
Chapter 873 King Qin's Revenge

Chapter 873 King Qin's Revenge ([-])
The four maidservants of the princess mansion have a special status.Strictly speaking, they are not slaves in the absolute sense.Their contracts of prostitution had already expired. For example, Chen Qi fired Tang Linger and went to marry herself.

Of course, doing so would be considered self-destructive.Her ability is second only to Lin Wan, but now she is the worst one.If Su Yu hadn't brought her back, Tang Ling'er would never have used her again.Tang Linger always said that married women were dirty.

Up to now, Su Yu still can't fully understand the meaning of Tang Linger's words, but he can secretly agree with her words.It seems a little mysterious.

After some fierce speeches, the princess fainted from anger, and she wanted to coax her to get better.

If you really piss off the big baby, life will be dull, life is boring, and there are great shortcomings.

As for Wang Xun, King Qin said: As long as the concubine does something that makes King Qin think that Wang Xun has said bad things, she will enforce the family law and marry Lao Huang.

Since then, Wang Xun has withered.


Burning incense and ordering tea, hanging paintings and arranging flowers, all other busyness, should not tire the family.

Su Yu has always been adhering to this concept, no matter whether it is at home or outside, let the servants do what should be done by the servants; when the rules should be handed over to the rules.I won't take care of everything.

King Qin was tolerant in governing the family, but after Wang Xun's incident, Su Yu divided the various areas of King Qin's mansion.To provide each woman with a comfort zone can also be said to divide the territory.

In short, either you don't make a move, or if you make a move, it must be a combination punch.

This is also the reason why Su Yu seems to be more tolerant than ordinary people. In fact, he is waiting for the opportunity to prepare a combo.

But for the sake of the overall situation, it is still necessary to maintain the status of the princess as the heroine, but to add some protection to other women.The king of Qin stipulated that no one should be punished more than "shouban" in the concubine and beauty's house at any time.

For example, Ximen Wanting made a mistake, she ran all the way to hide in Qingya Xiaozhu.Then you can't chase her into her room and punish her severely.

This is the protection of Ximen Wanting, Feng Yu, and Kong Ting, and in fact it is also the protection of Tang Linger. As long as Tang Linger's punishment does not exceed the spanking hand, King Qin will not target the concubine.

In addition, Su Yu also said that when the King of Qin is not at home, the main concubine can call a meeting with the side concubine and the beauty to make some decisions for the King of Qin.This also gave Tang Ling'er a basis for family law after sending Na Lanxi away.

Tang Ling'er felt the care from the King of Qin, and she got better after a few days of awkwardness.Although this incident hit her hard, she was still so proud and put on airs wherever she went.Because she remembered what King Qin said, and would help her prevent the girls from the Meng family and the Zhan family from entering.In other words, she also gained benefits through this incident.

Make a summary, suppress Wang Xun once, let the hero and heroine speak out what they are holding back in their hearts, and finally achieve a win-win situation.Up to here, King Qin's combination of punches has been completed, and the attack and defense are all in it.


After dealing with the family affairs, Su Yu got busy again, and went to Mengjin and Xuanyuanguan to inspect the troops in these two days.After a war, King Qin's prestige in the army soared, but King Qin's control over the two divisions still relied on those students and spies.

Holding the army firmly in his hands, he felt very at ease, and then Su Yu would go to do other things.

For example, go to Pingkangfang to see Suzaku.Suzaku's belly was too big to hide.Many people knew that the chief bustard was pregnant, and they cursed angrily: I don't know which bastard took advantage of it.

Leaving Wanhualou, I went to chat with Drunken Jade Emperor and Ouyang Jing. Recently, Ouyang Jing’s fortune was booming, and he started to die again. It is said that together with a few rich retired eunuchs, he invited a master from Tianzhu Kingdom, who can give them a continuation of the powerful Of*.Su Yu said, don't believe those, it must be a liar.But Ouyang Jing said, it's just a small amount of money, you might as well give it a try.Day and night I hope to restore the glory of the past.

Afterwards, Su Yu went to Beishi to visit the brothers of the God Sect. He heard that Dai He was also taken away by Tan Qin'er. They were paid [-] yuan a month and lived in the other courtyard of King Qin's Mansion.Speaking of which, Qin'er really cares about face, Su Yu went to other courtyards several times, but she never showed up.Now she is the captain of the heart peach team sealed by Ximen Wanting, leading the guard.Ximen Wanting also appointed Wang as the captain, and she herself was the general of hearts.

Going to Kong's house to sit for a while, seeing Mrs. Han hugging her grandson, Kong's family had a new baby, very happy.But Kong Xiang didn't know where to go.Judging by Han's secretive manner, it is estimated that the son of the Kong family has dug his grave again.

Finally, Su Yu took Kong Ji to Tongjifang Street to see his mother, Shangguan.

Kong Ji would go home to live in every winter and summer vacation, and go to the Qin Palace when school started.As early as the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was a student leave system, mainly "field leave" and "clothing leave", which were equivalent to the later summer and winter vacations.But Kong Ji's life with his mother is not at ease, because he always wants to play with Wanyan Qing.Once I got home, I felt bored and fell asleep on the couch.Every time he goes on vacation, he gets fatter and fatter. He looks more and more like his father, Kong Shuo.

