
Chapter 879 Why Don't You Want To

Chapter 879 Why Don't You Want To
This winter is full of snow, and the pavilions and pavilions are covered in white clothes. When you climb the Guanhai Tower and look around, you can have a panoramic view of the spectacular scene.

well thought out.Zhao Yu, the King of Qin, decided not to take risks with Cao Yuzan, but to join hands with the Xian Wang. While Cao Yuzan was making troubles, the Xian Wang faction also made troubles.First carve up Kang Wang with Cao Yuzan, then counterattack Cao Yuzan, if possible, kill Min Yue together.Since then, the Xianwang faction has become the absolute leader in the Xuanjia Army, and the Xianwang will be the Supreme Emperor of the Liang Dynasty.

The virtuous king is old, so the military power of Xuanjia will be in the hands of Zhao Qiang, Zhao Yu and Zhang Yunlong.As long as the iron triangle does not break, it will continue to control Cao Yuhan and the little emperor for decades.

Hearing about Su Yu's plan, the wise king Zhao Xuan was full of praise.The virtuous king said that he knew that my nephew was unusual, but he didn't know that my nephew had reached this point.Think of my stupid Zhao Qiang, ten of him are not as good as one of my nephews.

The old prince smiled happily, but after Zhao Yu left, Zhao Ding, the second son of the Xian Wang, thought about the matter carefully, and suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

Zhao Ding sighed, and couldn't help muttering: "If he doesn't choose to tell his father, but chooses to cooperate with Cao Yuzan, how can we survive?"

Zhao Ding, the second son with two legs and a natural disability, has always been quite critical of his father's training of Zhao Yu and Zhang Yunlong.But he just kept the words in his heart and didn't say them out.

He knew it was useless to say it.

People in the world say that King Kang is a gentleman, and that King Xian is a chaotic minister.But in Zhao Ding's view, this statement is not accurate.The greatest wish of King Xian in his life is to unify China, but he has no chance to realize it in his life.So he raised his son.Originally, the son of the virtuous king and the third prince were excellent, but they died in battle one after another.The virtuous king saw that his other sons were not successful, so he set his sights on Zhang Yunlong.

But Zhang Yunlong didn't know what he was thinking, he just didn't want to be the emperor.Then the old man aimed at Zhao Yu again.But Zhao Yu's situation is more complicated.The Tang family really wanted him to be the emperor, but as much as the Tang family had hopes, the Meng and Ximen families had as much opposition.If Zhao Yu is forced to be elected emperor, the Liang Dynasty may split.

All his life, King Xian was thinking about the Zhao family dynasty, and he had the entire royal family in his heart, while King Kang Zhao Di only had the little emperor in his heart.Kang Wang wholeheartedly upholds orthodoxy, and as a result, under the advocacy of Cao Yuhan and the Yushi Yanguan Group, Kang Wang is the number one hero of the dynasty.Cao Yuzan also inscribed the five characters "a gentleman from ancient times" in his own handwriting and sent it to Kang Wang's mansion.As for Prince Xian's mansion, she didn't give anything away.

In order to show a broader mind than the virtuous king, King Kang rehabilitated King Feng and brought all of King Feng's daughters and grandsons into the palace.In addition, he also accepted ten adopted sons of the royal family, and all of them were arranged in important positions.Everyone said that King Kang was a real gentleman.He devoted himself to Daliang Chao, without any selfishness.

In fact, the Xian Wang knew that Zhao Yu usually hooked up with Cao Yuzan, but he didn't know exactly what they did.Zhao Yu came to visit suddenly today, and such a shocking plan broke out, which made the old man very happy.But Zhao Ding couldn't be happy.He was worried that even if the Xianwang faction was successful, Zhao Qiang would not be able to control the overall situation in the future, and sooner or later he would be trampled by Zhao Yu and Zhang Yunlong.

Could it be that King Xian didn't think about that day?

Zhao Ding thinks he can.But the strange thing is, the old man never seems to worry about that day coming.

Zhao Ding suddenly turned around: Could it be that the old man is not giving up?


The dinner in Chang'an Princess Mansion was as simple as usual, and food was distributed in front of everyone according to their appetite.Including Tang Linger herself.

Eating in Xiaofeng Pavilion, the atmosphere was a little depressing, because the princess didn't talk when she ate or slept, and if she didn't speak, no one else would.

In fact, there is a wrong concept here.Tang Ling'er never said that others were not allowed to speak, but everyone thought she set up this rule, which resulted in such a situation.

But now Ximen Wanting came here to break this situation.I just heard her sitting at the banquet and talking a lot, which made everyone speechless.She said how beautiful it was today, and personally led ten of her men to chase down a group of famous and vicious monsters, and killed seven in and seven out in Nanshi.

Obviously, no one believed her.

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, she felt bored, so she started eating.

It's not the first time for Ximen Wanting to come to Xiaofeng Pavilion to eat, but she didn't ask about the food until today: "I always thought that I was fasting a while ago. I was wrong when I co-authored it. Do you eat these every day?"

It is worth mentioning that Tang's dining hall has always provided meals for Prince Qin's mansion.And the food delivered to Xiaofeng Pavilion is already the highest standard of family dining in Qinghuafang.

Tang Linger glanced at Ximen Wanting coldly: "How much can one person eat? Do you think it's not enough, or the taste is wrong?"

