
Chapter 882 It Was You

Chapter 882 It Was You
If the person who is about to die is not dead, some people will say that he should not die, and some people will say that he should not die in the well that died in the river.

Of course, both sentences are negative.From a scientific point of view, there must be many reasons.In short, Ouyang Jing came back to life and recovered well.

No, he waved his big sleeves again, like a juggling clown, rolled over the high threshold of King Qin Palace in an incredible slow motion, and rolled into the main hall.

The wound was suddenly torn, causing him to grin his teeth in pain. He resisted the pain, lay down on the ground and saluted.

"My dearest, His Majesty King Qin, the wise and mighty King Qin who fascinated thousands of girls, auspicious! Auspicious! Auspicious!"

Judging by his hippie smiling face, he should be fine.Based on this, Su Yu asked Lao Huang to make more penicillium potions at home when he was free.Whether the potion will work or not, Su Yu is not very clear, but judging from the effects of the two in vivo experiments, it seems to be pretty good.

Su Yu joked: "Looks like I've hit the spot again, Lord Yan really doesn't like you."

While speaking, Su Yu waved his hand, motioning for Ouyang Jing to sit down.

Ouyang Jing walked over with very humble and small steps that were highly performative, and sat down in a corner of the king's couch in a cautious manner: "We saw Grandpa Hades, my god, that Hades head is bigger than the head of the stone lion in front of the Forbidden City. It’s so powerful! But when the King of Hades heard that we were friends of the King of Qin, he immediately stood up and gave us his seat. He said, give us face in the Book of Life and Death, he said.”

Su Yu asked with a smile: "Then how long did Lord Yan last for your life?"

Ouyang Jing suddenly became serious, and said solemnly and cautiously: "The secret must not be revealed."

Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "The secret of the underworld, shouldn't it be the secret of the earth?"

Ouyang Jing's eyes widened as if he had discovered it, and he slapped his thigh: "Oh! That's right! This should be a 'land machine'. Or how can you say that His Royal Highness King Qin is wise and mighty? Take a look, he speaks differently from ordinary people .”

From the day Su Yu met Ouyang Jing, he had this virtue, he was not just humble in front of the "king".When Ouyang Jing was in charge of the household department as a fourth-rank minister, he was also very respectful and polite when he met such small people as Men Ding and Si Yan.Not only did he not feel ashamed, but he took pleasure in it.

Ouyang Jing is good at discovering the strengths of others, even if others are showing off their cleverness, he will not hesitate to praise them.Although his words sounded sour, generally speaking, everyone was willing to listen.His expression and tone of voice will create an atmosphere of joking.And his jokes are only praises, not curses.This is true for men and even more so for women.

Ouyang Jing came to see King Qin for a purpose this time, he said that he wanted to kill that "Holy Monk from Tianzhu".

The king of Qin said, a charlatan like this deserves to die, you can do it boldly and kill the bald San, and I will take care of you.

Ouyang Jing was overjoyed and said that he could hire two masters, Dou Yuan and Dugu Huang, but the two masters are quite busy now, and it will take a few days to take over the job.

"Doesn't Jin Feng know?" Ouyang Jing put his hands in his hands and asked as if searching for a secret.

"Oh?" Su Yu frowned.

Ouyang Jing said mysteriously: "Dou Yuan said that Suzaku is recruiting people, only recruiting experts, and said that he wants to subdue demons. Both Dou Yuan and Dugu Huang are invited, and the leader of your god sect Yan is also here."

Su Yu frowned even tighter, and couldn't help but blame Suzaku.

Because of Ouyang Jing's arrival, some secretaries could only stand aside if they had something to do.As long as it's not something urgent, he will wait for King Qin's chat to finish before coming to report.Su Yu swept his gaze and saw the sect secretary Lang Matthew in the line.So finger Matthew.

Matthew came over and reported: Wanhualou summoned four masters, Yan Beiming, Dou Yuan, Duguhuang, and Yue Linger.Suzaku personally led the team, and fought five monsters in Wanhualou Garden last night.Among them, Yue Linger, a disciple of the Huashan School, died in the battle, while the five demons escaped.

Su Yu felt a headache for a while.

From Su Yu's point of view, these gangsters are like a group of aggressive middle school students.Make an appointment to fight, and you are not allowed to tell the teacher and parents after the fight.Very naive, but also very particular.It's like having a belief that things must be done this way.

Whether it is Suzaku, Yan Beiming, Long Xiaotian, or Li Mobai, they all have this problem.Obviously there are a lot of resources not to be called, so we have to fight alone.

Ultimately, what they want is face.Moreover, every expert who has entered the Ninth Realm thinks that he is a proud child with outstanding talent.If you don't follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, people will see the plaque, and you will have no face to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes.

Obviously Su Yu didn't have this problem, even if he was fighting with Cheng Kun, there was still an old Huang hiding behind him, and there were thousands of gold guards on the outer layer.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Su Yu will not fight unprepared battles.

"A group of melons..."


An unremarkable small restaurant in Nansan Hutong, Xishi.

This restaurant has been bought by Ouyang Kun, and even the accountant, waiter, chef, and prostitutes in the restaurant have also taken over.

