
Chapter 889

Chapter 889

Su Yu believed that Cao Yuzan really had a list in his hand, but Su Yu still wanted her to read a few names.

Cao Yuzan stared evilly and said a few words.

By comparing the names, Su Yu judged that the news was not leaked from the palace.Because only a very small number of people in the Qin Palace know the list, and the list is full of code names.But what Cao Yuhan said were all names.

This result comforted Su Yu a little, but at the same time he was surprised by Cao Yuhan's ability to obtain information.I really don't know who sent her so many messy news all day long, and I don't know how many people are working hard for her.

In short, the little widow has more and more tentacles, and it is more and more in line with the nickname "Octopus Cao" that Su Yu gave her.

Preliminary estimate is that someone in Zhang Yaoyang's team leaked the news, or there was Cao Yuzan in Zhang Yaoyang's team.

Now the two are even again.Su Yu knew about Cao Yuzan's two secret killer organizations, Chu Wuba's gang and Feng Zhenqing's Red and Black God Sect Yunzhou Sect; and Cao Yuzan also knew about Su Yu's Zhang Yaoyang's gang and Honghei Temple.The two of them managed to be transparent about their basic information. Of course, they were still fighting each other in the dark.

Su Yu returned home in a low mood, and just after passing through the Moon Gate, she heard Ximen Wanting talking loudly to Tang Linger in the study on the second floor of Xiaofeng Pavilion.The distance is still far away, so I can't hear clearly. It seems that she went to Chengfufang to make trouble and was kicked out.

Su Yu said long ago that Meng Can's marriage is not easy to mess with, but judging from Ximen Wanting's performance, she will not give up lightly.And Tang Linger neither supported her nor stopped her.It can also be said that Tang Linger's "don't stop" is her support.

"Wanting, come down." Su Yu shouted from downstairs.

The window of the study on the second floor was quickly pushed open, revealing Ximen Wanting's half-surprised and half-joyed face: "What's the matter?"

"you come down!"


There are some secrets that Ximen Wanting didn't intend to tell, but now it's okay not to tell, because this girl is really too troublesome.But you can't tell her all the secrets, because Su Yu is worried that she will reveal it.So you can only lie or smoke bombs.

Su Yu told her, Chu Wuba has a backer, and you can't afford to offend that backer.

Ximen Wanting asked, who is behind the scenes?

Su Yu said, it might be King Kang, King Xian, Queen Mother, King Geng, the Meng family, the Tang family, or even your brother.

Ximen Wanting was stunned.She said later that it could never be her brother.

Su Yu shook his head and said, you are now the side concubine of King Qin, and you are no longer a member of Ximen's family.Don't think about going home and asking your brother.Even if you ask him, he won't tell you. If you ask shamelessly, he will still think that I ordered you.This is bad for you and me.

Telling her like this, whether it can prevent Erha's daughter-in-law from going home to ask her brother, Su Yu is not sure, but it must have some effect.

Even if she really asks, Su Yu is not worried, after all, Su Yu mentioned so many possibilities in one breath, she will not ask one by one.

Su Yu handed over the golden rooster captain's waist badge, golden rooster armor, golden silk soft armor, and golden rooster crossbow to Ximen Wanting, and took her and her heart team to the general office of the Jinwu Guard to hold a solemn oath ceremony.

Su Yu said very seriously, from now on you will be a captain of the third division of Xuanjia.Shoulder the mission, your words and deeds represent the image of Jinwuwei.You can no longer be unorganized and disciplined like before, and you have to be directly responsible to the supervising army.This supervising army is very strict, no playful smiles are allowed.

Afterwards, Su Yu wanted to strengthen Ximen Wanting's team and give them Jin Wuwei menace badges, so that they could carry knives into the streets and wear leather armor.He also dug out two pieces of gold silk soft armor from the warehouse of the general office and put them on for Tan Qin'er and Dai He.

Ximen Wanting knew why Su Yu took special care of them, but Su Yu didn't send them in person, but gave Ximen Wanting this opportunity to be a favor.It is said that Ximen Wanting won them for them.It is said that the two girls are like a treasure, and they like it very much.The little eunuch Wang Dang was a little jealous.

To say that Ximen Wanting is also a little thoughtful, she found that this soft armor is really good, so she went to order another set for Wang Dang and her adopted son A Liang, and spent a total of 400 million.

"Let's go! Let's go to West Market!"

Captain Ximen can ride a horse in Luoyang City by virtue of his status as a fifth-rank military official.

Those Jinwu guards who used to have headaches when they saw Ximen Wanting, now they don't have headaches anymore.Because it was illegal for Ximen Wanting to run a horse in the past, it was not appropriate to control it or not.Now that she has become a Jinwu Guard instead, then she can run wherever she wants, and it has nothing to do with the Jinwu Guard guarding the street if she kills someone.Let her go to the general office to explain by herself.

The little eunuch Wang Dang sat in front of the car, put his hands in his hands, and said with a bitter face: "Miss, didn't King Qin just say not to go to the West Market?"

Ximen Wanting patted the armor on her body and said, "My concubine was a little afraid before, but now what is there to be afraid of?"

Ximen Wanting patted the newly bought big green horse again: "Look at this beast, how many horses can run faster than it in the entire Luoyang City?"

Ximen Wanting bought a big green horse with an extremely strong physique.

