
Chapter 894 Whose Son

Chapter 894 Whose Son
While lighting the lamp, Su Yu was sitting on the Drunken Jade Emperor, looking at Ouyang Jing who was unconscious. At this time, he received news that Tang Qiu was seriously ill and was about to die. He must see King Qin before he died.

Although Su Yu and Tang Qiu didn't have a deep relationship, they were still acquaintances. Hearing the news, his heart skipped a beat.

Su Yu returned to Qinghuafang and went straight to Sanqing Temple.

The Tang family doesn't have a deep concept of various sects, and there is no unified sect in Qinghuafang, everyone believes in their own.There are also people who believe in everything, and there are all kinds of gods in the house.There are also those who don't believe in anything and don't place any shrines.There is nothing magical about this Sanqing Temple, but there is another name here, called Chunian Temple.

The nunnery set up by the Tang family is more like a prison, or a cold palace, where the women of the Tang family are imprisoned.And the layout here is full of desolation.Looking at the towering shadow wall, it looks like a soul-suppressing tower suppressing some evil thing, and it looks like a tombstone.

There are only a few kinds of main green plants in the nunnery, the tall ones are locust trees and mulberry trees, and the short ones are yellow chrysanthemums and white chrysanthemums.The only thing that seems to be a bit popular here is an old pine tree with strong branches.The old pine has three strong branches, each of which can be regarded as a single crooked neck tree.

Su Yu entered the nunnery, and the more he walked, the more desolate he felt. There are actually quite a few aunts here, but they are very quiet.The faces of the sisters-in-law are all gloomy, and they don't see Qingxiu's free and easy, more like resentment and curse towards the world.

Suddenly heard the cry of a child, it must be Tang Qiu's son.

Su Yu came to the door of Tang Qiu's house. At that time, there were only a few people in the house, Tian Jing, Cao Yuchai, Qi Daopo, Tang Qi, unexpectedly Tang Ling'er and Hu Rong were also here.Seeing Su Yu coming, Tang Ling'er got up and took everyone away.Looking at Tang Linger's dark pupils and the slightly drooping corners of her mouth, she felt that she was suppressing a wave of sadness.

Everyone passing by the king of Qin just saluted slightly. Cao Yuchai hugged Tang Qiu's child tightly to his heart for fear of being caught in the wind.

Seeing Su Yu coming, Tang Qiu, who was seriously ill, slowly raised his hand and called out with all his might, "Yu'er..."

She may be confused.

Obviously, this title is a bit inappropriate, but how could he argue with her at this time, Su Yu walked over quickly and took her hand.

When people are about to die, their eyesight is lax.

The moment Su Yu sat on the side of the couch, his eyes were a little moist: "Auntie, what's wrong? Did you ask the imperial physician?"

Seeing that Tang Qiu was in a trance and unable to communicate normally, Su Yu turned to ask the maidservant.

Tang Qiu's old servant girl named Wu Cup wiped her tears and said, "I have consulted several doctors, and they all said that the essence is exhausted and there is no cure. In fact, in the past six months, I have often felt internal agitation and tremors in my limbs. , I can’t even feed the child, just a month ago, the eyeballs started to move around. Until these few days, they suddenly stopped moving, but I couldn’t get up.”

"Where are Qiugu's children?"

"Oh... Miss, how can she have children..." The old maid suddenly covered her face, sobbing uncontrollably.

From the address of the old maid, she knew that she grew up with Tang Qiu.Just like Lin Wan and Wang Xun next to Tang Linger.

Su Yu remembered that Tang Qiuming had a child, why did she say such things?

Suddenly Tang Qiu grabbed Su Yu's wrist, and stared at Su Yu's back with loose eyes.

Su Yu turned his head to look, but there was nothing behind him.

She has a ferocious expression, but she is as angry as a thread: "A living person may not be a living person, and a dead person may not be a dead person!"

With trembling fingers, she pointed out the door.

If she guessed right, she was pointing at her own child: "Yu'er should raise him and give him a name..."

Up to now, the child has no name, and everyone usually only calls him Baoyu.Su Yu felt that Tang Qiu was asking Gu.I thought to myself, no matter what immoral things the parents have done, they should not implicate this infant.

Seeing Tang Qiu's eyes staring straight and his breathing difficult, Su Yu asked anxiously, "Who is the father of the child?"

"His father is..., it's"

She let go of her hand suddenly, exhaled her last breath, and her eyelids sank.

As soon as the person died, the servant girl wailed heart-piercingly.Hearing such cries, the woman who had just walked out came back and gathered in the room, howling loudly.

The sound made people's ears numb, and his mood was extremely depressed. Su Yu didn't cry with the women, but took the child away.

Who does this child belong to? Although Tang Qiu didn't say it out loud, Su Yu had already guessed [-]% of it.

Su Yu never talked about those disgusting things about the royal family to outsiders, but in the past three years, he has been sorting out the fragments of his memory, and he has figured out a lot of things.Including what Cao Wudi does, it's not like what outsiders say at all.But now that Tang Qiu is dead, there is no Cao Wudi in Qinghuafang.

Including Zhang Wudi in the Meng family, and Gongsun Wudi in the Ximen family, they have also disappeared.

They originated from Wanlong and Tang Qiong, flourished in Chenhou and Tangning, and were destroyed by Xianwang and Kangwang.If Zhao Ting had entered the imperial city and seized power successfully, with the support of King Rui Zhao Man, this spy organization would still exist.But now all this is a thing of the past.

The leader of Zhang Wudi was Zhang Han, a famous general in Hexi. After the Tang Empress and Concubine Meng Guifei fought in the palace, Zhang Han left Luoyang, shaved his hair and became a monk, hiding in Zhengzhou.It was not until he was seriously ill that he returned to Chengfufang.

