
Chapter 895

Chapter 895
The king of Qin reprimanded the side concubine in the backyard, the news was quickly spread to Xiaofeng Pavilion by Wang Xun, and she stood beside Tang Linger with a happy face, shaking her head.

But Tang Linger just hummed blankly and continued to work at his desk.

The reason why she was so indifferent was that Tang Linger felt more and more that Ximen Wanting was not a threat to her. On the contrary, the girl from the Meng family was not easy to deal with.

In fact, Tang Ling'er didn't expect to mess up the Meng family's marriage at all, she knew in her heart that she couldn't do it.It is the result of God's favor to send away the male Jiamei, Nalanxi, and disturb Huang Zhanyouni's marriage.

After Tang Ling'er finished processing a batch of documents, she rested on the table. At this time, Wang Xun brought a cup of warm water: "I heard that the Meng family is already preparing the dowry."

"Oh." Tang Ling'er agreed softly, picked up the water glass and blew on it.

"Although it can't be stopped, it's still necessary to stop it." Wang Xun frowned, squinting at the door, "It's good to let her enter the door a year later."

Tang Linger was slightly taken aback: "How to stop?"

"The dowry is her family's business, but the betrothal gift is our family's business. Let's take less betrothal gifts, and let Ximen Wanting tell the Meng family to prepare a betrothal gift of at least [-] million yuan, otherwise don't send the girl." Wang Xun said proudly.

Tang Ling'er smiled wryly: "I think it's better to forget it. Since you must enter the house, why bother with such small tricks. It's not worthwhile to lay the groundwork at this time so that Meng Can will hate me in his heart."

Tang Ling'er stood up, opened the window and looked back, and saw Qin Wang just finished criticizing Ximen Wanting, and walked forward in good spirits.

Tang Ling'er smiled bitterly and said, "Look at how angry he is. He doesn't like this kind of marriage arranged by the family. And even he can't stop it."

The last time Wang Xun was ruled, but this girl didn't seem to have changed, but Tang Linger had some changes.Perhaps this is the difference between dead wood and good wood.

Soon Su Yu came to Xiaofeng Pavilion, sat on the couch and sighed.

Tang Linger sat aside with a smile and did not persuade him anything.

after awhile.

"Ling'er, do you want to go out for a walk?"


Find out who Wuba belongs to; bring the Zhang family of Hedong under his command; concubine Feng is half dead; King Kang leads troops to the west; the old man with white beard is beaten and escapes from Luoyang in embarrassment.Su Yu felt that the world had become safer again.

Although the whereabouts of the white-bearded old man were unknown, Su Yu had already arranged for someone to keep an eye on him near the Hui'an Gate.

I have to admire some people, as long as they have seen the photos of wanted criminals, they can remember that face, and when they meet wanted criminals in the future, they can accurately capture them.Not everyone has this magical ability, but some people do.Fortunately, A Liang has this ability.

Although the white-bearded old man flashed by that day, A Liang remembered that face. After his description and Han Wei's confirmation, it was undoubtedly Tang Xu.

"Okay, wait for me to disguise myself." Tang Linger quickly agreed, then turned to Wang Xun and said, "Bring me the long skirt that I wore last year."

After receiving the invitation from King Qin, Princess Tang showed extra enthusiasm.

Tang Ling'er is extremely frugal, and she still kept the outfit she wore when she took her for a private visit last year.It's just that Wang Xun couldn't find it.Tang Ling'er had a good memory, so she said with certainty that Yi must be in the east room, and asked Wang Xun to continue searching.In the end, in order to find that piece of clothing, I moved out a lot of "trash", and finally found it in the gap of a lying cabinet.

Su Yu said, there is almost no place to put presents at home, why do you still keep these rags?

Tang Ling'er said famous people: a broken family is worth ten thousand.

She is a powerful lady, the president of Qinghuafang, and the regent princess.How did she say that?Su Yu felt puzzled for a while.Su Yu even felt that if she became a queen, she would look like this.The Changqiu Palace will be filled with tatters by her.

Afterwards, Su Yu watched her move the trash back, speechless for a while.

When she unfolded the light blue dress, the color faded badly, but she still wore it, she said it looked more like a poor person.

"Oh, big fat daughter-in-law. Usually she is very imposing, but sometimes she looks like a child."

Last year, Su Yu took Tang Linger to Beishi. It was a rainy evening and the road was muddy.She was curious when she saw a child eating pancakes.I also saw the roadside performing arts, and I also encountered a speeding car.The wheels splashed sewage, and the couple grabbed mud balls and threw them at the car.

At that time, the little daughter-in-law had a well-proportioned figure, and she looked like an ordinary daughter-in-law in civilian clothes, but now that she was taken out, she didn't look like that at all.Especially her walking posture of "holding and walking", it is difficult for people to associate her with the word "poor", and she always feels that she is a bit out of place in this world.

