
Chapter 890 Blood Splattered Wanhua Building

Chapter 890 Blood Splattered Ten Thousand Flower Building ([-])

Suzaku was lying on the couch, stroking her belly with both hands, a little lost in thought.

At this moment, Wu Meidai walked in lightly: "The side concubine of King Qin has arrived and has reached the eighth floor."

Suzaku was slightly taken aback: "What is she doing here?"

Wu Meidai smiled: "The side concubine looks so mysterious, she won't talk about it."

Ximen Wanting didn't have the habit of waiting outside the door. When she went to Caiyun Pavilion to see Le Qingke, she usually walked up with big strides, and someone would call the chief bustard to come out to greet her halfway.Although Wanhualou is not Ximen's territory, Suzaku also gave her face like Le Qingke and welcomed her out.

When the two girls met, Suzaku wanted to salute the nobleman, but Ximen Wanting just waved her hand casually, and strode into the room with a group of women in leather armor and the factory owner.

Seeing Ximen Wanting in military uniform, Suzaku was a little puzzled, but she didn't ask any questions, but praised: "Wang Fangfei's outfit looks so good."

Ximen Wanting was wearing a red robe, a golden rooster armor, a colorful forehead tied on her head, a red cloak on her shoulders, a short sword in her hand, and a golden rooster crossbow hanging on her waist. When a gust of wind came, she pretended to have a cold face, showing her heroic appearance .Hearing Suzaku's praise, Ximen Wanting stood still, and her body became more upright.

"Hey, you can't laugh when you put on the armor?"

Ximen Wanting pretended to be good, but Suzaku's joke made her lose her skills, couldn't hold back her smile, and sat down on the couch.

Suzaku also sat down: "Which fragrant wind brought Nineteenth Sister here?"

Ximen Wanting straightened and wiped her forehead, pointing to the leather armored soldier standing beside her and said, "My adopted son, A Liang, is a master of Taoism. He said that he found a demon spirit near the Wanhua Building. That means you have demons here. I'm going to check it out."

Suzaku was performing the tea ceremony for Ximen Wanting, slightly startled: "Is this the intention of King Qin, or the intention of the side concubine?"

Ximen Wanting frowned: "What does who mean? Anyway, I'm helping you with something, aren't you happy?"

"How dare Suzaku be displeased with Wang's side concubine's kindness?" Suzaku smiled: "Okay then, just walk around and have a look around. But let's remind side concubine that those monsters are not simple. He fought five of them with Yan Beiming, Dou Yuan, Dugu Huang, and Yue Ling'er. He didn't get any advantage, and even beat Yue Ling'er. I think the side concubine should have heard of this heroine from the Huashan School, right? "

"No." Ximen Wanting said quickly.

"...The others have heard of it?" Suzaku paused slightly.

Ximen Wanting didn't seem to hear Suzaku's words, she stared at Suzaku's stomach, and pointed: "Are you pregnant?"

Suzaku smiled wryly, cupped his stomach with both hands as if showing something, and said, "The side concubine saw it?"

Ximen Wanting lay on the small table and asked curiously, "Whose is it?"

Suzaku smiled cunningly: "Your brother's."

Ximen Wanting stopped laughing: "It's not in shape, why don't you say it belongs to our family."

"Okay, let me say now, it belongs to King Qin."

"Forget it, I won't tell you this." Ximen Wanting stood up: "Since the chief bustard doesn't object, then I'm going to show my strength."

"Oh, wait a minute." Suzaku stood up, "Why did the side concubine suddenly take the risk of killing the demon herself?"

Ximen Wanting first gave herself a thumbs up, then raised her head and said, "Exciting!"

Suzaku said worriedly: "I'll send a few people to follow the side concubine."

Ximen Wanting took off the golden rooster crossbow from her waist and shook it: "Who do you look down on?"

Immediately, Ximen Wanting raised her left hand, looked around the room, and saw the wind chime hanging in Suzaku's house, she gestured towards the wind chime, but after a long time, the wind chime did not move at all.

Suzaku didn't understand what she was going to do, and was a little stunned.

Originally, Ximen Wanting wanted to show off her unique "Yin Yang Finger", but obviously failed.She blinked, closed her hands and said: "Forget it, it's very impolite to destroy other people's property at will. But you should know that my 'Yin Yang Finger' is very powerful."

She blew on her hot fingertips, turned and left.


"This bitch is wandering around all day, what is she trying to do?"

The red-faced fifth and scarred seventh appeared near Wanhualou with a few brothers. They followed Ximen Wanting all the way from West Market to come here.

Think of Captain Ximen, riding her "big face and big belly green smoke beast" and galloping all the way.And her heart squad, sitting in a four-car, rushed in with drums.It's not easy to keep up with them, and it's exhausting for a group of people like the old five and the seven.

Chu Wuba once asked the old five and the seven to stop, but they didn't listen, and now Chu Wuba doesn't care about them.In Chu Wuba's eyes, those people in Longhushan were already dead.

"It doesn't matter what she wants to do, I think now is the opportunity to strike." Dao Scar Lao Qi stood at the entrance of Wanhua Building, with his hands behind his back, and he clenched his fists.

The red-faced old fifth looked around, there were Wangwanglou in Wanhualou, and there were groups of thugs, and said softly: "I'm afraid it's not appropriate to fight in Wanhualou."

