
Chapter 883

Chapter 883
Su Yu was a little annoyed that Su Yu had a big belly and went to fight with others.Simply deal with government affairs, get up and rush to Wanhualou.

"Auntie is in a meeting. If the prince wants to see her, let them stop the meeting."

"No, I'm just sitting around."

"It's okay, my aunt said, the prince came just in time."

"Oh? Then I won't see her even more. You tell her that I am very dissatisfied with her recent performance."

When Su Yu came to Wanhualou, Suzaku was having a meeting with a group of shareholders.Although I don't know the content of the meeting, but the meeting was very intense, and there were quarrels from time to time.

Hearing that Suzaku was in good health and still had the strength to quarrel with others, Su Yu sat patiently on the eighth floor to watch the song and dance performance. Huang took the next task.

It is said that Yan Beiming only collected 50 yuan on the grounds of "troublemaking", and the Huashan faction who lost the heroine Yue Linger only collected [-] yuan.Just now the two disciples of Yue Linger went back to Mount Hua crying with the money and the dead body.

These words were told to Su Yu by the increasingly fat magpie, who was accompanied by a shy maid named Wu Meidai.

The wild grass is tenacious. Judging from the lively appearance of the magpie, the last incident didn't hit her too hard.She is very much like her mother, she is carefree and can take everything seriously.

Su Yu thinks that the magpie's attitude towards life is correct. Life is only a few decades. If you are bound by some "concepts" and make yourself live in pain, then such a life is a failure.

The meaning of life is to get a soul breakthrough and upgrade one or several dimensions in a short few decades.In short, it is to strive to break through the realm of seeing the world with the naked eye.If you can't achieve a breakthrough, it is also very good to be able to achieve detachment.People like Magpie are naturally detached, and I hope she can be happy like this forever.

Tong Yu was standing at the door of the conference room on the ninth floor with Fuchen in his arms. Not only Tong Yu was there, but there were other people there as well.It's as if the bosses are in a meeting and the secretaries are sitting in the lounge.

And the more people gathered here, the more well-dressed people at first, and then some thugs.For example, the "ligers, tigers, wolves and leopards" under Suzaku, and a large group of strong men in green clothes raised by the Han family.

The quarrel in the conference room became more and more intense. Tong Yu trotted downstairs and whispered to Su Yu: "There is going to be a big incident in Wanhualou. Suzaku leads a group of small shareholders to rebel against the Han family. Ask the Han family to hand over part of the equity , reduce the shares held by the Han family to less than [-]%. From then on, the Han family will leave the management and be jointly managed by the chief bustard and small shareholders. Otherwise, Wanhualou will be closed, and everyone should stop doing it."

Su Yu instantly understood what Magpie said just now, "Your Highness came at the right time".

The arrival of Su Yu is equivalent to adding weight to the chief bustard, watching Suzaku get a good temper.

I don't know who Suzaku was angry with and made the matter go to this point.More and more members of the Han family chaebol gathered, even the Ax Gang was called.

What is this for?
Su Yu smiled wryly, and told Wu Shajin to call the nearest Jinwu guard.

Soon after, Qianniuwei broke into Pingkangfang and surrounded Wanhualou. Wu Xing, the commander of Qianniuwei in iron armor and hanging on his waist, climbed the building to kowtow to the principal.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yu didn't go to the conference room, but the "battle situation" in the conference room had changed. Han Yimin, the representative of the Han family, was silent, only listening to Suzaku scolding her.

Not long after, Han Shuang, the eighth son of the Han family, came upstairs to meet the King of Qin. While the two were chatting and laughing, the upstairs meeting came to a conclusion.Han Yimin, the representative of the Wanhualou Han family, was dismissed, and Suzaku did not ask the Han family to hand over the shares. The meeting ended and they all dispersed.

It took a long time because Suzaku didn't like Han Yimin.

In the beginning, she led the team to fight Han Yimin, but both sides refused to accept the other, and the fight was evenly matched.Then he started to fight the man behind him, and Suzaku obviously won.


Ximen Wanting looked very busy and set off with the team early in the morning.

She said that she has two major tasks now, to catch the old man with white beard, and to catch the demon.As for Chu Wuba, Su Yu told her the story of Chu Wuba destroying three schools in one day, Ximen Wanting told Su Yu that she was very scared and would not provoke Chu Wuba in the future.However, she still went to the West Market.

As she said, it was too exciting.

At this time, Ximen Wanting didn't know about Zhang Yaoyang's existence.

For a long time, various political lords have supported some forces in the world, but they are very secretive.For example, King Kang used the name of Concubine Feng to support Tang Xu, Han Chen, and Ru Shangnong.Their goal is very clear, which is to kill the core figures of the Xianwang faction.But their identities must not be exposed, even if people from the Xianwang faction know it well, King Kang will never admit it.Guarantee that Kang Wang's benevolent and gentleman's personality must not fail.

At the same time, Cao Yuzan is also cultivating, and more and more hidden.For example, the Chu Wuba gang, and Feng Zhenqing's Red and Black God Sect Yunzhou Sect.So far, the Yunzhou faction has been honest, doing nothing.It looks like a group of well-behaved monks.

