
Chapter 872 King Qin's Revenge

Chapter 872 King Qin's Revenge ([-])
The atmosphere in the Xiaofeng Pavilion was extremely oppressive. The concubine was wearing a delicate armor and pinching a silk handkerchief. She put her hands in front of her and stood behind King Qin together with her maid, Wang Xun.

The King of Qin looked at the ink painting of the mountains and the Feiyun Waterfall with his hands behind his back, and told the past in a deep voice:
"When I first came to the princess' mansion, I saw Wang Xun as a bright and lively maid in brocade clothes; when the princess was attacked by bandits, I saw Wang Xun as a female warrior who would risk her life to defend the master; When we walked into the wedding hall hand in hand, the Wang Xun I saw was a bride and sister with tears in their smiles. I saw all this in my eyes and remembered it in my heart. I also regard such Wang Xun as a relative, and I often give Xiaohui .Even if you often make mistakes and sometimes provoke, I still treat you equally, and even tolerate you more."

"From what I heard from other people, I give people the impression that I am easy-going, tolerant, and good at taking pleasure in hardship. The servants in the family occasionally make small mistakes, but I often turn a blind eye to them. For example, Xiao Huan broke the cups and plates and wiped the window paper. I think it is Accident, so never blame. If it is intentional or fluke, the purpose is to ask for something that does not belong to her. I will use 'money' to measure the size of this matter, and I will prescribe the right medicine according to the personality of the person who made the mistake For example, Xiao Huan ate a crabapple fruit secretly, or a few pennies were left over when I went to buy crabapple fruit. Not only would I not say anything about her, but I would give her a few more. Because Xiao Huan is a shameless person. The maid of my heart, I will make her feel guilty if I do this."

"If the servants push forward, I will beat them in a joking way. For example, Tang Fei and Tang Cui ran to me and asked for brocade clothes, and I would fight back and beat them so that they ran away. I want them to know, I can give it, but You can’t ask for it. Because what I offered on my own initiative has a different meaning from what you asked for.”

"It's more serious, such as Tang Xiaofei. I always say that she was forced to make mistakes out of caring for her original family, so it is understandable. But in fact, she also had deliberate elements. Faced with this kind of mistake, the princess is very sad. It's hard to forgive her. But I can forgive, and I think people who have made this kind of mistake will mature and will not make it again. Because of such a mistake, it happened by chance, the person who made the mistake did not have an addiction, it was not caused by a vice, so She will not become a habitual offender. In fact, I also know that I am a little too lenient towards the servants. The reason why the servants have not continued to deteriorate is because there is a strict mistress in the family."

Having said that, Su Yu turned around to look at Tang Linger, but at this moment Tang Linger did not look at Su Yu.

She is still proud, standing upright and holding her head high, but she turned her head sideways, leaving only stubbornness.

"If the princess is as tolerant as I am, you slaves would have been turned upside down." Su Yu sighed, and went to look at the painting again: "Confucius said: only women and villains are hard to raise, and those who are close will not be grandchildren, and those who are far away But I feel that as long as the people in this family can get along in harmony and the atmosphere is harmonious, I am happy to see your little disrespect. But if my tolerance fails to exchange for these, then it is another matter."

"At the beginning, there was a Tsing Yi Nursing Home named Tang Deng in the princess mansion. He was on duty at the porter that day. Ouyang Jing, who was seriously injured, traveled eight hundred miles and rushed to Luoyang to ask me for help. At that time, Ouyang Jing was dressed in rags and Tired and haggard, he asked to report to the door, but Tang Deng beat him up indiscriminately because he suspected that Ouyang Jing was lying. On the surface, he was beating Ouyang Jing, but in fact it was out of contempt for his son-in-law, Insults and provocations. Moreover, this person is cruel, dull, and has bad intentions. With a person like him, it is the reputation of the master that is ruined. It seems that the master is ignorant, unwise, and unkind. Based on the above considerations, I expel him. Although It was not easy for me to deport a person back then."

"Among the little maids, there are also people who don't know how to control themselves. For example, Shi Yao, who is stupid and rough, eats too much, is lazy, steals and plays tricks, has bad grades, and always loves to get angry. Bullying other little maids with his strong physique attracts Dong The wing room is often filled with smog, and it even causes Li Xiao and his servant Dian Tao to have a fight with her in the Taolin. Her existence alone destroys the harmonious atmosphere of the princess mansion. It can be called a mouse dropping. She is such a person You should fuck off."

Su Yu sighed for a long time: "I will expel and replace those Tsing Yi nursing homes and little maids at will. But facing you and Lin Wan, Wang Xiu and Chen Qi, because you have been with the princess for a long time and accompanied her throughout her childhood, so I don't treat you as slaves, but as relatives and friends. They are older, well-mannered, capable of writing and martial arts, and are the right-hand man of the princess, so I tolerate you very much. I want to exchange tolerance for harmony. The other three Everyone can understand my painstaking efforts, but how do you do it? In normal life, whenever you feel that the princess suffers a little loss, you just point fingers and fan the flames. Some things that the princess can tolerate, will be tolerated by you Zoom in and interfere with the judgment of the princess. Half of the good qualities of the princess will be ruined by you!"

