
Chapter 893 Hongxing Society

Chapter 893 Hongxing Society

Just as Yao Ni jumped out of the high wall, a figure flew towards him, Bai Zhan stabbed at Yao Ni's neck with a sword, Yao Ni stretched out two fingers, clamped the sword, broke it, and knocked Bai Zhan into the air with a backhand palm.

Just as Yaoni was about to escape, he saw a carriage coming again. A young man in the carriage put his hands on his forehead and exerted his strength. Suddenly, an eye opened on his forehead, and a ray of fire shot out from the eye.

The Yaoni was shocked and failed to escape the line of fire. The line of fire instantly ignited the demonic energy on Yaoni's body, and the whole person was wrapped in the flames.Yaoni gathered her breath and rolled on the ground.

Suddenly, another carriage rushed over from the opposite side. The carriage had no hood. Two people in the carriage, one of them a Taoist, waved the dust whisk in his hand, and a wisp of fresh air rolled towards the Yaoni against the ground.

Seeing that the fire was extinguished, Ah Liang pinched the formula with his hand and shot another line of fire.But the Taoist raised a finger and pointed at A Liang, a line of ice blocked A Liang's fire line, the two cars passed by each other, and A Liang was shaken back into the car.

At the same time, an old man with white beard and short hair stretched out a hand in the carriage, picked up the demon girl on the ground like fishing for a moon in a sea, beat the horse and swung his whip, and broke out of Pingkangfang.

It was dark, and things happened so fast that no one could see who the Taoist in the car was, but he vaguely remembered that Taoist had black beard and white hair, and his power was astonishing.According to Ah Liang's feeling, Taoist's internal strength is not inferior to the three sects.

Although they broke through the first line of defense outside the wall, the king of Qin still set up a line of defense outside.

Li Dao, the commander of the sound guard, led the cavalry to chase the carriage, and watched to catch up, a group of people and horses rushed over from a diagonal to block the way.


The person who came from the opposite side was the Youwuwei who was in charge of Luobei two streets today, and the commander Zhan Tianzuo shouted: "This afternoon, you have broken through the limit. At that time, General Jin Wu was leading me, so I didn't say anything. At this time, General Zhao has already returned to Daoguang. Fang, why don’t you leave?” Zhan Tianzuo pointed to Peacock Street and shouted: “The imperial city is ahead, what do you want?”

Li Dao pointed in the direction of the carriage and said, "It's urgent to hunt down the bandits, don't stop them!"

Holding a big knife in his hand, Zhan Tianzuo shouted: "I don't care what you do, this road is mine now!"

Li Dao shouted: "This is the order of King Qin!"

Zhan Tianzuo shouted: "Don't pretend to be confused with me! King Qin is not good with me, I only listen to King Kang! King Kang told me to guard the street, but I can't let you go! If you want to chase, go back to your street to chase, I won't let you go!" Stop you! If you want to go this way, come and try!"

While speaking, Zhan Tianzuo leveled his sword, and hundreds of Jinwu guards around him raised their crossbows.

Because of chasing several gangsters, Sheshengwei and Youwuwei fought?This was obviously not what the principal wanted to see, so Li Dao went around North Street and ran west.But when he came to Peacock Street, he could no longer see the carriage.

Li Dao turned his horse's head and ran towards Hui'an gate. When he got to Hui'an gate, he saw no one in the carriage.

Inquire about the gate officer, and the gate officer said that the three people had a document to leave the city, and they had changed their fast horses and left the city on the horse road.

Li Dao led his troops to chase them out, but after chasing for more than a dozen miles, no one was seen. It was a pity that he withdrew his troops.

Although he failed to capture the old Yaoni, he gained a lot from this battle.Wei Zhong hacked one person to death, shot another person with random arrows, while Mu'er and Shui'er were injured and captured alive.

Lao Huang went to look at the prison car with his hands behind his back, and found that the girl named Mu'er was very handsome. Lao Huang was delighted and asked Wu to kill Jin to release Mu'er, and he wanted to show Mu'er to King Qin.

But I don't know how it happened, when Lao Huang escorted Mu'er to the gate of the palace, and looked at it again, it was as if she had changed into a living person, and the woman suddenly became ugly.

Old Huang was amazed.

Suddenly annoyed, he raised his hand and slapped him twice, cursing: "It's disgusting to cheat people with makeup, I should go to the government to sue you for cheating!"

Lao Huang sent Mu'er back to the prison car, and walked back with his hands full of anger. Suddenly he raised his eyebrows, and he walked back again and asked, "Little girl, can you teach me the art of disguise? If you Ken teach me and I guarantee you will not be tortured. What do you think?"

Mu'er cried: "Little Ni has come to such a fate, I don't ask for anything else, I just ask the King of Qin to forgive me. If you ask me anything, I will tell you."

Lao Huang smiled and said, "The little girl is very knowledgeable about current affairs."

Not long after, Lao Huang heard Mu'er's dictation of the art of disguise, which came from demon skills.Lao Huang separated a ray of breath from the sea of ​​qi, walked in the blood, and felt the demon power.It's a pity that Lao Huang is old, and it's useless to practice now, and he can't change his face.But Lao Huang smiled and ran to find Tong Xi.

Speaking of Tong Xi's fate, there was a big turning point after meeting Su Yu. Originally, the family was very poor, and the ten-year-old girl was only as tall as an eight-year-old child. She played with a group of wild children with a big nose all day long, and sometimes Going to work for the landlord's house.If she can't meet Su Yu, the shrewd little Nier will stay in the backcountry for the rest of her life.

