
Chapter 891 Blood Splattered Wanhua Building

Chapter 891 Blood Splattered Wanhua Building ([-])

The red-faced fifth child ran to West Market and took his brothers away quickly, but instead of going to Pingkangfang, they went to the warehouse in Mingyifang.It was the warehouse that had been "cleaned" by Yan Beiming, Li Mobai, and Ji Lingyun.

The red-faced fifth son was named Cheng Gang, and he was the fifth head of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. He had several people under his command, but the ten people he took away this time were mostly his old acquaintances.

Regarding the choice of the fifth child, everyone chose to remain silent, but Chen Erping, who ranked No.19, couldn't help asking Cheng Gang: Why didn't the seventh brother come back?

At this time Cheng Gang recounted the incident.

At this time, Chen Erping showed a look of bewilderment, and said a little excitedly: "Fifth brother is not going to help seventh brother?"

Cheng Gang stared at Chen Erping and said, "If you want to die, you can go. I won't stop you."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Gang looked around at the people in the room, and said in a deep voice: "When we went down to Longhu Mountain, what we wanted was to strip off the bandits and start a new life. Now that we have this opportunity, why do we still go the old way? As the saying goes, a gentleman can't take revenge for ten years. It's late, why rush for a while? Ximen Wanting is the side concubine of King Qin, and we are protecting the queen mother. Just imagine, if the queen mother seizes power in the future, she must clean up these guys who hold military power. Only then will we do this thing again More confident. Instead of continuing to use bandit methods to handle affairs like now!"

Cheng Gang's eyes fell on Chen Erping again, and he stared at him, "I know brothers are loyal, and I feel sorry for Lao Qi and the others."

Cheng Gang re-patted the desk table and shouted: "I brought you out and didn't let you die. Isn't this a sense of loyalty? You love Lao Qi, and I love him too, but he doesn't listen to me, what can I do? ! Am I going to let ten of you die for him alone?! What's more, we don't need to do this at all! I don't want brothers to die because of his stupidity! Stupidity is not loyalty!"

At this time, the eighth brother stood up: "The fifth brother is right. The elder brother needs to avenge his revenge, but there is no rush. And let's go down the mountain and take refuge in the imperial court. This was originally discussed, and we have made an oath. We will not forget our original intention , Keep your promise, you can't be like Lao Qi, who can't get kicked at every turn. He doesn't fit in, and there is nothing we can do about it."

Chen Erping gritted his teeth angrily, with tears in his eyes, pointed at Cheng Gang and Lao Badao: "Back when we knelt on the ground together, I only thought that we were brothers who lived and died together, but at the critical moment, you actually said these cowardly words." Come on! What are you stupid? Brothers are together, just when there is something to do. If you don’t go, I will go!”

While speaking, Chen Erping took out a short knife from his sleeve, put his left hand on the table, raised the knife and dropped it, chopped off his little finger, and shouted: "From now on, we will never be friends, and we will no longer be brothers!"

Immediately, Chen Erping walked out of the door, walked to the threshold, turned to look at the ten people, but none of them walked with him.He suddenly cried out, and ran to Pingkang Square alone.


Wanhualou East Garden has been built for more than a hundred years and is almost the same age as the Liang Dynasty. There is a forest in the garden with lush branches and leaves. Usually, elegant guests and prostitutes often hide in this dense forest to enjoy themselves.But today, there is a group of bandits hiding in the dense forest.

"Brother Seven, why aren't they here?"

Scar Lao Qi's people are already in place, there are nine people in total.At that time, Ximen Wanting was walking around with her "army of hearts" in the East Garden of Wanhualou. The team dispersed, and only Wang Dang, Wang Xiu, and A Liang were left beside Ximen Wanting, while the others were a little far away. looking for something.

For Scar Lao Qi, this is the best time to strike.If you miss it, you don't know when you will have to wait.

Scar Old Seven gritted his teeth: "Kill!"

Lao Qi's martial arts is not very high, but he is not weak either. The eight people around him have also been fighting in the green forest for many years. Although they are not top-notch masters, they all rely on their strength.

He rushed out of the forest suddenly, thinking that he would be able to kill Ximen Wanting by surprise, but he never thought that Ximen Wanting seemed to have predicted it in advance.As soon as Lao Qi emerged, Ximen Wanting ran away, shooting arrows while running, without panic at all.

Just when Lao Qi was wondering, a group of people suddenly jumped down from the wall, headed by a burly man.The big man's hair was disheveled, and half a foot of messy hair almost covered half of his face.This man looked very wild, walking with his arms shaking, pulling and shaking, holding a toothpick in his mouth, and while spitting out the toothpick, he took out a red scarf from his pocket and wrapped it around his head.The people behind him also pulled out their red scarves and wrapped them around their heads.

Zhang Yaoyang pulled out a short knife from his sleeve and pointed at the seventh scarred face: "Your name is Zhao Hui, right? If you meet me today, you will be considered unlucky!"

