
Chapter 874

Chapter 874
There were rumors in the world that Li Mobai killed Cheng Kun with a sword, and Li Mobai's points in the world soared, and the rankings of "Heroes List" and "Swordsman List" skyrocketed, dominating the list with an absolute advantage.In contrast, Long Xiaotian, the "Sword God" who had just been called, looked dim.

Because Luoyang Wulin summoned Long Xiaotian many times, hoping that the sword god would come and teach the mighty Ouyang Kun a lesson, but Long Xiaotian never came, which disappointed everyone, and even wanted to deprive him of the title of sword god.

At this time, everyone seems to have forgotten that Long Xiaotian got the title of Sword God because he killed a robber.

Such is the case with the rabble, they are impassioned and forgettable.Even if 99 times are good, as long as one is bad, they will turn their faces.If they really succeeded and deprived Long Xiaotian of the title of Sword God, then would Long Xiaotian kill the robbers in vain?

It's hard to be a good person.

It's better to be like Li Mobai, I do my own way, and no one can adjust me, but I leave a chic and unrestrained impression on people.But the sudden attack to kill Cheng Kun really shocked everyone's teeth and blocked Yoyo's mouth.

The death of a master of the Nine Realms is enough to cause waves in the world, let alone Cheng Kun of the Tenth Realm.For a while, the streets and alleys, teahouses and newspapers were publicizing Li Mobai's deeds.As for his appearance, it is the man with the silver crown, silver robe and silver mask.

Although Li Mobai would not come to Xishi to compete in martial arts, the Luoyang martial arts community felt proud because of this, they felt that the Sword Immortal would disdain to fight Ouyang Kun.Because you can't kill people in the arena.And our sword fairy will kill people.

In the Red Lantern Lane of West City, an old man with a white beard and a cape walked quickly towards a restaurant, and pushed away the oncoming prostitute.

The old man was Tang Xu, who strode into the room where Ouyang Kun was.

Ouyang Kun only finds a woman once a month, which is a habit he has developed over the years.But his disciples don't have this habit anymore, they will play with it whenever they have the chance.The brothers straddled their horses and raised their whips together, shaking their arms and shouting, to see whose horse ran faster and screamed more joyfully.

Tang Xu walked into Ouyang Kun's room with an unhappy expression on his face.Hearing the strange screams coming from the next door, he looked coldly at the woman beside Ouyang Kun, and pointed, "Get out."

The disheveled woman seemed reluctant, and sat there dawdling and chattering. Tang Xu grabbed the woman's bun and threw the woman out along the window, only to hear a "crack" from outside.

Of course, this is the first floor.If it was the second floor, Tang Xu would consider throwing her out the door.

Ouyang Kun sat up unhurriedly, and asked with a half-smile, "Why is Qiao Jianlang so angry?"

"Cheng Kun is dead!" Tang Xu said angrily, looking out the window with his hands behind his back.

The woman who had just been thrown out ran back to the window with disheveled hair, pointed at Tang Xu, cursed, and even spat out sticky phlegm.Tang Xu raised his hand and closed the window, just to block the sticky phlegm, which hung on the window and flowed down the window paper.The woman rushed over and knocked on the window lattice.

Tang Xu clamped two silver coins between his fingers, pierced the window paper, and handed them to the woman.

The woman snatched the silver coins with her hands and left angrily.

Ouyang Kun smiled wryly: "As long as you are willing to pay, there are many masters."

Tang Xu turned his anger into joy: "Mr. Ouyang introduce another one?"

Ouyang Kun said: "I can't find one as cheap as Cheng Kun. You have to pay more."

"How much?"

"Thirty thousand a day."

"Okay." Tang Xu gritted his teeth: "Who is this person?"

Ouyang Kun smiled: "Hengshan Yaoni."


The King of Qin was extremely annoyed, and hurried to the apse, just like other princes, he found a reason to reprimand the Queen Mother.But Cao Yuzan lay down on the couch in a slack manner and remained unmoved. She supported her head with one hand, her two white socks feet moved comfortably from time to time, and looked at Su Yu like admiring a statue.Her performance made Qin Wang, who was pretending to be angry and blowing his beard and staring, feel that he had nowhere to exert his strength.

After the king of Qin relaxed, Cao Yuzan sat up, pointed at Su Yu, and said that Su Yu should be beaten for disrespecting his sister-in-law.

Su Yula's face darkened: "I think we're still talking about serious business, why did you let those bandits into the city?"

Cao Yuzan choked and said, "Where did this come from? I wasn't guarding the gate, so how would I know why I let it in? Besides, that group of people didn't have the word 'Zhang' written on their heads. Household registration and forged road guides, the door officials have nothing to do."

Su Yu's expression darkened, and he stared at Cao Yuhan.

Cao Yuzan's eyes slanted: "Okay, I'll change to a door officer."

Su Yu snorted coldly.

With a resentful look on her face, Cao Yuzan picked up a plate of pureed fruit angrily, turned her anger into a appetite, and ate it, chewing bitterly.

Su Yu glanced at her sideways: "Tang Zhen is ready to set off, and this time he is really going to fight Hexi. This is also a critical moment for you, but I'm curious, if Min Yue is really called back, how will he pass Tongguan?" ? Even if you pass Tongguan, you still have 400 miles to go, and you still have to face the Hangu Pass guarded by the Eighth Division. Why, the Eighth Division is already under your control?"