After coming to Chang'an County Lord's Mansion, the little guy first served as a spy for Su Yu, and later worked as a book boy for Wanyan Qing, followed the little princess to listen to the professor's lectures, and even helped Wanyan Qing with her homework.Lao Huang felt that Tong Xi had a good foundation, so he taught her martial arts, both internal and external. At this time, the little girl was young, but she was already able to read and write, and had five levels of internal strength.

Lao Huang usually uses her as an experiment in order to improve "Subduing Dragon's Palm" so that he can practice it for his young master.But Lao Huang didn't treat her badly, and her skills became more and more mature.

The reason why Huang beat Yao Ni's head but didn't strike her to death was because Huang had no strength to kill her at that time.

Yao Ni's move was really powerful.

If "Kanglong Yougui" hadn't instantly raised Lao Huang's defense level by one level, perhaps Huang Dingtian would no longer exist.


Keeping his word, the King of Qin asked Zhang Yaoyang to submit a list of 50 people, to issue a "Tuobian Household Registration" and send it to Daizhou collectively.Arrange six acres of land for each person, and arrange Taoist soldiers to escort them all the way, saving a lot of trouble in customs clearance procedures.

"If you kill Chu Wuba, I'll let you all go." Liu Xu Xiaozhu, Qin Wang's private meeting with Zhang Yaoyang, said while flipping through the directory in his hand.

"Can't we just leave?" Zhang Yaoyang asked while kneeling on the ground.

"Oh?" Qin Wang smiled, put down the list, and pointed: "Let's listen to it."

When Zhang Yaoyang saw King Qin's sincerity, his mentality changed. He hoped to stay in Luoyang and form a gang.He said that the name has been chosen, and it will be called Yaoyang Gang.Su Yu said that it is very taboo in Luoyang City to directly use a person's name as a gang name. You are wearing red scarves in this operation, so why not call it Hongxing Society.

"Collecting protection fees is not a long-term solution. Right now, it is just a symbolic collection. The purpose is to create influence in the local area, not to make a fortune." Su Yu pointed out: "If you want to make money, you must have a main business."

Su Yu waved his hand, signaling Zhang Yaoyang to stand up.

"Brothers want to work in the escort agency."

"The jobs in the Escort are heavy and rotten." Su Yu shook his head: "Now the Luoyang Escort is highly competitive, and the Escort and the bandits are almost the same family. It is too late for you to get a share of the pie. You can consider doing something else, such as Open a martial arts school, openly recruit students, and secretly collect debts for others. But I have three rules, do not take ill-gotten gains, do not harm the lives of good people, and do not defile the daughters of poor families."

"Follow the king's decree."

Su Yu nodded in satisfaction: "As long as you are obedient, I will not let you lose money."

Then the King of Qin released a message through the paper media, saying: Zhang Yaoyang, Pi Xiu, Zhang Baoya and others from the Red Star Club helped the Jinwu Guard eliminate the bandits from Longhushan who fled into the city and made great contributions.These social organizations that can take the initiative to serve the country are worthy of praise.This also shows that the Empress Dowager Cao is able to govern the country well, so that there will be capable people with lofty ideals who will actively serve the country.I hope that the Red Star Club will continue to work hard and do better and better.

When Zhang Yaoyang saw such an article, he was quite excited and kowtowed to King Qin.

Zhang Yaoyang's transformation was exactly what Su Yu wanted to see.As the saying goes, barefoot people are not afraid of those who wear shoes, because barefoot people have no scruples, so they are ruthless.Now that Zhang Yaoyang has shoes to wear and can see hope in life, he will not be as wild as before, and he will strive to be a good person.

As for the scarred old seven gang, four died and five were injured. After being tortured and tortured, the five surviving people told a few hiding places that Chu Wuba had used.But when the Jinwu Guard went to encircle and suppress, those "nests" were already empty.That is to say, Chu Wuba had abandoned the old lair since Scar Laoqi left the team.

It seems that he knew in his heart that even with the backing of the Queen Mother, King Qin would not let him go.

When Cao Yuzan heard that Su Yu started to encircle and suppress Chu Wuba, she sent Cao Xiaobao to send a letter to Su Yu, telling Su Yu that you are almost done, and if you make trouble again, I will kill Zhang Yaoyang.

However, Cao Yuzan also said that she will not keep Chu Wuba forever, even if King Qin does not take action, Chu Wuba will definitely be a dead dog.At the same time, Cao Yuzan also reminded Su Yu that Zhang Yaoyang and his group should also end up in the same way.Don't trust these bandits, you have to know that their family was wiped out by you.

"Report to the King of Qin, Ouyang Jing is going to die again..." said the living secretary Lang Linjuan, who was becoming more and more plump and graceful.

"What happened to him?" Su Yu frowned.

The maidservant in brocade clothes gathered her temples, showing a shameful expression: "His boy said that Ouyang Jing Gaojin hired Jianghu swordsmen to arrest the holy monk of Tianzhu. This time he cut off the holy monk's object and asked the holy monk to give it to him." He put it on. The result... the result was the same as last time, it rotted again, the high fever persisted, and passed out."

"Alas..." Su Yu sighed, and shook his head helplessly: "It's really a death."

Su Yu frowned and sat quietly for a while, then asked Lao Huang if the "penicillium potion" was ready?
Lao Huang said that it was ready and packed in a small porcelain bottle.Su Yu took a bottle and took Ouyang Xiaochan and Ouyang Xiaohuan to see Ouyang Jing.Xu Luochen was not brought this time, because the last time he took him there, he cried back and forth.As a result, I fell ill when I got home, and I haven't recovered from it yet.

Going to the Drunken Jade Emperor, a group of people welcomed King Qin into the house and stood respectfully aside.

Su Yu walked to Ouyang Jing's bedside. Ouyang Jing opened his eyes and smiled weakly: "Oh, as soon as I see King Qin, our illness is half healed..."

Before the words fell, he passed out again.

(End of this chapter)

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