
Chapter 871 King Qin's Revenge

Chapter 871 King Qin's Revenge ([-])
After being promoted to the ninth level, I only feel that people's three souls and seven souls have become more sensitive, and the maids' whispers can also be heard.With a look from Su Yu, the little maids who said they were eating pigskin were scared away.

Coincidentally, Su Yu was walking to the door of the study, and heard Wang Xun sneaking up on Tang Ling'er.

Well, you bitch, for your little master's sake, have you thrown me out?

And this girl is too bad, in order to transfer the responsibility, Ximen Wanting was even brought in.

In fact, Wang Xun couldn't do anything to King Qin, but she always fanned the flames by Tang Linger's side, and always felt that there was a hidden danger.Just imagine, without this girl, even if Tang Linger had an idea, she might not be able to do it.Because there were many things Tang Linger was ashamed to say.In other words, the existence of Wang Xun lowered Tang Linger's personality.

Under the protection of Tang Ling'er, Wang Xun became more and more courageous, and the rules of the princess mansion were meaningless to her.Because Tang Linger is the maker of the family law, Wang Xun is the executor of the family law, and she is protecting Tang Linger, and then she incites Tang Linger's emotions, which can easily form a vicious circle.

Su Yu flicked his fingers, and thought: We should put a stopper in this cycle, so as not to let her develop indefinitely.

Su Yu's initial thought was to go into the house and drag Wang Xun out, and use acupuncture to make her hurt for a few days, and teach her a lesson.Later, I felt that doing so was too childish and boring.So he thought about it, turned around and went downstairs.

A master at the tenth level has very light steps, and going up and down the stairs is like stepping on cotton.

Lin Wan was so busy on the first floor that she couldn't lift her head, while Xiao Huan saw King Qin go up the stairs gently as if playing a prank, and then came down quietly, and made a gesture to Xiao Huan to silence her.Xiao Huan smiled noncommittally.

Su Yuxiaozhu didn't see Ximen Wanting, so he told the little eunuch Chang You that if the side concubine came back, he would take her to the palace, and the little eunuch agreed.

Walking away with his hands behind his back, Su Yu was a little worried.Because Ximen Wanting doesn't necessarily go home from which door.If he came home from the front door, he might be stopped by Wang Xun and called directly to Xiaofeng Pavilion.It was too late when Chang You saw Ximen Wanting.So Su Yu arranged for Tong Yu to wait at the front gate, and must bring Ximen Wanting directly to the palace.

What a coincidence, Tong Yu went to the gate and saw Wang Xun there.

The two slaves didn't like each other, Wang Xun looked at Tong Yu with his neck straightened, and Tong Yu squinted at Wang Xun.

Tong Yu didn't know what the king of Qin was thinking at this time, but there must be a reason why the king of Qin said that he would not let the side concubine go directly to Xiaofeng Pavilion.In order to handle this matter well, Tong Yu went to Lao Huang for help.Tong Yu asked Lao Huang to go to the back door to guard, and if he saw the side concubine, he would take him to the palace first.Lao Huang agreed.

It was not until evening that Ximen Wanting's four horses came back.Tong Yu and Wang Xun were ready to welcome the side concubine Wang.But Tong Yu suddenly ran towards the carriage, but Wang Xun wanted to stop him but didn't.I saw Tong Yu and Wang Dang, who was driving the chariot, say something. Wang Dang turned his horse's head and ran to the back door.

Wang Xun trotted all the way to the back door, and saw Lao Huang standing there, but Ximen Wanting went to the palace first.

Tong Yumei walked towards the palace of the king happily, and when she passed by Wang Xun, she hummed lightly, quite pleased, which made Wang Xun grit her teeth in anger.


Now that bandit Zhang has been wiped out, and even Cheng Kun is dead, why is Ximen Wanting still hanging out?

Because she is too uncomfortable to hold back at home.

In order to get her out of the house, Su Yu worked hard, first made an agreement with her for three chapters, and then found something for her to do, let her replace King Qin to check the warehouse of the household department.By the way, arrange Tan Qin'er by her side, because Su Yu found that she and Tan Qin'er got along very well.

Perhaps this is the relationship between "not with me" and "with me" that Ximen Wanting often said.The two hit it off very well.Even if Ximen Wanting heard about Tan Qin'er, she was not angry, she also said that Tan Qin'er was funny.

At that moment, Su Yu realized that they had finally found the same kind.If Ximen Wanting is a Erha, Tan Qin'er is more like a half-domesticated wolf.The heroine who used to go around everywhere was gone, and now she follows Erha's side concubine all day long and pretends to be an uncle to check accounts.

And Wang Xiu has also gone to Ximen Wanting's side, and she is still the main force helping Ximen Wanting to check the accounts.Speaking of which, Su Yuneng's arrangement has a direct relationship with Wang Xiu.After all, Wang Xiu had worked as an account supervisor at Luqiaoyi Factory and Shouan Factory for two years, and it would be more reliable if she helped Ximen Wanting check the warehouse.

Ximen Wanting's team went through a fierce battle, some died and some were scared away, and now there are only seven people left.But she is still unabated, if she sees Han Hao, she still has to chase after him.

Su Yu discovered that Han Hao and his ilk had no enmity with Ximen Wanting, they were more like a joke.

"Your Highness misses a concubine so much, so you are in a hurry to meet him as soon as you get home?" Ximen Wanting sat on the king's couch, put her hand on Su Yu's shoulder, and said with a smile.