King Qin only came home in the evening, and when he got home, he heard that the bandit leader Zhang Chongyang died, but Zhang Yaoyang survived.

None of them ran away that day, and all were injured.Su Yu wanted to keep his life alive, saying that it would be useful to keep it alive, but he didn't say what he wanted to do specifically.

Just as Su Yu got off the carriage, before entering the gate, he said to Matthew: "Take him to another courtyard, and I will go to another courtyard to sit in a while."


One winter rain, another snow, it was freezing cold.

King Qin came to the other courtyard wearing a big cloak, and went straight to Liuxu Xiaozhu.

The layout here is the same as other small buildings, but it is much dilapidated.Looking at this century-old building, there is always an indescribable sense of vicissitudes.

King Qin strode into the house and saw a burly man kneeling on the ground.

"Get up."

King Qin said something, shook off the cloak, and was caught by Bai Zhan behind him.

At this time, people saw that King Qin was wearing a yellow jacket.Typical royal attire, but top notch.The regent's yellow mandarin jacket is almost indistinguishable from the emperor's mandarin jacket, especially the one given by Cao Yuzan.

Zhang Yaoyang stood up, and at the same time Su Yu sat in a chair, looked at the tall and unkempt man: "Why did you rebel?"

Zhang Yaoyang looked very tired, the heavy shackles made him unable to straighten his waist, but he still looked rebellious, looking up and down at the King of Qin with cold eyes: "Everyone with the surname Zhang in Hedong rebelled, if I, Zhang Yaoyang, shrink back, what kind of a man is he?" ?”

Su Yu smiled wryly: "If you follow what others say, you are a man?"

Zhang Yaoyang snorted softly: "I don't know what it means to follow others' opinions, I only know that being a man can't back down."

Su Yu nodded: "Do you think this life is worth living?"


"Are there no old people and children in your family?"

"Oh, they are all dead." Zhang Yaoyang laughed wildly.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Su Yu smiled wryly, staring at Zhang Yaoyang with hatred in his eyes.

Su Yu stopped laughing, and asked seriously: "Who do you hate?"

Zhang Yaoyang's Adam's apple moved, he pondered for a while, took a deep breath, and squatted down.Maybe he hated a lot of people, but now as a prisoner, facing the core members of the Liang Dynasty royal family, he felt that he was too small.If you say who you hate, it's like a cockroach roaring at an elephant, what's the point?But it's just self-defeating.

Su Yu sat in the chair, bent down, with his arms pressed on his knees, and stared at Zhang Yaoyang: "If I give you a chance to live a new life, how do you plan to live?"

Zhang Yaoyang lowered his head: "I never think about meaningless assumptions."

Su Yu said quickly: "I can make it meaningful."

Zhang Yaoyang raised his head and looked at King Qin: "Do you want me to be your lackey and betray my people?"

Su Yu smiled: "What if it's the opposite?"

Zhang Yaoyang was stunned.

"Untie him and let him go." Su Yu stood up and said, "Zhang Yaoyang, if I let you go today, it is no different from letting a dog go. But I hope that when I see you again, you will be a man. Now I will give you a chance, If you can do it well, I can pardon you and all of you Zhang family. I believe you and your brother and family are alive. They are suffering and fearful. If you want to save them, you will do it for them. I kill someone."

After the shackles and chains were removed, Zhang Yaoyang stood up, hummed softly, turned around and left, and no one stopped him during the whole process.

When he walked outside the door and looked left and right, but there was no one there, he turned his head and asked, "Kill who?"

"Chu Wuba."

King Qin looked at Zhang Yaoyang with his hands behind his back: "If you kill him, you will not only be able to become a human being, but I will also make you an official. From then on, the fate of the Zhang family will be in your hands."

Zhang Yaoyang came back again, he asked Su Yu, who is Chu Wuba?Why let him kill Chu Wuba?If you kill Chu Wuba in the future, how can you guarantee that you will not go back on your word?

Su Yu only answered one sentence, because I think you are a man.As for the specific matters, let Matthew talk to him, and Matthew will only give him a small amount of money, and let him gather together the remnants of the bandits in the city.Su Yu believed that those people hadn't been killed yet.But they have absolutely no hope of a comeback.Now their lives can be described as "human beings, ghosts, ghosts".

In this case, they will have no illusions.Give them a chance to be human again, and they will choose to agree.

The Palace of the Prince of Qin will give them a "Temporary Foreign Affairs Office" badge, but if they don't have a household registration, they can't get a guide, and they can't leave Luoyang City.But they can move around in Luoyang city.

Su Yu thought that there were still 200 or [-] bandits left in the city, but after a few days, Matthew told Su Yu that there were still more than [-] people.

Su Yu was quite shocked, what did the gate officials in Luoyang City do to let these bandits sneak in?

Ashamed to say, Su Yu is in charge of four of the nine Luoyang sects.This is the situation formed after the Three Kings Rebellion.Jinwu General Zhao Yafu is in charge of the four west gates, and Jinwu Supervisor Zhao Yu is in charge of the east four gates.And the Hui'an gate next to the imperial city is controlled by Cao Yuhan, and it is the guard of Habayashi.

Su Yu asked Matthew to ask Zhang Yaoyang, which door did you come in from?

Zhang Yaoyang said that they all came in from Hui'an Gate.

"What is Cao Yuhan doing..."

(End of this chapter)

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