As soon as the words fell, another group of people rushed over, and it was Wanhualou's thug "Liger, Wolf and Leopard" leading a group of people.

Not long after, the sound of horns was heard again, and groups of Jinwu Guards rushed into the Wanhua Tower.


In Prince Qin's Mansion, sect secretary Lang Matthew received the news from Zhang Yaoyang, and immediately ran to King Qin's Palace.

Since there is no door from the East Bieyuan to the Qinwang Palace, Matthew has to run around in circles every time he travels, which is very troublesome. Later, Su Yu decided to open a very small door on the high wall between the Bieyuan and the Qinwang Palace. Only a few people, such as Matthew, have the key.

Matthew trotted to the palace of the king, and whispered next to the king of Qin: "Zhang Yaoyang sent someone to deliver a letter saying that Chu Wuba's people followed the concubine Ximen to the Wanhualou. They are digging the well near the Wanhualou. It seems to be Take action."

Su Yu thought for a while, and said: "Cao Yuzan told me that she had given up on a group of people who were bandits from Longhu Mountain. The group Zhang Yaoyang discovered should be them."

Matthew stared at King Qin, waiting for a decision.

"Since Cao Yuzan has given up..." Su Yu snapped his fingers, "Call Liao Min here."

Jin Wuwei Secretary Lang Liao Min came to King Qin.

Su Yu asked: "Who is in charge of Luobei Street today?"

Liao Min said: "You Wuwei Zhan Tianzuo."

Su Yudao: "Our people, who is the closest to Wanhualou?"

Liao Min said: "Today Sheshengwei is in charge of Ziyang Avenue."

Su Yudao: "Order Li Dao to take the soldiers to Pingkang Fang, and block the four gates."

Su Yu turned his head and asked Matthew: "I asked you to tell Zhang Yaoyang before that everyone should prepare a red scarf. Have you implemented it?"


"Tell Zhang Yaoyang, if you do something, put the red scarf on your head, so that the sound guard can distinguish the enemy from us."


Su Yu stood up and said, "Prepare the horses, I will personally command them. Another person will be sent to inform Zhao Yafu that we will take joint action today. The meritorious deeds will be credited to the two of us."

Just as Su Yu was about to leave, he said again: "Send someone to tell Ximen Wanting to tell her to stay in the main building of Wanhua and not run around!"

King Qin was ready to set off after making arrangements. Wei Zhong rode on his horse, shook his head foolishly, and asked Wu Shajin: "Oh, old Wu. I don't understand why the prince didn't send someone directly to protect the side concubine, but Send an errand over there?"

Wu Shajin smiled wryly and said, "If Prince Wei is sent there, do you think those bandits would dare to come out?"

Wei Zhong nodded: "It's also the same reason. Those guys actually don't have much skills, but they are hard to find."

From Wei Zhong's point of view, those bandits really have no skills.

This Wei Zhong already had some knowledge in martial arts, and after going through the formal training of the Qinghuafang knife and ax instructor, his combat prowess improved by leaps and bounds.

With a huge physique and amazing strength, the King of Qin called him "the enemy of ten thousand people".


Matthew ran all the way to report the news, but how could Ximen Wanting be the kind of person willing to wait?
She thought King Qin really underestimated her.

At this time, Ximen Wanting has obtained information through the Wanhualou observation system that there are people hiding in the East Garden.

The reason for adopting the method of "luting the enemy" is because it is very close to the well.If you don't lure them out, but rush over directly, you are worried that they will go straight into the well.It will be very troublesome to pursue it when we get there.

Just when Ximen Wanting was going to hook the bandits out of the woods in person, Matthew met Zhang Yaoyang and asked Zhang Yaoyang and his group to go back. Once the bandits from Longhu Mountain rushed out of the woods, you would block their way back.At the same time, Suzaku also made full preparations and ordered "Liger, Tiger, Wolf and Leopard" to lead a group of thugs to ambush outside the door.

As a result, after a fierce battle, Longhushan Laoqi was cut down to the ground, his eyes lost his focus, he gasped for breath, and sprayed guns from many wounds on his body.

Zhang Yaoyang, who was covered in blood, walked over with a smile that was not a smile, stepped on the back of Lao Qi with one foot, squatted down and whispered: "Although we are enemies, but I respect you as a man, then I will give it to you." Have a blast!"


Zhang Yaoyang cut off Lao Qi's body, held it in his hand, looked around, and said with a smile: "Let's take this and talk to that master."

Zhang Yaoyang hadn't finished his sentence when he heard the neighing of people at the gate of Wanhualou. There were two generals at the front of the team. The generals immediately separated left and right after entering the gate. At this time, a big white horse rushed in.

The man riding the white horse was Zhao Yu, the king of Qin with a purple gold crown on his head and wearing Huang Jiumang. His dragon and horse spirit was full of regal aura. He looked around, and suddenly locked his eyes, and raised his finger to Zhang Yaoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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