
Chapter 881 hint

Chapter 881 hint
Even if China is torn apart and many countries emerge, there is only one rivers and lakes in China, because in the hearts of Chinese people, there is only one world.

The change of dynasties is nothing more than deciding who will be the emperor.

In the eyes of knights, military generals are just lackeys of the emperor, while in the eyes of military commanders, knights are just a group of brave and ruthless vagabonds.

Although they despise each other when they don't see each other, but they have their own fears when they see each other.

For example, when a knight escorts a dart passing through a pass, when they meet a general guarding the pass, they can only act according to the rules of the court; if the children and relatives of the general want to do business, they will inevitably have contacts on the road, and they will inevitably make friends with some knights. And follow the rules of the rivers and lakes.

As Lao Huang said, chickens do not pee, each has its own way.

People in the rivers and lakes like to use the methods of the rivers and lakes to solve problems.I heard that five nuns came to provoke them, and the chief bustard Suzaku asked them to come up, so they wanted to see where these five nuns came from.

And Suzaku is a person who is very particular about the rules of the world. As many guests come, he will put on as much pomp to meet him.

Suzaku was sitting on the couch, and the four most powerful thugs of Wanhualou, "Liger, Wolf and Leopard", stood on both sides of the couch.

Nearly [-] years old, the Hengshan demon nun went upstairs on crutches. When she saw Suzaku, she immediately challenged her to a martial arts competition.

Suzaku said that she is pregnant, so it is not suitable for a martial arts competition.

Yao Ni said, if you dare not compete, you will hand over one thing.

"Ming people don't talk dark words. I want the first layer of the "Fire Sutra". You and I both know that any part of the scriptures is divided into three layers, and the first layer is the weakest. No matter how talented you are, Just relying on the first level will never become a leader in martial arts." Yao Ni raised her head slightly, showing an irresistible look: "A poor nun always likes to keep a line, as long as this mere first level, he will never make progress. When you enter the rivers and lakes, you can say that the chief bustard gave it to the old nun. This will not damage the reputation of the chief bustard. And we will be friends in the future. Whenever there is something, the chief bustard will help you if you can."

Suzaku smiled wryly: "Suzaku is good at making friends from all walks of life, but that's not how friends are made."

Yaoni said: "Then how do you make friends?"

Suzaku said: "You want the "Fire Classic", yes, but you have to exchange other scriptures. You and I are equal, and only friends like this can make friends."

Yaoni sneered: "What if I refuse?"

Suzaku also sneered: "Suzaku is not talented, but he has been guarding Wanhualou for more than ten years, and it is the first time I have seen someone like you. I have gained a lot of insight. I have heard that the Hengshan monsters are extraordinary in martial arts. The three of them can easily defeat you." Eleventh-level masters, tenth-level like Cheng Kun, dare not even go home. But do you think the group of people in Wanhualou is not as good as Cheng Kun?"

You Niguai laughed: "I know it won't be easy to get things, but I put my words here. If you think you can give it to me, just hand over the scriptures to the south gate of Wanhualou, and I will naturally pick them up." . If you don’t pay for a day, I will let you Wanhualou live in peace for a day.”

After finishing speaking, Yao Ni flew up, kicked open the window, and jumped down from the ninth floor.The other four also jumped down with Yao Ni.The five people jumped up and down, stepped on layers of cornices, fell to the first floor, and disappeared quickly.

A thug next to Suzaku, nicknamed "Money Leopard" in the world, leaned over the window and looked down, turned his head and asked Suzaku, "Do you want to chase?"

Suzaku said: "Rite first and then soldiers, if she comes again, let them stay."

It's really evil.From that night onwards, various strange phenomena appeared in Wanhua Building.Especially in gardens and various secluded places, ghostly shadows are often seen.The Yake and the trickster were so scared that they screamed and ran all over the yard.Not long after, several elegant guests and prostitutes who had been poisoned by demons and prostitutes were found in the garden, causing even more sensation.For a while, Wanhualou's business plummeted.During the whole process, Wanhualou's defense system seemed to be paralyzed, making Suzaku furious.

The Han family is the largest shareholder of Wanhualou, and the representative of the Han family in Wanhualou is a middle-aged woman named Han Yimin.She is a concubine from the Han family's chaebol. She has a flamboyant and arrogant personality, has a bad temper, and rarely speaks virtue, and is known as a "venomous tongue".

Han Yimin took a few people and hurried to the door of Suzaku's room.

The maidservant in front of Suzaku's door who reported the incident saluted and wanted to ask what's the matter, but was pushed away by Han Yimin: "Get lost!"

Immediately, Han Yimin kicked open the door and walked into the room. He came directly to Suzaku's bed, and said in a cold voice: "My Han family wants you, the chief bustard, to solve troubles, not to cause troubles. There is a reason for the trouble. If you come here, it’s fine if you can solve it. If you can’t solve it, why do I need you, the chief bustard? I only give you three days, if you can’t solve the problem, then you should hurry up and make room for a good person! Lost shares, just tell me how much money you want, and I will give you the full amount. Take the money and leave quickly, don’t embarrass me at Wanhualou!"


Ximen Wanting only came home at midnight yesterday, and when she got home, she told Su Yu impatiently that she had beaten up Chu Wuba, arrested him, and sent him to Jinyiwei.