Such a burly and tall horse is a hot commodity. The reason why she can buy it easily and at a cheap price is because the horse has extremely wide cheekbones, and others only say that the horse is a tearful horse, so it cannot be sold.But Ximen Wanting didn't believe in evil, not only bought it, but also named it "Wide Face and Big Belly Blue Smoke Beast".

It is worth mentioning that what she said was cheap may not be really cheap.And this kind of high-end horse, only the nobles can afford it, and only the nobles will find that the horse has tear troughs, because they think it is unlucky.

Captain Ximen rode a horse, and let a group of her men squeeze into a luxury car.He couldn't sit in the car, so he stood in the car, holding a knife, holding a small flag of the captain on the roof, and a Desheng snare drum on the wall of the car.

She is the only one who can do this kind of thing. There is no other Golden Rooster Captain who is so ostentatious in Luoyang City.

As for Han Hao, Zhao Linglong and others, when they saw Ximen Wanting again, they all fled away.


Just as Su Yu expected, Cao Yuzan would not wait for the opportunity to disappear, she sent a group of people to rush to Dunhuang day and night.The household registration and customs clearance documents they used were all provided by Sang La Guoshi Ouyang Kun.

In addition, she also set up a "post route" exclusively for her on the way to Dunhuang.Of course, there must be Tang Zhen's help here.But Tang Zhen in the east of Tongguan could do nothing, so Cao Yuzan had to make other arrangements.

There are fifteen post stations from Luoyang to Tongguan, all of which are guarded by the people of Kang Wang and Xian Wang. It is difficult for Cao Yuzan to avoid those post stations, so she began to mobilize spies to infiltrate the fifteen post stations.

In order to install spies, she conducted a post station exercise, and dismissed some post posts, patrol inspectors, and post soldiers for reasons such as "lack of discipline", "delay in action", and "not meeting the needs of the war".Then "open" to the public recruitment.She requested that newly retired soldiers be the main recruiting targets.

As a result, most of her spies were selected, and she did not intervene in the selection process, which seemed to have nothing to do with her.But Cao Yuzan hadn't been happy for two days, the Xian Wang made a move and kicked out the person who had just been recruited by the station.And strictly scrutinize those people.

Cao Yuzan even suspected that Su Yu was behind the scenes, but later she found out that Zhao Zhun was also cleaning up the station where King Kang belonged, so she dismissed this idea.

It seems that her petty thinking has been seen through by King Xian and King Geng, but it doesn't bother her. She remembered Su Yu's slogan "If you want to get rich, build roads first" and carried out large-scale repairs to "Daofu Road" in Gyeonggi-do , To repair according to Chidao standard.In this way, it is equivalent to opening up a few more fast roads to Tongguan.

"Report to the Empress Dowager, Chu Wuba said that the people in Longhushan are out of control, and he insisted on killing Ximen Wanting to avenge Zhenshanhu." Li Wantang came to Changqiu Palace, respectfully and authentically.

Cao Yuzan lazily lay down on the beauty's couch and thought for a while, instead of directly talking about this topic, he asked, "What do you think Zhang Yaoyang's group is related to Zhang Mi? I heard from Hong Dun that it was Zhang Yaoyang who took the initiative to find Zhang Mi. And Zhang Mi quickly agreed. Then, is Zhang Mi doing something for King Qin?"

Li Wantang shook his head: "In my opinion, it shouldn't be. The King of Qin is just taking advantage of the hostile relationship between Zhang Mi and Han Wei. Now that the Empress Dowager exposes the King of Qin, it is presumably that the King of Qin will direct Zhang Yaoyang instead of using Zhang Mi in the future. "

Cao Yuzan smiled wryly: "You go and tell the king of Qin. Actually, there is no need to do that. Since you already know it, let's continue to use it. Let's make it easier for each other. As for the Longhushan group, you should go and tell Zhang Mi, and let him instruct you. Zhang Yaoyang is going to get rid of them. This move is to clean up Chu Wuba's family, and at the same time save Ximen Wanting, I think King Qin will appreciate me."

"The Empress Dowager is brilliant." Li Wantang took the order and went down.

Li Wantang walked away, and Cao Xiaobao walked over with a smile: "Your Majesty, something important is happening right now."

Cao Yuzan glanced at Cao Xiaobao: "Don't be too tight."

Cao Xiaobao still smiled and said: "Last night, one of Kang Wang's subordinates contacted one of our subordinates, saying that he would surrender to the Queen Mother."

"Oh?" Cao Yuhan raised her eyebrows: "Who is it?"

Cao Xiaobao smiled brightly: "Tang Xu."

"From Prince Geng's Mansion?"

"Yes! Niang Niang really has a good memory."

Cao Yuzan has a booklet in his hand, which records the directory of various prefectures and the relationship diagram of the characters.I quickly found Tang Xu's page, looked at it, and sat quietly for a while before asking, "Did he come here empty-handed?"

Cao Xiaobao said in a low voice: "He came here with a nomination certificate."

"What is the nomination?"

"The head of Zhao Jun's son."

Zhao Jun, Kang Wang Yizi, the eighth division supervisor.

Cao Yuzan sneered: "He is really open-minded. Well then, let him disguise himself and meet with the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Here!" Cao Xiaobao cheered up and went out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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