn't hang properly it will wrinkle, I'd better let my slave do it."

While speaking, Wang Dang had already taken the cloak away, and Wang Xun squinted and gritted his teeth to leave.

Ximen Wanting sat on the table by herself.

The aristocratic lady's style will not be reduced because of sitting in the second seat. She slightly raised her head and said: "I can enter the Qin Palace because I am fulfilling the legacy of the great ancestor and the "Alliance of Peace". It can be said that my marriage was jointly promoted by the royal family and the three princes. So I am different from ordinary concubines. If you want to drive me out of the palace, you need the approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, unless I make an unforgivable big mistake, Otherwise, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not do anything to me. Even so, I am the most reasonable person. You, Tang Linger, are the concubine, so you are naturally the number one. I will definitely take care of you on the scene. If we do not get along in front of outsiders, it is a Slap King Qin in the face."

Tang Ling'er sat upright on the step, without squinting: "It is of course a good thing to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. But some details should not be vague. You must know that people's words can be feared. As a woman, one should pay attention to Pay attention, don't let people make rumors and make irresponsible remarks. Three obediences and four virtues are the rules that women should abide by. Remember, it doesn't mean that you are out of morals if you do something immoral, but as long as everyone suspects that you have done something wrong, your reputation It has already been destroyed. This will embarrass King Qin."

Ximen Wanting glanced at Tang Linger: "In the past, I was not afraid of Han Hao and his ilk ruining my reputation, because I have Luohong to prove everything."

Tang Linger quickly said: "After that, how do you prove it?"

Ximen Wanting asked back: "What can you do?"

Tang Ling'er said: "There were four maids by my side at the earliest. I have trusted both civil and martial arts since I was a child. Letting one of them follow you can protect you and prove your innocence. If you agree, you go out again, and I will Regardless of you. If someone destroys you, I can still speak for you."

Ximen Wanting patted the cases in front of her: "Deal!"

As if thinking of something, Ximen Wanting hesitated, pointed to the door and said: "Don't be that crooked neck Wang Xun, right? That's not okay, I don't like her, I think she is ugly, she is not like me."

At that time, Wang Xun and Wang Dang were standing outside the door, and Ximen Wanting spoke so loudly that she overheard her.The servant girl in brocade clothes took a deep breath in anger.

In fact, Wang Xun's neck is not crooked, she just poked her head a little.It's the kind of shape where the upper body is slightly tilted back and the head is poked forward.

It's not a bad thing for a maid to poke her head. Perhaps this is something Wang Xun has cultivated since he was a child.If you look at the pottery figurines of maidservants in ancient times or the maidservants in paintings, they often have a protruding shape, which makes them look more graceful.

Tang Ling'er said, it wasn't Wang Xun, but Wang Xiu.

She also said that Ximen Wanting met Wang Xiu when she was a child, but Ximen Wanting thought about it for a long time, but she didn't think of this person.

After some conversation, they seemed to agree.But Ximen Wanting blinked, feeling something was wrong.I didn't go upstairs to talk about this matter, so why did the topic suddenly change?And beside him, Tang Linger arranged a follower...

Ximen Wanting waved her hand: "It's not right, I didn't come to tell you this. Let's talk again."

Tang Ling'er didn't want any noble side concubines to enter the Qin Palace, because they were out of control and would compete with her for men.Ximen Wanting also thought so.

She came to Tang Linger this time to discuss how to keep Meng Can and Zhan Youni out of the door.

Tang Linger was a little curious about what she could do?
Ximen Wanting said, you can't do it yourself, and I can't do it myself, but there is a way for the two of us to cooperate.I am in the light, you are in the dark, work together.

Obviously, Ximen Wanting's going upstairs this time is the result of Su Yu's matchmaking, so Ximen Wanting has the confidence to say "I am in the light, you are in the dark".

The reason why Su Yu wanted to do this was to create a common goal for the two of them, and then seek common ground while reserving differences, and dilute the conflict.


In the early morning of the next day, the red sun slanted and the birds chirped.

"It's really strange, it's almost winter moon, why isn't it cold?"

"That's right, if it's not cold, how can you wear new clothes?"

It was a warm winter, and the little maids in Chang'an County Lord's Mansion laughed and complained, just because the new clothes King Qin bought for the maids were thick padded jackets, and it was not cold, so they couldn't wear stinky clothes.