Su Yu didn't believe it at all, but seeing Ximen Wanting in high spirits, with a praising expression on her face, Su Yu pretended to be surprised and praised her a few words.Seeing that Su Yu was being perfunctory, Ximen Wanting stomped away angrily.

Early the next morning, Matthew sent a message and whispered something in Su Yu's ear.

It turned out that it was Zhang Yaoyang who acted according to the plan and led a team led by Jin Yiwei Zhang Qianhu to inspect the West Market, attracting Ximen Wanting's attention, so she followed Zhang Mi to act together.In an alley, Concubine Wang led the "Heart Combat Team" to arrest one person.

Su Yu's guess was correct, Ximen Wanting never met Chu Wuba at all, but the person she arrested was not simple.He is actually an important member of the Chu Wuba gang, Zhen Shanhu.

"I underestimated her." Su Yu smiled wryly: "Usually I only thought that she would bring a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs to show off in various places in Luoyang, but now it seems that is not the case. Take a look, and arrest a wanted criminal."


Last night, West Market.

"I never expected that after avoiding Jinyiwei, I would be caught by a group of street thugs." Dao Scar Lao Qi said coldly: "Zhen Shanhu is now locked in Jinyiwei's dungeon."

Chu Wuba frowned, pinched his fingers and remained silent.

Just now Chu Wuba went to Li Wantang, hoping that Li Wantang would take action to fish out Zhenshanhu, but Li Wantang said: If I also help you out in this kind of thing, then the whole world will know that you are giving The queen mother is doing business, so what use do you need?
Now Chu Wuba has no choice, no matter how wild he is, he dare not go to Jinyiwei dungeon to snatch people.Jinyiwei is not an ordinary place. The supervisor Hong Dun and Qianhu Zhang Mi are all ruthless characters. Under their leadership, the four hundred Jinyiwei are like wolves and tigers, and they are extremely sharp.

Seeing that Chu Wuba didn't speak, Dao Scar Lao Qi asked: "What's the matter, Chu Wuba is also afraid sometimes?"

At this time, the broken arm Qi Diangang said: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that we are one hundred people, and we are not the opponent of Jin Yiwei at all. Why should we go to die? Besides, these are all under the Queen Mother, how can we break into the Queen Mother's plate?" ?”

"But does the Empress Dowager treat us as human beings?" Dao Scar Lao Qi said angrily, "The fact that Zhang Mi can arrest us everywhere means that Zhang Mi doesn't even know that we are working for the Empress Dowager."

Qi Duangang said: "How can the Empress Dowager tell many people about such a confidential matter? If everyone knows, how can this play be performed? On the contrary, now that Zhang Mi arrests Zhen Shanhu, this play is enough to deceive Through the eyes and ears of King Kang."

"Then what do you mean, we can't save Zhenshanhu?" The red-faced old Wu Yi slapped the table and stood up.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and everyone stopped talking.

The door opened, and a close friend came in and whispered in Chu Wuba's ear.Chu Wuba was slightly taken aback, then sighed and said, "Everyone, there is no need to fight anymore, Zhenshanhu is dead."

The scarred old seven became angry, kicked the small table in front of him, stood up and said: "Chu Wuba, you have let us down so much! I thought you would go to Li Wantang and rescue the eldest brother. But now it seems that instead Kill big brother!"

Chu Wuba had had enough, he stood up coldly, his tall figure approached Scar Lao Qi, and grabbed Lao Qi's neck: "Are you endless? Do you think I want Zhen Shanhu to die? He is dead, What's in it for me?"

Chu Wuba let go, walked to the door, and turned his head slightly: "You Longhushan brothers still have [-] people, if you are willing to follow me, then continue to follow; if you don't, then we will break up. But let me remind you , if you leave me, you may die soon, Hua Tingfeng will not tolerate you. But if you stay, just be sensible and don't mention Zhenshanhu to me again!"

The red-faced old five said: "It's okay not to mention it, but you have to avenge Zhenshanhu first. Only in this way can we persuade brother to continue hanging out with you."

Chu Wuba thought for a while, then turned around: "Since Li Wantang has been to Jinyiwei, I think he will hint to Zhang Mi that Jinyiwei will not come to Xishi again to make trouble. If you want to avenge Zhenshanhu, just Go to West Market to find those street sneakers."

Qi Duangang reminded: "In addition to Jin Yiwei, there seems to be a group of people following us. They came in a strange way, I don't know where they came from. So we can't act rashly, we should..."

"Qi Duangang!" Lao Qi pointed, "Aren't you scared!"


Ximen Wanting was going to lead a team to set off, and Su Yu told her not to go to West Market again.

Ximen Wanting asked why?
Su Yu said: "I have arrangements in the West Market, which are specifically aimed at Chu Wuba. After you go there, you will mess around for a while, which can easily disrupt their rhythm. However, I still want to praise you. This time you Arresting the most wanted criminals, I will nominate you as the Golden Rooster Captain as the supervisor of the Jinwu Guard, and I will give you a 'Golden Rooster Crossbow'. In this way, you don't have to hide the crossbow under the car in the future, which is troublesome to use of."

Ximen Wanting was pleasantly surprised: "Then give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly!"

"Are you in a hurry? Captain Golden Rooster needs the Queen Mother's approval, and I will talk about it after I go to see the Queen Mother first."

(End of this chapter)

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