
Chapter 888 The Surfing Octopus

Chapter 888 The Surfing Octopus
The cold wave from the north swept across Gyeonggi, the ground froze, and the sound of horseshoes hitting the road was particularly crisp.

Pedestrians on the road walked with their hands and necks shrunk, pressing the Futou from time to time, facing the cold wind.The peddler pushing the cart hid under the high wall to avoid the strong wind and rested his feet.The porter carrying the burden came over, put down the empty pole, and squatted aside with a sad face.

It's cold, the poor are miserable, but the people sitting in luxury cars are not cold, such as this luxury car passing in front of them.

This is the car owned by Ouyang Jing, the shareholder of Pingkangfang Metropolis. In the almost closed car, there are actually two braziers, so he is not afraid of being poisoned by charcoal.The clothes of the people in the car were thin, and the thick cloaks and cloaks were folded aside, and they would only wear them when they got out of the car.

Four beautiful women sat side by side, their legs stretched out, and a beardless man lay on the eight legs. It was Ouyang Jing who had just survived the economic crisis and escaped life and death.

Although he failed to restore his masculinity, Ouyang Jing still lived a life of hugging left and right.It was not he who hugged women, but women who hugged him.

At this time, he was almost lying flat on the laps of the four women, and he didn't feel too panicked.

There's no way, Mr. Ouyang is such a playful, troublesome and foolish person. He knows it's not decent, but he likes it.Because he finds it interesting.It's a pity that my friends Su Yu, Xu Luochen, and Lin Chongyang are not around, otherwise I would definitely invite them to have fun together.Enjoy the feeling of panic.

The legs of the four women were numb, and Ouyang Jing took out a few silver coins to reward the women.

But he would never honestly put money directly into women's hands, he would point to his face and let women kiss him.Only then will the money be stuffed into the woman's neck, trousers, and socks.Seeing women coquettishly laughing and scolding makes him very happy and happy.

Mr. Ouyang is rich, but Mr. Ouyang's money did not come from the wind.He will also feel very upset if he spends too much money.So he had to catch that "Holy Monk from Tianzhu" and ask him face to face: Why can others connect but I can't?

In other words, Ouyang Jing does not necessarily want to kill the holy monk, his real purpose is to regain possession.

When he has this idea, his friends can't stop him, unless he encounters the painful lesson after entering the palace, otherwise he will never turn back.

Both Dou Yuan and Dugu Huang were well-known masters, they lived up to their reputation, Ouyang Jing's expectations, and the high commission of 50 yuan.Finally, on a snowy night, they caught the holy monk who was drinking flower wine.

This guy with high nose and deep eyes looks like a Buddha. After coming to Dongtu Daliang, he felt exotic all day long, and he was so happy from ear to ear.But soon after, he couldn't enjoy himself anymore, because he was knocked out by Dou Yuan, he was carried out, thrown into Ouyang Jing's car, and then dragged to the basement of Zui Yuhuang.

In the dark and silent basement, the holy monk woke up deeply, and saw the faint candlelight and Ouyang Jing in the candlelight.His vision was blurred and his mind was not very clear.The almost chaotic feeling made him think it was a dream.After a slight movement, there was a sharp pain in his neck, and he realized that he was tied to the easy chair, which made him suddenly wake up.

Ouyang Jing was turning the brazier with a stove hook, and seeing the holy monk woke up, Ouyang Jing picked up the rotten thing with the stove hook, and handed it to the holy monk.

The holy monk understood what Ouyang Jing meant, and said with a wry smile: "Before the attack, the poor monk told Mr. Ouyang that it is possible to fail. And if you fail, you may die. Our ugly words have already been said before. Mr. Ouyang also said that he would never pursue it, so why would he treat the poor monk like this?"

Ouyang Jing smiled bitterly: "You once said that someone cured the disease."

The holy monk nodded: "My Buddha is merciful. Monks don't tell lies."

Ouyang Jing's voice was low, and he stared at the holy monk coldly: "Then why can't you cure me?"

The holy monk shook his head: "I'm not very clear about this. I've done this kind of stitching and suturing many times, and there are only a few who succeed. Of course, if your life is hard enough and you have enough money, you can get it." If more individuals are tested one by one, the chances of success will be greatly increased."

"Don't fool me." Ouyang Jing sneered, "You just want to make more money."

Seeing Ouyang Jing's evil smile, the holy monk became nervous: "Mr. Ouyang, you misunderstood."

Ouyang Jing didn't listen to his explanation, stood up, and pulled out a knife from his sleeve: "Now, I'll cut off yours. Then you help me connect it first. Heal it for me, and I'll buy it for you again. You pick it up yourself. If it’s inconvenient for you to do it yourself, you can give me your prescription. As for the suture technique, I don’t think it’s a big deal, and it’s not much different from sewing trousers.”

"Oh! Mr. Ouyang, don't!"


In the candlelight, Ouyang Jing held up the knife with a smirk.


Cao Yuzan was in a terrible mood, she couldn't be happy when Yudi came to see her, she fell ill on the couch like a sad and resentful woman, and she didn't care about the little emperor who was about to fall off the couch .