When people passing by saw her, their eyes became strange. Some even said that this woman might be an opera singer, and she had to practice kung fu when she walked.

Tang Linger's ears are extremely sensitive, which may have something to do with her oversized auricles.

Hearing that Tang Linger had never been to Pingkangfang, Su Yu decided to take her to have a look.

In fact, Pingkangfang is very close to Qinghuafang, that is, the distance of three stations. The two first took a car out of Qinghuafang, then got off at the north bank of Luohe River, and walked towards Pingkangfang.


I don't know when "suspicious" became a derogatory term, but in Cao Yuzan's view, "suspicious" is a quality possessed by smart people.Because they are curious yet alert, imaginative and creative.

On the contrary, those who are not suspicious are more likely to become the target of scammers.Of course, there are also people who have already seen the whole picture of a certain matter, and they are confident, so naturally they will not be suspicious.But they may still be paranoid when they leave their field of expertise.

The "suspiciousness" in Cao Yuzan's mouth has a premise. First of all, this person has demonstrated abilities beyond ordinary people.If he is a timid and uneducated person who often asks some ridiculous questions like a child, Cao Yuhan has no patience to train him.

The smart person Cao Yuzan refers to is not the kind of smart who is good at "numerical skills". She refers to the shining point of a person's soul, which can be called wisdom.

Cao Yuzan divides people into two parts, one part is the skin and the other part is the soul.Moreover, Cao Yuzan also believes that when a person's soul is strong enough, the skin and soul are separated.A person with a skin and a person with a soul exist at the same time.

Skins can be tall, strong, handsome, fast runners, fast and accurate in arithmetic, good at playing the piano, have a good singing voice, etc. These are all good performances of skins.Yes, arithmetic, like sprinting and high jumping, is determined by the body.The arithmetic is fast and accurate, which only shows that this person has good calculation power. In Cao Yuzan's view, this is no different from a strongman lifting a stone pier.

Obviously, the content contained in the skin bag is relatively intuitive, and most of it is visible to the naked eye. Although there are some that cannot be seen directly, you can see it with a little training.

The soul is hidden compared to the skin, but that doesn't mean it can't be seen at all.For example, some people feel that this person is very annoying at first impression, or they like it very much.The information in this first impression actually comes from the judgment of the soul.A person's temperament, eyes, speech speed, pitch, subconscious small movements, and so on.

The soul can make a poor skin succeed, or it can make a very good skin corrupt.

Cao Yuzan looks at people, both skin and soul.Those who are creative and have careful calculation skills are her first choice.Followed by loyal and strong-willed people.

After Cao Yuhan's long-term observation, there are very few people who have loyalty, and there is only one in nine people on average.Of course, some people will pretend to be very loyal.Because they are more treacherous, they act more like loyal ministers than loyal ministers.How to tell them apart depends on Cao Yuzan's soul, which is commonly referred to as eyesight.

"Sight" cannot be taught or learned, and it depends on one person to comprehend it.And what can be said and written is art, not Tao.

When Cao Yuzhan went to serve the provincial government office and secretly met with Tang Xu and Wu Nian Yaoni, she felt very bad afterwards, even a little disgusted. .

She fell on the couch, holding her forehead with her hand in exquisite armor, frowning.

Based on his understanding of Miss Cao's family, Cao Xiaobao knew that Cao Yuhan had doubts about Tang Xu and Yaoni, so he respectfully stood aside and remained silent.

Cao Yuzan's eyes fell on a box again.Inside the box was a human head sent by Tang Xu. Tang Xu said it was the head of the son of Zhao Jun, the supervisor of the Eighth Division.But Cao Yuzan still expressed doubts about this, and said slyly: "Go and check the situation of Zhao Jun's house."

Cao Xiaobao immediately said: "It has been checked. His family and neighbors all said that the second young master Zhao Wenji disappeared seven days ago."

Cao Yuzan stared at Cao Xiaobao: "Is there such a possibility that the child is already dead? Zhao Jun offered advice to King Kang, saying that the child was lost, and then gave the child's head to King Kang, and King Kang asked Tang Xu to take the so-called surrender Come here to surrender your name."

Cao Xiaobao said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty... worry too much?"

Cao Yuzan's face darkened: "It's about life and death, how can I not worry about it?"

Cao Xiaobao lowered his head reluctantly.

Cao Yuzan fell on the couch and thought for a long time: "Let's treat him as a hidden stake sent by King Kang. In the future, we can deliberately give him some wrong information to confuse King Kang. It's like Zhou Yu playing Jiang Gan, and Jiang Gan misunderstood Cao Cao. .”

Hearing this, Cao Xiaobao nodded sharply, and raised his thumb: "Your Majesty's words are absolutely true!"

Cao Yuhan sat up and smiled: "You go and arrange him to do some small things to make him think that we already trust him a lot. Besides, I hope you act stupid in front of him."

Cao Xiaobao smiled brightly, and said obediently: "Xiao Nu understands."

(End of this chapter)

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