Su Yu became excited: "Don't think I don't know about the evil things you did in the past. The little things about sesame and mung beans are so detailed, I don't care about it with you. But you went to Feng Yu twice with a sword, and I You should be dealt with! The reason for not doing so is all for the face of the princess!"

Su Yu turned around abruptly, with stern eyes, pointing at Wang Xun who was kneeling on the ground: "Whether it's in Chang'an County Lord's Mansion or in Prince Qin's Mansion, my tolerance for you has reached the point of no more! It can be called connivance! But you How did you repay me? Have you realized how much I have tolerated you? I have tolerated you for so long, even if you are a wolf-hearted dog, you will also know how to be in awe! With a heart of stone, you should be warmed by me!"

"The reason why Feng Yu and Kong Ting entered the house was difficult, and it was directly related to you. Later, it was not because you did well, but because Feng Yu and Kong Ting did so well that you couldn't find any faults. Even so, I also I can tolerate you. Because I thought life would be peaceful like this. At that time, I felt that it was enough, and I didn't need a third concubine, so I let Nalanxi live outside. But this is why you encouraged the princess to send her away. Is there a reason to leave?!"

"It's fine for you to encourage the princess, but you still want to drag Ximen Wanting into the water. Do you want to control the entire palace of the Qin Dynasty by yourself? Just imagine, if I want to, with my identity, who can stop me ? I am the regent who is in charge of the household department, and the prince with military power. Will I be staggered by one of your servants? Let alone a woman, I can afford dozens or hundreds of them!"

Su Yu kicked Wang Xun down with one kick: "It was not my intention for Ximen Wanting to enter the palace. But she has already entered the house, so she has to be treated as a family member! In order to make the princess feel at ease, you used Ximen Wanting's character to frame and She, let her bear the responsibility. I heard this with my own ears, if not, Ximen Wanting will be killed by you! You are so vicious, how can you be tolerated!"

Su Yu's high-pitched, emotionally charged words did not crush Wang Xun, who was being attacked head-on, but made Tang Ling'er collapse.I saw her breathing heavily, as if hearing the sound of the wind box, her heart heaved violently, her face was flushed with anger, her thinking was slow, her eyes were empty, and she said with trembling fingers: "Finally tell the truth, you just want to raise dozens or hundreds of pairs Isn't it right? You took the opportunity to attack today, but it's for this? Then why do you beat and scold the servant, you just come at me!"

It has been emphasized more than once that women's brain circuits are different from men's.Reasoning with women is a very dangerous thing.Because you don't know when she will suddenly take the topic in a direction that is completely off course, and then she will faint.

This is really unexpected.

Su Yuben planned to be furious and punish Wang Xun severely.Su Yu had rehearsed in his mind that he would first cut off Wang Xun's limbs and expel him.Presumably Tang Linger must protect her.Then take a step back, beat her up and expel her.Presumably Tang Ling'er will still protect her.At this time, Su Yu had something to say, let one give way to two but not give way to three, if you want to keep Wang Xun, you must listen to my punishment.It is estimated that Tang Ling'er will agree, and then Su Yu will force Wang Xun to marry Lao Huang.

A multi-loss move.

Speaking of this trick, Su Yu and Ouyang Jing mentioned Wang Xun when chatting with the Drunken Jade Emperor before, saying that this girl is quite hateful.At this time, Ouyang Jing's think tank, Dongfang Xiaoer, the current treasurer of Drunken Jade Emperor, said: If she is dishonest, I will marry her to Lao Huang.Hahaha.

It has long been said that Dongfang Xiaoer is very spiritual, and he often does miraculous actions that make people's eyes shine, and he will hurt his family if he breaks down.

Marrying a 26-year-old girl to a 60-year-old old man is still extremely distasteful.It's really murderous.


The whole family doesn't like Wang Xun, just because she only protects one person and doesn't care about others.She stares at men not to mess around for the heroine, and intrigues with other women for the heroine.Let her do all the things that offend people, it's no wonder everyone likes her.But without her, wouldn't women stop fighting?Obviously not.Moreover, if Tang Linger didn't have this sharp claw by her side, the situation might be even more chaotic.

In addition, King Qin has always cared about the word "loyalty".

Back then, Gui Jianchou led a group of bandits to break into the princess' mansion. After Lin Wan was injured, all the other maids ran away. The only maid beside Tang Linger was Wang Xun.Her martial arts are not very high, but she dared to fight with the top [-] bandits on the killer list with a dagger in her hand. She was beaten to the point of bleeding, but she never flinched.She thinks what the princess thinks, understands the experience of the princess, is wronged because the princess is wronged, and is happy because the princess is happy.She has become Tang Linger's shadow.She often misses the point, but she never makes a big mistake, and her stand is extremely firm.Just imagine, if someone wanted to hurt Tang Linger and the child, she would do her best for the Princess and the child.

Such a person cannot be killed.And it doesn't make sense to only target Wang Xun.The ultimate goal of Su Yu's outbreak this time is to establish new rules to protect Feng Yu, Kong Ting, and Ximen Wanting with rules.Only when the territory is clearly divided can the fundamental problem be solved.

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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