Seeing her impatient eyes, Su Yu even felt that she would kick the little emperor off the bed.

The little emperor Zhao Ce is already two years old and can run around on the ground.He is very familiar with Su Yu, and Su Yu is born to be liked by children and small animals.The little emperor climbed down from the couch with great effort, ran up to Su Yu, and stretched out his hand to pat Su Yu's knee.As soon as Su Yu frightened him, he laughed and ran away.Run back to the curtain to hide, and look again.Su Yu pretended not to see him, he ran over to hit him again, and then ran away laughing.Repeatedly.

At this time, Sun Bumei came in with a fruit plate and put the fruit plate in front of Cao Yuzan. Cao Yuzan pointed to the little emperor, and Sun Bumei walked over quickly and took the emperor away.

But the little emperor seemed to have more to say, pointing at Su Yu and calling him uncle.He seemed to want Uncle Huang to take him off Sun Bumei's body, but Su Yu just waved at him.The little emperor was upset, put his hands together, pouted, and turned his head away.

"They added two new divisions, they were not prepared to attack Hexi at all." Cao Yuzan sat up, pointed at the map and said to Su Yu: "Come here, look at the map and talk."

The map is behind the curtain, and Su Yu doesn't intend to walk over: "I often read the map of Hexi, and I can memorize it."

Cao Yuzhan glanced at Su Yu, her eyes became more and more sad: "I plan to let Min Yue go north from Yumen Pass, then go east from Monan, bypass Hexi, and then enter Hedong from Yanmen Pass, and then go..."

Su Yu interrupted Cao Yuzan's words: "Stop dreaming, eight hundred miles away in the Gobi Desert, how do you let Min Yue go?"

Cao Yuzan sighed and lowered her head: "Even you said the same."

It seems that others have told her that this method will not work, but she still does not give up.

But this time she gave up a little bit, and also became annoyed because she missed an opportunity.

But this is not a dead end for her, because as long as Hexi is opened, Min Yue will have a chance to come back.If you can't do it this year, you'll have to wait until next year, and if you can't do it next year, you'll have to wait for the year after. In short, the two divisions of King Kang Xianwang will withdraw sooner or later.

Cao Yuzan has a strong ability to sort out her emotions. After a few heartbeats, she raised her head, returned to the lazy look she used to look up slightly, and stared at Su Yu with seemingly indifferent eyes: "You are looking for me now, aren't you? Come to advise me?"

Su Yudao: "I always think that the time is not yet ripe, so it's not a bad thing if Min Yue doesn't come back now. If you really come back, you will be more dangerous."

Cao Yuzan smiled wryly, and stared at Su Yu: "You came to give me a peace of mind pill. Oh, should I thank you? But I think you should stop talking, I don't like hearing these words."

If it was in later generations, Su Yu felt that Cao Yuhan might like surfing, deep-sea exploration, and alpine skiing. Of course, this is just Su Yu's feeling, and it may not be right.

"Can you give Ximen Wanting a golden rooster crossbow?" Su Yu changed the subject.

"What credit does she have?" Cao Yuzan asked wearily.

Su Yu shrugged, and said not very confidently: "She has arrested the wanted criminal Zhen Shanhu."

The Golden Rooster Captain was not appointed casually, and Ximen Wanting only arrested one Zhenshanhu, obviously not enough credit.

Cao Yuhan didn't speak, and continued to stare at Su Yu.

Su Yu smiled awkwardly: "She's very brave, isn't she? She's also very diligent and capable, and she will definitely catch more wanted criminals in the future."

Cao Yuzan picked up the pen and brushed to write: "A nobleman's meritorious deeds will be rewarded. He was awarded the title of Golden Rooster Captain and distributed Golden Rooster Crossbow, but you know the regulations of the Golden Rooster Guard. If she abuses the Golden Rooster Crossbow, even just once, I will It will be taken back."

Su Yuhan smiled: "Of course."

"Also." Cao Yuzan changed the subject: "I guess you have already discovered Chu Wuba's problem, right?"

Su Yu stopped laughing: "He really belongs to you?"

"That's right." Like throwing a pot, Cao Yuzan threw the pen into the pen container: "It was after he washed Jukuishan in blood."

Su Yu nodded.

It is not easy to get a Golden Rooster Captain's badge from the little widow, but Su Yu is not happy, because the little widow does not make money-losing business as usual.

And with just a golden rooster captain, she wanted King Qin to pardon Chu Wuba, which was unacceptable to Su Yu.Because Chu Wuba's crime was too great, he almost wiped out the sect of the Red and Black Gods.

"How long do you plan to use him?" Su Yu sullenly.

Cao Yuzan was looking down at the documents, listening to Su Yu's words, she did not look up and said: "It will be used on the day when King Kang dies or hand over the power."

Cao Yuzan took out a memorial from the thick documents: "The remnants of the Zhang family are working for you, right?"

Su Yu stared at Cao Yuhan coldly.

Cao Yuzan shook the memorial in his hand: "Do you want me to read their names for you?"

Su Yu stared at Cao Yuzan for a while, then hugged Erlang's legs and smiled wryly: "You can read a few words to me."

(End of this chapter)

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