Getting a cheap and obedient little maid was quite interesting to Su Yu, but Wang Xun didn't think so, and when she heard it, he would scold her head and face.Wang Xun scolded them for being shameless, chewing their tongues again, confiscating their clothes, and freezing you to death!

The princess mansion has recruited a group of little maids, who can only work as clumsy men when they first enter the mansion.There are many rules in the princess's mansion, even Duan Shui needs to be learned.Wang Xunbi gestured to the command, and took the maid into the study to wash up for the princess.

Although their voices were very low, Su Yu still woke up and got up.

Hearing Lin Juan's voice at this time, she asked Wang Xun, did King Qin wake up?

Wang Xun said, don't you know how to see with your eyes?

At this moment, Su Yu walked out of the bedroom and waved to Lin Juan.Lin Juan smiled, walked quickly to the door of the bedroom, and handed King Qin a battle report.

Su Yu opened the battle report and looked at it. It was great news from Hedong:

According to King Qin's request, Qiu Yao sent 2000 people to search near Huguan. This time, he really dug three feet, and found a cave not far from the "disappeared footprints".The cave has been dealt with, and no flaws can be seen from the outside.Dig up the overburden and remove a layer of stones to see the cave.

According to Qiu Yao's speculation, Zhang Zhiti and other 2000 people escaped from the cave, while Zhang's Ba Zhuang stayed to deal with the entrance of the cave, and then Ba Zhuang ran to the cliff of Huguan and left a blood book on the stone wall, so as to divert Liang Jun's scouts from investigating direction.

Now that the cave was discovered, Qiu Yao sent someone to investigate the depths.

It was a karst cave with many forks. After a few days of exploration, I saw a paradise when passing through the karst cave.Perhaps because of the surrounding mountains, there is almost no wind here.In this winter, the vegetation has withered elsewhere, but green can still be seen here.

This is a place that has not been marked on the map, and Qiu Yao called it "Taoyuan Valley".

Zhang's remnants were found in Taoyuan Valley.Qiu Yao did not launch an attack immediately, but urgently reported to Han Jian who was about to withdraw.Han Jian led the first regiment of the No.11 Division to fight back.This first regiment is the seventh regiment of the original fourth division.

Qiu Yao cooperated with Han Jian and caught Zhang Zhiti by surprise. The battle in Taoyuan Valley was hearty and hearty, and he returned with a big victory.All important members of the Zhang family were arrested, and Zhang Zhiti committed suicide.

So far, the Hedong counter-insurgency has completely ended, and the fourth and No.11 divisions have returned to the court victoriously.

In the battle report, Qiu Yao said that Zhang Zhiti originally arranged for someone to stay at the entrance of the cave, but God favored him. That day, the person who stayed at the cave was having trouble with a woman in the woods. As a result, the Zhang family didn't have time to organize.But Qiu Yao also said that even if they found out, they would not be able to escape, as the saying goes, they are doomed.

"it is finally over."

King Qin was overjoyed.But when he was happy, he was still thinking about the bandit monks of the Zhang family in Luoyang City.I also don't know if there was absolutely no omission in the battle of Taoyuan Valley.If there are any omissions, relying on the ferocity of the Zhang family, they might sneak into Luoyang and join forces with the Zhang family bandit monks.

After breakfast, Su Yu went to the East Courtyard to have a look.

Liuxu Xiaozhu is in a meeting, while Hongtao Xiaozhu is cooking a big pot of rice. From a long distance, Ximen Wanting yells that she wants to stew the whole pig.

This bitch is really rich, and when it comes to money, she and Tang Linger are exactly two extremes.Tang Ling'er picks, and has to shorten the wick by hand if it is too long, while Ximen Wanting can light two lamps, never one.

Su Yu came this time to remind Matthew and Ximen Wanting.Bandit Zhang in the city may have gotten the news now, so there will be changes in the future.They may become disorganized and self-defeating because they have lost their backbone; they may also retaliate more fiercely because their hatred deepens.

Matthew is a very obedient person. According to Su Yu's request, he only sends hired people to investigate, and he will stay in the other courtyard.

But Ximen Wanting is very worrying. She said that she will be strong when she meets the strong, and that she is surrounded by a group of top experts, and she herself is someone who can fight Ouyang Kun for [-] rounds.

The eyes of that Siberian mythical beast flashed into Su Yu's mind again...

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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