
Chapter 899 The Greatest Threat

Chapter 899 The Greatest Threat

The big house in the northwest corner of Daozhengfang can be said to be the closest house to Hui'an Gate.

There is a stone room in the deepest part of the house, and there is a dark pavilion in the room, and the dark pavilion is a tunnel dug deep.The tunnel is as tall as a person, and you can lead a horse through it, leading directly to the outside of the city.

Few people know this tunnel, not even King Xian and King Kang.The reason why Li Wantang knew about it was because Empress Dowager Chen asked him to lead a team to dig through this passage.

But when the tunnel was dug through, only two foremen remained, while the other workers stayed behind the stone wall of the tunnel and could never come out again.

I still remember that Long Xiaotian used to recuperate his injuries in this mansion, but Long Xiaotian didn't find this tunnel at all.

The reason why Li Wantang dared to make such an arrangement was firstly because the secret cabinet was sufficiently concealed, and secondly because there were many traps in the stone room, if he broke into it rashly, he would suffer the same fate as those workers.No matter how high the martial arts are, it's useless.

Now there are three people in the stone house, Li Wantang, Yao Ni, and a white-haired old man.

Yao Ni was covered in bruises and was lying on the ground writing.

She finally gave in, because Li Wantang's torture was severe enough.

"Write it out earlier, why do you have to suffer so much?" Li Wantang sat in the chair, staring at Wu Nian Yaoni with a half-smile: "And I said, as long as you write the scriptures, not only will you not be killed, I will use you again. From now on, you are the Empress Dowager. Whatever you want, the Empress Dowager can give you."

The pen in Yaoni's hand paused slightly, and continued writing without saying anything.

Li Wantang said to himself: "With the protection of the Empress Dowager, who else would dare to trouble you again? Just rely on those masters from the Southern Jin Dynasty?"

Li Wantang smiled disdainfully: "In addition, you have to know that you still have two apprentices in the hands of King Qin. If you want to keep them alive, you can only cooperate with the Queen Mother."

While talking, Li Wantang flipped through several copies of the "Truth" written by Yao Ni.

Li Wantang did not have the ability of Lao Huang, and dared to separate out a trace of true energy to circulate in his body, but he was not worried about Yao Ni's tricks, because Ji Kuchan was coming here soon to help him distinguish the true from the false.

"Aren't you just missing a fire scripture? Then you will cooperate with Ji Kuchan in the future. If you two great monsters in the late tenth stage join forces, even if Master Xuanku is resurrected, you will not be able to withstand your blow."

Yaoni put down her pen and looked up at Li Wantang. She felt that Li Wantang would not accept her sincerely, but Li Wantang had no intention of killing Yaoni for the time being.

But what's the use of keeping Yao Ni?
Yaoni himself is not very clear about what value he has after handing over the four scriptures.But at this moment, Yaoni had no choice but to let Li Wantang dictate, so she nodded resignedly.

Li Wantang put away the four scriptures, put them in his pocket, and waved to the white-haired old man beside him: "I'll take care of you."


In the second year of Daxing, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Tongjifang, octagonal building.

At the age of 15, Ouyang Qing, the principal of the Bajiaolou School of Song and Dance, Qin and Art, married Han Fenju, the daughter of Han Chen, the leader of the Xishi Ax Gang.

With the relationship between Ouyang and his son in the political and business circles, as well as Han Chen's relationship with the chaebol and Daoer, the small street of Tongjifang was extremely lively that day.The guard of honor team that picks up and sends off relatives, from the Xifang Gate of Xishi to the Dongfang Gate of Tongjifang, can't see the end or the end.Flags are fluttering, gongs and drums are beating, water is poured on the street, and flowers are scattered along the road.I don't know how many firecrackers were fired, from the ax gang to the octagonal building.Numerous young and handsome entertainers along the road waved their long sleeves, sang blessing songs, and performed cheerfully, attracting countless passers-by to watch, all sighing at the financial resources of the two rich men.

In the evening, when the bride and groom were preparing to pay their respects to the hall, there was a shout outside the Ximen Gate, "King Qin is coming", and there was a loud noise in the hall. Ouyang's father and son ran all the way to greet them at the door.

In fact, not only Ouyang and his son, but everyone else also stood up and gathered towards the door.If the king of Qin came in casual clothes today, that would be fine.If the King of Qin came wearing the regent Huang Mang, he would have to kneel down to greet him.

Apparently Su Yu didn't like to have people kowtow to him, he just went out in casual clothes today.

Many people had never seen the King of Qin, so they took this opportunity to stretch their necks to see, and there was a young girl in the crowd, who was not tall, with a small round face, with ox horns in a bun, and wearing a floral red bottom. A brocade jacket and a long pleated skirt with a floral red bottom, hopped around and looked at the door.A martial arts maid next to her was very tall. The maid reached out to hug her and lifted her up so that she could see clearly.

The round-faced girl was Meng Can who came in disguise, and it was the martial arts maid Meng Xiaomao who picked her up.

Meng Can patted Meng Xiaomao's hand, Meng Xiaomao put her down, and she said excitedly: "He's here, from now on, you and Lao Wu stay away from me!"

The old eunuch Wu Dingyan said with a bitter face: "Miss, you can't mess around!"

"Phew! Do you still think I'm a child?" Meng Can squinted her eyes, pretending to be intimidating: "If you don't obey, I won't take you with me when I get married in the future."