In the past few days, the four disciples of Ouyang Kun had a great time playing. Everyone took turns to play with more than a dozen tricksters, dancing wildly every night, and galloping on the couch.Although they had a lot of fun recently, when they saw a girl named "Mu'er", they suddenly felt that they hadn't played anything in the past few days.

The beauty of that girl is so mouth-watering.But Ouyang Kun said, don't be obsessed with ghosts, that girl doesn't look very good, it's just because of her demon skills she practiced.

What kind of strange skill can make an ordinary woman look very handsome, and even Ouyang Kun and Hu Rong can't see through it?

The reason why Ouyang Kun knew about this was because the old demon told him, and the old demon was very proud of it.

Because the "Suzaku Zhenjing·Fire" in the hands of the old demon is a fragmented copy, it is difficult to succeed in cultivation, and it is very easy to get off the fire.In order to practice this technique, the old demon studied the main lines of the technique by himself, and then asked more than a dozen disciples to practice it. As a result, only one survived, and that was Mu'er.

She went in and out by mistake, and actually achieved a unique technique that can be disguised.

Just like face filling, you can fill in wherever you want.Originally, Mu'er's face shape was not good-looking, but after a long time of careful research, this face has become so beautiful that everyone loves it.

But when she vented her power, she still had that kind of thin face, which was not good-looking.And because she used demon skills to disguise herself for a long time, when she returned to her original face, she looked ugly.Because there will be many wrinkles on the face that do not match the age.

Yaoni felt ashamed because of being hunted down by A Liang, but now she regained her face because of a big disturbance in Wanhualou, so she came to see Ouyang Kun, and at the same time wanted to see the benefactor.

But before Tang Xu came, Yao Ni chatted with Ouyang Kun about martial arts and Jianghu.

Ouyang Kun smiled: "I know the skills of the Hengshan demon nun. I was recommended by the old man, so why bother to prove anything? As for the master of the Southern Dao, Hong Chengdu's disciples, it is only because of the restraint of skills. These are all Everyone in Jianghu knows it, and Qiao Jianlang naturally knows it in his heart."

Apparently Ouyang Kun felt that Yao Ni was doing too much, but Yao Ni said: "You can't say that. Although I didn't get the "Fire Classic", this shot still let me know that the "Fire Classic" is indeed passed down in this world. "

Ouyang Kun frowned: "Since she wants to exchange with you on an equal footing, why don't you exchange?"

Yaoni laughed and said, "I don't want others to do the 'Five Demons Gather'."

Ouyang Kun smiled noncommittally, but said nothing.

Soon, a hale and hearty old man appeared in the small restaurant. The old man had a big beard but short hair.He had removed his robes and put on a suit of silk and satin clothes of fairly good quality.Although Qiao Jianlang was old back then, he was still tall and handsome.Among the elderly, he can definitely be regarded as a "handsome old man".

With his high-end attire, he is not comparable to ordinary young men.For example, a porter on the street may never marry a wife in his life.But rich old handsome men don't have to worry about finding women.

Hearing that the demon nun made a big fuss in Wanhualou and retreated, Tang Xu felt that the "Hengshan demon nun" really lived up to its reputation.Once again, I feel that Ouyang Kun is reliable, and the person he introduced is also very reliable.As soon as he received the news, he excitedly rushed to Zhu Yun Restaurant to meet Yao Ni.

Report to the door, enter the door, and meet the Yaoni, no need to repeat.

As soon as they met, the two saluted each other and could not help but look at each other a few times.

Obviously Tang Xu didn't recognize "Wu Nian Xiao Ni", but "Wu Nian Xiao Ni" recognized him.

For 50 years, Xiao Ni has never forgotten the handsome gentleman by the Taihu Lake. During the 50 years, he often called "Tang Lang" intimately in his dreams.

Although Qiao Lang is no longer young after 50 years, he still recognizes him at a glance, which makes the old nun's heart suddenly warm.

Her eyes were sparkling, her fingers trembling: "It's you?!"

"Uh..." Tang Xu felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of the ugly old woman in front of him, and the temperature in the eyes far exceeded expectations. Tang Xu hesitated and said, "Has Gao Ni ever met Tang?"

"You are Tang Xu! Tang Jingming!"

"Oh, it's next."

"Don't you remember me? The drug seller in the Chaoyang Pavilion by the Taihu Lake back then..."

"Uh..., this..."

As an intermediary, Ouyang Kun never found it difficult to introduce the killer to meet the employer. He sat aside as if nothing had happened, but soon he saw a scene that he didn't expect.

At the beginning, Ouyang Kun, who was calm and experienced, frowned slightly and thought about the relationship between the two of them, seeming to hear the clues.When the "Pretty Swordsman" couldn't remember the name of the little nun by the Taihu Lake anyway, Ouyang Kun was even a little anxious for Tang Xu.And not long after, when a dharma title that was not "Wu Nian" was uttered from Tang Xu's mouth, the scene got out of control.

"So you have something to do with her too?!"

The ugly old nun jumped up and slapped Tang Xu on the face, knocking Tang Xu to the ground.

"Oh?!" Ouyang Kun quickly stood up and stopped Yao Ni: "I have something to say. I have something to say."

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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