The general of the eighth division of Xuanjia is Gongsun Youren from Xianbei, and the supervisor is Zhao Jun, the righteous son of King Kang. From the division headquarters to the brigade headquarters, they are all descendants of King Kang. Su Yu doesn't quite believe that Cao Yuzan's special order can handle these people.

Cao Yuzan became serious, put down the fruit plate, and looked up tiredly: "Why do I have to go by land?"

Su Yuning raised her eyebrows: "You want to go by water?"

"As long as Tang Zhen is willing to help me, I can do it." Cao Yuzhan glanced sideways and glanced at the map hanging on the screen: "Bypass Tongguan and enter Hetao, where the dock is being repaired. Many large ships can be built to carry 2 people at a time , go straight down the current, and then land from your Mengjin and go directly to Luobei."

Su Yu stared at Cao Yuzan: "Did you take my opinion into consideration when planning major events?"

"Isn't that what I'm telling you?"

"Besides this method, what else can you do?"


"Are you going to drag me into the water?"

"What's the matter, don't you want to?" Cao Yuzan smiled slightly, shaking her huge hair bun beyond ordinary people: "Kill the second king, and the Xuanjia Army will belong to you and me from now on."

Su Yu smiled bitterly: "You treat Zhang Yunlong and Zhao Qiang as dead?"

Cao Yuzan said: "Zhao Qiang took the Seventh Division and the No.19 Division to fight. They were full when he went, but it was hard to say how many people he could bring back, and his other two divisions were at least ten days away from Luoyang; Zhang Yunlong only had The first division is in Luodong Sanshili, and the other two divisions are in Zhengzhou. In this case, you and I raise troops at the same time, have you ever counted how many of us there are?"

If Min Yue came back with 2 people, and Tang Zhen sent her another 3 or more recruits, that would be more than [-] people.Adding Cao Sheng's second division, Zhao Yafu's half third division, and Su Yu's two and a half divisions, that's eight divisions.Quickly behead Kang Wang and Xian Wang, and then go to surround Zhang Yunlong's first division and force him to hand over the tiger talisman.If Zhang Yunlong disagrees, then destroy the first division.

It is worth mentioning that King Kang will also send two divisions to support Hexi. That is to say, at this time, there are only 2 Kangwang forces left in Luoyang Baguan.

Of course, this is only the ideal result.

Su Yu got feedback from the spies, and felt that the biggest variable was Cao Sheng's second division, but Cao Yuzan firmly believed that there was no problem.

Su Yu sighed: "Even if Min Yue travels by water, the news will be known to King Kang and King Xian. What will you do during this time?"

Cao Yuzan said: "I will leave the palace. I am going to find my uncle."

"You're going to hide in the army?"

"Why, women can't lead soldiers?"

Su Yu was speechless for a while.

Cao Yuzan's plan can be called grand, but it is still unknown whether he will be able to reach this point.

Although King Kang agreed to send troops, he has not yet chosen the leader of the Western Expedition. I don't know what he is thinking about, or he just wants to delay the time.

Su Yu felt that this matter was too risky, and in the end he helped Cao Yuzan seize military power, not becoming emperor himself.Is it worth taking such a big risk?
Su Yu had already made up his mind, but he would not tell Cao Yuzan what he wanted to do, so he cupped his hands and got up to leave.

"Wait." Cao Yuzan said in a low voice, "I used to think that Concubine Feng was behind the scenes to harm you. But now I find that her existence is just a cover-up. She is doing things for others."

"Zhao Di? Zhao Zhun?" Su Yu stood still and turned his head slightly.

"I don't know either." Cao Yuzan lazily fell back: "Anyway, someone is targeting you now, and that person just doesn't want you to live comfortably. If he can find an opportunity, he will attack you; if he can't kill you, he will harass you." Your relatives, aides, and colleagues. So I suggest you be careful. And they are looking for more and more powerful people. Even more powerful than Cheng Kun."

"Who are you looking for this time?"

"Why should I tell you?"

The little widow is becoming more and more utilitarian.However, Su Yu also felt that Cao Yuzhan's spies were very powerful, and he didn't know who was in charge of this work.In comparison, King Qin's spies in the rivers and lakes are very weak.In fact, it's not that no one can use Su Yu, but that he can't bear to use it, such as the group of people from the Red and Black God Sect.

Su Yu needs to find a way to solve this problem.It is more appropriate to leave this matter to Tang Lian than to Matthew.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I went to the Meiling Hall, and I don't know how much resentment this little junior sister has accumulated at this time.

This Tang Lian was originally a girl from the Tang family, the eldest son Tang Gan's daughter, she looked more like a girl from the Tang family than ordinary girls from the Tang family.With long eyebrows, high nose and broad eyes, he was born with a sense of arrogance.As if someone owed her money.

Su Yu sat for a while longer, listening to Cao Yuhan rambling on and on about some nonsense, but she never said who that person was, let alone how she obtained the information.

Su Yu got tired of hearing it, and got up to leave, when Cao Yuzan said the name "Hengshan Yaoni".

It is worth mentioning that Hengshan Yaoni is not a single person, but a team.Their leader is a woman who used to be a nun of the Hengshan School.

(End of this chapter)

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