Hearing this, Er Nu fled in a hurry.

Seeing the embarrassment of the second slave, Miss Meng's family smiled, her eyes were like Xuanyue.

The king of Qin was a noble man, so he sat in the high hall when he came here, and the girl from the Meng family squeezed into the crowd, staring at the king of Qin intently, and suddenly lost his mind.At this time, someone behind her poked her waist with a finger.Turning his head, he saw Hu Hui, the "little villain" of the Pingdu Escort.Hu Hui didn't say anything, she just stared at Xingren and winked at Meng Can.Only then did Meng Can remember that today he came to "pretend to meet by chance", not to watch the excitement.

The reason why Meng Can can come here is because the girl is quick-witted and has many ways.

Wanting to meet King Qin by chance, she went to inquire about various rituals.In fact, before coming here, she had already been to several aristocratic ceremonies, but it was a pity that she did not wait for King Qin.

So she inquired everywhere, inquired and inquired, and heard that the son of Ouyang's family in Tongjifang was going to marry a girl from Han's family, and that the son of Ouyang's family was the righteous son of King Qin.As if by luck, she came here to wait.There were many people chasing the gift, and no one knew who the girl belonged to. They saw that she came with the gift of two thousand, so they walked into the yard with three people.

When Su Yu came here, he didn't intend to stay for a long time, and he was about to leave when he saw his foster son and his bride paying homage.

At this time, the King of Qin was no longer the son-in-law of the past. Now when he was traveling, he hugged each other, even when he was going to the toilet, there was a group of people behind him.It seemed impossible to meet King Qin alone by chance.

But this still didn't bother the girl from the Meng family. Just as the worship was over and King Qin got up to leave, the round-faced girl suddenly rushed out of the crowd and came in front of King Qin.

Suddenly someone rushed in, and the guards around King Qin responded immediately, Bai Zhan raised his hand to stop Meng Can.

Meng Can stopped, tilted her body, and smiled at Su Yu.

Su Yu looked at the little girl as if she had known him before.

Not knowing what Meng Can was thinking, she suddenly made a face at Su Yu.

Su Yu suddenly remembered that she was one of the little girls she had seen at the gate of Qinghuafang before.At this time, Su Yu only felt that he encountered a group of fans by chance, but he also found it interesting.

But Su Yu just pointed at Meng Can, and strode away without saying a word.

King Qin had gone far away, but Meng Can was still standing where he was, the noise around him seemed to be cut off from the girl's ears.

Startled in a daze, she clasped her hands in front of her body and looked towards the direction where King Qin was going.Beside King Qin, there are tall swordsmen, burly armored generals, handsome eunuchs, and captains of guards with hard bows on their backs...

At this time, Hu Hui, who was wearing a blue scarf, came over quietly and secretly looked at Meng Can's expression.

Hu Hui didn't know what to say, because she didn't know what Meng Can was thinking.If it was a failed encounter, the little girl from the Meng family was smiling; if it was a successful encounter, King Qin didn't say a word to her at all.

"Hey! Are you stupid? Why are you in a daze?" Hu Hui smiled and peeked.

Meng Can smiled triumphantly and said, "I'm sure it's him."

After all, the girl ran out happily.

"Oh! You won't stay for dinner?" Hu Hui shouted.

Meng Can turned around and walked backwards: "Next month, I will invite you to the Palace of Prince Qin for a banquet!"

"You said next month will be next month?"

"You're right!" The girl with the ox horn bun turned around and ran home: "My mother listen to me!"


Tang Xu knelt in front of the concubine, weeping, and stated what happened in the recent period.

Later the concubine forgave him.

At that time, the concubine was seriously ill, King Geng expelled them, and Tang Xu worked for the concubine for many years, but he didn't actually earn much money.And the concubine knew in her heart that Tang Xu had a grudge against the "Concubine Feng" back then.Just that one glance has convinced Tang Xu to this day, even though the concubine is old and no longer the same as before.

"In my opinion, you might as well continue like this. You can see more people's hearts through your three contacts." The concubine sighed: "I just fell ill, and Zhao Di removed Feng Tao. It's chilling. No wonder Zhun'er never expected King Kang to give him the military power."

Tang Xu kowtowed and said, "Thank you, Concubine Tai, for your forgiveness."

Concubine Feng thought for a while, and then said: "In my opinion, Cao Yuhan may not believe you. She is very likely to use you as King Kang's pawn. And King Kang will also consider this. That's why King Kang asked you to do this matter." , instead of letting his old ministers do it. I think that in the future, Cao Yuzan will deliberately give you some fake news and ask you to tell Kang Wang. And Kang Wang knows that those are fake news, but the fake news sent deliberately is also useful , from which you can spy on Cao Yuzan. Although these two people are using you, you have to be careful. If these two people tell you to give up, just give up, just like you came easily. This person, who offered to send you to the door, is a bit cheap How can we have old acquaintances and feelings like me?"

Tang Xu said excitedly: "What the concubine said is absolutely true."

Tang Xu thought of something, and slowly raised his head: "The previous plan..."

The concubine stood up, put her hands in front of her stomach, and looked at the night sky outside the window: "If the little emperor doesn't die, there is no hope for King Kang. But now the little emperor is only two years old, who knows if he can grow up. That is to say My son still has hope. Since there is still hope, then King Qin is the biggest threat to my son."

(End of this chapter)

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