
Chapter 878 No need to explain

Chapter 878 No need to explain

People from poor countries smuggle to rich countries generally for their livelihood; while people from rich countries smuggle to poor countries seem to have more reasons.

In Dongyue, on the south bank of the Yangtze River, a group of people preparing to stow away are waiting for a fast boat under the moon.

A boy with a hatchet on his waist stood alone on the shore, away from the crowd.

The fast boat came, and the wild boss of the boat began to collect money.

The boy didn't move.

"Are you going?" the boat boss yelled.

The boy remained unmoved.

The boss of the boat waved his hand, and the fast boat left the shore. At this time, the boy jumped into the river.

Although the boy is thin and thin, he seems to have the power to overturn the river and the sea. His speed on the river is no less than that of a fast boat rowed by four strong boatmen.The people on the boat couldn't help but be amazed.

"Good boy, come on board. I'll pay for your money." A middle-aged obese man in brocade clothes said loudly.

The boy continued to swim wildly, but he didn't seem to hear the man's voice.

Why did the boy follow Kuaizhou?

First, he has no money;

Secondly, he didn't know the direction in the water at night, for fear of swimming into the military-controlled area of ​​the Liang Dynasty.Follow the smuggling fast boat tour, save trouble.

After landing, the boy's hands and feet were cold, and he was shaking all over, but he still strode forward, as if he didn't care about the wet clothes on his body.But after walking a few steps, steam began to rise from his body, and his clothes were dry again after not walking far.

The middle-aged man in brocade clothes chased after him: "Swordsman, I'll hire you."

The boy reached out and patted the hatchet: "I don't have a sword."

The middle-aged man in brocade clothes said: "I have money."

The name of this honest and kind-hearted young man is Aliang, and his accent should be from Miaojiang.

It is said that the Liang Dynasty was in chaos, but all the way from the Yangtze River to Luoyang, I did not encounter a single bandit.It can be seen that most of the official media in the Southern Jin Dynasty are usually slandering the Northern Dynasty.

The middle-aged man in Jinyi said he was rich, but when he arrived in Luoyang, he showed the face of a profiteer: "I gave you food and drink along the way, but I didn't meet a single bandit. Since you didn't work for me, I will only give you half of the money."

Aaron held out his hand.

The middle-aged Jinyi took out two money bags, thought for a while, and grabbed another one: "I also gave you a household registration, which is worth at least [-] yuan."

After all, the middle-aged man in Jinyi put the money bag into A Liang's hands.

A Liang didn't even look at it, tied the purse around his waist, and strode towards the Changxia Gate.

His knife was discovered by the city gate guards. If he still wants the knife, he needs a deposit.If the deposit is not taken, the knife will be confiscated.

A Liang reached out to caress the knife, then handed it to the gate guard: "I don't want it anymore."

A Liang entered the city, wiping away tears as he walked, as if he had a lot of affection for the knife.

The city gate guard felt strange, since he had such a deep relationship with this broken knife, why couldn't he bear to spend 5 coins to save it for a day?
How could the guard know that what the boy put down was not just a knife.

Gossip less, A Lang wandered around Luoyang City for a few days, he seemed to have a special investigative ability, followed a wave of evil spirits to Nanshi.

He saw an old Diao Si, slightly hunched but still tall and thin, walking up and down the alleys of Nanshi with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the gorgeous clothes of Lao Diao Temple, one can tell that the status is not vulgar.

Lao Diao Si doesn't have any evil aura in him, but Lao Diao Si is following the evil aura to find him, so he and A Liang become friends.

A Liang didn't deliberately follow Lao Diao Si, but Lao Diao Si thought he was following him.And not long after, the "Five Demons of the Southern Jin Dynasty" headed by the Hengshan demon nuns appeared around the downtown at the same time.Lao Diao Temple met three old men, they said something, and Lao Diao Temple bought two bunches of candied haws for the two old mothers.The old mother jumped happily because she ate candied haws, like two children.Later, they seemed to quarrel over trivial matters, and then they walked towards Fangmen together and left Nanshi.

At the same time, the "Five Demons of the Southern Jin Dynasty" who had just appeared disappeared again.But at this moment, the boy quickened his pace and rushed to a corner.He traveled across mountains and rivers to Luoyang just to find this demon.

A Liang is fast.

A beautiful girl hiding in the corner found A Liang.This beautiful girl is the apprentice of Hengshan Yaoni, the wooden girl who practiced "Suzaku Sutra Wood".She looks stunning.But A Liang came to her not because she was pretty.

Ah Liang's footsteps became faster and faster, and the wooden girl screamed and ran away.

Soon, A Liang saw five people, and the five demons gathered together.

The old demon nun with an ugly face said, "Ah Liang, I told you, it wasn't Mu'er who killed your sister."

Ah Liang didn't listen to what the old nun said, and continued to move forward.

Yaoni stared and said, "Don't tell me you want to challenge five of us at the same time!"

Ah Liang didn't talk to him, and ran forward at a faster speed, suddenly there was a ball of light in his hand, he jumped up suddenly, and smashed the ball of light down.

"Step aside!"

Yaoni let out a loud shout, took a step forward, raised his crutches, and pointed at the ball of light.

The tip pierced the light ball, and liquid seemed to flow out of the breach, and fell to the ground with a sizzling sound, and suddenly burned with a "bang", and the ground fire spread.

Yao Ni stomped her feet, and a layer of green demon energy extinguished the ground fire.But the earth fire broke through the demon energy again and continued to burn.

The old nun was furious, and stomped his foot again, and the ground fire made two puffs before it went out.