Su Yu almost laughed out loud, collected his expression, and said in a low voice: "It is estimated that the front building will look for you, if she asks you to send Nalanxi to the Duke's Mansion, you will agree."

Ximen Wanting blinked: "Why?"

Ximen Wanting became curious, leaned closer, and asked curiously, "You don't like Nalan Xi?"

In fact, Ximen Wanting is also very willing to send Nalanxi away, and this is exactly what Wang Xun wants to use.But her girl and Tang Ling'er are completely different. If Tang Ling'er heard what King Qin said, she would definitely agree without hesitation, but Ximen Wanting insisted on asking for a reason.

Speaking of Nalanxi, Su Yu has seen it a few times in the past, especially at the Quan Niu Banquet a few days ago.

Nalanxi is indeed very beautiful, her facial features and figure are all standard, and she can't find any faults. She is a typical noble beauty, full of high-end sense.

To put it bluntly, women look fine, while men look weak and feel nothing.

Speaking of this, Su Yu felt very ashamed.Because he had discovered a long time ago that he didn't fully agree with the beauties in other people's mouths.For example, some big stars in later generations have thick eyebrows and big eyes, high cheekbones and wide jaws, they are extremely beautiful, but Su Yu doesn't feel it when they look at them.

Su Yu thought he was vulgar and couldn't enjoy a high-end face.On the contrary, I prefer to look at those with high nose and chin, which are called Internet celebrity faces.Now that Tang Ling'er wanted to give Tang Zhen her high-level face, it would be a good idea.Otherwise, when will the girl wait?

She has been wasting like this, living a life of relying on others, and the girl is also very worried.

Su Yu told Ximen Wanting her thoughts, and Ximen Wanting pointed to her face and asked, "Then how does King Qin look at his concubine? Is she red or not?"

She felt very fresh when she heard the word "Internet celebrity" just now, obviously she misunderstood it, she thought it was a certain color.

Su Yu smiled: "My concubine is quite charming. Very popular."

Ximen Wanting left contentedly, she promised to complete the task, but she wanted a word before leaving.

"Don't forget the words I reminded you."

"Hmph! Who do you look down on?"

Su Yu told Ximen Wanting to keep it a secret, she said she knew it well.

As soon as she returned to Qingya Xiaozhu, she was invited by Wang Xun to Xiaofeng Pavilion. Tang Linger asked her to send Nalanxi to the Duke's Mansion. Ximen Wanting asked a few questions hesitantly.These few questions were more like dividing responsibilities with Tang Linger, but in the end she agreed.

That night, Su Yu saw Tang Linger and Ximen Wanting sending Nalanxi to the Duke's Mansion. It is said that Tang Zhen was very surprised, and Tang Zhen was worried that his sister was messing around.Asked several times in a row, is this the original intention of King Qin?
In the eyes of a political person like Tang Zhen, everything is a government. He thinks that this is a gift from the Duke's government. If it is the King of Qin's intention, he is of course willing to accept it.But if it was not Qin Wang's original intention, but Tang Ling'er decided to send it, then Tang Zhen's acceptance of Lanxi would be equivalent to helping the evildoer.Moreover, it is very taboo, and it will easily affect the relationship between An Guogong and King Qin.

Speaking of which, the Grand Duke was safe in handling things, so he secretly sent Jing Jing over to inquire.Su Yu said that it was his own idea, and he sent it because the Duke's mansion had just had a major event and there was a lack of female relatives in the family.It wasn't until Tian Jing went back that Tang Zhen accepted it with peace of mind and expressed his satisfaction.

This matter made many people very satisfied, especially Tang Ling'er, seeing her come back with a smile on her feet, she seemed to let go of some burden.Su Yu stood at the window of Xiaofeng Pavilion's study room, and smiled wryly.But when they walked downstairs, Su Yu pulled his face down with anger: "Who told you to send Nalanxi away?"

The King of Qin suddenly asked a loud question, causing the women downstairs to raise their heads in astonishment, Su Yu said sternly: "Everyone back down, Wang Fei and Wang Xun go upstairs."

After finishing speaking, Su Yu turned and left the window.


"I don't want to hear any explanation. I just want an answer, who first proposed this idea." King Qin turned his back to a painting on the wall, his voice low.

"It's my concubine's idea." Tang Linger's voice came from behind.

Su Yu quickly said: "But I don't think this is the princess' idea."

The study fell into silence, only the sound of the wind blowing on the window lattice.

Su Yu continued to look at the landscape painting in front of him, and said in a slow voice: "In my mind, the princess strictly disciplines herself and distinguishes right from wrong. Sometimes she is strict, but she rewards the public. Since we met, although you and I often have differences, Ling'er has always handled things. There is a basis, and I never make trouble unreasonably. I think so when I entered the palace of the princess, and the princess was strict and confiscated my private property."

Su Yu sighed, and said again: "You and I have changed our identities later, but I never force you to do anything. If you retreat a little, I will go further. If you don't retreat, I will not enter. Such patience is the only way to get in." The situation is stable and harmonious today. I thought that we would be able to continue in harmony in the future, but I didn't expect this sudden incident, which made me very disappointed..."

"Prince Qin forgives the crime. This is the servant's idea, and it has nothing to do with the princess!" Wang Xun's kneeling voice came from behind.

Before Su Yu started exerting his strength, Wang Xun couldn't bear it anymore.

To say that Wang Xun's resistance is really weak, or that she is eager to protect the Lord.

King Qin turned around slowly and stared at Wang Xun: "It's best if you admit it. But this time I can't let you go lightly."

(End of this chapter)

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