Scar Laoqi smiled wryly and said: "That depends on where she is going. Of course you can't do anything in the building, but if you go to the back garden. Twenty of us break in at the same time, and we can finish it quickly."

The red-faced fifth child was silent.

"As long as we don't come targeting Wanhualou, they won't fight us desperately." Lao Qi glanced at Lao Wu: "At most, blow the horn and let the Jinwu Guards catch us. I just read it, today's patrol It's You Wuwei."

Zhan Tianzuo, the commander of Youwuwei, is a member of King Kang's faction. In the eyes of outsiders, Cao Yuzan is also a member of King Kang's faction.

The red-faced old five said: "I don't think the Jinwu Guard is reliable."

Lao Qi nodded and said: "Let's go to the nearby well first and arrange a brother to guard it."


Not all twenty people from Longhushan gathered together, they were scattered looking for Ximen Wanting.After the fifth and the seventh found Ximen Wanting, the seventh stayed to find the most suitable sewer exit for escape, and the fifth went to summon other brothers.And their actions attracted the attention of another group of people.Zhang Yaoyang followed.

Originally, "Brother Yaoyang" was going to do trouble in Dongsan Hutong of Xishi today, but he changed his itinerary because he accidentally found someone from Chu Wuba.To prevent being interrogated for gathering a crowd, Zhang Yaoyang had only two brothers, Pi Xiu and Zhang Baoya, by his side.Of course, messengers have already rushed to Xishi and Tongjifang, summoning the brothers to come over in batches.

Now the "Yaoyang Gang" has been established, and they live in the main altar of the Holy Fire Cult in the name of renting.I still remember that Qijin's large courtyard was bought by Su Yuhua for 2000 million yuan, but now someone will not sell it for 8000 million yuan.Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, the mansion belonged to rich man Li of Jingxingfang.

"Brother Yang, if we kill Chu Wuba today, will King Qin really let us go?" asked the short Pixiu.

Although Pixiu is short in stature, she is clever and good at long-distance running. She is usually in charge of fast delivery by Zhang Yaoyang's side. Today, someone else delivered the letter, so he was not allowed to go.

"Anyway, that's what he told me, but I don't know if what he said counts." Zhang Yaoyang snorted coldly: "Maybe it's the end of the bird, but now we have nothing to do."

Pi Xiu said: "Then let's not kill Chu Wuba, first kill a few of Chu Wuba's brothers, and then let King Qin send us away one by one."

Zhang Baoya, the iron shaft man, said: "Yes, at least send the woman away first."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled bitterly: "If he lied to us, even if the women leave the city, do you think they will end well?"

Zhang Baoya and Pi Xiu looked at each other, and closed their mouths in a low mood.

Zhang Yaoyang rolled up his sleeves: "Don't worry about that much, I'll kill a few of them today, and then I'll go to Zhao Yu to ask. If he really has credibility, then we buddies won't leave, just stay here in Luoyang City Li. I think our buddies can do something famous in Luoyang."

Matthew only gave Zhang Yaoyang a small amount of money, but it didn't take long for Zhang Yaoyang to stop asking Matthew for money.The women stayed in the mansion to do some manual work, and the men went out to find something to do.

If you really have nothing to do, go to the West Market for a tour, collect protection fees, and smash the scene.Occasionally, I have to solve some small troubles for those who pay the protection fee, such as dealing with some petty theft and rogues.

In fact, Zhang Yaoyang and the others are local ruffians, but they have scale and rules.And sometimes it is much more convenient to find Zhang Yaoyang to do things than to find Fang Department.

These days, if you don't know anyone in the Fang Department, and the amount of the case is small, the Fang Department doesn't bother to take care of it.Even if you want to take care of it, the day lily will be cold by the time those soap officials come over.

It's not as good as Zhang Yaoyang and the others, who pay one or two hundred dollars a month, and if there is something to shout, a group of people will run over with sticks.This makes some people who have no background feel that they have a background.

The reason why the Fang Department doesn't care about Zhang Yaoyang's group is firstly because Jin Yiwei is talking, and secondly, Zhang Yaoyang and his group also want to respect Fang Department.Settle some shitty things that they don't care about for the department.

This is also one of the reasons why the Fang Department usually dawdles.The officials and bandits took what they needed.Zhang Yaoyang and the others have brought the petty theft under control, and the Fang Department is more at ease.

As for the dispute between the Yaoyang Gang and the Triad Society, let them resolve it themselves.

Even if the two groups were in a fight, the Fang Department would rush over slowly, only responsible for cleaning the battlefield, and then reporting the casualties.Push the responsibility to the deceased, and everything will be settled.If there is no deceased, fines will be imposed in two ways.

If the county issues an order for the square department to deal with it strictly, then let them go to the county to deal with it.

If the Jingzhao government demands severe punishment, it is actually a matter of money.

Unless it is an order from the imperial court, there is no way to fool them.At this time, the Fang Department recruited Jin Wuwei and Jin Yiwei to handle the case, and the Fang Department led them to identify the suspects.

In short, don't expect the Fang Department to do any big things. They have such virtues. They can't do big things, and they don't like to do small things.He usually shouts and drinks in front of the common people, pretending to be an official.Then Ke Naka asked for some small money to live a peaceful life.The wife and children are hot on the kang, and occasionally go to the female ticket once in a while, but they think they are comfortable and unrestrained.

(End of this chapter)

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