Ximen Wanting didn't speak, but stood up to look at Tang Linger's meals, and found that Tang Linger's meals were even less than hers.

Ximen Wanting blinked and pointed, "That's all you eat? Then how did you get fat?"

Su Yu glared at Ximen Wanting as to which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

"Oh, why are you glaring at me? Can you ask me?" The boss Ximen Wanting sat back unhappily, looked at the food in front of her, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and looked at it, it was so thin that it was transparent, put down the chopsticks, and wiped the meat. burst into tears.

In fact, the quality of the food in the princess mansion is not low. For example, this dinner has fish, meat, eggs and vegetables.

Seeing that Ximen Wanting was so sad, Su Yu couldn't take it anymore: "If it doesn't suit your appetite, then let's just say it's a replacement."

Ximen Wanting shook her head, only saying that the sand was blinding her eyes, and she wasn't crying.

Su Yu didn't speak any more.

After dinner, Su Yu came to Qingya Xiaozhu and asked, "Why were you sad during the meal?"

Ximen Wanting picked up Xiaodie holding the melon seeds and said, "I have never seen such a small plate when I was at home. The plates used by servants who are slightly more advanced are bigger than this."

"What's the use of a big plate, and you don't eat plates." Su Yu said with his hands behind his back: "Then I will serve you vegetables on a big plate."

Ximen Wanting thought for a while, and said in a low mood: "I have read it carefully, and you all use Xiaodie like this. Since everyone is the same, let's forget it, we are not the kind of people who strive for strength in everything. .”

During the conversation, Ximen Wanting mentioned what happened in the afternoon, she said that she was not bragging, and asked the little eunuch Wang Dang to testify for her.At this time, Su Yucai paid more attention to it, and called Hu Rong from the old Diaosi to study Aliang's unique skills.

Su Yu thought, if the exercise was really good, he would practice it himself, but Hu Rong said that the exercise required a boy's skill.Moreover, all single-attribute exercises are bound to be restrained by other attribute exercises, so it is not beautiful.

While talking, Lao Diaosi mobilized his internal force, forming a ball of flame at the tip of his right finger, and forming a ball of ice flame at the tip of his left finger. With a flick of his left finger, the ice flame rushed towards the flame, and the flame went out.Seeing this situation, Ximen Wanting was amazed again and again.As a result, from that night on, the bored Ximen Wanting finally found something to do, and she decided to learn from Lao Diao Temple's "Yin-Yang Finger".


The night before yesterday, Su Yu slapped the wall with his palm and made a loud noise, causing the whole house to be nervous.

Later, it was discovered that it was just a painting, so Su Yu persuaded everyone to leave, and then Su Yu said mysteriously that there was a monster.

In fact, there is no evil spirit at all, he was just playing tricks, covering his face with monsters, and then got into bed, saying that he was very tired, so he stopped talking.The whole process was watched coldly by Tang Linger.

The reason is that it was caused by the extremely ugly painting. It was Zhao Zhen who was scribbling on the paper with a pen. Tang Linger helped him hold the pen.Tang Linger thought it was her son's masterpiece, so she hung it on the bedroom wall.In the end, he was smashed to pieces by Su Yu's palm.

I thought this matter was over, but today when Su Yu entered the bedroom, he saw another painting with a strange face.

Su Yu asked Tang Linger, do you really think this picture is beautiful?

Tang Ling'er combed her hair in a low mood: "If Min Yue can really come back, how does Jin Feng plan to treat her?"

She changed the topic too quickly, which caught Su Yu off guard, and after thinking about it, she said, "How do you know?"

"My brother told me. My brother also said that now is not the time for you to be emperor." Tang Linger stared at Su Yu: "Don't provoke the Meng family and the Ximen family. They are essentially the same as the Tang family. They may leave at any time. Ximen The family has secretly communicated with the Southern Jin Dynasty for many years, especially the connection with the East Route Army, which has reached the point where tens of billions of funds are exchanged every year. And the Meng family is not worried. Now that the Shu Han is about to move, my brother guesses that it may have something to do with the Meng family. The family is not clinging to Liang Chao, which is why my brother must fight Hexi. The Tang family has to consider retreat."


Su Yu's heart sank, and he put down the book and newspaper.

Tang Linger said again: "Maybe it was Empress Chen who was self-defeating, or maybe it was Fan Yu who missed the opportunity. In short, this is the current situation. My brother asked me to remind you that if Min Yue really comes back, you can find a way to get benefits from it, but don't think about it." Be the emperor yourself. If you really force against the Meng Ximen family, and the Tang family and the Zhao family have just gone through a fierce battle in Hexi, I am afraid they will not be able to check them."

Su Yu nodded.

Tang Linger glanced at Su Yu: "What do you think?"

Su Yu told Tang Linger about meeting the Xian King, but Tang Linger remained silent the whole time.

Su Yu asked her back: "Do you want me to be the emperor?"

Tang Linger blurted out: "I think, I don't want to."

Su Yu smiled bitterly: "Why don't you want to?"

Tang Ling'er stared at Su Yu: "It's not easy to be the emperor of the Liang Dynasty. And if you want to be the emperor, it will be even more difficult. Even if the Tang family recovers in a few years, you still have There are many hurdles. Every step is very dangerous. I can hardly believe that every step you take is right. If you make a wrong step, all previous efforts will be wasted, or even die here..."

After talking about it, she looked lonely and couldn't bear to say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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