But such a team is the most dangerous, because they have only one goal. When the time is right, Zhao Yafu will open a passage for them to enter Daoguangfang secretly.As long as Kang Wang walked out of the palace, they would attack from all directions and swarm up.

In the past, the Honghei Temple helped Su Yu make small moves, but now it is too obvious, and the Honghei Temple loses the meaning of concealment.So Su Yu is also creating a new Jianghu team, which is Zhang Yaoyang's gang.Outsiders could not have imagined that the Hedong gang, which had been trying to kill King Qin, would suddenly work for King Qin instead.

Now that Zhang Yaoyang's gang hadn't found a suitable foothold, Su Yu asked Zhang Yaoyang to visit Zhang Mi's mountain.Relying on the hostile relationship between Zhang Mi and Han Wei, Zhang Mi is happy to arrange a force to stir up trouble in Xishi and give Han Wei eye drops.

So now Zhang Yaoyang often takes people around the West Market.Now he has made some famous names in the West Market, known as "Brother Yaoyang in the West Market".

Zhang Yaoyang was tall and wild, and his temper was aggressive, which also accelerated the speed of his fame.

It is said that Han Wei is very annoyed recently, because this new brother Yaoyang has started to collect protection fees in Xishi Alley, and that area was originally owned by the triads.

This Brother Yaoyang is really arrogant, he often takes dozens of strong men to the restaurants run by triads to make troubles, smashing things without paying them.

Han Wei said to the three bosses of the triad society, if Zhang Yaoyang is found again, he will be killed by me.If you cause trouble, I will take care of it for you.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang was also instructed by Zhang Mi, if Han Wei's people stop you, they will beat me to death.

On the surface, the gangs are fighting, but in fact, their respective umbrellas are fighting against each other.

In addition, Zhang Yaoyang did not forget his most basic task, to find the Chu Wuba gang.

Everyone is in the dark, but it is easier to find each other.It's like it's easy for thieves to identify the same kind in the crowd, which is a reason.

A while ago, Jin Yiwei suddenly came to West Market, and it was Zhang Yaoyang who reported it.

But recently Chu Wuba had left West Market, Zhang Yaoyang didn't know where he went, so he had to keep searching.

Now that Chu Wuba was found, why didn't he tell the King of Qin and send the Jinwu Guards to pay it off?

In fact, he has already told Su Yu that Su Yu deliberately asked Zhang Yaoyang to find Zhang Mi.

First of all, Jin Yiwei's ability to find monsters is no worse than any Jinwu Guard, and secondly, Su Yu wants to see if this Chu Wuba has anything to do with the Queen Mother.

Jin Yiwei belongs to the Queen Mother. If Jin Yiwei tries his best to detect Chu Wuba, it means that Chu Wuba has nothing to do with Cao Yuzan.On the contrary, it shows that Chu Wuba belongs to the Queen Mother, and it is no wonder that they can exist in Luoyang City for so long.

Ximen Wanting brought the "Army of Hearts" to Jinyiwei, kicked the car door, jumped out of the car, and went straight to Zhang Mi's office.

The reason why she came to Zhang Mi was to ask Zhang Mi about the results of his interrogation of Zhenshanhu, and to find out where Chu Wuba was hiding.

But what is regrettable is that Zhenshanhu died, but Zhang Mi didn't ask anything.

"Fuck! How did he die?"

Ximen Wanting pinched her waist, and the boss asked Zhang Mi unhappily.

Eunuch Zhang looked at Ximen Wanting coldly.

To tell the truth, Zhang Mi didn't like Miss Ximen very much, and only met the side concubine of King Qin for the sake of King Qin.

Zhang Mi said coldly: "The prison is under the supervision of the military supervisor. Before my trial, Zhen Shanhu was interrogated to death by the military supervisor. What can I do?"

"Supervisor? That big black fat man?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Dead eunuch!"

Ximen Wanting cursed, and strode towards Hong Dun's room.

When Hong Dun didn't open the door, Ximen Wanting kicked the door, and if she didn't open the door, Ximen Wanting just stood at the door and cursed, got tired of cursing, got in the car and left.

Zhang Mi hugged his shoulders and watched the excitement in a good mood.

Zhang Mi was also very annoyed that Hong Dun tried Zhenshanhu to death, but people cannot be resurrected after death, so what else can Zhang Mi do?But he was very happy to see Ximen Wanting scolding Hong Dun.

Zhang Mi was not worried that Hong Dun would rush out and blame him for attracting Ximen Wanting to scold others. Zhang Mi's character was like this, if you came at me, we would fight.Hong Dun has nothing to do with Zhang Mi.

In Su Yu's view, Ximen Wanting and her team are just a bunch of mobs.Ximen Wanting is like a poisonous jellyfish lady, leading a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, swaying around in this pool in Luoyang.Usually, when she met Zhao Linglong and Han Hao, a group of male and female crab bosses, she would chase and beat them.But if you meet such a villain as Chu Wuba, she is not worth mentioning.

But Ximen Wanting doesn't see things that way, she thinks her army of hearts is very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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