As for who Gongsun Wudi is, Su Yu is still not sure.But in the fire that Wen Tianying set off in Lidefang, not only the eldest son Ximen Xiongfeng should have died, but also his wife Gongsun E, but she escaped by luck.

At the beginning, Empress Dowager Chen wanted to draft girls, and asked Zhao, Tang, Meng, and Ximen to give questions for the exam.At that time, Cao Yuzan said that it was because she wanted to get good grades in the exam, so she stole the questions everywhere.

She met Su Yu at her younger sister Cao Yuchai's house, and Su Yu was the author of the Tang family's question.Later, she went to Chengfufang to contact Zhang Zhikui, the son of Zhang Han, and Huo Zizhen, the son of Wen Tianying (real name Huo Hongxun, formerly known as Zhang Youtian, nicknamed Zhang Laizi, Mu Wangjunshi), and stole the test questions from the Meng family.

Su Yu still remembered that Cao Yuzan once said that she also knew Ximen's question.Su Yu still doesn't know who she asked to steal the title, but she can be sure that she is related to Cao Wudi, Zhang Wudi, and Gongsun Wudi.

Empress Dowager Chen took the exam with great fanfare, but the results of the final exam were not announced, so Cao Yuzan was directly selected as the queen.In other words, that exam was simply a cutscene.Moreover, Su Yu believed that Cao Yuhan already knew the result of the default decision.But if that's the case, why is she stealing questions?

Walking to the shadow wall that looked like a tombstone, Su Yu turned his head and took another look at the people in the room at this time. They were all Cao Wudi.


Tang Linger was busy with the funeral, so Su Yu went to the back garden to see the child with Kong Ting and Feng Yu in the Peacock Tower.

Su Yu wants to name the child Zhao Baoyu.

"Your Highness wants to raise him as a son?" Kong Ting asked with a smile.

A piece of oval jasper Tang Qiu left for him hung between the child's neck, Su Yu picked it up and looked at it: "Take it as a nephew and raise it."

She didn't say who the father of the child was until Tang Qiu's death, but Su Yu felt that the child should be of the same generation as him.But Su Yu still said to raise him as a nephew.

This child was only one and a half years old, who knew the pain of life and death, and smiled innocently under Su Yu's teasing.Su Yu found out that this little guy fell in love with Feng Yu, and when Kong Ting wanted to hug him, he avoided it.This child may like the incense on Feng Yu's body.Because Feng Yu lives in a small Taoist temple, she burns incense and prays every day.


Su Yu found that Ximen Wanting was simply a monster, and she and Tang Linger were completely different people.

Tang Ling'er stayed in Xiaofeng Pavilion all day to deal with economic affairs, and occasionally went out to attend the elders' meeting, or to visit several factories in Qinghuafang, and to teach those unruly wives a lesson with her family stick.If you want to leave the workshop, most of them are going to participate in important etiquette activities.Be well-behaved, so that no one can find fault.

And Ximen Wanting leaves early and returns late every day, running from east to west in Luoyang City, and then from south to north.I have nothing to look for all day long, so I went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Jingzhao Mansion, and the North and South counties to inquire about outstanding cases.As the captain of the Golden Rooster, she is qualified to intervene and help handle the case.

Now she has accumulated a lot of cases in her hands, and she is so busy that she hits the back of her head, but after a few days, she has not solved a single case, but her eyes hurt because she often reads the documents.Later, I asked Wang Dang to read it to her, but it gave me a headache again.

In addition to these "serious things", she is always in charge of some unscrupulous things.For example, if she encounters a beggar fighting on the road, she also needs to comment on it.In short, if you don't like it, you have to take care of it.Concubine Wang couldn't hold back.

She couldn't hold back such a small matter, let alone a big one.No, she ran to Daoguangfang again to see General Jinwu Zhao Yafu.

Although Jin Wuwei is only a division in the Xuanjia Army sequence, Zhonglang General Zhao Yafu also serves as the deputy general of the Xuanjia Army. He is a second-rank senior official and one of the five generals.

But in the eyes of Ximen Wanting, she is not considered a high official, and she will talk to Zhao Yafu today.

Why did you, Zhao Yafu, withdraw suddenly when you encircled and suppressed the five demons that day?As soon as you left, Zhan Tianzuo immediately blocked the road, preventing Li Dao from pursuing him through the shortest road.Did you Zhao Yafu do it on purpose?Or, someone ordered you?Who gave you that order?Do you dare to speak out?

Zhao Yafu has always been a city mansion, so he didn't argue with Ximen Wanting, but sent someone to invite King Qin to drink tea in the Jinwu Guard's main office.

Zhao Yafu suddenly invited him to drink tea, Su Yu was at a loss, and after careful questioning, Tong Chuanbing revealed the truth with a look of embarrassment on his face.Su Yu felt very sorry, and immediately rushed to Daoguangfang, and dragged Ximen Wanting back.

Su Yu pushed Ximen Wanting into Qingya Xiaozhu, Ximen Wanting refused to let go: "Why did you bring me back? I think Zhao Yafu has a guilty conscience!"

"Even if he has a guilty conscience, what can you do to him?"

"I made him feel uncomfortable!"

With his hands behind his back, Su Yu said angrily, "You have to know that Zhao Yafu has the right to take back your golden rooster crossbow. Don't take other people's tolerance as cowardice."

"You are the King of Qin, and the Gyeonggi Province belongs to your Zhao family. You still have to look at the face of the servant? Does he dare to go to the King Qin's mansion to collect my golden rooster crossbow?"

"You are not finished! If you are disobedient, don't go out!"

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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