"Boy, after all, you can do it." Yaoni shook the crutch, threw the ball of light into the air, then put down the crutch, and said with a sneer: "Although the fire is fierce, what can you do to me? Seeing as your teacher In Hong Chengdu's face, the old nun doesn't care about you, and advises you to leave quickly."

A Liang continued to move forward.

Yao Ni stared: "Boy, court death!"

In Dongyue, the boy was only wearing thin clothes.

Seeing the demon girl rushing over, flames suddenly rolled in the boy's pupils, and then flames burst out from the boy's body, the flames shot up into the sky, and a giant fire snake rolled out and rushed towards the demon girl.

Yaoni was shocked.

In terms of skill, the young Aliang is not as good as the demon nun, but what the young man cultivates is the Taoist ground fire that specializes in subduing demon energy.

As the saying goes, one thing falls one thing, Yao Ni jumped back suddenly in fright, screaming wildly, and led the group of monsters to flee quickly.

The Yaoni dare not approach A Liang, but A Liang can't kill the Yao Ni in the late tenth realm.

In fact, A Liang was only here to kill Miss Mu, but when the demon appeared, A Liang knew that he couldn't kill her.

A Liang did not chase, but squatted on the side of the road in frustration.

At this time, a very luxurious carriage drove up, the curtain was opened, and a young woman wearing a snow-white sleeping rabbit and a ferret cloak walked out.The woman is slender, with long eyebrows and fine eyes, and she is full of arrogance.Standing on the car with his waist pinched, staring at A Liang.

Beside the woman was a shrewd young eunuch, looking at Ah Liang warily.

A few more women came under the car, the first two were dressed in strong clothes and had long legs, one of them had curly hair and lively eyebrows, the other was young, delicate and childish.

This group of people appeared suddenly, Ah Liang just raised his head and blinked, then lowered his head again.

At this time, the woman with slender eyebrows and long eyes standing on the carriage said: "You can chase a group of people by yourself, it seems not bad."

Ah Liang was noncommittal and didn't say anything.

Ximen Wanting jumped out of the car, pinched her waist with both hands, and said with a trembling leg: "Don't squat on the ground like a toad, get up for me. I have two tricks with my concubine. If there are really two brushes, I will hire you." you."

A Liang glanced at Ximen Wanting, and Ximen Wanting also looked at A Liang carefully. The boy's eyes were extremely clear, like a mountain stream.

Ximen Wanting nodded, with a serious expression on her face, and pointed: "Can you be my son?"

Hearing this, the little eunuch Wang Dang's head suddenly drooped, thinking, our young lady has started committing a crime again.

Wang Dang walked over quickly, and said to A Liang, "How can you be dumb?"

A Liang stood up: "I have something to do."

Wang Dang said, "What's the matter with you?"

A Liang said: "Kill the demon."

Wang Dang smiled and said: "Coincidentally, our concubine Wang is also killing demons. We are looking for a person named Hengshan Yaoni."

A Liang smiled, and pointed in the direction where Yao Ni was running away: "That old woman is the one you are looking for."

"Then why wait? Get in the car!" Ximen Wanting drew out her dagger, pointed to the west, and shouted loudly: "This concubine is going to kill the old demon with her own hands today!"

With one order, Ximen Wanting, Wang Dang, Wang Xiu, Tan Qin'er, Dai He, three Jianghu girls and two factory bosses, a total of ten people crowded into one car.At this time, the carriage of the concubine Wang is like a train in Tianzhu, with people hanging on the windows and people standing on the roof.A group of people moved swiftly and took their positions. It looked like they had been rehearsed.

A Liang had never seen such a spectacular scene of riding in a car, and he couldn't help but look up in a daze.

A head suddenly poked out of the car window, with long and narrow eyes, it hooked its fingers at A Liang.

A Liang didn't know, so he walked over.

Ximen Wanting grabbed Ah Liang by the neck and stared, "What are you doing so stupid? Hurry up and get in the car!"

It's a lot of fun now.

With Ximen Wanting's Rotten Vegetable Leaf team, they are no match for the five Yaonis at all, but there is A Liang hanging on the car.

So people saw four big horses, driving a luxury car, chasing several Jianghu people in strange clothes running on the street.

Ah Liang fired the fire with a "puff puff puff", beating the Hengshan Yaoni and a group of people to the point of panic.

Although she was still escaped by Yaoni in the end, she also felt that she lost all face because of this, so she didn't go to Xishi to meet Tang Xu.

A Liang is a closed disciple of Hong Chengdu, one of the three sects of Taoism in the Southern Jin Dynasty. He is 15 years old this year and has reached the "Tongda Realm", which is the eighth realm.

Hong Chengdu specializes in cultivating the Taoist Ganghuo, because the Taoist Huo is extremely pure, it is known as the "Samadhi True Fire" in the world, and he specializes in breaking all kinds of demon skills.

Ximen Wanting invites A Liang to join her team, and asks A Liang to call her mother.

But A Liang said, I won't go, and I won't call you mother either.

"It's better like this." Ximen Wanting sat in the car, pointed at A Liang and said, "Anyway, you can't beat five of them by yourself, so if you find them, come and tell my mother. If you don't have money to spend during this period, go Prince Qin's mansion is looking for a mother."

Aliang was dumbfounded.

Ximen Wanting raised her eyebrows: "You want to catch that wooden girl, I guess you must have taken a fancy to her, right?"

A Liang was a little helpless, and just about to speak, Ximen Wanting waved her hand and said, "No need to explain, the sons and daughters of the Jianghu dare to love and hate, mother understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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